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(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语Unit 2词汇全解.doc

1、Unit 2 词汇 1. injure 伤害,使受伤;损害 injure+身体部位 He injured his knee in the accident. be/get badly/seriously injured 严重受伤 ones pride/ reputation 伤害某人的自尊/名誉 N. injury 受伤 protect from injury 防止受伤 serious/severe injury 重伤 Adj.injured adj.受伤的 the injured 伤员 辨析: 1、wound 指枪伤,刀伤,刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的,严重的伤,尤指用武器伤害, 它可以指肉体上

2、的伤害,也可指人们精神上的创伤。 2、injure 比 hurt 正式,一般是指在事故中受伤,hurt 多指伤痛,而 injure 则指损害健 康,成就,容貌等,强调功能的损失。 3、hurt 普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可精神上,感情上的伤害。 注意:指肉体上的伤害时,hurt 可与 badly,slightly,seriously 等连用;但如果指精神 上的创伤,只能说 very much/rather/deeply hurt。 2. disaster 灾难,灾祸;=catastrophe a natural 自然灾害 an air 空难 不幸,祸患 彻底失败的人/事 Adj. dis

3、astrous 灾难的,非常糟糕的=catastrophic/devastating 3. at large 整个,全部 the opinion of the public at large 普通大众的意见 未被捕的 The killer is still at large. 4. reaction 反应,回应 a reaction to sb/sth a to the decision 抗拒 a reaction against sth 生理反应(to sth) ;化学反应 a chemical/nuclear reaction V.react to sth by doing .对.做出反应

4、(同 respond) 对食物过敏 to sth 和.产生化学反应 5. crash N.碰撞声,破裂声;碰撞;暴跌,倒闭; (系统)崩溃 a car crash financial crash 金融危机 V.碰撞,撞击 crash (sth) into sth 贬值,倒闭,失败 Share prices crashed yesterday. 崩溃 6. signal V.发信号,示意(signalled/signaled) signal to sb to do 标志,表明,预示 =indicate N.信号,暗号=sign a danger/warning give the 发信号 标志,预

5、示=indication a clear that the bank system collapsed. 指示灯,信号灯 接收信号 receive/pick up signals 7. orderly Adj.=tidy 有秩序的,有条理的 a calm and life 平静有序的生活 守秩序的,表现好的 反:disorderly N.勤务兵,护工 拓展:order N.顺序,次序 in alphabetical/numerical order 按字母/数字顺序 in order of priority/importance 按优先次序/重要性次序 条理 put/keep sth in (g

6、ood)order 使.井井有条 治安,秩序,规矩 maintain order 维持秩序 命令 give orders 下令 obey/take orders 听从命令 under orders 奉命 订单 place an order 点菜 take your order 短语 be in order 依法有效的=valid;正常,准备好,就绪;妥当,适宜 Is everything in order,sir ?一切都正常的 表目的 in order to do /in order that. be in running/working order 运转正常,运转良好 out of ord

7、er 出毛病,出故障;不整洁;行为不当 V.命令,指挥,要求 order sb to do order that+虚拟语气 订货,订购;点菜;组织,安排 8. stair 楼梯 a flight of stairs 一段楼梯 9. confirm 证实,确认(Vt) that/wh- It has been confirmed that 据证实 使确信, 使感觉更强烈 The walk in the mountains confirmed his fear of heights. N.confirmation 10.procedure 程序,步骤(for sth) maintenance/sa

8、fety/emergency s follow normal/standard/accepted procedure 遵循正常的/标准的/一贯的步骤 10. odd 奇怪的,怪异的=strange 怪异的,奇怪的 an odd-looking house 样子怪异的房子 偶然出现的=occasional 不成对的,不同类的 11. occur 发生,出现 Something unexpected occurred. 被想到 occur to The idea occurred to him in a dream. It occurred to him that his son had been

9、 left at home. It didnt occur to her to ask for help.她没想到请人帮忙。 N.发生的事情,存在的事物 occurrence 12.relief 宽慰,轻松 a sense of relief 解脱感 She signed with a .她松了一口气。 to ones relief 使某人宽慰的是 What a . 减轻,清除 pain relief the relief of suffering 救济,救援物品=aid famine relief 饥荒救济物资 V. relieve 解除,减轻,缓和 the symptoms of a co

10、ld 减轻.的症状 缓解,减轻 relieve poverty/traffic congestion sb of sth 帮某人拿重物;解除职务 12. inform 通知,通告 sb of sth/about/that.(V+sb +of sth 形式) Please inform the students that the PE class has been canceled. 了解,熟悉 inform yourself of/about sth 告发,检举 inform on sb keep sb informed of/that 让某人知道. V.informative 提供有用信息的

11、 N.information 信息 13.shock N.震惊,令人震惊的事 N. come as a shock 休克 suffer from shock in shock 处于休克 V.使震惊 sb that. I was shocked to hear that he passed away. 14.scare V.惊吓,害怕 sb =frighten sb scare sb into doing 威胁,恐吓 sb off 把人吓倒 N.恐吓,惊吓 Adj.scary 恐怖的,吓人的 15. power N.控制力,影响力 over sb/sth to do sth 统治,政权 take

12、/seize/lose be in 执政 come to 掌权,执政 能力,机会 within ones beyond ones powers 权力,职权 have the to do 有权做某事 某方面的力量,实力 economic 电力 failure 停电 vt.供以动力,驱动 the engine 启动,充电 power sth up 16. run out of 用完,耗尽(同义短语 use up) run:管理,经营;运转,运行;行驶;持续(时间) ;起作用 短语总结:run across 偶然看见 after 追求;追赶=pursue away 突然离开,逃离; (from)躲开

13、,回避 into 偶遇;撞上 run into debt/danger/trouble/difficulties out 用完,耗尽(give out) 17. supply N.补给;Our supplies are running out. 供应; 供应量,储备 in short supply 供应不足 sb with supply sth to sb 18.donate V.捐赠 donate A to B N.donation 19.staff N.medical staff 全体医务人员 staff training 员工培训 V.任职于,在.工作 20.slide

14、 N.幻灯片 ppt slides;降低,跌落 on the slide,a slide into sth 陷入 滑行;山崩 landslide V.滑行,滑动 slide down the slope 逐渐陷入 slide into decline/a crisis, slide towards bankruptcy; 21. fund 基金,专款 pension fund 养老金 资金,现款 be short of funds 缺钱 V.拨款,给.提供资金 22.flood N.洪水;大批,大量 a flood of complaints/refugees V.淹没;大量涌入=pour M

15、any Syrian refugees flood into Turkey. 挤满;充满,充斥 be flooded with. (思想, 感情) 充满 Memories of her childhood came flooding back.童年的心事涌上心头。 22. otherwise 否则,不然 Be quick. Otherwise we would be late for school. 在其他方面,亦 Bismarck,otherwise known as the Iron Chancellor. I wanted to see him but he was otherwise

16、engaged.我想见他, 可他忙着别的事。 23. curious 好奇的 be about sth be to do; curiosity 好奇心 out of satisfy ones curiosity Curiosity killed the cat. 24. erupt V.爆发(火山) ;爆发=break out Violence erupted outside the White House. 突然发出(叫喊)My father just erupted into fury.勃然大怒 N.eruption 25.destination N.目的地,终点 arrive at/re

17、ach your destination 达到目的地 拓展:destiny 命运 destined be for sth/ to do sth 命中注定;开往,前 往=be bound for They seem destined never to meet. goods for Poland 25. bar V 封,堵;阻挡,拦住; 禁止,阻止 bar sb from doing sth=block 26. dawn N.黎明,拂晓;at dawn,from dawn till dusk 从早到晚 开端,曙光 the dawn of civilization/history V.开始=beg

18、in A new era had dawned. 变得晴朗 The truth dawned. It dawned on sb that.使某人渐渐明白 It dawned on me that I still had talent and should run again. 27. unbearable Adj.无法忍受的 bearable 可以忍受的 tolerable 可以忍受的 V.bear 忍受 tolerate 忍受 (tolerant 宽容的,容忍的) stand 28.beyond prep.晚于,迟于 beyond midnight 超过 Our success was fa

19、r what we thought possible. 表示不可能 beyond repair/ control 超过.的能力 beyond my reach 使某人无法想象 beyond sb 28. distance N.距离,间距 a long The market is within walking distance of my house. 远方,远处 差异,差距=difference 冷淡,疏远 短语:at/from a distance 遥远地(时间) ,离一段距离 in the distance 在远处 keep sb at a distance 同某人疏远=keep ones

20、 distance from sb/sth V.与.疏远 distance oneself from Adj.distant 遥远的,久远的 a memory, the distant past 遥远的过去 a hope 遥 不可及的希望 不同的,不相似的 冷淡的,疏远的 29. rescue V.营救,救援 rescue sb from . N.救援,营救 come to ones rescue a rescue attempt/operation Adj.锋利的 a sharp knife 急剧的 a sharp drop/rise/increase 清晰的 a shar

21、p outline(轮廓) 敏锐的,灵敏的 sharp eyes 尖锐的 sharp criticism a sharp tongue 剧烈的 sharp pain 急转的 a sharp turn 辛辣刺鼻的 a sharp taste V.sharpen 削尖 31.locate V.找出.的位置 locate the missing plane 安置,建造在.locate sth in . be located in/at 坐落在=be situated in/at N.location 32.retire V.退休 retire early from teaching because of ill health 退赛 N.retirement



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