1、多多维维阅阅读读第第 4 4 级级 D D o o w w n n a at t t t h h e e W W a a t t e e r r h h o o l l e e 教学设计教学设计 学校学校 授课教师授课教师年级年级六六年级年级 文本解读 Down at the Waterhole 是多维阅读第 4 级中的一本科普类读物,属于人与自然主题,图文并 茂介绍了在四个时间段里,四种非洲动物(大象、狮子、老鹰和长颈鹿)的生活作息习惯。时态是 一般现在时和现在进行时。全文 126 字,生词 5 个,相关配图和文本语境有利于学生猜测词义。 学情分析 授课班级学生对世界好奇,关心自然,对绘本内
2、容感兴趣,并具有一定的语言与信息基础。此 绘本的时态是一般现在时和现在进行时,对于六年级的学生,语法程度匹配。新单词有 5 个,学生 可以通过联系上下文和看图猜出词义。学生有 Phonics 基础,可以通过规则拼读新单词。学生可以用 英语描述动物的形态和习性,也在其他的课外阅读中了解过相关动物的生活,学生在动物话题方面 的已有知识储备对本节课的学习起到了良好的助力作用。 教学目标 1.能通过小组拼图阅读和个人默读两种方式理解文本大意,提取关键信息 2.能根据任务单,梳理和复述动物的作息习惯 3.能根据图文和常识,思考动物行为背后的逻辑并发表个人见解。 4.能运用 KWL 表格,整理新旧知识 教
3、学重难点 重点:帮助学生理解文本大意,提取关键信息,引导学生思考并发表见解 难点:帮助学生梳理和复述文本内容,为学生提供相应的语言支持和思维引导 教学资源 绘本、任务单、KWL 表格、电脑、希沃白板 教学过程 教学活动教学活动设计意图设计意图 Warm Up (2mins) Introduce Fiction and Nonfiction让学生了解绘本的分类:虚构类和百科类。 Pre reading (10mins) 1. Cover reading 2. Picture Tour:Prediction 3. Brainstorm about elephants with KWL Form(
4、like to eat, 封面介绍培养学生阅读顺序的习惯。 图片环游培养学生从图片提取信息和预测文本的 能力,激发学生的学习兴趣。 让学生从 5 个方面思考大象的习性,补充新知, 引起学生学习兴趣。运用 KWL 表格( What I Know/ can/cant do, age, habitat, family leader) 4. Readandguessabout giraffes/hawk/lions What I Want to know/ What I Learned)的前两格对大象 进行记录,为最后一个活动做示范和铺垫。 通过猜谜语,引出绘本另外三个动物,并帮助学 生了解动物的冷知
5、识。 1. Group Work: Jigsaw Reading 1)Read and Share 2)Report 3) Summary 拼图阅读是小组内每个同学分别阅读两个句子, 然后通过组内互动,把零碎的句子在图画的提示下还 原成绘本的内容,培养学生的逻辑分析能力和小组合 作能力。 检测学习成果,通过提问引起注意,教授新知。 小结帮助学生梳理和巩固新知。 2. Self Work: Silent Reading 1) Read P.6-15 Tick and Think “ Why?” 2) Report While reading (15mins) 3) Read out loud 任
6、务单有助学生梳理新知。学生进行个人默读, 寻找相关信息,勾选任务单内容,并思考动物行为背 后的逻辑关系。 通过提问,检测学生个人学习与思考的效果,通 过提问引起注意,教授新知 朗读绘本帮助学生加深对绘本的熟悉程度,为复 述作铺垫。 Post Reading (13mins) 1. Think-Pair-Share about one animals routine 2. Summary Wherearetheseanimals from? Whyisthisbookcalled Down at the Waterhole ? Which one do you think is lazy or
7、hard-working and why? 3. Finish the KWL form 看图复述难度递进。学生选择一种动物描述其日 常作息,先思考再与同伴分享。 最后的小结帮助学生理解绘本的背景,并提供机 会让学生表达自己的想法。 继续使用 KWL 表格小结What I Learned,鼓励学 生使用此表格来整理阅读绘本以后的收获。 Two Types (种类类)of Books: 1. Fiction 虚构类类 2. NonNonfiction 科普类类 Fiction: Fiction: cartoonscartoons and and storiesstories NonNonfict
8、ion: fiction: factfact ( (事事实实实实)and and sciencescience title author publisher nonfictionnonfiction like to eat like to eat Can you guess from the cover(封面)what the book is about? What do you What do you knowknow about elephants? about elephants? salt 30-50 years Asia and Africa Grandm a What else d
9、o you What else do you want to knowwant to know about elephants? about elephants? There are 3 more animals.guess what they are? Usually, it is yellow and brown, but not always, it can be white too! It can run very fast. It can live with no water for months. It sleeps for only 2 hours every night. It
10、 is very quiet , it doesnt make noise. Its tongue is 50 cm long. Its neck is 2.4 metres long. Read and Guess - Animal BRead and Guess - Animal B Read and Guess - Animal CRead and Guess - Animal C lIt lives in the forests. lIt usually goes out at day time. lIt stays at “home” at night. lIt eats birds
11、 and small animals. lIt has very good eyes and it can see clearly far away. lIt can be 30 years old. hawkhawk They always go out with their family. Mommy goes hunting (猎猎捕)and Daddy stays at home. They sleep 20 hours every day. They have a very loud voice. They can see very well in the dark( at nigh
12、t). They are scary animals. Read and Guess - Animal Read and Guess - Animal D D lion lioness mane Group Work: Read and MatchGroup Work: Read and Match 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7/10 7/10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Summary: timeanimalactivity morning (6AM)elephantslook for salt lions drink water at the giraffes waterhole haw
13、k go to a nest in the tree Read by Yourself: tick and think “Read by Yourself: tick and think “whywhy?”?” Page 6-15Page 6-15 liones s Read Out LoudRead Out Loud review new words think: Where are these animals from? Where are these animals from? Why is this book called Why is this book called Down at
14、 the Waterhole Down at the Waterhole ? ? Think-Pair-ShareThink-Pair-Share : : choose 1 animal and talk about its rountinechoose 1 animal and talk about its rountine Page 16Page 16 Summary Where are these animals from?Where are these animals from? Why is this book called Why is this book called Down
15、at the Waterhole Down at the Waterhole ? ? Which one do you think is Which one do you think is lazylazy or or hard-working hard-working and and whywhy? ? They are from Africa They are from Africa ! Because animals like to live near water. Because animals like to live near water. Water is very import
16、ant in their life! Water is very important in their life! Think and Write:Think and Write:Think and Write: choose one animal fromchoose one animal from elephants/giraffesgiraffes/lionslionslionslions/the hawk Homework u share with a friend about the animal rountines u choose 1 animal and finish the KWL form u go on the internet and look for answers