1、2021 届高考高三英语中英双语阅读素材积累与学习:日本福岛核污 水将排入海洋 据日媒报道,日本政府 4 月 9 日基本决定将福岛第一核电站核污水排入太平洋。4 月 13 日, 日本政府将召开内阁会议,正式决定。 The Japanese government has decided to dispose of massive amounts of treated but still radioactive water stored in tanks at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant by releasing it into the Pacific
2、Ocean, local media reported Friday, a conclusion widely expected but delayed for years amid protests and safety concerns. It will hold a meeting of related ministers as early as Tuesday to formally decide on the plan. 日本福岛核事故发生已过去 10 年多,但其核污水处理问题仍未解决。 虽然福岛核电站一直利用多种装置处理核污水,但有一种放射性物质靠目前的技术很难处理, 即氚。因此,
3、处理后的核污水只能降低危害性,却依然达不到排放标准,这也导致核电站储存的核 污水越来越多。 据东京电力公司称,福岛核电站现在每天新增 140 吨“处理水”,估计到 2022 年 9 月将达到储 存罐上限 137 万吨。 The plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. says the tanks 1.37 million-ton storage capacity will be full in 2022, and that tanks will need to be removed to make room for decommissioning fac
4、ilities. 去年秋天,日本政府曾一度决定将把福岛核电站的核污水排入大海,但由于各方强烈反对等原 因暂时搁置。 The government had initially hoped to make a decision on the discharge of the treated water in October last year but later decided it would need more time for discussions amid concerns about reputational damage to marine products. 4 月 7 日,日本首
5、相菅义伟同“日本全国渔业协同组合联合会会长”岸宏进行会谈,就福岛第一 核电站含有放射性物质的污水排入大海一事进行协商。 谈话结束后, 菅义伟表示近日就会做出判断, 岸宏依然反对。 Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga told top fisheries association officials on Wednesday that his government believes the release into the sea is the most realistic option and that a final decision would be made “wi
6、thin days.” 岸宏 4 月 7 日表示,“反对(将福岛第一核电站核污水排入大海)的立场没有丝毫变化”。2015 年,东京电力公司曾向日本全国渔业协会作出“不轻易向海洋排放”的书面保证。 A release of the water into the sea has faced fierce opposition from local fishermen and residents. Japan Fisheries Cooperatives Chairman Hiroshi Kishi said he rejects Sugas proposed release plan and de
7、manded the government explain how it will address damage to the fishing industry. 有日本学者指出,福岛周边的海洋不仅是当地渔民赖以生存的渔场,也是太平洋乃至全球海洋 的一部分,核污水排入海洋会影响到全球鱼类迁徙、远洋渔业、人类健康、生态安全等方方面面, 因此这一问题绝不仅仅是日本国内的问题,而是涉及全球海洋生态和环境安全的国际问题。 日本核污水 57 天将污染半个太平洋 含有放射性物质的污水一旦被排入大海会造成什么影响? 首先,日本太平洋沿岸海域将受到影响,特别是福岛县周边局部水域,之后污水还会污染东海。 一家来
8、自德国的海洋科学研究机构的计算结果显示,从排放之日起,57 天内放射性物质就将 扩散至太平洋大半区域,3 年后美国和加拿大就将遭到核污染影响。 中方回应:慎重决策 在 4 月 9 日举行的外交部例行记者会上,有记者问道:日本政府计划于当地时间 4 月 13 日召 开内阁会议,届时将决定核污水排入大海,请问中方有何评论? 对此,赵立坚表示: 日本福岛核事故造成放射性物质泄漏, 对海洋环境、 食品安全和人类健康已经产生深远的影响。 日本政府应当秉持对本国国民、周边国家以及国际社会高度负责的态度,深入评估福岛核电站含氚 废水处理方案可能带来的影响,主动及时地以严格、准确、公开、透明的方式披露信息,在
9、与周边 国家充分协商的基础上慎重决策。 The radioactive leak caused by the meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear power plant has had profound impact on marine environment, food safety and human health. We hope the Japanese government will act with a high sense of responsibility towards its own people, neighboring countries
10、 and the international community, conduct thorough assessment of the possible effect of treatment process for tritium-contaminated waste water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, disclose relevant information in a voluntary, timely, strict, accurate, open and transparent manner, and make prudent
11、 decisions after full consultation with neighboring countries. “核污水”用英语怎么说? 那么“核污水”用英语到底该如何表达呢,其实,核污水其实也是指放射性污水。 We wanted to avoid releasing radioactive water into the ocean. But that was an unavoidable operation, Mr. Nishiyama said.西山英彦说,我们曾想避免把放射性污水排进海里, 但这是一项不可避免的作业,我们也没能适当地通知邻国。 近些年来,全球的环境状况不容乐
12、观,日本的这一行为严重违背全球可持续发展的理念,针对 全球环境的可持续发展,每个国家都应该承担相应的责任,那么有关环境保护主题有哪些相关表达 呢? 节能 energy conservation Bythisnewwayofdesigning,thegoalofenergy-conservationand consumption-reduction is expected to be achieved.按照这样的设计新思路,可以达到节能降耗的 目的。 环境容量 environmental capacity River water quality has deteriorated rapidly that has been a new carrier of pollutant to decrease environmental capacity of water.市郊小城镇河网水质急剧恶化,已成为新的水环境污 染载体,使水体环境容量下降。 环保产品 environment-friendly products The Company will continue to provide our clients with high-quality environmentally friendly products.本公司将一如既往为广大客户提供优质的环保产品。