1、 t ? ? Im hungry. Im hungry. Im hungry. I want rice and vegetables. I want rice and vegetables. I want rice and vegetables. Im hungry. I want rice and vegetables. Here you are. Im hungry. I want rice and vegetables. Here you are. Im hungry. I want rice and vegetables. Here you are. l Im hungry. l I
2、want l Here you are. l Do you like ? l Yes, I do. /No, I dont. l Thank you. Yummy, Yummy Food Pictures by Eric Carle Im hungry. I want noodles. Yummy, yummy! Im hungry. I want rice. Hum, yummy! Im hungry. I want chicken. Yummy , yummy! Im hungry. I want chicken. Yummy, yummy! Im hungry. I want fish.
3、 Hum, yummy! Im hungry. I want eggs. Yummy, yummy! Im hungry. I want vegetables. Hum, yummy! Im hungry. I want noodles. Yummy, yummy! Im hungry. I want chicken. Yummy, yummy! Im hungry. I want fish. Hum, yummy! Im hungry. I want eggs. Yummy, yummy! Im hungry. I want vegetables. Hum, yummy! Im hungry
4、. I want rice. Hum, yummy! Clean your plate. 光盘行动光盘行动 From this lesson,we know food is very important for us. So we should cherish the food and away from the waste . 通过今天的课程,让我们知道食物对我们 是很重要的,所以我们应该珍惜食物,远离 浪费! summary 1. Listen and repeat Part A & B. 听并跟读听并跟读P31AP31A,B B部分。部分。 2. Try to use the langu
5、age at home. 运用所学语言进行交流。运用所学语言进行交流。 教教 学学 设设 计计 一、教学目标 知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标: 1.1. 学生能够正确理解本课功能句学生能够正确理解本课功能句 I Im m hungry.hungry. I I wantwant andand 的含义。的含义。 2.2. 能在理解功能句的基础上在恰当的情境中运用语言与同伴能在理解功能句的基础上在恰当的情境中运用语言与同伴 进行交流。进行交流。 3.3. 能与同伴和谐有效地进行小组合作。能与同伴和谐有效地进行小组合作。 过程与方法目标:过程与方法目标:通过游戏、通过游戏、ChantChant、小组合
6、作等多种形式、小组合作等多种形式, ,培培 养学生在语境中正确运用功能句型的交际能力。养学生在语境中正确运用功能句型的交际能力。 情感态度与价值观目标:情感态度与价值观目标:在教学中自然培养爱惜粮食的良好品在教学中自然培养爱惜粮食的良好品 质。质。 二、教学重点:二、教学重点: 1 1学生能够正确理解本课功能句学生能够正确理解本课功能句 ImIm hungry.hungry. I I wantwant andand 的含义。的含义。 2 2能在理解功能句的基础上在恰当的情境中运用语言与同伴进能在理解功能句的基础上在恰当的情境中运用语言与同伴进 行交流。行交流。 三、教学难点:三、教学难点:学生
7、能够在野餐的综合运用活动中学生能够在野餐的综合运用活动中, ,用本课功能用本课功能 句与同伴进行交流。句与同伴进行交流。 四、教具准备:四、教具准备:多媒体课件,图片,卡片多媒体课件,图片,卡片 五、学情分析:五、学情分析:本节课的授课对象是一年级学生。该年龄段的本节课的授课对象是一年级学生。该年龄段的 小学生思维形式以具体形象思维为主小学生思维形式以具体形象思维为主, ,有意注意力保持时间短有意注意力保持时间短, ,课堂课堂 上需要用多种教学活动来吸引学生的注意力。上小学后上需要用多种教学活动来吸引学生的注意力。上小学后, ,他们又学他们又学 习了习了 School,School, Face
8、,Face, Animals,Animals, Numbers,Numbers, Colors,Colors, Fruit,Fruit, Classroom,Classroom, Room,Room, ToysToys 等话题等话题, ,本课所学的食物与之前所学的动物本课所学的食物与之前所学的动物 类的词汇有较为密切的关联。类的词汇有较为密切的关联。 六、教学策略:六、教学策略:在教师的指导下,进行小组合作学习,将各种在教师的指导下,进行小组合作学习,将各种 形式的活动有机融入语言学习过程中,培养学生合作意识,提高学形式的活动有机融入语言学习过程中,培养学生合作意识,提高学 习兴趣。习兴趣。
9、七、教学过程设计:七、教学过程设计: StepStep One:One: LeadingLeading in(in(导入、快乐热身、复习旧知导入、快乐热身、复习旧知) ) 1.1. Greeting.Greeting. 2.2. LetLets s chantchant aboutabout foodfood withwith actions.actions.(导入)(导入) StepStep Two:Two: NewNew lesson.(lesson.(讲授、讲练新课讲授、讲练新课) ) 1.1.(出示老虎视频后师戴老虎头饰)(出示老虎视频后师戴老虎头饰)I Im m a a tiger.
10、tiger. ImIm hungry.hungry. Oh,Oh, soso muchmuch deliciousdelicious food.(food.(师看着讲台上的食物卡师看着讲台上的食物卡 片片)Can)Can youyou telltell meme thethe names?(names?(师举起每一张食物卡片,生说师举起每一张食物卡片,生说 食物名字,师模仿食物名字,师模仿)Im)Im soso hungry.Ihungry.I wantwant andand Um,yummy.Um,yummy. ImIm fullfull now,now, butbut mymy frien
11、dfriend BinbinBinbin isis hungry.hungry. So,So, hishis familyfamily areare goinggoing toto havehave dinner.dinner. ( (呈现呈现 A A 部分主题图部分主题图) ) Listen,whatListen,what areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? LetsLets looklook atat thethe video.video. (Watch(Watch thethe videovideo ofof PartPart A)A)
12、 Now,letsNow,lets readread afterafter BinbinBinbin . . “Im“Im hungry.”(hungry.”(带动作领读,板书,提问部带动作领读,板书,提问部 分学生带动作读分学生带动作读) ) “I“I wantwant ricerice andand vegetables.”vegetables.” ( 领读,领读, 板书,运用食物卡片提问部分学生读,替换食物卡片读)板书,运用食物卡片提问部分学生读,替换食物卡片读) WhatWhat doesdoes hishis mommom say?“Heresay?“Here youyou are.
13、”(are.”(板书板书, ,领读领读) ) WhoWho cancan saysay itit withwith action?action? ( (提问部分学生带动作读提问部分学生带动作读)A)A studentstudent comescomes herehere please.Implease.Im hungry.hungry. I I wantandwantand (师看着讲(师看着讲 台上的食物卡片,引导学生用台上的食物卡片,引导学生用 HereHere youyou are.are.进行交流。进行交流。 ) 2.Practice2.Practice thethe dialogue
14、dialogue inin pairs.pairs. StepStep Three:Three: Consolidation.Consolidation. ( (活动、综合运用活动、综合运用) ) SpringSpring isis coming,coming, letslets havehave a a picnic.picnic. (PPT(PPT 呈现野餐图片呈现野餐图片) ) Look,Look, whatwhat cancan youyou seesee inin thethe picture?picture? LetsLets gogo forfor a a picnic.picn
15、ic. ( (与三名学生一起给全班做示范与三名学生一起给全班做示范)Now)Now letslets makemake thethe dialoguedialogue withwith thethe foodfood cardscards inin youryour group.(group.(小组操练小组操练) ) WhichWhich groupgroup cancan show?show?(小组运用教师已准备的仿真食物到讲(小组运用教师已准备的仿真食物到讲 台前表演对话)台前表演对话) StepStep FourFour: : ReadingReading picturepicture
16、book.book. ( (绘本阅读绘本阅读) ) 1.Youre1.Youre goodgood job.job. TheThe animalsanimals areare comingcoming now.now. Look,Look, whatwhat areare they?they? LetsLets chantchant aboutabout animals,OK?animals,OK? ( (带动作说带动作说 chant)chant) DoDo youyou likelike animals?animals? IllIll telltell youyou a a storysto
17、ry aboutabout animals.animals. ItsIts namename isis Yummy,Yummy, yummyyummy food.food. ReadRead thethe storystory forfor studentsstudents pagepage byby page.page. ( (师带动作讲故事师带动作讲故事) ) LetsLets readread thethe storystory together!together! DoDo youyou likelike thethe story?story? WhatWhat animalsanim
18、als inin thethe story?story? WhatWhat foodfood dodo theythey like?like? LetsLets actact thethe animals.(animals.(生戴动物头饰讲故事生戴动物头饰讲故事) ) 2.All2.All youyou hungryhungry childrenchildren comecome andand eateat itit up.up. CleanClean youryour plate,please.plate,please. (Show(Show PPT)PPT) CleanClean your
19、your plate.plate. FromFrom thisthis lesson,lesson, wewe knowknow foodfood isis veryvery importantimportant forfor us.us. SoSo wewe shouldshould cherishcherish thethe foodfood andand awayaway fromfrom thethe waste.(waste.(学生表学生表 演动物故事的尾声进行德育渗透演动物故事的尾声进行德育渗透) ) StepStep Five:Five: Homework.(Homework.(作业作业) ) 1 1ListenListen andand repeatrepeat PartPart A A & & B.B. ( (听并跟读听并跟读 P31A,BP31A,B 部分。部分。) ) 2 2TryTry toto useuse thethe languagelanguage atat home.home. ( (试着在家运用所学语言试着在家运用所学语言 进行交流。进行交流。) ) 八、板书设计:八、板书设计: