1、1 北师大版小学英语五年级上册北师大版小学英语五年级上册 U Unitnit 3 3 ClothesClothes ( (L1L1) )AtAt thethe clothesclothes storestore 一、教教学内容学内容分析分析 购物的话题在四年级上、下册都出现过。其中四年级上出现的是 20 以内的数字和 询问价格的句型“How much is/are ?”,三年级下以购物用语“I want ”和“Do you have ”两个句型为主;本单元在这些内容基础上进行拓展,增加了询问尺寸大 小“Those trousers are too big. What size do you w
2、ant?”和价格高低“This cap is cheap. These clothes are too expensive.”等表达方式,使得教材中购物的话 题语言和内容更加丰富,本单元第一课时的故事呈现了上述语言点,围绕着妈妈带着 Ann 和 Ken 到服装店购物展开。 二、学生情况分析学生情况分析 五年级学生处于小学的中年级,对于英语学习已经有了一些知识基础,他们好活 动,善模仿,喜欢通过说说、唱唱、演演等活动学习语言,形象思维好。经过三年级 的学习,学生对购物话题的主要句型有了初步的感知,能够听懂 How much is/are ?”,“I want ”,“Do you have ”等,
3、同时大多数孩子具备了良 好的听说习惯,能够积极地参与课堂教学活动。 三、三、教学目标教学目标 1.能借助插图理解故事内容。 2.能跟随录音朗读课文对话。 3.能在故事语境中理解询问或说明衣服的颜色, 尺寸, 价格的句型 What size/color would/do you like?,以及对衣服的大小,价格做评论的句型 The.is too big/small/expensive/cheap. 4.能通过 Ann 给 Mocky 买帽子的情节,体会朋友间的关爱之情。 四、四、教学重难点分析教学重难点分析 1.教学难点:借助图片理解故事,并正确朗读故事 2.教学难点:在情境中理解询问及说明颜
4、色,尺寸及价格的表达 五、五、教学过程设计教学过程设计 Step1Warm up 1. Greetings 2 T:Hello boys and girls.I glad to have class with you .Are you ready for class? OK,show me your hands,lets clap hands 2. Sing a song Do you have? T:Very good.Lets sing the song together with clap hands 3. Brainstorming (1)PPT 呈现图片一角,让学生猜出 T-shir
5、t, trousers, cap, shoes 等衣物,引导学生说 出相关的名称。 T: Guess! Whats this? S:Cap T: Yes, Its a cap.look at the price card,How much is it? S:Its ten . (2)T: Lets read together. Cap, T-shirt,trousers,shoes.They are all clothes. (3) 教师出示 clothes 一词,让学生理解。(并导出课题 clothes) 3 4. 评价: T:There are some beautiful picture
6、s of clothes.Try your best to get them! Ok? 【设计意图设计意图】通过学生熟悉的歌曲引出主题,再次复习和感知了 Do you have 这 个有关购物的功能句, 既为下面新知识学习做好铺垫, 又能有效调动学生的学习热 情,拉近学生和老师距离。而具有本课特色的衣服卡片作为辅助评价手段,能有效 激励学生的参与积极性。 Step2Leadin (1)T:I want to know , Where do you buy clothes? Fox example ,I buy clothes in supermarket (S1,S2.) (2)T:May b
7、e you can buy clothes in many different places,and this time ,we learn L1 -At the clothes store (引导学生说出课题) (2)引导学生说出 What size ? (PPT 呈现大小两顶帽子),区分 big and small。 T: So ,if you buy clothes,what things do you think about it? S: How much? T: Good ,This is very important . S: What color / Do you have /
8、What size? 4 (3)教师出示两顶大小不同的帽子(孩子的童帽、成人帽),利用魔术将其中的成人帽变 出,并戴在学生头上,问 Is it the right size?让学生感受大小,其他学生观察,体会。 教师引导学生说 Its too big (5)借助 PPT 呈现课文图片 10 导入故事。引导学生观察最后一张 T: How about Mockys cap? Does Mocky like the cap? 【设计意图设计意图】通过让学生对故事结尾进行大胆猜想与创设,培养学生过发散思 维。 5 2 Step3Presentation (1)教师播放故事录音,学生初步感知故事 T:
9、lets watch the story ,and find out who buy the cap for Mocky? T:I think you got the answer Yes? S: Ann buys a cap for Mocky. (2)教师就故事第一、二幅图与学生进行交流。结合图片中服装的标价,引导学 生理解 expensive 和 cheap 的含义。 T: Where does Ann buy a cap? Look, where is it? S: It a clothes store T:Yes, Mom,Ken and Ann came in? What do t
10、hey want to buy? S:They want to buy clothes. T: Yes,they want to buy clothes,look at those clothes. Are those clothes nice? S:Yes,they are nice T: Look at the price,.oh ,they re too expensive(操练单词,分组,大小声) T:look at another store,Are these clothes nice? S:Yes,these clothes are nice T:Look,Are these c
11、lothesexpensive? S:No T:Yes,they are cheap(带读) T: So,look at these two store,which store they came in? 6 The first store? Or the second store? S: the second T: Yes,because the store is nice and cheap They go into the second store,What does Mum buy? Lets watch the story and find out the answer ( 3 )(
12、看图 36)学生观看动画并回答问题。 T: What does Mom want to buy? What size/color are they? How much are they? 7 (4)教师请学生阅读 图 79,思考以下问题。 T: What does Ann buy for Mocky? What size/How much is the cap? ( 5 )问学生为什么 Ann 没有给自己衣服,而是给 Mocky 买了一顶帽子,渗透朋 友之间要相互关爱的教育。 【设计意图】【设计意图】结三次听课文录音设计难易程度不同的问题,帮助学生层层理解课文, 化难为简,从而在语篇中学会整体
13、感知课文,并能在语境中获取信息解决问题。 ( 6 )T:The story is funny. Lets enjoy again,Listen and imitate 【设计意图【设计意图】通过对故事进行跟读模仿,自读内化,体验故事中人物的情感,为接 下来的复述和表演生成做铺垫。 Step4Production (1)Read and write 8 clothessizecolorprice KenTrousers Ann (2)Act out the story (3)Retell the story (利用板书对故事进行复述) 【设计意图】【设计意图】通过复述及表演故事,既让学生参与故事
14、,激发学生对故事的兴趣, 又引起学生的思考,并以此检测学生的课堂学习效果。 Step5Homework (1)Listen and read the story (2)Make a dialogue about shoping with your partners. 【设计意思【设计意思】对作业进行分层布置,由浅入深。将效为简单的跟读模仿课文作为第 一项作业,全体同学都能根据要求很好地完成。在熟读课文的前提下,完成第二项 作业:学生可以自己创编关于购物的对话,以此作为对课堂学习的延伸,在培养学 生发散思维能力的同时,关注到学生的个体差异。 9 板书设计板书设计 Unit 3Clothes (L1)