1、【陕旅版小学英语全日制五年级下册第四单元教学设计陕旅版小学英语全日制五年级下册第四单元教学设计】 Unit4Unit4 HeHe LivesLives inin a a Village.Village. LetsLets learnlearn moremore thethe 3rd3rd periodperiod 【教材依据教材依据】 本单元的话题为居住场所,主要学习居住类词汇和句型。学生通过学习能 谈论自己及他人的居住场所,并能运用功能句型 Where does.Live? A.lives in _.谈论动物及他人的居住情况。本节课为本单元 Part B 中 Lets learn more
2、部分的语篇教学,主要学习用单三句型表达居住情况。 【设计思路设计思路】 一、指导思想一、指导思想 五年级是学习英语的基础阶段,依照教学大纲和英语课标认真组 织教学,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初 步建立学习英语的自信心;培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书 写基础,以及良好的学习习惯;使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能 力。同时,适当介绍中西文化,培养学生的爱国主义精神。依据本教材的特点 以及新课标对五年级学生学英语的要求,我制定了以下教学目标 。 二、教学目标教学目标 KnowledgeKnowledge andand AbilityAbility
3、 GoalsGoals 知识与能力目标知识与能力目标 1. Consolidate these words: bird, snake, fish, and village. 2. Master the phrases and words: in the tree, in the grass, in the lake, tomatoes, and potatoes. 3. Can use the following sentence structures correctly and freely. -Where does _live? -A _lives _. EmotionalEmotiona
4、l GoalsGoals 情感目标情感目标 1.Cultivate students love the good feelings of nature. 2.Cultivate students interest in learning English. 三三. . 指导思想指导思想 KeyKey PointsPoints Master the new phrases and main sentence structures and can use them to talk about living places. DifficultDifficult PointsPoints 1. Can
5、use the phrases and sentence structures to talk about living places correctly and freely. 2. The correct usage of “tomatoes” and “potatoes”. 【教学准备教学准备 】 Word cards, colorful chalk, pictures of thumb. 【教学方法教学方法 】 TeachingTeaching MethodsMethods Situational method of teaching Communicating method of t
6、eaching Singing method of teaching Asking and answering method of teaching Drawing method of teaching LearningLearning MethodsMethods Situational learning method Communicating learning method Filling and saying learning method Drawing and singing learning method Imitating and practicing learning met
7、hod 【教学过程教学过程】 Step1Step1 WarmingWarming upup andand leading-inleading-in 1. Sing a song. (Old Macdonald) Questions: Where does Old Macdonald live? What animals does he have? 【设计意图设计意图】歌曲调动孩子们的听觉感官,集中学生的注意力,同时为新 授内容做好铺垫。既导入了重点句式 He lives in a village.又引入了 farm animals,并自然而然的提问 Where do they live?由 i
8、n a city, in a village 拓展教学 in a river, in a lake,in a tree, on a tree, on a farm 为 学生后面的阅读教学中理解 wild animals 做好铺垫,渗透难点 in a forest。 2.Show pictures of Su Nan and Liu Zhao yang. Ask questions: Where does Su Nan Live? Where does Su Nan Live? 3.Bb the title and read the learning aims. Tell the Ss to h
9、ave big eyes, good ears and big mouth. Make them have a good habit. Step2Step2 PresentationPresentation 1. Create situation by drawing. Introduce Peppa Pig and George and ask the Ss to say hello to them. Ss:Hello!Peppa!Where do you live? T:I live inin a a villagevillage. Ss:Hello!Gorge!Where do you
10、live? T:I live inin a a villagevillage. Then introduce Mom and Dad. Ss:Hello!MomiPig!Where do you live? T:I live onon a a farm.farm. Ss:Hello!DadyPig!Where do you live? T:I live onon a a farmfarm. Ask them:Where does she/he live? She/He lives 【设计意图设计意图】简笔画吸引学生的眼球,创设学习情境,同时将所学的内容 深入浅出,降低了学习难点。通过问题引导学
11、生熟悉句式 He lives in 进而 会熟练表达 Peppa lives in a village. Her parents live on a farm. 2. Lets chant Where do you live? Where do you live? City, city, in a city. Village, village, in a village. River, river, in a river. Lake, lake, in a lake. Where do you live? Where do you live? Tree, tree, in a tree. Tr
12、ee, tree, on a tree. Farm, farm, on a farm. Forest, forest, in a forest. 3. Listen and answer. Listen the test, and then answer the questions: Where does Lele live? What do they have? What do they grow in spring? Read the second paragraph and then answer the questions: What do they plant? Why do the
13、y plant trees? What animas can Lele see? Does Lele love his home? 【设计意图设计意图】以听的方式整体感知文本,问题引导学生有目的地听,抓住 文本关键信息的同时,培养学生听的能力。 3.Read and retell Students read the text and find the answers of the questions: What do they plant? What can Lele see in spring, summer and autumn? 【设计意图设计意图】带着问题有目的地读,理解文本细节信息的
14、同时,习得语言 知识,提高语言技能,进而提高综合语言运用能力。 4. Extension Do you plant trees? Why do you plant trees? Do you love animals? Why? 【设计意图设计意图】结合教材内容设计本教学活动,引导学生 You should plant more trees.让孩子们切实懂得 green mountains are the invaluable assets.(绿水青山就是金山银山)。同时激发学生爱护树木、爱护动物并保护动 物的强烈欲望。在英语课堂中渗透德育教育,培养孩子们形成健康的人生观, 达到寓教于英语活动
15、的目的, Setp3Setp3 ConsolidationConsolidation andand ExpansionExpansion 1. Listen and draw. Listen to the teachers describing of the grandpas living condition, meanwhile draw the condition. 【设计意图设计意图】将绘画融入英语课堂教学中,体现了学科教学的融合性,培 养学生的综合素养。 2. Try to say. Try to describe their painting of the grandpas livi
16、ng condition. 【设计意图设计意图】通过介绍自己的绘画作品,将所学的内容运用于实践生活中, 学以致用,同时培养学生的英语表达能力。 3. Read and complete. Finish the blanks on Page32. 【设计意图设计意图】通过写巩固学习的词汇和句型,加深记忆,进而提高学生的 综合语言运用能力。 4. Language outputting Show a picture of Yanan. Describe it in English. I live in near Yanan. A river runs by. My parents work on
17、the farm. They grow and other vegetables. We plant . The are homes forIn spring, are green, and the grass is . There are many . We can and many other animals. The sky is. The people are friendly. I love my home. Step4Step4 SummarySummary 1. Finish the blackboard design. Ask questions: Do you love yo
18、ur home? Why? Help the Ss with the answer: Home is a place with Dad and Mom. Home is a place full of love. 2.Chant HomeHome HomeHome isis a a placeplace withwith DadDad andand MomMom HomeHome isis a a placeplace fullfull ofof lovelove LittleLittle birdsbirds cancan growgrow upup therethere AwayAway
19、fromfrom stormstorm HomeHome isis a a placeplace withwith carecare andand warmwarm HomeHome isis a a placeplace fullfull ofof love.love. 【设计意图设计意图】感知歌谣,理解并体会家是一个充满爱、温暖和关心的地方。 进而教育孩子们爱家、爱家乡。创设真、善、美的情感空间,使他们在学习 语言的同时把握情感品质的内化力量。 3.Sing a song. Sing the song which is created by the teacher. I love you.
20、 You love me. We are a happy family with a tall father and short mother. There in our family, one plus two. 【设计意图设计意图】歌曲整合、梳理本节课所学的内容,在轻松的氛围中结束课 堂教学,既巩固了和谐的师生情感关系,又可以营造一种爱的氛围,还有益于 培养学生持久的英语学习兴趣。 Step5Step5 HomeworkHomework Draw your village and write sth about it.(画出你的村庄并写一写) 【设计意图设计意图】用笔画出自己心中家乡美丽的
21、村庄,孩子们一定会描绘出拥 有蓝天白云、绿水青山的美丽村庄,将环保深入人心,并用语言描述,既注重 了课堂所学内容的及时巩固,又注重了所学内容向生活实际的延伸。 BlackboardBlackboard DesigningDesigning 【教学反思教学反思】 一、本节课亮点一、本节课亮点 在教学设计和教学方法的选择上根据新课标的教学理念,强调以学生为主 的教学活动方式,培养学生综合语言运用能力。通过孩子们喜欢的卡通人物 Peppa 及家人 Gorge, Mommy Pig and Daddy Pig 引入句式 She /He lives in a village. They live on
22、a farm.营造探究性和任务型的学习氛围,引入阅读内 容 Lele and his parents live in a village.层层设问,帮助学生理解掌握阅 读材料。教授新课过程中挖掘教材,结合教材内容鼓励孩子们描述自己的城市- 延安,或是描述爷爷奶奶的村庄,体现小学英语的核心素养“在适当范围的社 会文化情境中理解、表达与解释的能力” ,突出 Love home ,love hometown 的 情怀,而且知道 love animals 并懂得要 protect animals。通过学生体验、实 践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径激发和培养语言学习的 兴趣。在教学中,我
23、通过教学卡片、课件、简笔画等创设真实的学习情境,运 用歌曲、游戏、活动等多种教学方法,让学生在玩中学、乐中学。在教学过程 中,我努力创设一种轻松、愉悦的课堂气氛,通过各种手段激发学生的学习兴趣, 利用多媒体评价及丰富的操练游戏活动来充分调动学生的学习积极性。 二、不足与改进二、不足与改进 本节课也存在着很多的不足。那就是我的语速过快,有些课堂用语,学生 听得不是很清晰,这样就导致学生不理解教师发出指令的意思,使一小部分学 生在回答问题时无从下手。另外,我的教学设计过分地注重小组合作,注重培 养学生的小组合作精神,而培养学生个体意识的练习只有一两个。我应设计一 些既能体现个体又能发挥整体性的教学
24、环节,使学生个体与整体联系起来,达 到学以致用的目的。今后,我会在实践中认真修改和完善自己的教学设计,努 力做到更好。总之,我坚信,只要有心,我们的教学道路会越来越宽敞,明天 会越来越美好! Unit 4 He lives in A Village. Lets learn more the 3rd period. 陕旅版小学英语五年级下册陕旅版小学英语五年级下册 Objectives 1.Be able to read. 2.Be able to listen. 3.Be able to understand. 4.Be able to say and write. Lets say Su N
25、anLiu Zhao yang Lets say village Lets chant! Where do they live? What do they have ? What do they grow on the farm Lets Learn! Lele and his parents live in a village near a lake. They have a big house there. A river runs by. His parents work on a farm. Lets Learn! In spring, they grow tomatoes, pota
26、toes and other vegetables. What do they plant? Why do they plant trees? What animas can Lele see? Does Lele love his home? Questions Lets Learn! They plant many trees, too. The trees are homes for birds and some wild animals. Lets Learn! In spring, summer and autumn,Lele can see rabbits, snakes and
27、even monkeys. They live happily together year after year together year after year. Lele loves his home. He loves the animals, too. Try to say I live in near Yanan. A river runs by. My parents work on the farm. They grow and other vegetables . We plant . The are homes forIn spring, are green, and the
28、 grass is . There are many . We can and many other animals. The sky is. The people are friendly. I love my home. Lets talk Do you love animals? Do you love your home? Why? Lets chant Home Home is a place with Dad and Mom Home is a place full of love Little birds can grow up there Away from storm Home is a place with care and warm Home is a place full of love. Try to read more Draw your village and write sth about it.(画出你的村庄并写一写画出你的村庄并写一写) Homework Please love animals and love your home! East or west, home is the best.