1、 Public Rules litter feed fight smoke shout part swim draw pick fruits hurt animals climb trees light a fire step on the grass run a red light Farm Rules Lets go to the farm Farm Rules Dont pick fruits Dont light a fire Dont hurt animals Dont climb trees b What does this mean? work: 1. Finish the ac
2、tivity2 and activity3 by yourself. 自学完成活动2和活动3的内容。 2. Discussion in your group. 小组讨论。 library Group work: There is a new library in our school. Can you make some library rules? Lets have a try. Group work: 1.Make classroom rules in your group. 小组合作制定班级规则。 2.Act with first 、second 、third 展示时请用上序数词。 F
3、or example: 例如: First ,dont eat and drink in the classroom. Home work : Make family rules with your dad and mom! Goodbye! Public rules 一、 教学目标 1、知道litter , feed, fight , smoke , shout 等生活基本单词的表达。 2、知道农场公共规则dont pick fruits , dont climb trees ,dont hurt animals , dont light a fire 等短语的英文表达方式。 3、能制定li
4、brary rules 和 classroom rules,能用序数词进行表达。 4、了解 traffic rules,知道 rule 是需要遵守的。 二、 教学过程 1、复习单词: litter , feed, fight , smoke , shout , park , pick fruits , hurt animals , climb trees , step on the grass , run a red light , light a fire 2 、 引入新短语:dont pick fruits , dont climb trees dont hurt animals , do
5、nt light a fire 3 、自主完成书练习题 34 页,1、Look , write and say . 4、work (导学精要) a. Finish the activity2 and activity3 by yourself. 自学完成活动 2 和活动 3 的内容。 b. Discussion in your group. 小组讨论。 5、Group work: There is a new library in our school. Can you make some library rules? Lets have a try. 6、Group work: a.Make
6、 classroom rules in your group. 小组合作制定班级规则。 b.Act with first 、second、third 展示时请用上序数词。 For example: 例如: First ,dont eat and drink in the classroom. 7、Cultural clips a, Read the passage Different Traffic Rules . b, See the video of different traffic rules. 8、Homework: Make family rules with your dad and mom.