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1,本文(教科版三下Module 1 Colours-Unit 1 I like red-Let's talk-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:64a76).doc)为本站会员(小黑)主动上传,163文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。
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教科版三下Module 1 Colours-Unit 1 I like red-Let's talk-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:64a76).doc

1、姓名:汤冬玲 什么学科:英语 第几册:第二册 第几课:第 12 课 课题:Colourful World of Toys 1 教学目标: 1)通过活动,巩固颜色和地点词汇以及相关的句型。 2)这个活动是把英语学习与日常生活结合, “Learning by doing.”通过解决 生活中真实有效的任务来运用英语,同学们对于知识的印象更深刻。 2 学情分析: 我们学校是处于密集商圈型的地区,许多学生的家庭是经商的家庭,学生们 学习好英语这个沟通工具,对于他们的家庭的生意会有很大的帮助。为了让学生 们在学习中更多地把学到的知识与他们的生活联系起来, 激发他们运用英语的兴 趣,拓宽他们的视野,激活他们

2、的思维,让英语的学习更加可持续地发展,特别 开展了这次的英语实践活动。 3 重点: 巩固颜色和地点词汇以及相关的句型。 4 难点: 通过解决生活中真实有效的任务来运用英语 5 教学过程 第几学时: 第三课时 教学活动: 一)开场白 烨(手拿玩具):Chen Zihan, whats this? 子:Its a toy. Oh its a colourful toy. Lets go into the colourful toy world. 烨: In this activity, we have 4 teams-Rainbow Team, Fashion Show Team, Positio

3、n Team and Toy Shop Team. 子:Yes. Wheres Rainbow Team? Rainbow Team:Rainbow Team,Rainbow Team. Yeah! 烨: Wheres Fashion Show Team? Fashion Show Team: Fashion Show Team, Fashion Show Team. Cool! 子: Wheres Position Team? Position Team: Position Team, Position Team. Super! 烨: Wheres Toy Shop Team? Toy Sh

4、op Team: Toy Shop Team, Toy Shop Team. We are No. 1! 子:Wu Hongye, do you like rainbow? 烨: Yes, I do. Its colourful. Lets welcome Rainbow Team. 二)Rainbow Team 1、全体队员上场,叫自己组的口号,并做一个造型: Rainbow Team,Rainbow Team. Yeah! 手拿彩虹齐唱 Rainbow. Rainbow purple, rainbow blue. Rainbow green and yellow, too. Rainbow

5、 orange, rainbow red. Rainbow smiling overhead. 2、怡:Rainbow is colourful. Do you know what colours they are? 2:以下环节是抢答环节,我们指哪个颜色,由最快举手的同学回答,回答正 确得一分。 What colour is it?Its 3、凯:各种各样的颜色使我们的世界多姿多彩,下面同学们可不要眨眼睛啰。 因为每次就会有一个颜色消失, 请你说出不见了的那种颜色。Are you ready? 其他同学:Go! What colour is missing? 1)red2)blue3) ye

6、llow4)white5)black6)brown7)purple 8)orange9)green (轮流提问和叫同学起来回答) 4、1: 手持自己的 green 卡片:Do you like green? 2: Yes, I do. (1 号板书句型: Do you like? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.) 2: Do you like green? 3: No, I dont. 2: What colour do you like? 3: I like red. Do you like red? (2 号板书句型: What colour do you like? I

7、like) 4. No, I dont. 3: What colour do you like? 4: I like yellow. Do you like yellow? (如此类推) 5、烨:Lets play a guessing game. 1) What is the colour, the colour of the sun? 2) What is the colour, the colour of the sea? 3) What is the colour, the colour of a cloud? 4) What is the colour, the colour of

8、a tree? 5) What is the colour, the colour of a banana? 6) What is the colour, the colour of the grapes? 7) What is the colour, the colour of the blackboard? 8) What is the colour, the colour of an orange? 6、 (旻) :Rainbow Team 的活动到此结束。不要走开,下面的节目更精彩哦。 Welcome Fashion Show Team! 三)Fashion Show Team 1、欣

9、燕:Thank you, Rainbow Team! We are Fashion Show Team. 全体队员叫自己组的口号,并做一个造型: Fashion Show Team, Fashion Show Team. Cool! 慧欣:下面的小朋友进行了时装表演,一、二组的同学朗读小朋友的话,三、 四组的同学朗读下面的话,为他们开小喇叭呐喊,好吗?(Rainbow Team 也分 成两组进行对话) 2、史:Its time for us to show. 请为我们开小喇叭呐喊,好吗? 盛: Show time begin! Music! (丹放音乐) 3、颖欣:Fashion Show T

10、eam 的活动到此结束。同学们,你们想知道小动物在 哪里吗?请 Position Team 为我们揭开这个秘密吧。Welcome Position Team! 四)Position Team 1、桂鹏:Thank you, Fashion Show Team! 看了 Fashion Show Team 这么精彩 的表演,轮到我们隆重登场了!我们是 Position Team. 我们的口号是: (按 电脑) 全组同学:Position Team, Position Team. Super! (做一个造型) 2、陶旭:Lets sing- On in under 全组同学边唱英文歌边做动作: On

11、, in under, clap, clap, clap. On, in under, clap, clap, clap. On, in under, clap, clap, clap. On, in under, clap, clap, clap. On my ears, in my ears, under my ears. On, in under, clap, clap, clap. On my nose, in my nose, under my nose. On, in under, clap, clap, clap. 3、嘉烽:又到了抢答的紧张时刻了,同学们准备好了吗? Look

12、at the picture. Wheres the cat? (芷婷板书句型:Wheres? Its the) (1. on2. in3.near 4. under5.beside6. front of) (如果答对的:One point.) 4. 陈嘉豪: 我们用 where 问地点的时候,要用什么词回答? -(方位介词) 5、佳煜:我们学习了 7 个方位介词,下面让我们用左手作为盒子,一起边做动 作边念小诗,好吗? 全组:Good idea! 全组齐念: On, on, on, on the box. In, in, in, in the box. Under, u

13、nder, under, under the box. Near, near, near, near the box. Beside, beside, beside, beside the box. Behind, behind, behind, behind the box. In front of, in front of, in front of the box. 6、志豪:我们学习了方位介词,到底我们会不会运用呢?现在又到了考考你的 时间了。请你看图填上适当的方位介词。 1:Where is the dog? 2: Where is the ball? 3:Where is the d

14、esk? 4:Where is the chair? 7、妍霖:Lets chant! Where is the dog? Its _on_ the ball. Where is the ball? Its _under_ the desk. Where is the desk? Its _near_ the chair. Where is the chair? Its _in_ the room. 8、宇森:Lets have fun. Tom and Jerry.Guess: Where is Jerry? (答对 one point.) ( 1. on the bed2. beside

15、the TV3.behind the chair4. in front of the desk) 9、妍霖: Lets chant: In, on, under, where, where, where? Beside, behind, I can find(找) ! In front of, in front of Let me walk(走)! Let me walk! -Tom is tired( 累的). 10. 耿林:我们的 Tom 都累了,Fashion Show Team 的活动也告一段落。同学 们,让我们进入多姿多彩的玩具世界吧。Welcome Toy Shop Team! 五

16、)Toy Shop Team 1、詹涵:Thank you, Fashion Show Team! 我们是 Toy Shop Team. 我们的口 号是: 全组同学:Toy Shop Team, Toy Shop Team. No. 1! (做一个造型) 2、瑾粤:Look ! Whats this? (对一个 one point) (詹涵板书句型:Whats this? Its a/ an) (1.bus2.boat3. bike4.plane5.ship6.car7. doll8. kite9. robot 10. rabbit11. dog12. cat13. bear14. ball)

17、 3、蔡嘉豪:Lets do a survey. 我们 Toy Shop Team 需要调查同学们最多人 喜欢什么玩具,最多人喜欢什么颜色的玩具,作为我们进货的依据。请同学们回 答我们的问题, 并把颜色图和玩具图交给调查员! 周奇源, 我们做个示范, 好吗? 周奇源:好的! 蔡嘉豪:What toy do you like? 周奇源: I like(把玩具图交给蔡嘉豪) 蔡嘉豪:What colour do you like? 周奇源: I like(把颜色图交给蔡嘉豪) 蔡嘉豪:每个人调查 4-5 人, 调查完请把玩具图和颜色图交给统计员周伟龙、陈 启航和张家俊。Are you ready?

18、 Go! (周伟龙、陈启航和张家俊填写统计图) 4、张家俊:这是我们的统计结果。同学们,根据我们的调查结果,你们想到了 什么?(提问 5 个人) 5、子涵:Look ! 1) Many (许多)children like toy _planes_,so(所以) we(我们) will (会) buy(买)more(更多)toy _planes_. 2) Many children like _red_,so we will buy more _red_ toys. 6、嘉其:Lets talk about(谈论) our toys. I have a toy. Look at my toy. Its a _plane_. Its _blue_. I like _blue_. I like my _plane. Its cute. Its _on_ the _desk_. Do you like my toy? 7、启航:同学们,当我们谈论玩具的时候,我们可以从哪些方面说呢? (提问两个同学) 8、伟龙:我们看到同学们都有多姿多彩的玩具,你们想不想介绍给同桌听呢? 我们每人 1 分钟互相用英语向同桌介绍自己心爱的玩具,看谁说的句子最多。 Lets go! (两分钟后请 3 个同学介绍) 。 9、子涵: Colourful Toy World 活动到此结束。



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