1、Unit2 Social Media Detox 教学设计 课题:Understanding ideasSocial Media Detox 学习目标 1. 学生通过标题和图片预测课文的主要内容,并通过快速阅读获取文章大意, 体会五位同龄人参与“社交媒体脱瘾”活动的经历和感受。 2. 学生细读课文,找出“社交媒体脱瘾”活动的益处; 3. 学生基于课文内容, 结合五位同龄人的经历和感受, 反思自己的行为和现状, 正确看待社交媒体,理解脱瘾的必要性,提高思辨能力,增强自律、自控、自 我提升的意识,加深对单元主题的认知,形成健康,正确的生活习惯; 4.了解语篇结构及内在逻辑关系,初步了解在线论坛的文
2、体特征。 教学重、难点: 1.重点:引导学生读懂语篇,理解作者意图、课文结构及内在逻辑关系;引导学 生了解在线论坛的文体特征。 2.难点:引导学生理解语篇结构并梳理文中的重要信息;引导学生辩证地认识并 评价社交媒体对日常生活的影响。 课例内容:Understanding ideas Social media detox 文本来源外研社 (2019 年版) 普通高中英语教科书选择性必修二 Unit 2 Improving yourself 所授课型阅读课时时长 45 分钟 项目名称:Our school is going to start a SOCIAL MEDIA DETOX campaig
3、n, write an announcement to call on more students to join in it Activity1:Read the fact sand answer the questions. 1. Teacher asks students to read the three paragraphs and draw conclusions. 2. Teacher chooses one or two groups to share their results with the class. 1. (Individual work) Students rea
4、d the paragraphs individually. 2. (Group work) Students work in groups and share their ideas. 3. (Group work) One or two groups present their results to the class.1. To conclude students ways of using social media. 2. To help students connect the passage with the their life. 3. To arouse students cu
5、riosity about the topic. Activity 2:1.Teacher asks students to (Individual work) Describe the picture, predict what the passage is about and read the passage. look at the picture before reading the passage. 2. Teacher asks students to predict what the passage is about. 3. Teacher asks students to re
6、ad the passage check their prediction.1.Students look at the picture first before reading the passage. 2. Students predict what the passage is about. 3. Students read the passage for the first time and check their prediction.4. Students individually answer the questions: What do you know about “Soci
7、al Media Detox”? What is the passage mainly about? Ss: 1.To make students predict the main idea by thinking about the picture and the title. 2.To help students get the main idea of the passage Activity 3 Read for details 1. Teacher asks students to read the passage again to find the answers to the q
8、uestions. 2. Teacher asks students to discuss in groups and share the groups ideas. 1. (Individual work) Students read the passage again to find information about who have managed/failed to last the full seven days, what they did and how they felt. 2. (Group work) Students work in groups and share t
9、heir answers with each other. To help students find the detailed information. Activity 4 Think & Share Teacher asks students to think about the benefits of “Social Media Detox”. (Individual work) Students think carefully and share their ideas. To help students conclude the information. Project 1.Tea
10、cher asks groups to design an announcement. (Setting: Our school is going to start a SOCIAL MEDIA DETOX campaign, write an ANNOUNCEMENT to call on more students to join in it.) 2. Teacher invites students to show their work and evaluate the work. 1.(Group work) Students can have discussions with the
11、ir partners and complete the English announcement in their groups. 2. (Group work) Students show the announcement of their groups. 3. Students evaluate the announcements of other groups according to the criteria. 1.To further understand the topic of the unit and the passage. 2. To let the students t
12、o apply the language point to the new situation.(transfer and creation) Summary and Homework Teacher summarizes the passage, giving suggestions on the use of social media and gives assignments. To summarize and strengthen what students have learnt. 课后反思:这是一篇关于“社交媒体脱瘾”的论坛专题讨论文章。在这堂课开 始的时候教师能结合第一单元的单元
13、主题“成长”(Growing up),让学生进一步理 解“成长”的意义并不只是年龄的增长、身体长高变强壮,更重要的是 improving yourselves(第二单元单元主题) ,在英语学习上达到承上启下的效果,更自然地 引出了学生对 social media (社交媒体) 的思考与讨论, 达到了较好的预期效果。 通过这次阅读课的设计与实施,我有以下感悟: 1. 情境创设对于学生的学习非常重要,不管是对于词汇的学习亦或是对于文章 信息的提取,有依赖于好的情境创设,真正让学生主动去整合提取信息,而不 是老师去提取, 比如让学生在语篇语境中去理解”detox” “participant”等词的含
14、义。 2. 学生的课堂活动是培养英语学科核心素养的重要途径,在本堂课的教学活动 中,利用大量的小组活动、同伴活动等让学生自主去学习;同时也注意做到设 计既符合本班学生的实际学习情况又具有一定的挑战性,使得教学活动能够适 应高中学生的认知结构。课后活动的设计要回到文本上去,要依托文本进行, 才能实现对文本的充分理解与学习,不能为了活动而活动,真正让学生将课本 上的内容内化为自己的东西进行运用,最后项目的实施就是对阅读文本内容实 现了迁移和创新,让学生做到对文本内容的内化和把握。 3.本堂课的实施较好地培养了学生的核心素养。所有的语言学习活动都是在“人 与自我”这个大的主题语境下进行的。在本节课的
15、导入部分激活了学生的已知信 息,让学生能用已经学到的语言知识去进行表达、预测等,更自然地引出了学 生对 socialmedia(社交媒体)的思考与讨论。本堂课的小项目设计与实施中, 通过小组合作的方式,学生可以整合运用本堂课学到的知识进行表达,有效地 实现了使用合适地口语表达进行人际交流,落实了语言能力目标方面的任务; 该语篇是介绍“社交媒体脱瘾” ,通过分析“社交媒体脱瘾”的益处、细节理解和开 放性问答等活动,积极探究主题意义,培养其正确的价值观,落实文化意识目 标;学生在阅读过程中可以体会原汁原味的表达方式所蕴含的英语文化现象和 意义。问题的设置让学生从了解文章到梳理、概括信息,通过 pr
16、oject 的设计与 实施使得学生能够创造性地表达自己的观点,有助于培养他们创新思维能力, 落实思维品质目标;通过这堂课的实施,学习对于英语单元的设置有了一定的 了解,每一个单元的学习并不是孤立的抽离的,相反,学生应该在学习的过程 中发现事物之间的关联性,并在课下通过多种渠道获取相关的英语学习材料, 努力构建属于自己的知识网络体系,落实学生学习能力方面目标。 4. 注重学生主体,重视评价。 普通高中英语课程标准 (征求意见稿)指出: 采用形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的多元评价方式,重视评价的促进作用。 在这堂课实施的过程中,教师除了观察、记录,还深入到每个小组观察每个学 生的表现,聆听学生的观点并适当进行指导,让每个学生都能够以饱满的热情 参与到课堂中来。我想作为教师,对于学生的评价,不仅仅只是关注学生回答 的正确与错误,更重要的要鼓励他们发表个人见解,进行有意义的互动。