1、Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do? Listen and Speak 1 Ms. Otto: Today is the last day of our class.今天是学期的最后一天。 I want to hear your plans for the vacation.我想听听你们的 假期计划。 2 Ms. Otto: Do you have any plans for the vacation, Sandy?桑迪,你有 假期计划吗? Sandy: Yes. Im going to visit Wonderland with my family. 是的。我打算
2、和家人一起去游览温德星球。 3 Ms. Otto: Thats good. What are you going to do, Jane?很好。简,你 打算干什么? Jane: Im going to learn Chinese.我打算学习汉语。 Dongdong is going to help me.东东会帮助我的。 4 Ms. Otto: What about you, Cody?你呢,科迪? Cody: Im going to go to Australia.我打算去澳大利亚。 Ms. Otto: Good for you. You all have good plans.祝你们好运。
3、你们都 好计划。 5 Billy: Who lives in Australia?谁住在澳大利亚? Cody: My uncle lives there.我叔叔住在那里。 6 Sandy: What does your uncle do?你叔叔是干什么的? Cody: My uncle is a farmer and my aunt is a vet.我叔叔是一名农民, 我婶婶是兽医。 Jane: A vet?兽医? 7 Cody: Yeah. She takes care of animals.是的。她照顾动物。 Sandy: What are you going to do there?你
4、打算在那里干什么? Cody: Im going to feed the animals and go to the beach.我打算喂养动 物和去海滩。 8 Sandy: Great! Have a nice trip.太棒了!旅行愉快。 Cody: You, too. See you after the vacation.你也是。假期后再见。 Talk together 1 a Do you have any plans for the weekend?周末你有计划吗? Yes, I do.是的,我有。 Im going to go to a mountain.我打算去爬山。 b Do
5、you have any planes for Sunday?星期日你有计划吗? No, I dont.不,我没有。 Im going to stay home.我打算呆在家里。 c Do you have any plans for the vacation?假期你有计划吗? Yes, I do.是的,我有。 Im going to explore the moon.我打算探索月球。 2 a What does your brother do?你哥哥是干什么的? Hes a policeman.他是一名警察。 He works at a police station.他在警察局工作。 b W
6、hat does your sister do?你姐姐是干什么的? Shes a doctor.她是一名医生。 She takes care of sick people.她照顾病人。 c What does your father do?你爸爸是干什么的? Hes an astronaut.他是一名宇航员。 He flies in a spaceship.他驾驶宇宙飞船。 Read and Role-play 1 Do you have any plane for the vacation?假期你有计划吗? Yes. Im going to visit Wonderland.是的。我打算去游
7、览温德星球。 2 Im going to learn Chinese.我打算学习汉语。 Thats good.很好。 3 What are you going to do?你打算干什么? Im going to go to Australia.我打算去澳大利亚。 4 My uncle lives in Australia.我叔叔住在澳大利亚。 5 What does your uncle do?你叔叔是干什么的? My uncle is a farmer and my aunt is a vet.我叔叔是农民,我婶婶是 兽医。 She takes care of animals.她照顾动物。
8、6 What are you going to do there?你打算在那里干什么? Im going to feed the animals.我打算去喂养动物。 PartPart 2.2. LetsLets havehave funfun 1 1 . . ElementaryElementary SchoolSchool SophiaSophia Good afternoon, everybody! Im Chenchen, I come from Huanghe Elementary School, and very glad to share my teaching together
9、with everybody! I am going to talk about Lesson 3 “Shes a Vet”. Lets have fun 1. According to the kids English level and the suitable content(内容内容) in the daily life ,I give them some extra extending . To train their ability to communicate with the others in English, I prepare the following design:
10、WeWe talktalk aboutabout occupationoccupation ofof ourselvesourselves inin LessonLesson 2 2,andand thisthis LessonLesson wewe willwill askask aboutabout othersothers occupation.occupation. AccordingAccording toto thethe plansplans ofof thethe vacation,vacation, wewe cancan learnlearn TheThe FutureFu
11、ture Indefinite.Indefinite. PartPart 1 1、AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe teachingteaching materialmaterial First,First, teachingteaching aimsaims UnderstandUnderstand simplesimple dialoguedialogue aboutabout thethe planplan ofof vacation.vacation. 1.knowledge1.knowledge andand skillskill aimsaims : :(知
12、(知识识技能目技能目标标) ImproveImprove thethe abilityability ofof listeninglistening speakingspeaking andand reading.reading. 2.Equip2.Equip themthem withwith thethe emotionemotion ,attitude,attitude andand valuevalue goalsgoals : :(情感、(情感、态态度、价度、价值值目目标标) AccordingAccording toto thethe studystudy ofof thisthi
13、s lessonlesson, studentsstudents areare interestedinterested inin listening,listening, speakingspeaking andand playingplaying games.games. InIn groupgroup activities,activities, studentsstudents couldcould participateparticipate andand cooperate.cooperate. Second,Second, teachingteaching importancei
14、mportance PupilsPupils shouldshould knowknow thethe followingfollowing sentencesentence patternpattern: DoDo youyou havehave goodgood plansplans? YesYes, ImIm goinggoing toto visitvisit WonderWonder Land.Land. ImportantImportant wordswords:Plan,Plan, vacation,vacation, visitvisit Third,Third, diffic
15、ultdifficult pointspoints. 1.1. TheThe differentdifferent betweenbetween TheThe PresentPresent InfiniteInfinite andand TheThe FutureFuture Infinite.Infinite. 2.Train2.Train theirtheir abilityability ofof communicatingcommunicating withwith othersothers inin English.English. Forth,Forth, teachingteac
16、hing aidsaids recorderrecorder,Tape,Tape, WordWord cards,cards, MultimediaMultimedia Fifth,Fifth, teachingteaching andand learninglearning methodsmethods MethodMethod :TaskTask objectiveobjective teachingteaching method.method. PerformancePerformance andand gamesgames methods.methods. ThisThis lesso
17、nlesson isis basedbased onon teacher-ledteacher-led instructioninstruction andand studentsstudents asas thethe centre.centre. UseUse ofof groupgroup cooperativecooperative learninglearning approachapproach toto mastermaster thethe lessonlesson ofof learninglearning contentcontent InterestInterest is
18、is thethe bestbest teacherteacher ofof students.students. InterestingInteresting teachingteaching methodsmethods isis veryvery importantimportant forfor thethe pupils.pupils. ItsIts couldcould stimulatestimulate studentsstudents interestinterest inin learninglearning English.English. Children,Childr
19、en, isis characterizedcharacterized byby livelylively andand curious.curious. So,So, I I writewrite thethe wordword intointo poetry.poetry. ItIt isis easyeasy toto rememberremember, andand isis wellwell suitedsuited toto thethe characteristicscharacteristics ofof pupils.pupils. AndAnd thenthen leadl
20、ead studentsstudents toto learnlearn thethe knowledgeknowledge byby playingplaying gamesgames. PartPart 2 2、AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe learners.learners. WeWe areare facingfacing thethe 7 7 toto 8-year-old8-year-old littlelittle kids.kids. TheyThey havehave somesome understandingunderstanding ofof
21、 thethe EnglishEnglish language,language, atat thethe samesame timetime theythey fullfull ofof curiositycuriosity forfor newnew things.things. SoSo ,I ,I thinkthink thethe mostmost importantimportant thingthing forfor meme toto dodo isis toto attractattract theirtheir interestsinterests andand makem
22、ake themthem lovelove EnglishEnglish andand feelfeel confidentconfident inin thisthis subjectsubject .so.so ,I ,I willwill playplay somesome interestinginteresting gamesgames withwith them.them. wewe shouldshould notnot onlyonly focusfocus onon thethe languagelanguage pointpoint itselfitself ,but,bu
23、t alsoalso setset upup thethe realreal circumstancecircumstance wherewhere I I cancan encourageencourage themthem toto expressexpress themselvesthemselves betterbetter .What.What I I trytry mymy bestbest toto dodo isis toto arousearouse thethe kidskids interestsinterests andand protectprotect theirt
24、heir enthusiasmenthusiasm。 PartPart 3 3、AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe teachingteaching methodsmethods NewStandards sayssays thatthat duringduring thethe FoundationFoundation EducationEducation periodperiod ,the,the totaltotal goalgoal forfor EnglishEnglish lessonlesson isis toto improveimprove thethe
25、 pupilspupils abilityability ofof usingusing languagelanguage . .It promotes task teaching structure .According to the little kids physical and psychological characteristics of keeping curios , active and imitating and showing themselves . I adopt the “task researchconstruct ” teaching methods and o
26、rganize the class to focus on the importance and solve the difficulties . I I givegive thethe pupilspupils anan openopen andand relaxedrelaxed environmentenvironment inin whichwhich theythey cancan learnlearn toto observeobserve ,think,think andand discussdiscuss .during.during thisthis procedurepro
27、cedure ,the,the pupilspupils abilityability ofof thinkingthinking andand usingusing languagelanguage isis developeddeveloped veryvery wellwell . . This text is mainly used modern teaching methodsmulti-media teaching. It makes learning more interesting, improving the pupils delight and improving the
28、teaching effect. PartPart 4 4、AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe teachingteaching proceduresprocedures . . FirstFirst、warmingwarming upup . . WeWe beganbegan withwith tonguetongue twistertwister thisthis lesson:lesson: A A bigbig blackblack bugbug bitbit a a bigbig blackblack bear,bear, mademade thethe bi
29、gbig blackblack bearbear bleedbleed blood.blood. A A bigbig blackblack bugbug bitbit a a bigbig blackblack bear.bear. WheresWheres thethe bigbig blackblack bearbear thethe bigbig blackblack bugbug bit?bit? ThisThis tonguetongue twistertwister isis veryvery interesting,interesting, itit givesgives us
30、us toto createcreate a a relaxedrelaxed classroomclassroom atmosphere.atmosphere. ItIt refersrefers toto twotwo animals.animals. TheThe contentcontent willwill getget readyready forfor whatwhat theythey areare goinggoing toto learn.learn. Second,Second, guideguide thethe pupilspupils toto thethe mai
31、nmain teachingteaching pointspoints . . LeadLead toto newnew lessonlesson withwith thethe littlelittle animal.animal. AndAnd thenthen letlet thethe kidskids expressexpress themselvesthemselves plansplans inin thisthis holiday.holiday. ThroughThrough mymy guidance,guidance, itsits attractattract thet
32、he attentionattention ofof allall studentsstudents andand achieveachieve thethe purposepurpose ofof teachingteaching finally.finally. AndAnd developdevelop ideologicalideological quality,quality, emotionalemotional qualityquality andand EnglishEnglish languagelanguage quality.quality. Third,Third, t
33、hethe studystudy ofof newnew lesson.lesson. FirstFirst ofof all,all, thisthis lessonlesson requiresrequires studentsstudents toto mastermaster thethe generalgeneral usageusage ofof TheThe FutureFuture Infinite.Infinite. SoSo,I I willwill bebe explainingexplaining asas a a keykey whenwhen learninglea
34、rning the“Imthe“Im goinggoing toto ”.”. AsAs studentsstudents havehave beenbeen foundfound thethe wordswords theythey dodo notnot understandunderstand,eacheach ofof themthem willwill bebe solvedsolved fromfrom thethe listening,listening, speaking,speaking, reading,reading, writing,writing, andand ex
35、erciseexercise repeatedly.repeatedly. LanguageLanguage applicationsapplications isis especiallyespecially importantimportant ofof explainingexplaining thethe knowledge.knowledge. So,So, I I letlet studentsstudents understandunderstand thethe meaningmeaning ofof thethe dialoguedialogue inin thethe st
36、ory.Itstory.It arousearouse studentsstudents enthusiasm,enthusiasm, attractattract thethe attentionattention ofof allall studentsstudents andand achieveachieve thethe purposepurpose ofof teachingteaching finallyfinally,emotionalemotional qualityquality andand EnglishEnglish languagelanguage quality.
37、quality. Forth,Forth, timetime toto practicepractice forfor allall thethe classclass likingliking showsshows isis a a pupilspupils nature,nature, I I taketake advantageadvantage ofof thisthis featurefeature fullyfully toto enableenable studentsstudents toto performperform “Im“Im goinggoing to”.to”.
38、GiveGive studentsstudents enoughenough timetime toto practicepractice thethe focusfocus sentencessentences ofof thisthis lesson,lesson, thenthen formform smallsmall groupsgroups toto performanceperformance enableenable studentsstudents toto exerciseexercise languagelanguage byby performingperforming
39、. . MaybeMaybe thethe studentsstudents willwill askask thethe meaningmeaning ofof “going”.“going”. IllIll telltell themthem thatthat thethe meaningmeaning isis thatthat thingsthings willwill happenhappen inin thethe future.future. Fifth,Fifth, classroomclassroom estimateestimate PartPart 5 5、 Conclu
40、sionConclusion ThisThis lessonlesson cancan attractattract studentsstudents tightly,tightly, whetherwhether newnew knowledgeknowledge oror thethe designdesign ofof thethe game.game. I I believebelieve thatthat throughthrough thisthis teachingteaching thatthat studentsstudents fullfull participation,
41、participation, therethere willwill certainlycertainly bebe ableable toto successfullysuccessfully achieveachieve thethe tasktask ofof classroomclassroom teaching.teaching. TheThe aboveabove isis mymy littlelittle attemptattempt inin EnglishEnglish languagelanguage teaching,teaching, duedue toto a a
42、lacklack ofof experienceexperience inin thethe teachingteaching process,process, askedasked teacherteacher toto givegive guidance.guidance. PartPart 6 6、HomeworkHomework DrawDraw downdown thethe placeplace theythey wantwant toto gogo oror somethingsomething theythey wantwant toto do.do. LessonLesson
43、 3 3 ShesShes a a VetVet M: Today is the last day of our class. 学期的最后一天学期的最后一天 I want to hear your plants for the vacation. 我想听我想听 M: Do you have good plants for 有很好的计划有很好的计划 the vacation, Sandy? S: Yes. Im going to visit Wonder Land with my family. M: Thats good. What are you going 你打算做什么?你打算做什么? t
44、o do, Jane? J: Im going to learn Chinese. 学汉语学汉语 Dongdong will heap me. M: What about you, Cody? C: Im going to go to Australia. 去(场所)去(场所) M: Good for you. You all have good plants. 祝你愉快祝你愉快 你们都你们都 Unit3 一、单词讲解 1、visit vizit v. 拜访,访问,参观 visited Eg: visit sb/some place with sb 和某人去拜访某人、某地 2、learn l:
45、n v. 学习,获悉,记住、了解 learned learnt learn sth 学习某物 Learn from sb 向某人学习 Eg: Bob, you should learn from you brother. 3、farmer f:m n 农民农夫 4、vet vet n. 兽医 5、animal niml n. 动物 6、feed fi:d v. 喂,饲养, fed fed Feed the animals 喂养小动物 7、都指工作以外的不包括 vacation 美, 在英中表学校的假期 the summer vacation 暑假 度假:go on/ take a vacati
46、on 在度假: on vacation 周末或仅一天的假期 holiday 8、astronaut strn:t n. 宇航员 二、知识点 1、plan to do sth 计划做某事 Have good plan for sth 对、 、 、有好的计划 plans for the vacation 假期计划 2、do you have sth? 你有、 、 、 、 、 、吗? 3、be going to do sth 打算做某事/将要做某事 4、Thats good! 很好!真棒! 5、unclekl 伯,姑父,舅,叔,姨父 aunt :nt 伯母,姑,婶,姨 6、live in + 地点
47、居住在、 、 、 、 、 、 8、what do/does sb do? 、 、 、是做什么工作的? 9、take care of sb/sth 照顾、照料某人、物 语法:一般将来时:表示将来将要出现的动作或状态, 结构: will + do + sth 将要做某事 时间词:tomorrow, next Monday /week/ month / year, in a few minutes , in three days , this afternoon. 缩写:I will= Ill, you will = youll he will = hell 10、A OF B 句型 译为: B 的 A Eg: the last day of our class 本学期的最后一天 11、help sb do sth 帮助某人 12、Good for you! 祝你们愉快 13、go to a mountain 去爬山 stay home 呆在家里 explore ikspl: v. 探险,探测,探究 the moon 探索月球 14、go to the beach bi:t n. 海滩 去海滩 15、have a nice trip! 旅途愉快! 玩的愉快!