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1,本文(教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 3 We are going to have an English test-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:81fb4).docx)为本站会员(老黑)主动上传,163文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。
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教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 3 We are going to have an English test-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:81fb4).docx

1、Unit 3Whats the date? 一、学习目的:一、学习目的: (一)语言知识目标(一)语言知识目标 1.1. 四会掌握本模块单词和词组:四会掌握本模块单词和词组: 2.2. 能在听说读写的语言活动中理解和运用下列句型结构:能在听说读写的语言活动中理解和运用下列句型结构: WhatsWhats thethe date?date? 日期的两种表达,以日期的两种表达,以 3 3 月月 5 5 日为例:日为例:thethe fifthfifth ofof May,May, MayMay thethe fifthfifth 叙述某事的日期:叙述某事的日期:MikeMikes s birthd

2、aybirthday isis onon JuneJune 11th11th. . 叙述某一时间将做某事:叙述某一时间将做某事:WeWe areare goinggoing toto havehave anan EnglishEnglish testtest onon JuneJune 24th24th. . 3.3.能用连贯的语言简述自己想要做的事能用连贯的语言简述自己想要做的事 4 4学生能流利朗读课文,对单词、短语、句型和日常用语能熟练上口。学生能流利朗读课文,对单词、短语、句型和日常用语能熟练上口。 (二)学习策略目标(二)学习策略目标 1.1.培养团队的合作精神,课堂上能让学生集中精

3、力听教师的讲解,观察教培养团队的合作精神,课堂上能让学生集中精力听教师的讲解,观察教 师的示范,聆听教师的要求,理解教师的语言。师的示范,聆听教师的要求,理解教师的语言。 2.2.培养学生善于观察身边事物的能力,善于总结经验。培养学生善于观察身边事物的能力,善于总结经验。 3.3.能积极用英语完成能积极用英语完成“任务任务” ,主动用英语与人交际,加强交流。,主动用英语与人交际,加强交流。 (三)情感态度目标(三)情感态度目标 1 1在在学习中学习中体验英语学习的欢乐。体验英语学习的欢乐。 2 2联系课文,要求学生生活要有规律和计划,养成良好的生活习惯。联系课文,要求学生生活要有规律和计划,养

4、成良好的生活习惯。 二、二、学习重难点学习重难点: 1 1记住单词、短语的音、形、义。记住单词、短语的音、形、义。 2 2理解句型和日常用语的意思和功能,并能熟练上口于交际活动中。理解句型和日常用语的意思和功能,并能熟练上口于交际活动中。 3 3 能活用所学的语言于交际中能活用所学的语言于交际中, 并顺利地通过语言交际获取信息完成任务并顺利地通过语言交际获取信息完成任务。 三、学生情况分析:三、学生情况分析: 本班学生对于英语学习兴趣不大,成绩和我其他两个班相比,相差了五六本班学生对于英语学习兴趣不大,成绩和我其他两个班相比,相差了五六 分左右。总体来说,基础较差。故此,此教学设计目的是如果上

5、完课之后,分左右。总体来说,基础较差。故此,此教学设计目的是如果上完课之后,大大 部分学生能够熟读课文,看关键词能背出课文已经算达成目标。部分学生能够熟读课文,看关键词能背出课文已经算达成目标。 四、教具准备:四、教具准备:PPTPPT 五、教学过程:五、教学过程: (一)热身与新授:(一)热身与新授: 1 1 示示 PPTPPT:WhatWhats s thethe date?date? ItIts s. . 问几个日期问几个日期 2 2 WhatWhats s thethe datedate today?today? ItIts s MarchMarch 7 7 thth. . 教 教单词

6、单词 datedate:LetLets s learnlearn howhow toto understandunderstand thisthis calendar.calendar. WhichWhich isis thethe firstfirst dayday ofof a a week?week? SundaySunday oror Monday?Monday? WhichWhich isis thethe middlemiddle dayday ofof a a week?week? 3 3 D Dayay andand datedate areare easyeasy toto

7、makemake a a mistake,mistake, howhow toto rememberremember them?them? Day:Day: threethree letters,letters, date:date: fourfour letters.letters. 4 4 WhatWhats s thethe datedate tomorrow?tomorrow? TomorrowTomorrow isis MarchMarch 8th,8th, itits s WomenWomens s Day.Day. WomenWomens s DayDay isis anan i

8、mportantimportant festival.festival. 教单词:教单词:importantimportant . . twotwo byby two.two. ChairmanChairman MaoMao isis thethe mostmost importantimportant peoplepeople inin China.China. EnglishEnglish isis anan importantimportant subject.subject. WhatWhats s thethe ChineseChinese forfor important?impo

9、rtant? 5 5 TomorrowTomorrow isis anan importantimportant festival,festival, itits s WomenWomens s Day.Day. MarchMarch 8 8 thth wewe cancan alsoalso readread thethe eightheighth ofof March.March. S So o MarchMarch 7 7 thth wewe cancan alsoalso saysay thethe 7 7 thth ofof March.March. 6 6 日期的读法:日期的读法:

10、第一种:第一种: JuneJune 1 1 stst: :月份 月份+ + the+the+ 序数词序数词 , ,第二种:第二种:thethe firstfirst ofof June:June: thethe + +序数词序数词+of+of+ 月份月份 7 7 LeLet ts s playplay a a game:game: SaySay outout thethe datedate asas quicklyquickly asas youyou can.can. JanuaryJanuary 5 5 thth , , thethe 5 5 thth ofof January;Janua

11、ry; NovemberNovember 9 9 thth, , the the 9 9 thth ofof November;November; MarchMarch 8 8 th,th, thethe eightheighth ofof March;March; FebruaryFebruary 2323 rdrd, , the the 2323 rdrd ofof February.February. 8 8 AllAll ofof youyou havehave donedone a a goodgood job,job, Today,Today, wewe havehave anot

12、heranother importantimportant tasktask toto do,do, a a manman isis comingcoming toto ourour class,class, hehe hashas somethingsomething difficulty.difficulty. LetLets s helphelp himhim together.together. ThisThis isis MrMr Forget.Forget.教教 forgetforget 读音。读音。HeHe oftenoften forgetsforgets importanti

13、mportant things.things. 9 9 WhenWhen isis youryour mothermother s s birthday?birthday? D Do o youyou forgetforget itit oror remember?remember? YouYou mothermother isis oneone ofof thethe importantimportant peoplepeople inin youryour DonDons s forgetforget it!it! 1010 LetLets s comecome ba

14、ckback toto helphelp MrMr Forget.Forget. ThereThere areare somesome keykey wordswords aboutabout MrMr Forget.Forget. CanCan youyou talktalk somethingsomething aboutabout MrMr Forget.Forget. (Mr(Mr Forget,Forget, 60,60, Feb.3Feb.3 rdrd, , learnlearn toto drivedrive a a car,car, animals,animals, writh

15、ing)writhing) HeHe isis Mr.Mr. Forget.Forget. HeHe isis 6060 yearsyears old.old. HisHis birthdaybirthday isis onon FebruaryFebruary 3rd.3rd. HeHe isis learninglearning toto drivedrive a a HeHe lovesloves animalsanimals veryvery much.much. HisHis hobbyhobby isis writing.writing.WhyWhy doesdo

16、es hehe likelike writing?writing? BecauseBecause hehe oftenoften forgetsforgets somethingsomething important.important. SoSo hehe likeslikes writingwriting downdown thethe importantimportant things.things. 1111 TherThere e isis a a calendarcalendar i in n thethe picture.picture. MrMr ForgetForget of

17、tenoften markmarkeded somethingsomething importaimportantnt onon TheThe wordswords areare tootoo smallsmall toto understand,understand, letlets s blowblow themthem up.up. 1212 LetLets s match.match. VisitVisit a a farm,farm, 教教 H Haveave a a drivingdriving test.test.教教 test.test. I

18、 Id d likelike toto informinform youyou wewe areare goinggoing toto havehave anan EnglishEnglish testtest nextnext Friday.Friday. H Haveave a a meeting,meeting,教教 meeting.meeting. 1313 WhatWhat dayday isis itit today?today? ItIts s Friday.Friday. WhatWhats s thethe datedate today?today? ItIts s MayM

19、ay 1 1 stst. . Let Lets s remindremind himhim ofof somethingsomething importantimportant toto YouYou areare goinggoing toto visitvisit a a farmfarm tomorrow.tomorrow. DonDont t forget.forget. YouYou areare goinggoing toto visitvisit a a farmfarm onon MayMay 2 2 ndnd. . 14Mr14Mr Forget:Forget:

20、 IsIs therethere anythinganything importantimportant nextnext week?week? We:We: Yes.Yes. YouYou areare goinggoing toto havehave a a drivingdriving testtest onon MayMay 2 2 ndnd. . Don Dont t forget!forget! IsIs therethere anythinganything elseelse importantimportant thisthis month?month? Yes.Yes. Yo

21、uYou areare goinggoing toto havehave a a meetingmeeting onon MayMay 2121 stst. . 教教 monthmonth 1515 MrMr ForgetForget: ThankThank youyou forfor youryour helping.helping. ThankThank you!you! 1616 小结单词小结单词 (二)教课文(二)教课文 1 1 LetLets s discussdiscuss inin youryour TheyThey areare goinggoing

22、toto seesee a a filmfilm onon JuneJune 2 2 ndnd. . TheyTheyrere goinggoing toto MikeMikes s birthdaybirthday onon JuneJune 1111 thth. . They They rere havehave anan EnglishEnglish testtest onon JuneJune 2424 thth. . 2 2 听金太阳,读课文。听金太阳,读课文。 3 3 AnswerAnswer thethe answer:answer:T T oror F F ( ()1.)1.I

23、tIts s JulyJuly 1st1st ( ()2.)2.BenBen andand JanetJanet areare goinggoing toto seesee a a filmfilm onon JuneJune 2nd.2nd. ( ()3.)3.ItIt isnisnt t MikeMikes s birthdaybirthday t tomorrow.omorrow. ( ()4.)4.ThereThere isis nothingnothing importantimportant thisthis month.month. ( ()5.)5.T

24、heThe EnglishEnglish testtest isis onon JuneJune 11th.11th. 4 4 跟跟 T T 读课文,自读一次,背诵课文读课文,自读一次,背诵课文 5 5 LookLook atat thethe keykey wordswords andand repeatrepeat thethe dialogue.dialogue. ( (三三) ) 发展发展 LetLets s completecomplete thethe exerciseexercise inin youryour IfIf youyou cancan do

25、do itit byby yourself,yourself, dondont t openopen youryour IfIf youyou cancant,t, youyou cancan looklook forfor thethe answeranswer fromfrom youryour FillFill inin thethe formform andand fillfill inin thethe blanks.blanks. ActivitiesActivitiesdatesdates seesee a a filmfilm Jun

26、eJune 11th11th JuneJune 24th24th TodayToday isis _._. JanetJanet andand BenBen areare talkingtalking aboutabout theirtheir plans.plans. TheyThey areare goinggoing toto _ _. . MikeMikes s birthdaybirthday isis onon _ _ _ _._. TheyThey areare goinggoing toto hishis homehome forfor a a And

27、And theythey areare goinggoing toto _ _. . 五、板书设计五、板书设计 U Unitnit 3 3 WhatWhat isis thethe date?date? datedateWhatWhats s thethe date?date? I Importantmportant1 1ItIts s JanuaryJanuary 1 1 stst. . forgetforget2 2 ItIts s thethe firstfirst ofof January.January. farmfarmWeWerere goinggoing totoonon. . testtest meetingmeeting monthmonth



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