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1、四年级英语下 教学内容教学内容 义务教育四年级英语下册 学生情况分析学生情况分析 四年级的学生已学习了一年多的英语, 有一定的基础。 他们思维活跃, 模仿能力和记忆力较强,所以应针对不同的学生进行分层次教学,我 相信将会达到预期的效果;四年级学生基本掌握一定的英语日常用 语,具备一定的英语基础,因此对他们而言,英语基础知识需要继续 深入的渗透,把重点放到听、说、读、写的要求上。扩大学生对西方 国家了解的知识领域,充分发展学生在生活中使用英语的能力和习 惯。但是,也有些学生基础差,没有养成认真仔细的学习习惯,特别 有几个学生作业不能自觉、 认真、 按时完成; 在课外良好的学习习惯, 独立认识单词

2、及阅读能力差,两级分化较严重。本学期将继续以培养 学生学习习惯,缩小两极分化为重点。在掌握教材所学知识的基础上 进一步转化后进生,所以在教学中要特别注意改进教学方法,提高课 堂效率,争取使每个学生在原有的基础上都有所进步。 教材分析教材分析 本册是小学开设英语的第二学年第二学期使用,本册教材具有 以下几个特点: 1、注重学生语言运用能力的培养,突出语言的实践性和交际 性,同时也突出语言的真实性和实用性。 2、注重学生自学能力和学习策略的培养,为学生的进一步学 习或终身学习奠定基础。 3、注重中外文化的双向交流,使学生通过学习,培养未来跨 文化交际所需要的能力。 4、注重学生学习兴趣的培养,以不

3、同方式最大限度的激发学 生的学习动机。 教学目的教学目的 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使 他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心; 培养学生一定的语感和良好的语 音、语调和书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯;使他们形成初步用英语 进行简单日常交流的能力。同时,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维和创 造能力。适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意 识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。 教学教学方法措施方法措施 1、以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学 生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展。 2、通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,

4、进行大量的 语言操练和练习。 3、活用教材,根据学生的学习状况,将每单元的知识点进行重组编 排,以降低难度。 4、注重教学评价,调动学生学习兴趣,充分发挥非智力因素的作用。 5、设计全面、高效的课外作业,培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整 洁、规范、正确地书写。 6、及时、科学地进行教学反思,总结得失,使教学常新。 7、虚心向经验丰富的教学骨干教师求教,努力学习现代教育教学理 论,提高自身教育教学技能。 教学目标教学目标 1、能听懂、会说 12 组会话,并能进行简单的交流; 2、能听、说、认读 60 个单词和词组并能听、说、读、写 61 个单词 和 24 个句子(包括学校、时间、衣服、天气、购物、

5、农场动物、数 字、颜色等几个话题),并简单运用; 3、能听、做、演游戏; 4、能听、做 TPR 活动; 5、能学会书中的小制作; 6、能唱书本里的英文歌曲; 7、能听、说、唱书中的歌谣; 8、能完成 8 个形成性评价活动; 9、能听懂 6 个幽默小故事; 10、能了解 6 项简单的中西方文化知识。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。 2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。 3、能使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大 胆开口,发音正确。 4、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语 和录音。 5、初步培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写整洁、规范

6、。 教具准备教具准备 学生用书,教师用书,录音机,单词卡片,图片,挂图 课时安排课时安排 一周三节课,两周一个单元 授课进度授课进度 起止起止 日期日期 周周 次次 授课内容授课内容 新新 授授 复复 习习 练练 习习 备备 注注 3.13.2 1 Unit1 My school 1 3.5-3.9 2 3 3.123.16 3 3 3.19-3.23 4 Unit2What time is it? 3 3.26-3.30 5 3 4.2-4.4 6 Unit 3 Weather 3 4.8-4.13 7 Recycle1 3 4.16-4.20 8 3 4.23-4.28 9 Unit4 A

7、t the farm 3 5.2-5.4 10 Unit 4 Part B 3 5.7-5.11 11 阶段性测评 2 5.14-5.18 12 Unit 5 My clothes 3 5.21-5.25 13 Unit6 Shopping 3 5.28-6.1 14 3 6.4-6.8 15 Recycle 2 3 6.11-6.15 16 3 6.19-6.22 17 RevisionRevision 3 6.25-6.29 18 3 7.2-7.6 19 期末测试期末测试 Unit 1 My school 单元教学目标单元教学目标 1 能力目标 (1)能够听懂会说:Its on the

8、second floor. Is this the teachers office? The teachers office is next to the library. Is that the computer room ? No, it is not. Do you have a library? Yes, we do.并能够在实际 情境中进行运用。 (2)能够听说、认读 library, teachers; office, computer room, music room, art room, playground, first floor, second floor 并能用英语介绍

9、。 (3)能够听懂会说所接触的指示语并能按照指令做出相应的动作 (4)能唱歌曲 My school 2、知识目标 (1)认读 A,B 部分 Lets learn, Lets talk 中的单词和句子。 (2)理解 Lets do, Lets chant 等部分内容。 (3)了解 story time 部分的内容。 3、情感、策略、文化等有关目标 (1)情感目标:培养和激发学生学习英语的兴趣 (2) 文化目标: 了解校园日常行为规范, 知道在什么场合干什么事。 单元学情分析单元学情分析 刚刚开学大部分学生上课时能够专心听讲,但肯定有个别的学 生行为习惯需要加强,教师应鼓励他们在课堂上认真听讲,积

10、极主动 的回答老师提出的问题。 单元内容分析单元内容分析 本单元学习有关我们最熟悉的教室,场馆的名称及位置。 单元单元重重、难点分析难点分析 重点:本单元的单词及句子。 难点:孩子能运用所学的知识。 教学策略方法教学策略方法 本单元根据教学内容主要采用 TPR 教学法,角色扮演,游戏等 形式进行教学。 五,单元教学准备五,单元教学准备 Cards / tape /pictures 六六、课时安排、课时安排 Lesson 1:A Lets learn Lets do B Lets sing Lesson2:A Lets talk Look, ask and answer Lesson3: A L

11、ets spell Lesson4:B Lets learn Look, ask and answer Lesson5:B Lets talk lets play Lesson6:B Read and write B lets check C story time Lesson 1 2018.2.28 Teaching contents A Lets learn Lets do Let sing Teaching aims 1. Pupil be able to listen and say these words : teachers office, library, first floor

12、, second floor 等 2. Pupil be able to make a dialogue use the new sentences Importan t points New word: teachers office, library, first floor, second floor New sentences: Wheres in the library? Its on the first floor. Difficul t points Pupil can use the knowledge in the life Teaching aids Tape cards

13、Teaching methods 情景交际法 Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactivities purpose Warm-uT: Lets enjoy a Sing the song 初 p song “My school.” 步 感 知 英语。 Preview T: Hi, everyone. Welcome to English class. Nice to meet you. T: I miss you very much, I think you miss our school, too. S:

14、Nice to meet you, too. S: Yes. 让学 生 初 步 接 触 英 语, 激发 学 习 兴 趣。 Presenta tion T: Look at the picture, this is the library. Teach other words like this way. T: Show me your fingers and read after the tape. T: Please tell me Where is the S1: library S2: library S3: . S: Point and read. S1: Its on the fir

15、st floor. 通 过 图 片 教 授 单 词, 吸引 学 生 的 注意力, 学 生 也 容 易 记 忆。 library? Practice Read the new words and new sentences Do a game Sing a song S: read the words one by one. Sing a song My school 让 学 生 表 演对话, 提 高 学 生 参 与 学 习 的 积极性 Consolid ation Lets do S: listen to the tape and do. 巩 固知识 Summary 1. Read and r

16、emember our new words Homework 1.Read and recite words 2.Sing the song to your parents 3.Write the words Writing on the Unit 1 My school Part A Lets learn board teachers office library first floor second floor Introspe ction Library 的读音还需要多纠正 Lesson 2 2018.2.28 Teaching contents A Lets talk Look, as

17、k and answer Teaching aims Students can read and use the sentences “Its on the first/second floor. Is this the teachers office ? Yes, it is. / No, it is not. The is next to ” Importan t points Students can read the sentences “Its on the first/second floor. Is this the teachers office? Yes, it is. /

18、No, it is not. The is next to ” Difficul t points Students can use them Teaching aids Tape Cards Teaching methods Listen and read Make the dialogues Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactivities purpose Warm-u p T: Good morning T: Lets enjoy the song. S: Good morning S: Sing

19、the song. 活 跃 课 堂 气氛, 吸 引 学 生 注意。 Preview T: Look and answer Where is the library? Is it near the teachers office? T: S1: No S2: It is next to the classroom. S3: 通 过 问 答 复 习 所 学单词。 Presenta tion T: Hi, boy. Is this your book? T: Is this your pen? T: T: Is this the teachers office? T: Where is the te

20、achers office? T: Listen to the tape and answer “ Where is the Mike?” S1: Yes, it is. S2: No, it isnt. S1: No, it isnt. S1: The teachers office is next to the library. S: Listen and answer. 通 过 问 答 引 出 句 子, 练习 句子。 听录 音, 跟读 校 正 发 T: Listen to the tape and read after it. S: Read 音。 Practice T: Who can

21、 to be them? S: Me, me 练 习文本。 Consolid ation Lets play T: Look here, and try to make the dialogues. Students try to do. 通 过 做 游 戏, 巩固 所 学 知 识。 Summary Boys and girls ,lets read the “Lets talk” Homework a. Read and recite the “Lets talk” b. Read after the tape Writing on the board Unit 1 My school Pa

22、rt A Lets talk Where is the ? Its on the Is this the ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Introspe ction 一般疑问句及肯定和否定回答是难点,还需要多练 习。个别学生不会熟练运用 Lesson 3 2018.3.1 Teaching contents A Lets spell Teaching aims Students can know about the -er and the pronunciation Students try to read other words. Importan t points

23、 Students can know about the -er and pronunciation Difficul t points Students can use Teaching aids Tape/cards/ Teaching methods Listen and read Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactivities purpose Warm-u p T: Good morning. T: We have old friend. S: Good morning. S: er 打 招 呼

24、 使 学 生 进 入 英 语 课堂。 Preview T: Can you write? Ss: Write 复习 er 的书 写。 Presenta tion T: And who can read this word? T: Yes, water T: can you find a question? T: Great. T: Now who can read these words? S1: water, tiger, dinner, computer sister S2: The pronunciation of er . Ss: read 给 出 不 同 发 音 的 单 词 让 学

25、生 发 现问题。 Practice Read, listen and chant T plays the tape Read, listen and tick Students listen and chant Students listen and do 练 习 所 学 知识。 Consolid ation 1.Read underline and say T plays the tape Students do 巩 固知识 2.Look, listen and write Summary Today we learned ers pronunciation Homework a. List

26、en to the tape b. Read the words Writing on the board Unit1 My school Part A Lets spell water tiger dinner computer sister Introspe ction 让学生感知 er 的发音,并能看到-er 组合品读出单 词 Lesson 4 2018.3.2 Teaching contents B Lets learn Look,ask and answer Teaching aims 1. Ss be able to listen and say these words :comp

27、uter room, art room, music room, playground,gym 2. Ss be able to make a dialogue use the new words. Importan t points 1. New word: computer room, art room, music room, playground,gym Difficul t points Ss can use the knowledge in the life. Teaching aids Tape /Cards/Pictures/PPT Teaching methods Liste

28、n and sing Listen and read Listen and do Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactivities purpose Warm-u p T: Lets enjoy a song:My school. Ss: Sing the song 初 步 感 知 英语,培 养兴趣。 Preview T: Hi, Whats in your school? S1:library S2: teachers office S3: . 通 过 对 话 引 出 新 单词。 Presenta tio

29、n T:And guess what s this? T: No, it s a computer room T: Show me your fingers Teach other words like this. T: Who can tell me “Do you have a art room? T: Zhang Peng has a new school. Lets go and see. T:OK, Open your S1: library? Ss:computer Ss:write Ss: Me me me . Ss: Yes, we do. 通 过 实 物 教 授 单 词, 吸

30、引 学 生 的 注意力, 学 生 也 容 易 记 忆。 books and read after the tape. Practice Play a game Sing a song S:Guess “ what s teacher said” Sing a song My school 让 学 生 猜 单词, 提 高 学 生 参 与 学 习 的 积 极性 Consolid ation Look, ask and answer S: Ss ask and answer 巩 固知识 Summary Read our new words together. Homework 1.Read and

31、recite the words. 2. Sing the song to your parents. 3. Use “Do you have .” make new dialogues. Writing on the board Unit 2 My School Part B Lets learn computer room art room gym music room playground Introspe ction Do you.?含有助动词的一般疑问句及其肯定与否 定回答 Lesson 5 2018.3.5 Teaching contents B Lets talk Lets pl

32、ay Teaching aims 1.Ss be able to listen and say these : Is that the computer room? No, it isnt. Do you have a library? Yes, we do. 2.Ss be able to make a dialogue use the new sentences. Importan t points 1. Sentences: Is that.?/ Do you have.? Welcome to our school. Difficul t points Ss can use the k

33、nowledge in the life. Teaching aids Tape /Cards/Pictures/PPT Teaching methods Listen and sing Listen and read Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities Studentsactivities purpose Warm-u p T: Lets enjoy a song. My school. Ss: Sing the song 初 步 感 知 英语,培 养兴趣。 Preview T: Look at the pictures an

34、d guess what s this? S1: computer room. S2: art room S3: playground . 通 过 对 话 复 习 所 学知识。 Presenta tion T: Hi, Whats in your school? T: Is that the computer room? T: Do you have a computer room? T:Let s go to Chen Jies school. T: Listen and S1: computer room. S2: art room S3: playground . S1:No, it i

35、s not. Its a library. S2:Yes, we do.Ss: Listen and answer. 学 生 通 过 听 录 音 感 知 文 本。 通 过 分 角 read. Ss: Read 色 读 熟 悉文本。 Practice T: Lets try to act Ss:OK. Ss:Act. 通 过 创 造 情境, 让 学 生 运 用知识。 Consolid ation Lets play Ss: Play. 巩 固知识 Summary Read Lets talk together. Homework 1. Read and recite. 2. Listen to

36、the tape. 3. Make new dialogues. Writing on the board Unit 2 My Schoolbag Part B Lets talk Is that the.? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Do you have a .? Yes, we do. Introspe ction How many .?后面的名词要用复数是难点 Lesson 6 2018.3.8 Teaching contents B Read and write C Story time Teaching aims Ss can read and write

37、 the sentence “This is the /That is the .” Importan t points Ss can read and understand the sentence. Difficul t points Ss can write the sentence. Teaching aids PPT Teaching methods Listen and read Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactivities purpose Warm-u p T: Good morning

38、. T: Lets enjoy the song. S: Good morning. S: OK 打 招 呼 使 学 生 进 入 英 语 课堂。 Preview T: Whats in your school? S1: we have 复 习 就 知 识, 引出 新知识。 Presenta tion T: Hi, Whats in your school? T: Is that the computer room? T: Do you have a computer room? T: Who can ask and answer S1: computer room. S2: art room

39、S3: playground . S1:No, it is not. Its a library. S2:Yes, we do.Ss: Listen and answer. Ss: Me,me,me. Practice T: Read and fill in the table Ss: OK 练 习 所 学 知识 Consolid ation a.Look and write b.Lets check c.Look and circle Ss do. 巩 固知识 Summary Lets sing the song . Homework 1.Listen to the tape 2.Write

40、 the new sentences. 3.Read the Story time by yourselves. Writing on the board Unit1 My school Part B Read and write This is the . That is the. Unit 2 What time is it? 单元教学目标单元教学目标 1. 能力目标 (1) 能够听懂会说: What time is it? Its 9 o clock. Its time for English class. Its time to go school.并能够在实际情境中进行运用。 (2)

41、能够听说、认读 music room, English class, PE class, breakfast, lunch, dinner, get up, go to school, go home, go to bed 并能用英语介 绍。 (3)能够听懂会说所接触的指示语并能按照指令做出相应的动作 (4)能唱歌曲 Its twelve o clock 2. 知识目标 (1)认读 A,B 部分 Lets learn, Lets talk 中的单词和句子。 (2)理解 Lets do, Lets chant 等部分内容。 (3)了解 story time 部分的内容。 Introspe cti

42、on 本节课是复习操练本单元的句型, 通过练习培养学生 的听说能力。歌曲的吟唱能激发学习学生的兴趣,活跃课 堂气氛。 3. 情感、策略、文化等有关目标 (1)情感目标:培养学生严格的时间观。 (2)文化目标:了解地球上不同时区在同一时刻的时间是不同的。 单元学情分析单元学情分析 通过一个单元的学习大部分学生已经习惯了课堂生活,从假期 中走出来。对本单元的基础知识掌握良好。但仍有一小部分的学习态 度不端正,学习能力差。在后一段的教学中,需要教师加强个别辅导 或是建立互相帮助等形式来提高后进生的学习。 单元内容分析单元内容分析 本单元学习有关时间的表达及描述不同时间进行的日常活动。 单元单元重重、

43、难点分析难点分析 重点:本单元的单词及句子。 难点:学生能运用所学的知识。 教学策略方法教学策略方法 本单元根据教学内容主要采用 TPR 教学法,角色扮演,游戏等 形式进行教学。 单元教学准备单元教学准备 Cards / tape /pictures 课时安排课时安排 Lesson 1:A Lets learn Lets do B Lets sing Lesson2:A Lets talk Lets play Lesson3: A Lets spell Lesson4:B Lets learn lets play Lesson5:B Lets talk lets play Lesson6:B

44、Read and write B lets check C story time Lesson 1 2018.3.15 Teaching contents A Lets learn Lets do Let sing Teaching aims 1.Pupil be able to listen and say these words : lunch, breakfast, dinner, music room, English room, PE class 等 3. Pupil be able to make a dialogue use the new sentences Importan

45、t points New word: lunch, breakfast, dinner, music room, English room, PE class New sentences: What time is it? Its 9 oclock. Difficul t points Pupil can use the knowledge in the life Teaching aids Tape cards PPT Teaching methods 情景交际法 Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactiv

46、ities purpose Warm-u p T: Lets enjoy a song “ It s twelve oclock.” Sing the song 初 步 感 知 英语。 Preview T: Hi, everyone. Welcome to English class. Nice to meet you. T: Look at this numbers. And say. S: Nice to meet you, too. S: Yes. 让学 生 初 步 接 触 英 语, 激发 学 习 兴 趣。 Presenta tion T: Look at the clock. T:Wh

47、at time is it? T:It s 8 o clock. T: Show other words, ask Ss to say. T: Its time for breakfast. Teach other words like this S1:8 S2:8 oclock S: breakfast 通 过 图 片 教 授 单 词, 吸引 学 生 的 注意力, 学 生 也 容 易 记 忆。 Practice Read the new words and new sentences S: read the words one by one. 让 学 生 表 演对话, Do a game S

48、ing a song Sing a song My school 提 高 学 生 参 与 学 习 的 积极性 Consolid ation Lets do S: listen to the tape and do. 巩 固知识 Summary 2. Read and remember our new words Homework 1.Read and recite words 2.Sing the song to your parents 3.Write the words Writing on the board Unit 2 What time is it? Part A Lets lea

49、rn lunch breakfast dinner English PE class music class Introspe ction 本课时是单词教学, 注意学生的发音, 口形, 多提醒。 对发音困难的学生要单独辅导或在课下多加强指导。 Lesson 2 2018.3.15 Teaching contents A Lets talk Lets play Teaching aims Students can read and use the sentences “What time is it? Its .oclock. Its time for dinner. Importan t po

50、ints Students can read the sentences “What time is it? Its . Oclock. Its time for dinner. Difficul t points Students can use them Teaching aids Tape Cards Teaching methods Listen and read Make the dialogues Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactivities purpose Warm-u p T: Goo



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