1、Unit 6 Feeling Fun Reading and Writing Guessing What story is it? 西游记 A Journey to the West 旅游 西方 Monkey King Tangseng/ MasterPigsy Sandy Talking(四人一组) Do you know about the story? (用英文或者中文说一说你印象深刻的西 游记经典片段) Listen and answer Whats the story of the passage? Monkey King fights White-Bone Monster mons
2、ters 妖怪 White-Bone Monster 白骨精 1.How many times(次) did Monkey King fight White-Bone Monster? A. Once B. Twice C. Three times 2. Who won in the end? A. Monkey King B. White-Bone Monster C. Tangseng Read and answer T or F ( )1. They were going to the East. ( )2. They were angry and thirsty. FWest F hu
3、ngry Lets learn Thinking They were hungry and thirsty. What will they do? They look for(寻找). 1. What did Monkey draw? A. a ring B. a circle C. a club 2. What did Monkey look for? A. water B. medicine C. food draw 画 圈 地面 go away Act out the story Monkey King went away for food. Suddenly,_came out. Wh
4、at did she want to do? what did she do? White-Bone Monster 1. What did White-Bone Monster want to eat? A. Master B. Pigsy C. Sandy 2. What did Monster turn into(变成)? A. an old man B. a lovely girl C. a pretty boy =Master =lovely 变成 take Can she eat Tangseng? No.she cant. Did she give up?(放弃) No,she
5、didnt. What happened? ( )1. Tangseng left the circle. ( )2. Monster beat down Monkey. ( )3. Monster came back twice more, like the girls parents. ( )4. Tangseng sent Monster away. T left 离开(过) Monkey F T F 打倒 放弃 回来 两次一次 像 打 死 变得 send.away送走 Who killed White-Bone Monster? _Monkey King. Read after the
6、 tape 2 3 4 5 6 Read and number Retelling the story Tangseng,Monkey King,Pigsy and Sandy were going to the _.They were _and _.When Monkey King wnet away for food,he drew _on the ground.And said “Dont walk out of the circle”. Suddenly,White-Bone Monster turned into_, _and_, three times to eat Tangsen
7、g.But,at last,Monkey King _ the Monster. Westhungry thirsty a magic circle a pretty girl girls mother girls father killed Act out the story 五人一小组,扮演Tangseng,Monkey King ,Pigsy,Sandy and White-Bone Monster http:/ html?vid=k0157jwd8mj&ptag=baidu_sdk.s Video Homework 1.上网查找关于西游记的故事,跟家里人分 享。 2.完成学习辅导阅读题
8、开心学英语开心学英语 Book8Book8 Unit6Unit6 九、教学设计:九、教学设计: (一)教材内容及分析(一)教材内容及分析 本单元是广东版开心学英语六年级下册 U6FeelingU6Feeling FunFun 西游记一系列故 事的学习。这节课主要是孙悟空三打白骨精的英文故事的教学,在于学生能够 听、说、读、理解阅读内容,因此整节课的设计中,作者运用了“任务型”教 学法,“情景”教学法,交际法,视听教学法,“游戏”教学法等方法突破重 难点,发散学生思维,培养学生的思维灵活性和预测性。 (2)(2) 教学目标教学目标 1.1. 语言能力语言能力 (1)能听懂录音,理解阅读文章大意,
9、并在老师指引下正确的文章; (2)能在图片和关键词的帮助下简单复述和表演文章。 2.2.文化意识文化意识 (1)通过对文章的学习,能够了解西游记的历史文化; (2)能够懂得在生活中西游记人物的优良品质; 3.3.思维品质思维品质 (1)能够带着问题有目的地听文章,获取关键信息,培养学生的信息归纳思维 能力; (2)通过小组讨论、观察图片、口头表达等任务,能提高学生的逻辑思维能力; (3)巧妙设问,环环相扣,培养学生思维的灵活性; (4)能够通过故事图片内容,预测故事,发散思维,联系实际,培养学生发散 思维和预测能力。 4.4.学习能力学习能力 (1)能够体验故事的乐趣,通过对话、情景充分理解故
10、事,表达人物情感,激 发学生学习兴趣; (2)在真实的生活中用英语表达,增强英语学习动机。 (3)(3) 教学重点教学重点 1. 学生能够根据图片、视频等材料预测故事情节和发展,提高预测能力,培 养学生思维品质; 2.理解故事,懂得故事内容; (4)(4) 教学难点教学难点 1.学生能够根据关键词、板书等引导复述故事。 (5)(5) 学情分析学情分析 六年级学生在过去 6 年的英语学习过程中,积累一定的词汇和语法能力, 能够用英语表达,而且具有一定的看图能力和英语表达基础,根据故事情节预 测故事,激发兴趣和好奇心;在学习上能够自主、合作学习,喜欢在玩中学, 学中玩,喜欢模仿,好奇心重,所以在教
11、学过程中以游戏,任务型教学为主, 对故事表演和模仿有一定的兴趣。 (6)(6) 教学策略教学策略 本节课借助多媒体,图片,听说,游戏,讨论等方法创设教学情景,以学 生为主体,注重学生看图能力和预测故事思维的培养,加以任务型教学,调动学 生的学习积极性,让学生合作、自主、愉快地学习,通过阅读,讨论,发挥想 象,在宽松愉快的心理氛围中达到学习效果。 1.教学方法:本节课采用“视听”教学法,情景教学法、活动教学法、游 戏教学法和任务型教学法。同时充分利用各种图片、声音、视频、动画,培养 学生预测能力和发散思维。 2.学生学法:小组合作、口语交际、讨论 3.教具准备:PPT、多媒体课件、图片、视频、课
12、堂练习等。 (7) 教学过程教学过程 StepStep Pre-readingPre-reading 1. Greeting 2. Guessing games 3. Free talk T:Do you know about the Journey to the west? S:Yes.I do./No,I dont. Wow,look,Who are they? Which one do you like? 4.Talking about the story of the Journey to the west 5.Read the title-Monkey King fights whi
13、te-bone Monster StepStep While-readingWhile-reading 1.1. SeeSee andand BrainstormBrainstorm Who are they? Where are they? What can you see? How do they feel? 2. Read quickly How many times did Monkey King fights white-bone Monster? Who won in the end? 3.Watch and read-Judge T or F 4.Listen and say 5
14、.Read and think What did Monkey King draw? 6. Read and fill in the blank 7. Thinking-what happened? 8. Read and judge StepStep Post-Post- readingreading thethe storystory 1. Read after the tape 2. Read and number the sentences 3. Retelling the story 4. Act out the story 5. What do you learn from the story? StepStep SummarySummary StepStep HomeworkHomework 1.Read the story 2.Continue to write the story. ( (八八) ) 板书设计板书设计 A Journey to the West-Monkey King fights White-bone Monster Tangseng Monkey king Pigsy Sandy West White-bone Monster Killed/beat down