1、 一、教学目标 Objectives: 1. 能够在语境中理解运用核心词汇 History,Physics, Chemistry,Geography 和 Science。 2. 通过语境带动文本的学习,能理解运用核心句型 What are you going to study?Im going to study 3. 能听懂,会读并理解文本,然后运用 be going to 句型简 单介绍自己的中学生活或梦想。 4. 初步了解中国和英国的中学课程,激发热爱母校,热爱 学习,追求梦想的美好情感。 二、学情分析 1. 本课面向的群体为六年级下学期即将毕业的学生,已 经具备了一定的英语基础和良好的思
2、维能力。 2. 本课核心语言是 be going to 句型,学生之前已经接触 过,主要是在语境中加深理解,难点是五个中学科目核心词汇。 三、重点难点 1. 本课重点是 be going to 句型的理解和运用。 2. 本课难点是五个中学新科目的发音及理解运用。 四、教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1 教学活动 活动 1【导入】M10 U2 A、Leading in :Sing a song 导入新课 What a beautiful song! I love you, you love me. We are a happy family. But next September, you
3、will go to your middle school. And you are going to study lots of new subjects. 导出核心句型 What are you going to study? 活动 2【讲授】M10 U2 B Presentation 1.Review words about subjects T: what subjects do you study in primary school ? S: 1) Read these words loudly together 2) Play a game 2.Learn new words Do
4、 you know what other new subjects in middle school? Who can tell me the different subjects? Try to read it. 1)Practice Guess what are you going to study?(蒙层功能) I am going to study 拿书,创设语境问:what are you going to study ?I am going to study Do “ Chinese whisper ”引出第三人称,为下面提问铺垫: What is going to study ?
5、He /she is going to study Say a chant 3.Text We are going to our middle schools and study lots of new things.Our friends Amy and Lingling are also going to their middle school. What are they going to study ? Task1: Look and check the form Task2: Listen quietly and then try to dub it. Task3: sing a song.(自编) 活动三【拓展延伸】 Look!Coco is coming .She wants to talk about her middle school 活动四【练习】 Do you want to talk about your middle school? 先写一写,说一说,再展示。(希沃授课助手) My middle school /My Dream . 活动五 Summary. 活动六 Homework.