1、Unit 4 Going Outing 学习内学习内 容容 Book 6 Unit 4 Review 课型课型 单元评研拓展教学 学情介绍学情介绍 授课对象在开学前两周已经系统地完成了整册书词汇的学习,为后续 课文的预习及学习扫清了障碍。乘着我校生本教改的东风,英语科组切实 开展省级课题研究“网络环境下小学生英语自主学习能力的培养”,学生人 手一张课文光盘、 一个“口语 100”平台学习, 坚持前置小研究、 课前三分钟、 单词卡游戏、小组排演等,具有一定的学习能力。 教材分析教材分析 一、教学内容:本节课教学内容定位为单元的第四课时,在学生熟练 掌握单元词汇及重点句型后,以话题故事为契机进一步
2、拓展学习。 二、教学目标 1、能力目标:1)学会用英语描述某人做某事; 2)能用所学语言大胆、流畅地与同伴对话。 2、语言知识目标:1)短语复习; 2)复习本单元重点句型: How do you go to?I go to by Do you take a to? No, I take a . to 3)所学语言的拓展与运用。 3、 教学重难点: 激发不同层次的学生积极投入学习, 促其敢说、 乐说、 爱说、会说。 4、情感态度: 1)在教学过程中培养学生学习兴趣,帮助他们树立信心。 2)培养学生合作互助精神。 5、学习策略:培养学生超前预学能力、自主探究能力及在小组合作学 习中习得语言并灵活运
3、用的能力。 三、教学准备:单词卡片、PPT 等。 教学设计教学设计 具体步骤具体步骤 设计意图设计意图 Step 1 Warming-up 1) Greeting. 2) Make a speech. 3) Chant. 4)Play a game Test your memory. T: Yes, good job. Look, here are key words in U4. Read in group. Try to remember then I will check you. Ready, go. T: Stop. Who wants to try? 充分调动学生的积极 性,激活已
4、学,拓展新 知,为故事阅读学习做 铺垫。 Step 2 Presentation 1. Check the homework T: How to use the key words to make exercises? Please take out your homework, change the exercises, check and read in groups. 2. Reading T: Do you like cartoons? Do you know Guangtouqiang and Bear1, Bear2. Lets read the story about them,
5、 find out the new words and underline in groups. And then write down the words on the blackboard. T: Who can read the words. T: Try your best and read out the story. 通过检查前置小研究 作业,激发学生通过自 主探究,巩固语言点, 进而熟悉课文内容。 Step 3 Answer the questions and check T: Oh, time is up. Look at the screen and take out you
6、r worksheet。 Discuss 4 questions about the story and do it by yourself in groups. T: Check them in your group. Let me check some of you.G2No2, show me your answer about Q1. Is that right? 激发学生英语学习的 兴趣,促进组员之间的 情感交流。 Step 4 Production 创编课文,小组汇演。 1. Create a new story. T: Guangtouqiang and Bear1,Bear2
7、are very cute. Now this time who wants to be Guangtouqiang? Who wants to be Bear1 or Bear2? Choose one situation to create a new story and act it out. The group leader writes down the story in your groups. I think you can do it well with your partners. 2. Roll play. T: Time is up. Which group can share your new story? Come here. 学生仿照单元故事,小 组合作编好新故事, , 进行汇演,让学生在模 拟真实情境中运用语 言。 Step 5 Summery T: Today we have review in Unit 4. I really enjoy your stories. Perfect! 总结归纳课时重点,评 价各小组在学习活动 中的表现。 Step 6 Homework 1) Create a story. 2) Share the stories. 通过个人独立创编,培 养发散性思维能力及 书面表达能力。