1、 FenYiNo.1PrimarySchool Xiaqin Name:SummerName:Summer I I likelike: Traveling(Traveling(旅行)旅行) TakingTaking photosphotos SwimmingSwimming spring summer autumn winter 空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。 明月松间照,清泉石上流。 山居秋暝 孤舟蓑笠翁, 独钓寒江雪。 江雪 接天莲叶无穷碧, 映日荷花别样红。 晓出净慈寺送林子方 读诗猜季节 summer fall/autumn winter 春色满园关不住, 一枝红杏出墙来。 游园不值 spr
2、ing Free talk Whats your favourite food ? My favourite food is . Whats your favourite fruit ? My favourite fruit is . Whats your favourite season ? My favourite season is . “30 Seconds Non-stop Talking”: (30秒连续说)秒连续说) WhatdoyouthinkofSEASON? 规则:规则: 30秒钟内,在秒钟内,在6人小组内说一说与人小组内说一说与season 有关的词汇,如有关的词汇,如季
3、节名称、天气情况、景色、季节名称、天气情况、景色、 活动活动等,说得越多越好。等,说得越多越好。 (30秒连续说秒连续说) hotandsunny eaticecream goswimming coldandsnowy makeasnowman Christmas warmandrainny beautifulflowers goonapicnic coolandwindy pickapples goldenleaves 树叶leaf的复数 WhichseasondoesRobinlike best? WhichseasondoesRobinlike? Spring. Summer. Autu
4、mn. Winter. All the four seasons. Task1:Readquicklyandtick. (任务1:快速阅读,选择并打 ) 1minute! Underlinethekeysentences! (1分钟快速阅读!) (划出答案关键句!) Hi!ImRobin! Go 4812162024283236404448525660 Ilikespringbecausethere arebeautifulflowers everywhere. Wow!Iwantto paintapicture,too! Ilikesummer, butIcantswim. Ilikewin
5、terbecauseI canplayinthesnow. Lookatthegreentrees andpinkflowers. Theweatherishot,hot, hot! Whatlovelycolours!Theleaves fallandfallandfall.Ilove fall! Thereislotsofsnow. Itiswhiteeverywhere. The last ”fall” means_. 最后的最后的 autumn coolprettycute Ilikespringbecausethere arebeautifulflowers everywhere.
6、Wow!Iwantto paintapicture,too! Ilikesummer, butIcantswim. IlikewinterbecauseI canplayinthesnow. Lookatthegreentrees andpinkflowers. Theweatherishot,hot, hot! Whatlovelycolours!Theleaves fallandfallandfall.Ilove fall! Thereislotsofsnow. Itiswhiteeverywhere. Robinlikesthemall! Task2:Readandfillinthefo
7、rms. (任务2:默读或小声朗读,并完成表格 ) Underlinethekeysentences withwavylines! (用波浪线划出答案关键句!) SeasonWhy does Robin like? Spring Summer Autumn Winter Because there are beautiful flowers everywhere. Ilikespringbecausethereare beautifulflowerseverywhere. Task2:Readandfillintheforms. (任务2:默读或小声朗读,并完成表格 ) SeasonWhy d
8、oes Robin like? Spring Summer Autumn Winter Because there are beautiful flowers everywhere. . Because the leaves fall and fall and fall. What lovely colours! Whatlovelycolours!Theleaves fallandfallandfall.Ilovefall! Wow!Iwantto paintapicture,too! The colours are very beautiful. (draw ) Task2:Readand
9、fillintheforms. (任务2:默读或小声朗读,并完成表格 ) SeasonWhy does Robin like? Spring Summer Autumn Winter Because there are beautiful flowers everywhere. Because . Because the leaves fall and fall and fall. What lovely colours. Because he can play in the snow. IlikewinterbecauseI canplayinthesnow. Task3:Readandch
10、oose. (任务3:读一读,选一选 ) C.Lookatthegreen treesandpink flowers. B.Theweatheris hot,hot,hot! A.Whatlovelycolours! Theleavesfalland fallandfall. D.Thereislotsof snow.Itiswhite everywhere. (much许多) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) ACDB Readby yourselves. (自由朗读) Task4:Readit better. (任务4:朗读更进一步) Pause(停顿) Stress (重音
11、) Intonation (声调) Thereislotsofsnow. Ilikespringbecausethereare beautifulflowerseverywhere. Lookatthegreentreesandpink flowers. Robinlikesthemall! Ilikesummer,butIcantswim. Theweatherishot,hot,hot! Whatlovelycolours!Theleaves fallandfallandfall.Ilovefall! Wow!Iwantto paintapicture,too! Ilikewinterbe
12、causeI canplayinthesnow. Thereislotsofsnow.Itiswhite everywhere. Ilikespringbecausethere arebeautifulflowers everywhere. Wow!Iwantto paintapicture,too! Ilikesummer, butIcantswim. IlikewinterbecauseI canplayinthesnow. Lookatthegreentrees andpinkflowers. Theweatherishot,hot, hot! Whatlovelycolours!The
13、leaves fallandfallandfall.Ilove fall! Thereislotsofsnow. Itiswhiteeverywhere. Robinlikesthemall! Readbyyourselves(自由朗读 ) Whichseasondoyoulikebest?Why? Completethesentence. Ilike_best, because_. summer Icaneaticecream Writeapoemaboutyourfavouriteseason. (写一首小诗:最喜欢的季节。写一首小诗:最喜欢的季节。) MyMyfavouritefavou
14、riteseasonseason I Ilikelikebest.best. is is. . is is. . ThereThereareare. . I Icancan. . It Itis issosonicenicetoto. . , ,. . I Iloveloveyou!you! MyMyfavouritefavouriteseasonseason I Ilikelikespringspringbest.best. SpringSpringis iswarmwarm. . SpringSpringis israinyrainy. . ThereTherearearegreengre
15、entreestrees. . I Icancanflyflykiteskites. . It Itis issosonicenicetotoflyflykiteskites. . SpringSpring, ,springspring. . I Iloveloveyou!you! Eachseasonhasitsuniquebeauty, letsenjoyit! (每个季节都有它独特的美,让我们尽情享受吧) Impressionspring 印象春天印象春天 Impressionsummer 印象夏天印象夏天 Impressionautumn 印象秋天印象秋天 Impressionwint
16、er 印象冬天印象冬天 FenYiisabeautifulcity. Inspring,therearegreentreesand lovelyflowers.Wecanflykitesinthepark. Wecanpickstrawberries,too. Insummer,itshot.Wecanswim. Wecaneaticecream,too. Itscoolinfall.Wecangoonapicnicand pickpears. Sometimesitsnowsinwinter.Wecanplay inthesnowandmakeasnowman. Oh,whatcolourf
17、ulseasons! LetLetssrememberremember l c 1.ListenandreadP19. (听录音,朗读,请注意语音语调。)(听录音,朗读,请注意语音语调。) 2.Trytotalkabout“SeasonsinFenYi” withfriends.(谈论分宜的四季。)(谈论分宜的四季。) 3.S aboutyourfavouriteseason.(给我写封邮件关给我写封邮件关 于你最喜欢的季节于你最喜欢的季节) Unit 2 My favourite season Part B Read and write 教学设计 1、整体设计思路、指导依据说明 本节课的设计
18、主要依据教材内容及五年级学生的年龄特点,充分体 现新课标下倡导:让学生在教师指导下,通过感知、体验、参与和 做等方式实现任务型目标,感受“成功”的理念。 2、教学背景分析 教学内容分析:本节课学生在掌握了四个季节,并初步学会了表达 自己最喜欢的季节及原因的基础上完成本篇阅读理解,回答相关问 题,进一步提升至写作,谈论自己最喜欢的季节。 3、学生情况分析 学生已学习两年左右的英语,在听说读写方面具有一定能力,但让 学生将本单元所学的简单表达连贯的完成一篇写作,对学生来说有 一定难度,需在本课中进一步引导、练习。 4、教学目标分析 本单元知识和能力目标:要求学生能够用英文表达四个季节以及每 个季节
19、可以做的事情,按正确的意群及语音、语调朗读相应对话及 短文,并能将所学内容应用于实际生活。 本节课的教学目标为:学生能够在图片的帮助下读懂短文并能完成 短文下面所给题目,能够理解 all,lots of,everywhere,fall,leaf(leaves), lovely 的意思,能够按照意群朗读短文;最后用写作的方式来介绍自 己最喜欢的季节。 情感态度、文化意识目标:要求通过本单元内容的设计,能够拉近 学生与自然界的距离,培养学生热爱大自然,热爱家乡,增强环保 意识。 学习策略目标:学生能够在教师的引导下再次谈论最喜欢的季节, 并应用于写作。 5、教学重点、难点分析 教学重点:能读懂“R
20、ead and write”部分,并完成选择和填空任务, 复习本单元的主要词汇和句型。 教学难点:综合运用本单元的核心词汇和句型进行写作。 6、教学方法:任务型教学和 PWP 阅读教学模式。 7、教学过程设计: Before class ,let students enjoy a song ,and write down the words in the song (设计意图:课前准备时间,让学生通过欣赏一首节奏优美,并与本 节课 season 有关的歌曲,放松上课前的紧张情绪,听歌的过程中学 生集中精力记录下歌曲中的单词,在放松的氛围中学习,为即将开 始的课程做好准备。) Step 1:Wa
21、rm up(3mins) T: In this class,I have some gifts for you .Do you like gifts? Ss: Yes ,I do . T: Ok,Lets see gift one is a song.Lets sing and do the action together.Are you ready?Lets begin. (设计意图:通过一首Seasons song for children歌曲与动作活跃课 堂气氛,教师与学生一起边唱边做,也可以拉近与学生的距离,让 学生在活动中复习有关四季的单词和句型,为本节课做铺垫。) Step 2 R
22、evision and presentation(20mins) T:Do you like this song?I have another gift.Lets see gift two .Look ,its a Robot,can you guess who is she?Lets look and listen. (通过机器人图片及机器人录音,引出老师的个人信息几爱好,激起 学生的好奇心及学习积极性,同时也为本节课的主人公 Robin 后面 的出现埋下伏笔。也由老师的爱好拍照引出四季图片,与生活实际 紧密联系起来描述四季,练习本单元的单词和句型。) T:Do you like my ph
23、otos? Thank you , now you know something about me,I want to know something about you 1. Whats your favourite food? My favourite food is. 2. Whats your favourite fruit? My favourite fruit is. 3. Whats your favourite season? My favourite season is. T: Ok ,boys and girls ,in this part ,you have 30 seco
24、nds to talk about what do you think about “season”,I will invite some students to share your words about season to us. Ss:. T: Very good,just now you shared your words about season,now lets see my words about season. (通过 Free talk 引出本节课的句型,并通过思维导图的方式出示四季 有关的单词和词汇,并用句型串联起来,加深本单元词汇和句型的 学习,并将后面新知融入复习阶段
25、,提前将重难点教授给学生。) T: Now Lets guess which season is it from our Chinese poems. (通过学生对中国古诗的理解来猜其描述的季节,进一步巩固本单 元的内容。 ) T: We have learned and reviewed some words and phrases about season,now lets make some sentences. I like .best,because./ I can. 将零散的句子和短语串联成句子,为后面的短文理解及写作做铺垫 T:We talked about our favour
26、ite season.Do you still remember our friend Robin? Lets see which sea does Robin like .First,lets say hello to Robin. Task 1:Read quickly and tick 通过快速阅读,让学生初步感知文章大意,找到文章的关键句,并 教会学生学会利用关键词和句子来帮助阅读,并完成课本练习。 Task 2: Read and fill in the forms. T: We know that Robin likes all the four seasons,now lets
27、find out why does he like them. 通过默读或者小声朗读,再次进一步理解文章,并找出关键句 Listen and check their answers Step 3 Practice (10mins) Task 3 Read and choose T: Look ,we have four sentences and four pictures ,please match them one by one 通过自由朗读,完成图文匹配,老师讲解期中的重难点 lots of =much Task 4 Read it better T: Now you can under
28、stand it very well,in this part ,lets read it better,pay attention to the pause、stress and intonation For example.Lets practice 设计意图:在理解了全文之后,让学生在理解的基础上练习朗读, 注意停顿、重音及语音语调。 Step 4 Consolidation and extension(7mins) T: In this class we have learned some words and sentences about season,now lets use th
29、em to write a poem about your favourite season. 设计意图:仿照例子,写一首关于自己最爱季节的小诗,巩固对本 单元知识点的理解及运用。 T:Each season has its unique beauty .Lets enjoy it and lets see the season in our Fenyi. 设计意图:学过的知识点最后回归到现实生活,运用所学知识介绍 自己最爱的季节及家乡的四季,体会四季不同的美,激发学生对大 自然的热爱,对自己家乡的热爱。 Step 5 Homework 1. Listen and read P19 2. Try to talk about“Seasons in Fenyi”with friends. 3. Send me an email at about your favourite season 板书设计: Unit 2 My favourite season Read and write I like .best, because./there is /are. I can .