1、中英双语中英双语阅读:阅读:23 幅英文漫画告诉你:放弃不会更舒服,只会万劫不复!幅英文漫画告诉你:放弃不会更舒服,只会万劫不复! 01 昨天很美好,今天很残酷;明天又是新的开始,但很多人都在今晚放弃。 Tomorrow is another day. Dont give up now. - Time - 02 你的眼界,决定了你的高度。 Dont just focus on the immediate interests. - Prospect - 03 方向不对,越努力越窘迫。Are you doing it right? - Direction - 04 读书的意义所在。Thats wh
2、y we read. - Read - 05 自我塑造,过程很疼,但你最终能收获一个更好的自己。 It hurts, but it pays. - Sculpture - 06 有时候你觉得特别难,也许因为有更大的收获。 When going through a hard time, dont get frustrated. Maybe you are going to get something big. - Harvest - 07 你永远无法满足所有人。 One can never satisfy everyone. - Satisfied - 08 表面繁荣未必是好事,抛开表象看实质才
3、是人生真谛。 Never judge a book by its cover. - Truth - 09 你所知道的不要全说,你所看到的不要全信。 What you see isnt always what things truly are. - Humanity - 10 拥有资源的多少并不重要,如果你不懂得利用永远都不够。 What matters is never the quantity. - Utilize - 11 不要墨守成规,敢于创新才能打败对手 Find a way, winning through lnnovation. - Originality - 12 即使绝望,试着
4、努力一下吧,也许. Never do things by halves. - Persistence - 13 有时候生活轻不轻松,就看你选择了什么样的路。 Maybe this is why you feel life is extremely hard for you. - Choice - 14 向你伸出手的人不一定真的要帮你。 Giving you a hand doesnt always mean helping you out. - Rescue - 15 生活要懂得苦中作乐。 Seek joy amidst sorrow. - Mature - 16 每个人都有得不到的东西。 Y
5、ou can never get everything. - Possession - 17 你必须一路向前,因为人生不能后退。 There is no going back. - Forward - 18 虚伪的朋友比诚实的敌人更可怕。 False friends are more fearful than honest enemies. - Friendship - 19 一味按照别人的指引盲目前进,可能会一脚踏空,摔得惨痛。 You should know where you are going. - Blindness - 20 老板和领导者的区别。 The difference between boss and leader. - Difference - 21 别人的眼光毫无意义,你对自己的看法才是最重要的。 You are a princess when you tell yourself so. - Viewpoint - 22 人和人的差距所在。 The gap between you and others. - Assiduous - 23 放弃不会更舒服,只会万劫不复。撑住,才有后来的一切。 Giving up doesnt always mean things will get easier. - Willpower -