1、UsefulUseful expressionsexpressions EnjoyEnjoy EnglishEnglish教学设计教学设计 教学内容:教学内容: PEP 小学英语六年级下册小学英语六年级下册 1复习掌握本册书中词汇、短语、句型、语篇。 2运用所学内容开展学习活动。 教学目标教学目标 1. 能够掌握本册书中词汇、短语、句型、语篇,能获取对自己 有价值的信息并熟练应用, 在给定的情境中用所学与同伴讨论相似的 话题。 2引导学生形成仔细观察事物的良好习惯,培养学生按一定顺 序,有条理地进行描述的能力。 教学重、难点:教学重、难点: 1本课时教学重点是句型、语篇相关综合语言阅读并输出。
2、 2本课时教学难点是让学生把语言素材与句型相结合。 教学准备:教学准备: 教师准备单词图片、课件等。 教学过程:教学过程: 一、GreetingGreeting timetime 1、选择表示心情的单词描述自己的状态,拉近与学生的距离, 让学生自然地开口说英语。 How do you feel? A:I feel happy. T:What happyend? B:I feel busy. T:What are you going to do? Could you tell me why? 【设计意图】老师根据学生的回答关注学生的生活,让学生体会 到六年级所学英语知识在生活中的应用。 二、Wr
3、itingWriting timetime 两组学生对抗比赛,每组第一个学生写完一个单词,后面的同学 上来以这个单词的末尾字母为首字母,写一个新单词,三分钟内完成 正确单词多的获胜。 Two groups has a PK.The first student write a word begin with teachers letter.The second student write a word begin with the last letter of the first word.I give you three minutes. 三、三、SpeakingSpeaking timeti
4、me Choose a word say a sentence.Five students a group. 四、四、CreativeCreative timetime Now five students a group choose three sentence creative a story.You can add some statements about the story more interesting and rich imagination. If you finish the story,wait the other groups.You can read your sto
5、ry.by part of the role.You can draw some pictures for your story,it can be used a picture book for grade three students. 【设计意图】 编故事的过程中, 全员参与, 各组选择的句子不同, 呈现出的故事也不同,为了避免让学生只关注本组的故事,培养学生 倾听的习惯。设置了一个环节,给自己喜欢的故事投票,所以,每个 学生都带着这个任务去聆听,使小组活动活而不乱,生动而又高效。 五、五、StoryStory timetime 认真聆听其他组的故事,记下你最喜欢的故事。设同学最喜爱的
6、故事奖。 Lucky group will show your story. Listen carefully and mark every story according to the plot you like. 六、六、RelaxRelax timetime GameGame A A:CalculatingCalculating mastermaster GameGame B B:EyeEye looseloose tonguetongue 【设计意图】很多学生对数字读法容易错,选择了一些容易混淆 的数字作为计算结果,让学生快速算出来,增加复习的趣味性和挑战 性。 七、七、Thinkin
7、gThinking timetime We are proud of China. 【设计意图】在老师自编的运用了比较级的文本中,渗透了地理 知识,丰富了学生的英语思维。 八、八、EnjoyEnjoy timetime We are proud of Anhui. The dual nature and civilization heritage. Avator hallelujah mountain. Global Geopark. Flying stone. The sunrise. The turtle piggy beetle of clouds. Strange stones. Ga
8、llery road. Immortal herbalist stone. Dream having flowers peak. In spring, bright mountain flowers in full bloom. In summer, cool and refreshing world. In Autumn,red leaves are like fire. In Winter,clad in silvery white. You have no wish to visit any other mountains after climbing the Five mountain
9、s.You do not even wish to visit the five mountains after you come back from a trip to Huangshan Mountain. 九、九、FindFind timetime We are proud of Wuhu. Wuhu is in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang river(长江中下游). Its hometown of fish and rice(鱼米之乡). 十、十、IntroduceIntroduce timetime 1.We are
10、proud of Fanchang. Hello, welcome to Ma ren qi feng forest park.The day of the first incense burner. Nanmu Lin. Glass skywalk. 2We are proud of Hengshan. Beauty is everywhere. East or west home is best. 十一、十一、homeworkhomework 课后查找资料,中国五大湖,十大名山,四大佛教圣地,中国五 大最高建筑等等,用比较级和最高级写一篇简介。 十二十二、BlackboardBlackboard DesignDesign EnjoyEnjoy EnglishEnglish China AnHui We are proud ofWuHu FanChang HengShan