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1,本文(教科版(广州)六下Module 4 Good manners-Unit 8 The magic words-Story time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:30458).docx)为本站会员(老黑)主动上传,163文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。
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教科版(广州)六下Module 4 Good manners-Unit 8 The magic words-Story time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:30458).docx

1、ModuleModule 4 4 GoodGood mannersmanners 第六课时第六课时 StoryStory timetime 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 六年级下册 Module 4 第六课时是完成课本的教学内容 Story time 并对整个模块的回顾复习及拓展,前面五节课学生已经学习了 各场所和不同国家的不同礼仪规范,所以本课先通过 Chant,Free talk 和 Game 口头复习前五课所学习的核心词组和句型(听说);结合 三字经中的故事去启迪学生拥有正确的礼仪孝悌(听读说); 结合书本 第 48 页的故事,让学生在表演中完善自己的行为礼貌(听读

2、说);通 过拓展的文本阅读让学生们再次感受礼仪规范的必要性和重要性(听 说读写);最终在小组合作中完成不同场景下的文明礼仪行为规范建 议(说写)。本课将德育和英语教学结合,让学生理解和感受 Keeping good manners 必要性和重要性,激发他们对个人行为礼仪的追求, 小组合作完成最终的建议, 培养了学生学习能力和语言综合运用能力, 最终达成语言知识的输出。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 六年级下学期的学生经过前五年半的英语学习,学生积累了一定 的语言基础。同时在前面五个课时的学习下,学生基本上能够运用核 心句型如 Please dont. should/shouldnt.Its

3、the polite/impolitethingto.Whatwillyoudoif /whenseedoing?等和同伴进行交流回答。 这些都为本节课的主 题“Keeping good manners”的理解和学习奠定了厚实的基础。其次, 学生通过本模块的学习, 能在小组合作中完成一份关于礼仪规范的综 合建议卡,这进一步培养了学生良好的英语语言素养。 三、课时教学目标三、课时教学目标 1.语用任务 能综合运用本模块的核心词汇和句型进行交流; 能综合运用所学 知识,小组合作完成各场景各地域行为文明礼仪行为规范建议卡。 2.语言知识与技能。 (1)复习巩固本模块所学过的核心词汇和句型。 (2)听

4、懂理解关于英文文本。 (3)理解并改编表演课本 48 页的 Story time。 (4)理解新的文本并能自主或者合作方式完成相关练习。 (5)小组合作完成行为礼仪规范建议卡。 3. 核心素养目标 (1)培养学生养成文明礼仪,遵守公共规范的习惯,要知道讲文明讲 礼貌是中国的优良传统和社会主义核心教育观。 (2)通过一系列的学习任务,鼓励学生积极参与活动和积极学习英 语的兴趣,增加了学生用英语表达的自信。 (3)在师生互动的活动中,加强教师的亲和力,增进彼此的了解和 沟通,充分发挥情感教学的优势。 4. 学习策略 视听结合,感受文本;通过对话和角色扮演,加深学习内容和深 化教育,在这个过程中注意

5、小组合作。 四、教学过程及文本四、教学过程及文本 话题:Story time课时:第六课时课型:拓展课 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 Pre-task1.Lets have a chant. 2.Free talk. 3.Play a game: Sharp eyes. 4.Play a video about“ Three character primer ”. 1.Chant. 2.Talkwith Teacher. 3.Read out the sentenceswith the pictures as quickly as they can. 4.Watchand thi

6、nk. 1.复习巩固核心 词组。 2.检查巩固运用 所学核心词汇和 句型。 3.通过游戏复习 本模块所学的所 学核心词汇和句 型。 4.通过观看“三 字经”视频,让 学生感受礼仪孝 悌,引出其中孔 融让梨的故事。 While-task5.Show pictures 5.Listen to the5.借助图片锻练 andtellthe story 孔融让梨 in English. 6.Let Ss retell it ,Then sum up the idea. 7.Show the video about the story Aki the alien 8.Let students talk

7、about what Aki should say is good manners, then let them act the story in good manners. 9.Let students story and think the question. 6. Fill the blanks ,think and learn. 7. Watch the video about the story and answer the questions. 8.Team work: Talk about what Aki should say is good manners in groups

8、, then have a show with the polite words. 9.Read the 学生的听力,感 受礼仪孝悌。 6.完成练习,引 发思考,让德育 跟英语教学紧密 相连。 7.让学生看懂理 解书本 48 页的故 事,培养学生的 阅读理解能力。 8. 小 组 讨 论 给 Aki 换上不同台 词,让他变得有 礼貌并表演。这 个过程提高了同 学之间互相协作 解 决 问 题 的 能 力,启发并培养 学生使用文明语 言的良好习惯。 9.提供贴近生活 read a passage No one knows us here. 10.Read the passage again and

9、finish the exercise in groups. in groups. 11. Let students talk about the passages,then act the story in good manners passage by themselves. 10.Team work: Retell the passage by filling in the blanks. 11.Team work: Find out the impolit actions and words,then recompose it and act the passage. 的文本,通过阅

10、读锻炼学生对语 篇的理解能力, 感 受 Keep good manners 的 必 要 性和重要性。 10.小组完成学 习任务的过程提 高了同学之间互 相协作解决问题 的能力。 11.小组讨论把文 本中不同场景事 用礼貌的行为和 语言表演出来。 提高同学之间互 相协作解决问题 能力,也培养学 生文明语言和行 为的良好习惯。 Post-task12. Let the Ss discuss and write down the suggestions about differert manners in different places. 13.Lets show. 14. Sum up. 12.

11、 Finish the suggestions in groups. 13.Show and read their suggestions in class . 14. Sum up. 12.通过小组活 动激发学生学习 兴趣,巩固本模 块所学知识,并 综合运用到实际 中。 13.鼓励展示和 分享,提高学生 综合语言运用能 力。 14.帮助学生建 立良好道德观。 AssignmentShare the suggestions with parents. 板 书 设 计 Module 4 Period 6Keeping good manners M Magic words:please Thank

12、 you Sorry May/Can I? Excuse me, 文本一 Long ago,there was a little child. His name was Kongrong . Kongrong had five older brothers and a younger brother. One day, Kongrongs father brought some pears home. He asked Kongrong to choose one first. Kongrong chose the smallest one for himself. His father as

13、ked him why. He said, “I am young,so I should have the smallest one.” “But your little brother is younger than you. Why didnt you give him the smallest?”His father asked. Kongrong answered“He is so young, so I should leave a bigger one to him.”His father liked Kongrong because he always thought abou

14、t others first. Retell the story.根据文本信息复述课文。根据文本信息复述课文。 pearssmallestyounga bigger oneothers first Long ago,there was a little child. His name was Kongrong . Kongrong had five older brothers and a younger brother. One day, Kongrongs father brought somehome. He asked Kongrong to choose one first. Kon

15、grong chose theone for himself. His father asked him why. He said, “I am,so I should have theone.” “But your little brother is younger than you. Why didnt you give him the smallest?”His father asked.Kongronganswered“Heissoyoung,soIshouldleave to him.”His fatherliked Kongrongbecausehe alwaysthought a

16、bout. 文本二 Ming and his wife May were visiting London for the first time. In the restaurant,Ming talked very loudly. May:Ming,please dont speak so loudly.The others are all looking at you. Ming:Dont worry,no one knows us here. In the street,Ming spat on the ground. May:Ming,you shouldnt do that! Ming

17、: Dont worry,no one knows us here! In the hotel room,Ming ate in bed. May:Dont eat in bed.You may spill your juice on the sheet! Ming:Dont worry,no one sees us! Ming:Let me write something to show that I have been here. May:You cant do that! Ming:Dont worry,no one sees us! He wrote“Ming and May have

18、 been here”on a painting on the wall. The next morning,they are checking out of the hotel. Receptionist:Sorry,you should pay 120 pounds more. Ming:Why? Receptionist:You spilled juice on the bed sheet,It will take 20 pounds to wash it.You wrote on the paiting in your room.We have to replace it with a

19、 new one.It will take 100 pounds. ( spill 溅出 sheet 床单have been here 到此一游replace 替换) Fill in the blanks according to the passage.根据短文内容填空根据短文内容填空 。 wrote on a paintingnot to speak loudly ate in bedpay 120 pounds more spat on the groundthought no one knew that Ming and his wife May visited England for

20、 the first time. May asked Mingin the restaurant ,but Ming he didnt listen because he. While walking in the street, Ming. This made May very angry. When they went back to the hotel, Ming. He thought no one knew that.And he alsoin the room! The next day when they checked out ,the receptionist told Ming he mustfor the sheet he spilled and the painting on which he wrote!



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