1、What animal is it? Its black. Its small. It has a small tail. It can swim. Guessing game - Are you my mummy? - No, Im not your mummy. Your mummy has two big eyes and a big mouth. - Mummy ,mummy where are you? - Mummy. mummy, where are you? Are you my mummy? -No, I am not your mummy. Your mummy has f
2、our legs . - Are you my mummy? -No, Im not your mummy. Your mummy is green. -Mummy, mummy, where are you? Whats the little tadpoles mother like? It has _big eyes. It has a big_. It has _legs. Its _. two mouth fourgreen -Are you my mummy? -Sure ,Im your mummy. Come on babies! -Mummy, mummy, we have a
3、 mummy. -I love you, mummy. -I love you , too. I miss you very much. Qusetion: 1. How many animals do the tadpoles see? 2. Whos tadpoles mummy? 3. Whats tadpoles mummy like? 4. Frog. It has a big mouth, two big eyes, four legs and its green. 4. Do the tadpoles find their mummy? Yes Fill in the blank
4、s: -Im little tadpole.Im looking for _. -Good morning! Good morning! Are _ my mummy? -No, Im not your mummy. Im a duck. Your mummy has two big _. -“Thank you !We are going to_ _ our mummy .See you later. -Your mummy has two big eyes、a big _. -Your mummy has Two big eyes 、 a big mouth and four _ . mu
5、mmy you eyes look for mouth legs Homework: Tell your mother you love her very much and make a card to her .Maybe you will write “I love you, Mummy. Thank you!” and give your mummy a kiss and a big hug. 小学英语课本剧小学英语课本剧小蝌蚪找妈妈小蝌蚪找妈妈教案设计教案设计 英语课本剧也是阅读的一部分,一直以来也是个难题,面临的是一堂课四 十分钟,显得时间有点紧,难度大,但是这也是提高孩子学习英语兴
6、趣的好方 法之一。让孩子把学到的英语用于生活当中,避免学成哑巴英语,这是目前英 语课的一个难题。我们不能为考试而学习英语,兴趣是最好的老师。为什么高 考要考听力?撤销过,现在又恢复了,可见它的重要性。其实说与听是相通的, 能说出来的,就一定能听懂。同时也让孩子感觉到有妈妈的孩子是多么幸福, 所以我决定尝试。本课所学的内容是我自己根据三年级的孩子特点及他们现有 的英语水平编的。 教学内容:教学内容: 1、词汇要点:复习动物类单词 duck,fish, tortoise, tadpoles, frog.和表示人体 部分的单词 big eyes, four legs. big mouth。 2、学习
7、要点:对话;Are you my mummy? No,Im not .Your mummy has two big eyes/a big mouth/a green dress. 3、交际要点:询问对方是谁ImIm littlelittle tadpole.Imtadpole.Im lookinglooking forfor mummymummy“Are you.”及相关应答;” Yes,I am. or Im not 学会用“Thank you .” “Bye.” “I love you and I love you,too.”等礼貌用语以及表达感情用语等。 4、课堂用语:用尽所有的能让孩子
8、开心,自信的正激励语言,好不保留! 如:You are so smart! Great! How clever you are! Well done! Good girl/Good boy! I love you. You are the best! etc. 教育、教学目标:教育、教学目标: 1、复习、巩固动物类单词 duck,fish, tortoise, tadpoles, frog.和表示人体部分的单 词 big eyes, big mouth, four legs. 2、能够表演这个课本剧,这是把课堂还给孩子最好的方法。 3、掌握询问对方是谁及相关应答;能用学过的语言对别人表达自己的
9、情感。 教学重点、难点:教学重点、难点: 1、Are you my mummy? No,Im not .Your mummy has two big eyes/four legs/a big mouth/ 2、能够分小组都上台来表演。 3、掌握询问对方对方是谁及相关应答;能用学过的语言对别人表达自己的情 感。 。 教教 具:具:课件,单词卡片;头饰,录音机等。 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1 1、Greeting Good morning! Nice to meet you! I miss you very much.I love you. Now lets sing an English
10、 song 2、Now lets play a guessing game. Lets read together. Do you know what animal it is? Tadpole.Then take out a tadpole and ask what is it? Yes, you are clever.,its a tadpole .A tadpole and I put it here . Now two tadpoles,three tadpoles and four tadpoles .How many tadpoles are there?There are fou
11、r. Today we will help the little tadpoles look for their mother. Can you help them?Lets see who the little tadpoles meet. 3.Look at the picture how many tadpoles are there in the picture?One,two, three, four ,five ,six, seven,eight and nine. Yes, nine tadpoles.What are they talking about?What is it?
12、(point to the duck)Its a duck. Its ducking mother.What are they talking about? Is duck the tadpoles mother? Now listen (I read them with actions and imitate like little tadpoles and a duck.) Step 2 Now lets make a dialogue. Team One, team Two you are the duck.Team three,Team Four you are tadpoles. L
13、et change.Team One, team Two you are tadpoles.Team three,Team Four you are duck.Then work in pairs. Lets do in pairs. One is a tadpole and the others are duck.Now who can act it out?(One is tadpole and another one is duck.Two pupils act in front of blackboard. (Look at the fish,Fish mummy. )The tadp
14、oles says: Good morning , Good morning. Are you our mummy?Who want to be the fish?(if the pupils read not very well So I will do it.Try to imitate the sound of fish.)Then ask the pupils to do like me. I think they will do better than me. As same as way to meet the tortoise. 通过实物或图画对比的方试 用同样的方法进行教学。在
15、这部分中,教师可尽量多次呈现本课,让学生认识这几 个动物后,能够把剧本中的对话流利地说出来,并且表演的非常自然。 Step 3 Lets talk. 1、Show CAI,Show the CAI to the pupils. Look at the picture, “What s the tadpoles mummy like?”Look at the picture and fill the blanks. Finish one sentence and check it at once.After finishing at all and read it together. 2、At
16、last show the picture frog and tadpoles.Whats this? Its a frog.Is it tadpoles mummy?Yes.They finally find their mother. How happy they are! “What are they talking about? Who will try? Work in pairs. Ask four pupils to stand up to show for us. After this ask them to hug their mother . 教学 Lets talk 的第
17、二部分。 Look at the four pictures and say something about them.If they cant do very well I will ask some questions to help them. 3、Read the text together. 4、Group in work.6ps in a group. 5、Act it in front of the blackboard. Step 4 1.Now take out your paper and read it carefully .Then answer these quest
18、ions. 2.Fill in the blanks ( 2) Read them one sentence by one sentence and check one sentence by one sentence together and then read them together finally again. Step 5 Homework: Make a card to your mother and tell her “Thank you ,mummy.I love you”.Give your mother a sweet kiss and a big hug. Step 6
19、 板书设计: Little Tadpoles Look For mother Little tadpoles picture frogs picture Duck two big eyes and a big mouth Fish four legs Tortoise green Step 7 小结本课所学内容: 因为孩子们都知道小蝌蚪找妈妈这个故事,孩子们在语文课也学过,因此不需要去 讲这个故事的内容。我的目的就是利用这个有趣的故事,间单的故事情节和对话, 来增加孩子们学习英语的兴趣,不断让孩子体会一点点小成就,才能造成孩子们的 大成就。开场的英语歌很好听,又简单易学,一下就把孩子带到了英语
20、的浓厚环境 里了。我的想法是在一堂课中,我不是要学生掌握的内容越多越好,而重要是孩子 们能够学会并运用多少,那怕我一节只学习一到两个句,只要孩子们能够独立运用 到生活当中,那是更好不过了。所以我根据三年级的孩子们的情况,有把难度降低 点,就好比跳一下就能摘到树上的苹果一样的道理。因此整个课堂非常活跃,孩子 们也很积极配和,效果也非常满意。不足的是时间关系,不是每个孩子都有机会上 来表演,也是因为时间关系,最后的评价分没算,我当时想的是,时间没有了 , 只能 40 分钟,结果不重要,过程才是最重要的。我开始对孩子们说,优胜的组, 我要和他们拥抱。这个我在下课后和他们拥抱了,我很感谢孩子们!谢谢!