1、Oxford English Module 3 Things we do 8SeeingSeeing thethe doctordoctor Module 3 Things we do What does he/she do? Look and say have a cold have a runny nose have a cough have a headache backache ache earachestomachache have a toothache have a fever WhatWhat s s wrongwrong withwith Kitty?Kitty? Look
2、and answer JoeMikeMiss Black Ask and answer Look and read You shouldnt eat ice cream. FollowFollow meme shouldshouldnt Drink more water. Take some medicine. Take a cold bath. Go to bed early. Match and say Watch too much TV. Play outside for hours. See the doctor. Use the ice pack. shouldshouldnt Ma
3、tch and say Talk loudly. Keep quiet. Go to bed late. Take some medicine. shouldshouldnt Match and say Eat too much candy. Drink a lot of soft drinks. See the dentist. Brush teeth twice a day. shouldshouldnt Match and say You should You shouldnt I have a Say and act I I havehave aa WhatsWhats wrongwr
4、ong withwith you?you? YouYou shouldshould YouYou shouldntshouldnt WhatsWhats wrongwrong withwith you?you? Say and act I I havehave a a youyou shouldshould YouYou shouldntshouldnt AnAn appleapple a a dayday , , keepkeep doctorsdoctors away!away! 一日一苹果,医生远离我!一日一苹果,医生远离我! Think and summarize New wordsN
5、ew patterns You should You shouldnt Homework 1.1. ReadRead “Listen“Listen andand say”say” onon StudentsStudents BookBook pagepage 58.58. 2.2. SpellSpell thethe wordswords onon StudentsStudents BookBook pagepage 59.59. 3.3. MakeMake a a newnew dialoguedialogue withwith “should”“should” andand “should
6、nt”.“shouldnt”. Unit9 Seeing the doctor 教学设计 教学目标: 1.通过 Look and learn 栏目,帮助学生学习表示疾病的动词短语。 2.学习核心句型 You should /shouldnt 3.让学生知道养成良好的生活习惯,加强身体锻炼。 教学难点: 1.学习表示常见疾病的动词短语 have a cold have a headache have a fever have a toothache,掌握建议别人做或不要做某事的句型 You should /shouldnt 教学过程: 一、. 1.复习有关职业的词汇,教师提问:What does
7、 he/she do?学生回答, (通过 图片的呈现,给学生带入到语境中激发学习兴趣,温故知新,为学习新课做铺 垫。 ) 2.引出医生的词汇,同时教师出示图片(或教师做动作,学生猜)引出核心词 汇。 (引出课题的主题) 二、.教授 1.学习词组 have a cold ,教师可要求学生说出完整句子:He has a cold. 生开火车读。 (在经过老师教读、听录音跟读正音之后,通过兵教兵的形式互相 促进,共同发展) 2.教授词组 have a headache,拼读 headache,两人齐读。教师拓展后缀 ache 的含义 /eik/疼痛:backache earache.stomacha
8、che 作为拓展词汇,牙痛 have a toothache(在本课教学目标之外,适当的进行一些关联的拓展,拓宽学生的知 识面) 3.教授词汇 have a fever,拼读 fever,男生读,女生读。 (开展男女生比赛,激发他 们的学习兴趣培养他们的合作竞争意识) 4.游戏 练习巩固用短语卡片,真人演示,学生猜短语。 (切身感受短语的真正 含义,让学生学以致用) 三、1.出示 Look and answer,并提问,引发学生思考,生看图回答。 2.学习对话,掌握核心句型 观看完整的动画,学生跟读每一句话, 生三人一组分角色朗读。 3.学习与看医生有关的句子,朗读划线句子。 4.替换句子,生
9、两人一组操练问答。 5.学习核心句型,医生告诉病人应该做的和不应该做的事。学生反复读划线句 子,确保每名学生读对读流利。然后做替换操练。 (学英语是为了用英语,学单词不仅仅是会读写几个单词就可以,还要明白单 词的用法,在实际情景中理解单词的意义,单词的学习是为了运用到句型中去, 所谓“词不离句,句不离词”说的就是这个道理。 ) 四. 情景剧表演看医生。巩固核心句型,加强实际语用功能,锻炼学生语用能 力。 (语言交际训练,师生互动交流给学生一个自由的空间,创造锻炼的机会, 发挥教师的主导作用与学生主体作用相结合) 五.总结:今天学习的核心词汇 have a cold, have a headache, have a toothache;核心 句型:Whats wrong with you? You shouldyou shouldnt( 六.作业 Read “Listen and say” on Students Book page 58. Spell the words on Students Book page 59. Make a new dialogue with “should” and “shouldnt”.