1、2020 年新牛津英语 新牛津译林英语高一下学期选择性必修新牛津译林英语高一下学期选择性必修(一一)第三单元词汇检测第三单元词汇检测 Unit3Unit3 TheThe artart ofof paintingpainting 用本单元所学过的单词填空,并用其适当形式用本单元所学过的单词填空,并用其适当形式 1. 1.HeHe movedmoved to to hishis hometownhometown againagain afterafter a a few_.(few_.(十年)十年) 2.It2.It s s hardhard to to imagineimagine howhow
2、 hardhard ourour lifelife waswas before_.(before_.(解放)解放) 3.The3.The picturepicture byby himhim is is too_totoo_to imitate.(imitate.(逼真)逼真) 4.Can4.Can youyou workwork outout thethe areaarea ofof the_.(the_.(阴影部分)阴影部分) 5.He5.He majoredmajored in_inin_in college.college. ( (建筑学)建筑学) 6.One6.One s s rig
3、htright to_isto_is divinedivine andand nobodynobody cancan violateviolate it.it.(肖像)(肖像) 7.He_in7.He_in thethe forestforest andand triedtried findingfinding somesome cutecute animals.animals.(漫步)(漫步) 8.The8.The artistartist speciallyspecially worksworks on_,andon_,and theythey areare famousfamous al
4、lall overover thethe country.country. ( (乡村风景画)乡村风景画) 9.My9.My fatherfather is is _to_to thethe ideaidea ofof movingmoving abroadabroad thisthis month.month. ( (反对)反对) 10.It10.It is is veryvery dangerousdangerous forfor a a shipship to to _a_a rockrock whenwhen sailingsailing thethe sea.sea. ( (碰撞)碰
5、撞) 11.Tigers11.Tigers _all_all thethe animalsanimals in in thethe forest,whichforest,which is is knownknown byby us.us. ( (统治)统治) 12._more12._more engineersengineers forfor ourour projectproject is is thethe mostmost importantimportant now.now. ( (雇佣雇佣) ) 13.Nobody13.Nobody in in ChinaChina butbut M
6、oMo YanYan cancan expressexpress the_ofthe_of thethe countrysidecountryside in in China.China. ( (本质)本质) 14.Cats14.Cats havehave betterbetter nightnight _than_than humans.humans.(视力)(视力) 15.I15.I likelike eatingeating _._. ( (蘑菇)蘑菇) 16.After16.After manymany yearsyears ofof workingworking in in thet
7、he army,hearmy,he nownow reallyreally longslongs to to livelive a_life.a_life. ( (平民)平民) 17.Can17.Can youyou givegive meme a a more_descriptionmore_description ofof yourself?yourself? (精准的)(精准的) 18._your18._your skinskin to to thethe sunlightsunlight is is harmful.harmful. (暴露)(暴露) 19.In19.In mymy _
8、,you_,you needneed to to improveimprove youryour listeninglistening skills.skills.(客观判断)(客观判断) 20.In20.In thethe past,workingpast,working asas a a _ is is popularpopular in in thethe countryside.countryside.(屠夫)(屠夫) 21.It21.It s s reportedreported thatthat lotslots ofof excellentexcellent worksworks
9、 ofof artart willwill bebe on_on_ tomorrow.tomorrow. (展览)(展览) 22.His22.His intentionintention ofof takingtaking overover thethe positionposition is_.is_. ( (明显的)明显的) 23.Mark23.Mark showedshowed a a _account_account ofof hishis lifelife asas a a soldier.soldier. ( (生动的)生动的) 24.I24.I heardheard thatth
10、at therethere is is an_creaturean_creature in in thethe forest.forest. (庞大的)(庞大的) 25.Do25.Do youyou knowknow whenwhen thethe _were_were built?built? ( (寺庙)寺庙) 26.We26.We usuallyusually correctcorrect ourour homeworkhomework in in red_.red_. ( (墨水)墨水) 2020 年新牛津英语 27.Those_are27.Those_are saidsaid to
11、to bebe in in memorymemory ofof a a famousfamous musician.musician. ( (建筑物)建筑物) 28.It28.It is is hardhard to to havehave a a looklook at at thethe _appearance_appearance ofof thatthat unusualunusual creature.creature. ( (全面的)全面的) 29.Some29.Some ofof thethe studentsstudents in in mymy classclass drea
12、mdream ofof being_being_ in in thethe future.future. ( (批判家)批判家) 30.We30.We areare forbiddenforbidden to to talktalk about_topicsabout_topics in in ourour dailydaily life.life. ( (政治)政治) 31.Most31.Most familiesfamilies maymay livelive a a hardhard lifelife in in a a financial_.financial_. ( (危机)危机)
13、32.They32.They colludedcolluded withwith terroriststerrorists to_theto_the government.government. ( (推翻)推翻) 33.Do33.Do youyou knowknow howhow many_theremany_there werewere in in thethe QingQing Dynasty?Dynasty? (皇帝)(皇帝) 34.He34.He is is an_authoran_author andand cancan createcreate manymany wonderfu
14、lwonderful articles.articles. ( (杰出的)杰出的) 35.The35.The annual_hasannual_has beenbeen putput offoff becausebecause ofof somesome unknownunknown reason.reason. ( (展览)展览) 36.On36.On closer_,closer_, thethe evidencesevidences turnturn outout to to bebe forgeries.forgeries. 37.He37.He oftenoften sayssays
15、 thatthat hishis _is_is to to protectprotect animalsanimals fromfrom beingbeing hunted.hunted. ( (使命感)使命感) 38.The38.The trainingtraining days_fordays_for mymy clerksclerks hashas beenbeen set.set. ( (安排)安排) 39.Many_food39.Many_food cancan t t bebe directlydirectly eateneaten byby humans.humans. (未加工
16、的)(未加工的) 40.My40.My bossboss hashas advancedadvanced my_my_ ofof thisthis week.week. ( (薪资)薪资) 2020 年新牛津英语 答案答案 1. 1. decadesdecades2.liberation2.liberation3.realistic3.realistic4.shade4.shade5.architecture5.architecture 6. 6. portraitportrait7.wandered7.wandered8.landscapes8.landscapes9.opposed9.op
17、posed10.strike10.strike 11.11. dominatedominate12.Employing12.Employing13.essence13.essence14.version14.version15.mushrooms15.mushrooms 16.16. civiliancivilian17.precise17.precise18.Exposing18.Exposing19.perspective19.perspective20.butcher20.butcher 21.21. displaydisplay22.apparent22.apparent23.vivi
18、d23.vivid24.enormous24.enormous25.temple25.temple 26.26. inkink27.structures27.structures28.overall28.overall29.critics29.critics30.political30.political 31.31. crisiscrisis32.overthrow32.overthrow33.emperors33.emperors34.outstanding34.outstanding35.exhibition35.exhibition 36.inspection36.inspection37.calling37.calling38.arranged38.arranged39.raw39.raw40.wage40.wage