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闽教版三年级上册Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:00344).zip

1、 Whose house? little rabbit rabbit What does the wolf want to do? The Little Rabbits Story time and the Wolf Dont open the door! open the door!Dont Dont Dont Open the door, little rabbits! The doorbell is ringing! doorbell 门铃 ring 响 ing The doorbell is ringing. Q:If the doorbell is ringing, can we o

2、pen the door at once?如果门 铃响了,我们能立刻开门吗? Q:What should we do? 我们该怎么做? Q:What will the rabbits do? 小兔子会怎么做? Discuss Who is it? Its me. Your grandma. Open the door. Q1: Will they open the door? 它们会开门吗? Mom isnt at home. We cant open the door. Discuss: If we are alone at home, we cant open the door for _

3、 A. stranger (陌生人) B. parents workmates(父母的同事) C. parents friends(父母的朋友) D. someone who fixes the TV(修电视) E. someone who collects the water bills(收 水费的) F. grandma and grandpa G. relatives(亲戚) No ! No ! No ! No ! No ! Yes ! Yes/N o! Q1: Will the wolf leave? 狼会离开吗? Q2: What will he do?它将会怎么做? food:食物

4、 I have some food for you. Open the door. foodsomeI havefor you. good Discuss If we are alone, can we accept strangers food? 我们独自一人的时候接受陌生人的食 物吗? If we are alone, can we accept s food from moms friends? 我们独自一人时能接受母亲 朋友的食物吗? Q1: Will the rabbits open the door? 兔子会开门吗? No, we cant. Q:The wolf runs awa

5、y. What happens? 狼跑走了。发生了什么事? Mother Rabbit is coming back. You are good children. Listen and answer Q: how many times does the wolf say “open the door”? 狼说了几次“开门”? A. Once(一次) B. Twice(两次) C. Three times(3次) Open the door, little rabbits! Its me. Your grandma. Open the door. I have some food for yo

6、u. Open the door. Listen and follow Fill in the blanks. 根据故事内容填空。 -_open the door. -Goodbye, Mom. -_. -The _is ringing. _is it? -Its_! Your_. Open the door. -Mom isnt_. We cant_. -I have _for you. Open the door. -No, _. -You are _ children. Dont Goodbye doorbell Who me grandma at home open the door

7、some food we cant good Role play Act out the dialogues. -Who is it? -It is me. Your grandma. Open the door. -Mom isnt at home. We cant open the door. -I have some food for you. Open the door. -No, we cant. -You are good children. -Dont open the door. -Goodbye, Mom. -Goodbye. Homework 1. Read the sto

8、ry for 3 times. 2. Tell the story to your parents. -Who is it? -It is me. Your grandma. Open the door. -Mom isnt at home. We cant open the door. -I have some food for you. Open the door. -No, we cant. -You are good children. -Dont open the door. -Goodbye, Mom. -Goodbye. ( ) ( ) ( ) Order the dialogu

9、es. 给下列对话排序 。 1 2 3 -Open the door. Little rabbits. -The doorbell is ringing. ( ) 4 Open the door, little rabbits! Its me. Your grandma. Open the door. I have some food for you. Open the door. The doorbell is ringing. Who is it? Mom isnt at home. We cant open the door. No, We cant. Read the story an

10、d match. 读故事并且连线 The Little Rabbits and the Wolf 一、设计思路、指导依据说明一、设计思路、指导依据说明 1英语课程标准指出,义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和 人文性双重性质。就人文性而言,英语课程承担着提高学生综合人 文素养的任务,即学生通过英语课程能够开阔视野,丰富生活经历, 形成跨文化意识,增强爱国主义精神,发展创新能力,形成良好的 品格和正确的人生观与价值观。此故事围绕着兔子和狼展开,在兔 子和狼的较量中,兔子展现出它们的聪明才智及很高的安全意识。 本课确立了问题主线,通过读图了解故事情节,同时让学生讨论遇 到类似的情形你们会怎么做, 猜

11、测小兔子又会怎么做。通过讨论和 猜测推动故事的教学,帮助学生梳理故事脉络,同时培养学生的安 全意识。同时,在解决问题的过程中,渗透学法,培养学生的自主 学习能力。 二、教学背景分析二、教学背景分析 1教学内容分析 本课 The Little Rabbits and the Wolf 是关于小兔子和狼的故事。兔妈 妈不在家,两个小兔子独自在家,狼来了,想各种办法让小兔子开 门,小兔子都没有开门。最后兔妈妈回来了,狼吓得赶紧跑走了。 兔妈妈称赞小兔子是好孩子。 2. 学情分析 本课的教学对象是三年级的学生,他们熟悉此故事。通过将近一学期 的英语学习,他们有了一定的英语基础,也掌握和积累了一定数量的

12、与 本课话题相关的词汇。 大部分学生都有英语学习的积极性与主动性,求 知欲增强。因此,在新知识传授的同时,我尽可能的为学生创造良好的 语言环境,让学生在学习中积极参与、大胆发言,从而形成积极的情感 态度。 三三 教学目标教学目标 1. 语言知识目标 a. 学会故事中的主要词汇。如 dont, open, door, mom, little, doorbell, ring, some, food, cant, children, at home 等。 b. 学习故事中主要情节的语言。如:Dont open the door. The doorbell is ringing. We cant op

13、en the door. I have some food for you. 等。 2. 语言技能目标 a. 能听懂、会说、认读词汇 dont, open, door, mom, little, doorbell, ring, some, food, cant, children, at home。 b. 能听懂、会说 Dont open the door. The doorbell is ringing. We cant open the door. I have some food for you. 并在具体的语境 中运用。 c. 能在图片的帮助下理解故事的大致内容。 d. 能叙述并表演故

14、事的主要情节。 3. 学习策略目标 a. 能带着问题有目的地听故事,获取关键信息 4. 情感态度 a. 教育学生要学会自己保护自己。 四教学重点、难点分析四教学重点、难点分析 1. 教学重点 a. 学会主要词汇。如 dont, open, door, mom, little, doorbell, ring, some, food, cant, children, at home 等。 b. 学会主要句子如:Open the door. Dont open the door. We cant open the door. 等。 c. 理解故事的大概内容。 2. 教学难点 a. 理解故事的大概内容

15、 b. 能叙述并表演故事的主要情节。 五教具准备五教具准备 大灰狼和小白兔的头饰、单词卡片、句子卡片、PPT 六教学过程六教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greeting 2. Review some words about animals Step 2 Lead in 1. 出示图 1, 教学单词 wolf T: Oh, look! Who is in the forest too? It looks bad. Can you guess? Ss: dog, cat. T: Its a wolf. (教学 wolf) It is bad. 2. 出示图 2, 教学单词 l

16、ittle T: The wolf is near a house. Whose house? Look a mother rabbit and her little rabbits.( 教学:little ) The wolf is near rabbits house. What does it want to do? Yes, It wants to eat the rabbits. 3. 揭示课题 T: Today we are going to learn a story about the little rabbits and the wolf. (板书课题) (设计意图:通过复习

17、学过的动物引出今天的故事主角: rabbit 从 旧知引出新知,从图片猜测动物,从图片预测故事内容,激发学 生的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,激起学生读故事的欲望,发散学 生思维。) Step 3 Presentation 1. 出示图 3. 教学句子 Dont open the door./Open the door. T: One day, mother rabbit is leaving home. What does she tell her little rabbits? Listen carefully. 播放录音,引导 Ss 回答:Dont open the door. (教学句子,借

18、助动作,操练句子) (设计意图:通过听录音引出 Dont open the door 的教学,利用教 室的门这个真实道具及开门动作,教学 door 及 open the door,浅 显易懂,学生印象深刻。) 2. 出示图 4. T:The wolf is coming. What does it say? Can you guess.?Ss: Open the door. T 播放录音,Ss 模仿跟读 “Open the door, little rabbits.” 3. 出示图 5. 教学 The doorbell is ringing. 引导学生思考讨论: If the doorbell

19、 is ringing, can we open the door at once? What should we do? What will the rabbits do? 4. 出示图 6。 (1)朗读对话:-Who is it? -Its me. Your grandma. Open the door. (2)思考讨论:Will the rabbits open the door? What will they say? 5. 出示图 7。教学: Mom isnt at home. We cant open the door. 思考讨论(1):If we are alone at hom

20、e, we cant open the door for _ A. stranger (陌生人) B. parents workmates(父母的同事) C. parents friends(父母的朋友) D. someone who fixes the TV(修电视) E. someone who collects the water bills(收水费的) F. grandma and grandpa G. relatives(亲戚) 思考讨论(2) Will the wolf leave? What will he do? 6. 出示图八。教学: I have some food for

21、 you. T 出示学过的单词 good,引导学生念出 food。 思考讨论(1):If we are alone, can we accept strangers food? If we are alone, can we accept s food from moms friends? 思考讨论(2)Will the rabbit open the door? 7. 出示图 9. T:The wolf runs away. What happens? 8. 出示图 10. T: Mother rabbit is coming back. 9. 出示图 11.教学:You are good

22、children. T: The little rabbits tell their mother about the wolf. What does she say? She says: ”You are good children. ” 教学 children。 (设计意图:通过引导学生看图及推测故事内容,激发学生继续读 故事的兴趣和欲望,调动学生积极性,发散思维。通过讨论老师 根据故事内容设计的问题,启发学生思考遇到这种情形我该怎么 做,讨论过后观看小兔子的做法,提高学生的安全意识。 在教学过程中,注意提醒学生有感情地朗读故事,注意语音语调。 ) Step 4 Consolidation

23、 1. Listen and answer How many times does the wolf say “open the door”? A. Once(一次) B. Twice(两次) C. Three times(3 次) 2. Listen and follow 3. Fill in the blanks. 根据故事内容填空。 (设计意图:带着问题听故事,培养学生认真听的习惯以及听的能 力,整体感知故事。跟读课文,模仿语音语调,在朗读中体验故 事,同时加强语言输入,为后面的语言输出做准备。根据故事内 容填空检查学生掌握的程度,培养学生复述的能力) Step 5 Extension

24、1. Read in roles 2. Act out the story 学生四人组成一组,戴上头饰,上台表演课本的故事 3. 情感教育 教育学生要学会自己保护自己,当大人不在家时不要随便给他人 开门,更不要给陌生人开门。 (设计意图:演故事是学生最爱的一个环节,符合孩子爱动爱演的 天性,又调动课堂气氛,同时也是学生内化语言知识生成语言的 过程) Step 6 Homework 1. Read the story for 3 times. 2. Tell the story to your parents. (设计意图:适量的作业,让学生复习和巩固所学知识。给家长讲 故事,让学生享受成功的喜悦。 ) 板书 The Little Rabbits and the Wolf Dont open the door. Open the door. The doorbell is ringing. We cant open the door. I have some food for you.



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