1、作文作文 学习目标:学习目标:掌握丰富作文内容的方法; 引入: 11.虽然并不富裕, 但是他对自己的生活相当满意。 (although) Although he is not rich, he is quite satisfied with his life. 12.如果你意识到超重的危害性,你就不要吃含大量脂肪的食物。 (if) If you are aware of the harm of overweight, you shouldnt eat food containing a lot of fat. 13.只要你提高效率, 就有可能达到你要的效果。 (as long as) You
2、are likely to achieve the effect you want as long as you improve efficiency. 14.这个物品,尽管小,却被证实是很有用的。 (while) While this item was small, it proved to be very useful. 15.她发音进步很快,英语已读得非常漂亮。 (such.that) She has made such rapid progress in her pronunciation that she has been able to read English very well
3、. 16.无论他们会遇到什么困难,他们都会互相帮助来克服它。 (whatever) Whatever difficulty they meet with, they will help each other to overcome it. 17.无论我给他多少忠告,他还是一意孤行。 (no matter how) No matter how many good suggestions I give him, he still sticks to what he wants to do. 18.无论你冬天来还是夏天来,你都会觉得这个是居住的好地方。 (whether) Whether you c
4、ome in winter or in summer, you will find it a good place to live in. 19.既然你想要在这个寒假练钢琴并完成学校作业, 那你就要充分利用时间。 (now that) Now that you want to practise playing the piano and finish your homework from the school, you have to take full advantage of the time. 20.比赛已经开始数分钟,但那个选手扔一动不动。 (since) Since the matc
5、h began for several minutes, , the player still has remained motionless. Passage 7 Pence said 21 positive results had been recorded 19 crew members and two passengers and that “those that will need to be quarantined will be quarantined. Those who will require medical help will receive it.” He urged
6、elderly Americans to consider carefully taking future cruises during the crisis. 彭斯说,已经有 21 例阳性的病例记录在案-其中包括 19 名船员和 2 名乘客-“需要隔离的人 员将被隔离。 那些需要医疗帮助的人将会得到帮助。” 他劝告较年长的美国人在病毒爆发的 危机时期要慎重考虑将来的航行。 Passage 8 There is little detail as to where quarantined and sick passengers will be taken. Previously, militar
7、y sites have been used to quarantine holidaymakers from the Diamond Princess, moored off Yokohama. On the Grand Princess, some passengers have already complained about the handling of the situation, saying they learned of the coronavirus cases from media reports, and there are concerns for one passe
8、nger who has stage 4 cancer. Military sites 军事基地 Handling of the situation 对情况的处理 There are concerns for 对表示担忧 Stage 4 cancer 癌症四期 卧龙先生曰:卧龙先生曰:在英语写作中,状语前置其实是一种非常常见的用法,它其实就是把由一个副 词、介词、分词、动词不定式或某些固定搭配形成的小短语放在句首,这样可以使句子看起 来长短结合,富有节奏感! 状语前置有四种常见形式状语前置有四种常见形式 1. 单独一个副词形成的状语前置单独一个副词形成的状语前置 NaturallyNatura
9、lly, if an applicants credentials have obvious inconsistencies, the essay will need to address those as well. 自然的自然的,如果一个应聘者的文凭有明显的矛盾,那么在文中应该说明清楚。 2. 固定短语构成的状语前置固定短语构成的状语前置 In light ofIn light of the recent incidents, some cities cancelled Independence Day fireworks displays. 鉴于鉴于进来的突发事件, 一些城市取消了独立日
10、的烟火表演。 3. 分词短语构成的状语提前分词短语构成的状语提前 By assigning household chores to their kidsBy assigning household chores to their kids, parents recognize childrens ability to contribute to the running of the home. 通过给孩子们分配一些家务通过给孩子们分配一些家务,父母可以认识到孩子们管理家庭的能。 4. 介词短语构成的状语前置介词短语构成的状语前置 By the creekBy the creek, my min
11、d was free to wander. 在小溪边在小溪边,我的思维可以自由驰骋。 5. With+With+名词短语的状语前置名词短语的状语前置 With a sighWith a sigh, she leant back and closed her eyes. 伴着一声叹息伴着一声叹息,她往后一靠,闭上了眼睛。 根据要求翻译下列句子根据要求翻译下列句子 1. 单独一单独一个副词形成的状语前置个副词形成的状语前置 当然当然,每种思维都有其优势和局限性。 C Cerertainly, tainly, each kind of thought has its advantages and l
12、imitations. each kind of thought has its advantages and limitations. 传统上传统上,孩子们从中学开始学习外语,但一些教育学家认为应该让他们更早地去学习。 Traditionally,Traditionally, children start to learn foreign language during michildren start to learn foreign language during middddle school time, however, le school time, however, some e
13、ducators believe they are supposed to start earlier. some educators believe they are supposed to start earlier. 2.2.固定短语构成的状语前置固定短语构成的状语前置 事实上事实上,我们并没有决定性证据来证明人类的行为对地表温度有任何影响。 In fact, In fact, we have no we have no crucrucial evidence to prove that humans behaviors have any effect on cial evidence
14、to prove that humans behaviors have any effect on the surface temperature. the surface temperature. 无一例外无一例外,转学生们都有他们特殊而切实的理由从一所学校转去另一所。 With no exception/ Without exceptionWith no exception/ Without exception, tr, transfer students have special and practical ansfer students have special and practic
15、al reasons for moving from one school to another. reasons for moving from one school to another. 除了除了金钱上的利益,这个工作还能带来知识上的回报。(intellectual rewards) In addition to In addition to the financithe financial benefits, the job also brings intellectual rewards. al benefits, the job also brings intellectual r
16、ewards. 总之总之,我相信我的生活经验以及严谨的学术教育会帮助我追求成功的职业生涯。 In conclusion,In conclusion, I believe that my life experience and rigorous academic eI believe that my life experience and rigorous academic education will help ducation will help me pursue a successful career. me pursue a successful career. 为了在任何社会团体中成
17、为好成员为了在任何社会团体中成为好成员,每个个人都必须尊重和遵守他们社区的规则并且分享 他们的价值观。 In order to be a good member of any social group, individuals must respect and abide by In order to be a good member of any social group, individuals must respect and abide by the rules of their community and share their values. the rules of their
18、community and share their values. 3 3. .分词短语构成的状语提前分词短语构成的状语提前 考虑到这个选择考虑到这个选择,他会牺牲高薪的工作来换取更多的闲暇时光。 Given this choice, he would sacrifice a wellGiven this choice, he would sacrifice a well- -paid jobpaid job for more leisure time. for more leisure time. 简单来说简单来说,人们的生产力和乐趣大大削弱。 Simply put, Simply put,
19、 peoples productivity and fun are greatly diminished. peoples productivity and fun are greatly diminished. 基于相同的本质基于相同的本质,我发现可以从航海和音乐中提取相同的方法。 Based on the same essence, Based on the same essence, I found that I could extract the same method from navigation I found that I could extract the same meth
20、od from navigation and music and music 逐渐克服恐惧以后逐渐克服恐惧以后,我开始着手探险,并且用父亲的指南针绘制了大量的地图。 Gradually getting over my fear,Gradually getting over my fear, I set out to explore and drew a lot of maps with my I set out to explore and drew a lot of maps with my fathers compassfathers compass 4 4. .介词短语构成的状语前置介词
21、短语构成的状语前置 在学校里在学校里,孩子们会和来自不同背景的人一起生活。 In school, children live with people from different backgrounds. In school, children live with people from different backgrounds. 这样这样,刚毕业的大学生可以感受到一种强烈的现实感在等着他们。(sense of the reality) In this way, fresh graduates can feel a strong sense of the reality waiting fo
22、r them. In this way, fresh graduates can feel a strong sense of the reality waiting for them. WithWith5.5.+ +名词短语的状语前置名词短语的状语前置 本着政治意愿本着政治意愿,这些方法可以真正减少我们生产的垃圾数量。 With political will, With political will, these methods can actually reduce the amount of waste we these methods can actually reduce the a
23、mount of waste we produce. produce. 卧龙先生曰:卧龙先生曰:在英语写作过程中,可以把一些副词提前,引领整个句子,或者提前到某些形 容词的前面。 这些副词主要表示的是程度或者范围的副词, 如果放在形容词的前面引导形容 词,则可以起到让它们后面的形容词更加明确的作用; 放在句首呢, 就可以起到整体强调 语气的作用! 副词提前有三种常见形式副词提前有三种常见形式 1. adv. + adj. adv. + adj. The ability to speak English is increasinglyis increasingly important in a
24、global society. 这个全球化的社会中,说英语的能力越来越越来越重要了。 2. adv. + v.adv. + v. He completelycompletely dominates the family. 这个家完全完全由他主导。 3. adv.adv.,X XXX.XX. HistoricallyHistorically, American workers have been mercilessly exploited by the big corporations.从从 历史上来看历史上来看, 美国工人被大公司残忍的剥削着. 根据要求翻译下列句子根据要求翻译下列句子 1.
25、adv. + adj.adv. + adj. 把房间的墙壁涂成白色会使成本大大大大提高。 Painting the walls of the room white will Painting the walls of the room white will greatly greatly increase the cost. increase the cost. 去年的销售量比 2012 年略微略微高一点。 Sales last year were Sales last year were slightlyslightly higher than in 2012 higher than in
26、2012 他比以前明显开朗了很多很多。 He was He was much moremuch more open than before. open than before. 即使由于全球经济发展减缓,旅行的费用对于大多数人来说仍然相对相对可以承担。 Even as the global economy slows, traveling fee is still Even as the global economy slows, traveling fee is still relativelyrelatively affordable for most affordable for mos
27、t people. people. 2. adv. + v.adv. + v. 他能成功地成功地和别人交流自己的想法,并让他们采纳他的建议。 He can He can successfsuccessfullyully communicate his ideas to others and get them to follow his communicate his ideas to others and get them to follow his advice. advice. 他们在经济上经济上和感情上感情上都依赖于父母的支持。 They are They are financially
28、 and emotionallyfinancially and emotionally dependent on their parents fodependent on their parents for support. r support. 这种药治不好病,它仅仅仅仅只能缓解疼痛。 This medicine wont cure the disease; itThis medicine wont cure the disease; it only/merelyonly/merely relieves the pain. relieves the pain. 这个产品的成功不仅仅仅仅归功于
29、广告推广。 The success of this product is The success of this product is more thanmore than just an advertisement. just an advertisement. 3. adv.adv.,XXX.XXX. 同样的同样的,在男校里的男生们更有可能去学习烹饪课和语言课这些在传统意义上都是女 生们才会上的课。 Similarly,Similarly, boys in allboys in all- -boys schools are more likely to take cooking and l
30、anboys schools are more likely to take cooking and language guage classes that traditionally have been taken by girls. classes that traditionally have been taken by girls. 通常通常,挪威人能比其他国家的登山者早两个小时登上山顶。 Usually,Usually, Norwegians can reach the top of the mountain two hours before climNorwegians can r
31、each the top of the mountain two hours before climbers bers from other countries. from other countries. 很有希望的是很有希望的是,因为我之前的经历,我可以提早开始学习演讲和语言学。 Hopefully,Hopefully, because of my previous experience, I can start studying speech and because of my previous experience, I can start studying speech and li
32、nguistics early. linguistics early. 卧龙先生曰:卧龙先生曰:本计简单来说,就是在一句比较冗长的句子中加入一些小的短语,用逗号隔开 来。这不仅可以使句子看起来更加舒服,读起来也更附有节奏感。 这些短语作为句中简单 的插入语,可以是表示修饰逻辑的关系短语,抑或是一些表示程度的副词。 句子中句子中“ “插科打诨插科打诨” ”的三种常见形式的三种常见形式 1. 句子中插入修饰性小短语句子中插入修饰性小短语 句中插入一个表示修饰性的短语,补充说明所描述事件的特点。句中插入一个表示修饰性的短语,补充说明所描述事件的特点。 I think that, given my a
33、cademic and cultural backgroundgiven my academic and cultural background, I would fit in well with the student life and contribute to my school. 考虑到我学术和文化的背景考虑到我学术和文化的背景, 我认为我能很好地荣誉到校园生活中, 并且为学校做贡献。 2. 句子中插入表示逻辑关系的短语句子中插入表示逻辑关系的短语 句中插入一个表示逻辑关系的小短语,用逗号连接,起到承接的作用。句中插入一个表示逻辑关系的小短语,用逗号连接,起到承接的作用。 Harvar
34、d, above all othersabove all others, can guide me toward the life of greatness. 除此之外除此之外,哈佛可以指引我通向人生的高峰。 3. 句子中插入表示程度的副词句子中插入表示程度的副词 句子插入一个表示程度的短语,用逗号连接,起到强调作用。句子插入一个表示程度的短语,用逗号连接,起到强调作用。 Politics is, fundamentallyfundamentally, not a moral profession. 政治根本根本不是什么讲道义的职业。 根据要求翻译下列句子根据要求翻译下列句子 1. 句子中插入
35、修饰性小短语句子中插入修饰性小短语 比如比如体育明星和流行歌手,将在不久以后被更有活力的年轻一代所替代。 Sports stars and pop stars, Sports stars and pop stars, for example, for example, will soon be replaced by a younger, more will soon be replaced by a younger, more energetic generation. energetic generation. 购物作为我们日常生活必备的一部分作为我们日常生活必备的一部分,在北美已经越来越
36、耗时了。 Shopping, Shopping, part of our daily lives,part of our daily lives, has become increasingly timehas become increasingly time- -consuming in North consuming in North America America 这是我的职责去想学校反映以一些和学生有关的事,特别是一些不公平的事特别是一些不公平的事,从而来 表达我对这些政策的意见。 It is my duty to express my opinions,It is my duty t
37、o express my opinions, especially some unfair issues,especially some unfair issues, on these on these policies to the school by reflecting on some issues related to students. policies to the school by reflecting on some issues related to students. 2. 句子中插入表示逻辑关系的短语句子中插入表示逻辑关系的短语 然而然而,知识只是其中小部分的疑惑。 K
38、nowledge , however, is only a small part of the puzzle. Knowledge , however, is only a small part of the puzzle. 我也也计划在毕业以后住在小镇上。 I I alsoalso plan to live in a small town after graduationplan to live in a small town after graduation. . 如果是这样的话如果是这样的话, 许多科学家相信人们的行为对于近来地球变暖趋势的影响很小。 If so, If so, many
39、 scientists believe that human behavior has little impact on the recent many scientists believe that human behavior has little impact on the recent warming trend. warming trend. 我们终会死亡,正因为如此正因为如此, 我们应该珍惜生命中的每一刻。 We all die, and We all die, and thats whythats why we should treasure every moment of ou
40、r lives. we should treasure every moment of our lives. 3. 句子中插入表示程度的副词句子中插入表示程度的副词 网络,简单来说简单来说就是全世界数以千计的电脑满屏的信息的集合。 The web, The web, in shortin short, is a collection of thousands of computers around the world that fill , is a collection of thousands of computers around the world that fill up with
41、information. up with information. 在这个部分,我们将了解一种特殊的体系结构类型,即即业务体系结构。 In this section, we will look at a particular type of architecture, In this section, we will look at a particular type of architecture, that is to saythat is to say, business , business architecture. architecture. 考虑过后,我悲伤地悲伤地意识到现在的高
42、中生和我以前高中生时并未有所不同。 After thinking about it, I realized After thinking about it, I realized sadly sadly t that todays high school students are no different hat todays high school students are no different from my former high school students. from my former high school students. 卧龙先生曰:卧龙先生曰: 在写作的过程中,往往
43、惯性思维地选择用主动语态。然而,在大量主动语态 的句型中加入一些变化也可以使文章耳目一新, 巧用被动语态中的一些固定用法, 或者注意 被动相结合的句式,可以让相对平实的文章满血复活! 两种常见的被动语态形式两种常见的被动语态形式 1. 常见的被动语态固定用法常见的被动语态固定用法 我们常常可以用我们常常可以用“It is + “It is + 动词的过去分词动词的过去分词 + that“+ that“ It is noticeable that It is noticeable that women do not have the rivalry that men have. 显而易见的是显而
44、易见的是女性没有像男性那样争强好胜。 1)1) It is reported thatIt is reported that the impact of Internet on the whole world is difficult to quantify. 据报道据报道互联网对于整个世界的影响是难以衡量的。 2. 主被动相结合主被动相结合 在句子中并列不同的内容, 这些内容包括主动形式和被动形式, 可以让句子更富有变化。在句子中并列不同的内容, 这些内容包括主动形式和被动形式, 可以让句子更富有变化。 2)2) Such professionals shouldshould be much
45、 better appreciatedbe much better appreciated and better paidbetter paid. 这些专家应该被更加赏识被更加赏识和获得更好的报酬获得更好的报酬。 3)3) Adults brains are still programmed to acquireare still programmed to acquire their mother tongue, which facilitates learning another language, and unlike adolescents, they are they are not
46、not inhabitedinhabited by self-consciousness. 不像青少年一样, 他们的头脑不是由他们的头脑不是由自觉意识所支配, 成年人的头脑仍然设定好仍然设定好去 主动获得他们的母语,从而促进他们学习其他的语言。 根据要求翻译下列句子根据要求翻译下列句子 1. 常见的被动语态固定用法常见的被动语态固定用法 人们相信人们相信足球会使他们融入一个大家庭,在那里大家可以共享世界各地的经历和生活 方式。 Football Football is is believedbelieved to bring them into a family where they can
47、share experiences to bring them into a family where they can share experiences and lifestyles from all over the world. and lifestyles from all over the world. 老年妇女长期定期摄入可乐与骨质疏松之间的联系已被证实已被证实。 A link between regularA link between regular intake of cola and osteoporosis in older women has been intake o
48、f cola and osteoporosis in older women has been established. established. 至关重要的是至关重要的是他需要尽可能地自然行事。 It is essential that he act as naturally as possible It is essential that he act as naturally as possible 科学家已证实科学家已证实长期置身于现代城市的高强度噪音中会导致听力损耗和血压升高。 It has been proved by scientists that prolonged expos
49、ure to high levels of noise in It has been proved by scientists that prolonged exposure to high levels of noise in modern cities can lead to hearing loss and increased blood pressure. modern cities can lead to hearing loss and increased blood pressure. 人们普遍认为人们普遍认为,可口可乐承载着美国文化的精神和精髓,没有任何其他的美国产品可 以与之
50、相媲美。 It is widely believed It is widely believed that Cocathat Coca- -Cola carries the spirit and essence of American Cola carries the spirit and essence of American culture like no other American product. culture like no other American product. 不可否认的是不可否认的是,对人的灵魂的教育与洗礼,应该是教育的一条内在的真正贯穿始终的 主线。 It is