1、 Hi, Im . I had a happy week. On Monday, I On Tuesday, I On Wednesday, I On Thursday, I On Friday, I On Saturday, I On Sunday, I My 提示词: phoned/called Grandma , visited Grandpa, helped , played basketball /table tennis, played chess, watched TV, played on the computer, talked to , listened to music,
2、 washed clothes/socks/shoes, cooked noodles/rice, had classes, had PE/art/music . 外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起点)四年级下册外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起点)四年级下册 Module 7 Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish. 一、教材分析一、教材分析 Grandma cooked fish.是外研版新标准英语(三起)四年 级下册 Module7Unit2 的内容。课文情景是 Amy 向 Sam 讲述自己 昨天给奶奶打电话时,奶奶告诉她自己和爷爷的活动:昨天奶奶 和爷爷去公园散步,他们听了音乐,
3、还跟朋友聊天。回来后,奶奶 做了鱼。爷爷煮了面条。本节课要求学生简单掌握动词过去时 的构成及用法。本课文在学习过去时的基础上,渗透对过去式的 运用并描述过去发生的事。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 小学四年级的学生活泼好动,竞争意识十分强烈,很喜欢 在课堂上表现自己,但同时他们的基础知识较浅,对之前学过的 知识记忆不够深刻,语言综合运用能力弱,由于年龄的影响,他们 一节课的注意力集中时间有限,本节课的内容较多,对一个星期 的英文名称和以前学过的活动的英语短语进行一个综合运用,这 对学生来说也是一个挑战,因此本节课设计了许多形式多样的活 动形式来进行动手练习操练,充分激发学生的学习兴趣,从而掌 握本
4、课的重点知识。 三、教学思路三、教学思路 本课通过 chant 导入教学,以 had a happy day 为主线。 然后进行 Free talk。教师先谈论:Yesterday I had a happy day. I did.到 What did you do yesterday?让学 生说说昨天做了什么。然后导入课文活动 1 :The birds had a happy day.What did the birds do?进行课文教学。 接着导入课文活动 2 : Amys grandparents had a happy day.What did grandparents do? 进行
5、课文学习,通过思维 导图的板书,训练学生对课文的复述。锻炼学生用过去时进 一步表述过去发生的事。接着通过活动 3:The Little Mouse had a happy week. What did he do from Monday to Sunday? 先听音标序号,再找 句子进行图文配对,制成绘本,读绘本。学生通过同桌合作动 手做绘本,开口读绘本,提高了综合语言运用能力,也培养了 学生的合作能力。最后导入 The Little Mouse had a happy week.What about your last week?引导学生先说自己上周的活 动,然后写下来,并在全班分享。从而完
6、成本课的学习任务: 用过去时描述过去某一天或一周的经历。 四、教学目标四、教学目标 1.1.知识目标知识目标: : (1)学生能听懂、会说并认读单词:Mrs,Miss;walk(walked), talk (talked), phone(phoned), cook(cooked), listen(listened), (2)大部分学生能读懂、会说并认读句子:Grandma cooked fish. 其余学生能听懂、会读以上句子。 2.2.技能目标技能目标: : (1)学生能听说读本课的单词和课文。 (2)80%学生能听懂课文内容,并能回答与课文相关的问题。 (3)60%学生能根据图片或实际情况
7、,运用过去式描述已经做过的 事。 3.3.情感目标情感目标: : 通过本课学习,引导学生在生活中主动承担一些力所能及的 事情,鼓励学生多关心自己的爷爷奶奶、外公外婆。 五、重点难点五、重点难点 1.重点词汇:walk(walked), talk (talked), listen(listened) phone(phoned),cook(cooked), Miss,Mrs 重点句型:Grandma cooked fish. 2.教学难点:学会熟练用过去时描述过去某一天或一周的经历。 六、教学方法六、教学方法 导入法,点拨法,师生互动法,演示法,练习巩固法并用 直观形象的图片创设情境,促进学生语言
8、运用能力的提高。 七、教学用具七、教学用具 单词卡片、多媒体课件,绘本制作的图片及句子,练习 八、课时安排八、课时安排 一课时 九、教学过程 StepStep 1 1 Warming-up.Warming-up. 1.Greetings. 2.揭示课题和明确本课的任务。 学会熟练用过去时描述过去某一天或一周的经历。 3.Chant.(Module7 Unit1 Activity1) 4.Free talk. T:Yesterday I had a happy day . I did . What did you do yesterday ? Ss:I did . 【设计意图设计意图:复习上节课
9、所学的 chant,既复习过去式又活跃 气氛。师生之间自由对话,使学生很快进入学习过去时的状态。 】 StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation 1. Lead-in:(Activity1) T:You did lots of things yesterday. What did the birds do yesterday ? 2. Watch the flash . 3. Check the answers. (1) PPT Shows pictures and learn: talked ,walked. (2) Show word card and le
10、arn: Mrs ,Miss (3) Practice: Mrs ,Miss and Mr. StepStep 3 3 LearningLearning(Activity2Activity2) 1. Lead-in T:The birds had a happy day. Amy phoned grandma. Grandparents had a happy day . What did grandparents do yesterday? 2. Watch the flash . 3. Check the answers. PPT Shows pictures and learn: wal
11、ked in the park; listened to music, talked with friends,cooked fish/noodles. 4. Listen and imitate. 5. Retell the story.(With the help of the blackboard design) 6. 情感教育:Amy phoned grandma. They talked and talked. Amy love her grandparents.Do you have grandparents? Do you love your grandparents? Yes,
12、 we love our grandparents.What can we do for our grandparents? So be nice to our grandparents.We can phone them. Visit them. Talk with them. Care about them. Make them a happy life. 【设计意图:设计意图:通过课文学习,了解 Grandparents 昨天做过的事。 通过思维导图的板书,训练学生复述课文。锻炼学生用过去时 进一步表述过去发生的事。通过问 What can we do for our grandpare
13、nts?引导学生在生活中主动承担一些力所能及的事 情,鼓励学生多关心自己的爷爷奶奶、外公外婆。 】 StepStep 4 4 PracticePractice andand Production.Production.(Activity3Activity3) 1. Lead-in T:The Little Mouse had a happy week. He helped his friend,listened to music and . Lets listen ,number and order . What did he do from Monday to Sunday? 2. List
14、en ,number and order.(师提前准备图片,给学生标号 并排序。 ) 3. Check the answers. 4. Make a story book . Match the sentences with the right picture. 5. Read the story in pairs. 6. Show time:Read the story to the class. 【设计意图:设计意图:先让学生听音给图片排序,训练了学生的听力; 再把听力内容制成句子,让学生给图片配文字,学生巩固了星 期和过去式短语,同时还培养了学生动手合作的能力; 把图文 制成绘本,让学生
15、两两读绘本,讲绘本故事,学生体验绘本的 乐趣,巩固所学。 】 StepStep 4 4 Writing.Writing. 1. Lead-in T:The Little Mouse had a happy week.What about your last week? How was your last week. 2. Students talk about their last week. 3. Writing. Take the Little Mouse for example. 4. Show time: Read the writing to the class. 【设计意图:设计意
16、图: 以读说促写,降低了写作的难度,学生能成功表 达过去一周的经历。 】 StepStep 5 5 Summary.Summary. 任务完成:学会了熟练用过去时描述过去某一天或一周的经历。 StepStep 6 6 HomeworkHomework 1. Read book on P41. 2. Read the story of the Little Mouse to your grandparents. BoardBoard DesignsDesigns 【设计意图:设计意图: 采用主板书和副板书的形式。主板书的思 维导图便于学生理解和复述课文。副板书动词过去式的归纳呈 现,便于学生理解、记忆和准确使用过去时来描述过去某一天 或一周的经历。 】 On Monday , he called his friend. On Tuesday , he walked to his friends house. On Wednesday , he helped his friend. On Thursday , they listened to music. On Friday , they played basketball. On Saturday , they watched TV. On Sunday , he was at home again.