1、接力版四年级下册接力版四年级下册 Lesson10 Who has a watch? Hello, today lets talk about how to have this lesson:” Lesson10 Who has a watch?” Part I.Contents: First, lets analyze the teaching material.This lesson mainly talks about:The ownership topic. It tries to help the Ss learn to use the sentence structure:Who
2、has a .? I have a . . I dont have a . .And try to use some nouns to practice the key sentence structure,and understand its meaning. Part II. Teaching aims: Based on the analysis above, the teaching aims are designed as follows: Aims to knowledge: Ss will be able to read and understand the key senten
3、ce structure , and use them to make questions and answers. Aims to ability: To train Ss to use the sentence patterns“Who has a .? I have a . . I dont have a . .”in different situations. Aims to emotion: Make Ss have a better understanding about helping others and cherishing the good studying conditi
4、ons. Part III.The importance and the difficulty: The importance is to master the sentence structure: “Who has a .? I have a . . I dont have a . .” and try to use some nouns to practice the key sentence structure. And the difficulty is to use the sentence structure in different situations. After lear
5、ning this lesson, Ss will get a development in their ablility of listening and speaking. Part IV: Evaluation 对于回答问题和表现优秀的同学给与加分奖励。 Part V:Teaching procedures: In order to realize the teaching process properly and efficiently, I devide it into 5 steps: Step 1 Warm up: 这节课一开始, 一个踩地雷的游戏激发出孩子们学习的热情, 寓教于
6、乐,让孩子们的头脑做一个“热身运动”。 接着进行头脑风暴活动。同学们之间的思维互相碰撞,碰出智慧 的火花,让孩子们唤醒头脑中的各种名词词汇,以备在后面的操练句 型环节进行替换训练。 Step 2 Presentation: 出示一个足球图片, 也可以拿一个实物足球, I have a football. 再 问学生 Who has a football?引导学生用 I have a . .来回答。 对于回 答问题的学生及时给予加分奖励!再出示 10 个足球的图片,老师可 以用很骄傲的口气说: I have 10 footballs! Who has 150footballs? 然 后,用同样的
7、方式出示手表图片或者实物:I have a watch. Who has a watch? 引导学生再次练习句式 I have a . .这次可以增大操练面积, 让男女生相互问答或者小组之间问答。再出示 10 只手表的图片,很 骄傲地说 I have ten watches! Who has ten watches? And, look! I have a plane! Who has a plane? Lets brag!学生此时会 天马行空的说很多吹牛的句子,比如: I have a car! I have a boat! I have a train! I have 2 trains!
8、I have 5 fish! I have 7 sisters! I have 10 brothers! Wow, you are wonderful! But, good time passes so fast! Brag time is over, its time to be honest. In fact: I dont have a car! I dont have a boat! I dont have a train! I dont have 2 trains! I dont have 5 fish! I dont have 7 sisters! I dont have 10 b
9、rothers! Now its time to go back to our textbook. Lets listen and repeat! 现在到了回归课本的时间了,跟读课文。 Who has a watch? I have a watch. I dont have a watch. 接下来进行 Pair work 结对活动。用课本上的核心句式 Who has a . ? I have a . . I dont have a . .进行替换操练。鼓励学生用本课单 词以外的名词进行操练。 Step 3: Practice 出现两个小男孩的图片,他们两个正好有着对方没有的东西,因 此就出现
10、了以下台词:A:I dont have a pencil, I have a pen. B:I dont have a pen, I have a pencil. A:I dont have a crayon, I have a candy. B:I dont have a candy, I have a crayon. A: I dont have a car, I have a boat. B: I dont have a boat, I have a car. 他们都想要对方手里的东西,怎么办呢? Exchange, exchange, well be happy, both you a
11、nd me! 那就互相交换吧,这样两个人都得 到了自己想要的东西了, 都非常的开心, 这岂不是双赢嘛! Thats great! Now, lets chant! 既然大家都那么开心,那么,我们在班里也举行一次开心易 物会吧! A: I dont have a pencil, I have a pen. B: I dont have a pen, I have a pencil. A,B: Happy, happy, exchange (互相交换)! 班里的同学们都能得到自己想要的东西了, 肯定会玩得不亦乐乎! 接下来,我们再看看课本中的四个小同学都有什么呢。 Who has a car? T
12、om has a car. Who has a boat? Ann has a boat. 他们可以交换手中的玩具了。 Who has two brothers? Ann has two brothers. Who has two sisters? Sue has two sisters. 他们的 brothers and sisters 这可就不能交换了。 接下来进行 Pair work 结对活动,问答四个人拥有的玩具和兄弟 姐妹。 Step 4: Development and extension 我们学生们的学习环境都很不错,可是在山区的孩子们可能 连文具和课桌椅的条件都很差。所以,让我
13、们力所能及地去帮助他们 吧,把自己的文具和衣物捐助给他们。 首先我们先在小组中做一个小调查,4 人一个小组,由 A 来问小 组里的 B,C,D 同学: A:Who has a . ? B:I have a. . A:Who has . ? C:I have a. . A:Who has . ? D:I have a. . 然后再列出捐助清单: The poor pupils dont have . . A has a. . B has a. . C has a. . D has a. . 在同学们进行小组活动时,可以用“智慧课堂”的计时功能, 进行 2 分钟的倒计时,计时结束后,让学生上台展示
14、。 最后可以用“智慧课堂”的挑人功能,挑出一位同学所在的小组, 让学生以小组为单位把捐助清单朗读给大家听,并将清单保留好,在 捐助时使用。 通过这个活动,让学生知道“赠人玫瑰,手留余香”的道理,也让 学生更加珍惜现在良好的学习环境。 Step 5: Homework Talk about your stationary and toys to your friends or parents with ”I have a. . I dont have a. .” So much of todays lesson, thank you for listening! 板书: Lesson10 Who has a watch? candy fan watch crayon I have. I dont have.