1、 1 英语五年级下册英语五年级下册 Lesson 5 What Are They Doing? 思维导图的特点思维导图的特点: 思维导图(Mind Map)是英国著名学者东尼博赞(Tony Buzau )在 19 世纪 70 年代初期创立的一种新型笔记方法,它以放射性思考为基础,是一个简单、 高效、放射性、形象化的思维工具,能够全面调动左脑的逻辑、顺序、条例、 文字、数字以及右脑的图像、想象、颜色、空间、整体思维,使大脑潜能得 到最充分的开发,从而极大地激发人们的创造性思维能力。 思维导图以图文并重的形式,把各级主题的关系用相互隶属与相关的层 级关系表现出来,把主题关键词与图像、颜色等建立记忆
2、链接,充分运用左 右脑的机能,利用记忆、阅读、思维的规律,协助人们在科学与艺术、逻辑 与想象之间平衡发展,从而开启人类大脑的无限潜能。 教学目标:教学目标: 1.知识与技能:在语境中练习有关现在进行时的句子,通过听声音、 看图片、 做游戏和唱英文歌进行操练, 能听懂、 会说、 认读 reading the newspaper,playing cards,playing with the baby,drawing,eating, reading,singing,swimming。 2.过程与方法: 情景交流及对话表演 3.情感态度教育: 学会细心观察,与他人合作和关心他人. 教学重难点教学重难点
3、: 1.在对话中学习使用 What are they/we/you doing? They/We/You are doing sth. What is he/she doing? He/She is doing sth. 并能运用此句型 进行简单的交流。 2. 熟练掌握动词的现在分词变化规则。 在 I am doing sth.等句型的帮助下,进一步理解动词现在进行时的用 法。 教具学具准备教具学具准备: 多媒体课件,自制卡片 教学策略及教法设计:教学策略及教法设计: 这节英语课教学以学生为主体, 以训练为主线, 以能力的培养为宗旨。 2 倡导积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,使学生在教师的指
4、导下, 处理遇到的问题, 通过感知、 实践、 参与和合作等学习方法完成任务, 感受成功。 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1 Class Opening 1.Greeting and warm-up T: Are you ready? S: Yes! T: Lets begin! Hello, boys and girls! How are you today? S: Im fine, thanks. And you? T: Im fine, too. Thank you! First lets do some actions. Stand up, please! Show you hands
5、. Ready? Go! T+S: I can sing “啦啦啦” I can dance “蹦恰恰”. I can cry“哇哇哇”. I can laugh“哈哈哈”. T: Very good! Sit down, please. Now lets divide the class into two teams. Boys team and girls team. Lets have a race! OK? 2.T: Look at the screen. Here are some sounds(课件出示声音). Listen and guess what they are doin
6、g now? Listen carefully! Then ask the students to answer. Check their answers. 3. The present participle T: Look at these words(课件出示单词). How to add “ing” after these words? Can you find out?(Ask the students to find out the rules.) A. 1+1=2 , such as “play+ ing = playing”. B. Delete the silent “e”,
7、then add “ing”: having, dancing. C. Double the last letter: swimming, running. T: Here are three rules “直接、 双写、 去哑 e” . Please dont forget it.Do you understand? 3 【设计意图:热身复习,营造一个轻松的英语教学氛围,学以致用。 】 Step 2 New Concepts 1.T: Next time lets watch a video and answer my questions(课件播放游 泳视频). T: What are th
8、ey doing? S: They are swimming. T: Look at these two words. Swim-swimming.(课件出示单词图,老师 教读、拼读) T: And what is the fish doing now?(课件出示动态鱼图) T+S: The fish is swimming, too. T: Look at another picture. Guess! What is the man doing? (课件出示读 报图) S: T: He is reading the newspaper.(教师教授词组并让学生写在黑板上) 用不同的方式教授词
9、组:play cards, play ping-pong, play with the baby 用思维导图的形式讲解 play 和 play with 的区别并举例。 【设计意图:采用多种形式,在自然的语言交流中,既温习了旧知又 整体呈现了新知让学生在自然的交流中学得和习得语言。 】 2.T: Lets play a game. Look at some pictures and speed said what they are doing now. Ready? Go!(出示头脑风暴课件看谁说的快) Then ask the students to answer. Check their
10、answers. 3.T: Listen and look! What is coming?(课件出示鸣笛火车图) S: A train. T: A train is coming. Yes or No? (把单词 train 贴在黑板上) T: Jenny, Danny, Li Ming, the man, the woman and the baby are on the train. Where are they going? They are going on a trip to Beijing. Listen to the text and answer the questions.
11、(听原文录音并回答问题) 【设计意图:回归课文,培养学生听说演的能力。 】 4 4. Practice Now lets make a turntable with the words. Use guessing game to practice the present participle. A. You say start. I will start. You say stop. I will stop. Can you say the sentences? B. Who can help me to start the turntable? Which sentence do your
12、group want to choose? Please write it down on your paper. Then read it together with your group members. (课件出示师 生玩转盘游戏并进行造句练习) 【设计意图:通过游戏引导学生参与,更好的理解和掌握所学的知 识。 】 5.Write a story.(课件出示老师绘本并朗读,学生仿写) 【设计意图:通过老师的绘本,让学生仿写进行拓展练习。 】 6.观看一组教学升华“给予是快乐的” 。(课件出示图片) Step 3 Class Closing 1.Homework: Write down y
13、our dialogue. 2.T: Class is over. Bye class! 【设计意图:歌曲开始,歌曲结束为本课画上完美的句号。 】 Blackboard Design 5 教学反思:教学反思: 本节课教学过程流畅、课件制作精美、思维导图为特色,活动设 计新颖、板书精美,多媒体起到了很好的辅助作用!通过这节课,我 引领学生走到真实的情境中,紧紧抓住学生,让学生积极参与到课堂 中来,通过各种句型操练与表演,大大提高了学生的语言综合运用能 力,同时注重让学生手脑并用,有效地培养了英语思维模式,并为学 生学习策略的培养打下了基础。不足之处不足之处:由于时间关系,在某些环 节中我留给学生展示的时间较少,我一定会取长补短,提高自己的教 学水平。