1、People andPeople and PlacesPlaces 2 Pre-reading Watch a video (视频欣赏) 3 Pre-reading LondonLondon Look and say (看看说说) 4 Pre-reading BeijingBeijing Look and say (看看说说) 5 Pre-reading New YorkNew York Look and say (看看说说) 6 Pre-reading MoscowMoscow Look and say (看看说说) 7 Pre-reading Los AngelesLos Angeles
2、Look and say (看看说说) 8 While-reading Choose the best answer (选择最佳回答) ( ) How many places can you find in the text? A. Three.B. Four.C. Five. C First reading 9 12:00 a.m. 1:00 a.m.8:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. While-reading Read and match (读课文并连线) Second reading New YorkLondonBeijingMoscowLos Angeles
3、10 17:00 20:00 01:0009:00 12:00 There are 24 time zones in the world. 11 In different places, the time is _.different At this moment 12 ( ) 1. At this moment, in different places of the world, people are doing things. the same ( ) 2. In Los Angeles, people working at 9:00 in the morning. ( ) 3. When
4、 its 1:00 a.m. in Beijing, its 8:00 a.m. in Moscow. different Tick or cross (判断对错) While-reading Second reading arentare 13 Make a mind map in groups 小组合作做思维导图 While-reading Third reading 14 Lets chant London, London, people are leaving work, leaving work. Moscow, Moscow, people are going to the the
5、atre, going to the theatre. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, children are starting their lessons,starting their lessons. New York, New York, people are calling home, calling home. While-reading 15 Listen to the news report (听新闻报道) Read the news report (齐读新闻报道) Post-reading 16 Choose the activities 选择活动 Rea
6、d the text 朗读课文 Retell the text according to the mind map 通过思维导图复述课文 Write a new report 写一篇新的报道 Post-reading (group work 小组合作) 17 Read the text 朗读课文 Post-reading 18 Retell the text according to the mind map 借助思维导图复述课文 Post-reading 19 Write a new report 写一篇新的报道 Welcome to Foshan TV. At this moment, i
7、n Foshan, it is 8:40 in the morning. People are _. In Sydney, it is 11:40 in the morning. People are _ _. Post-reading Word bank watching a filmplaying sportshaving lunch going to workstarting lessonshaving breakfast 20 1) Listen and read the text. (听读课文) 2) Looking up on the Internet , know more ab
8、out people and places. (上网搜索更多关于同一时间不同地区的人文) PlacesTime What are they doing? Beijing8:00 in the eveningWatching TV, doing homework Homework Choose your homework (选择你的作业) ThankThank you !you ! 22 leaving work 下班 going to the theatre 去剧院 driving home 开车回家 watching a film 看电影 drinking coffee 喝咖啡 callin
9、g home 打电话回家 Phrases (短语) While-reading Third reading Instructed by 授课教师授课教师 Date 授课日期授课日期 2017.4.7 Teaching Contents (教学内容教学内容) People and places At this moment, in different places of the world, people are doing different things. In London, its five oclock in the afternoon and people are leaving w
10、ork and are going home. They are waiting for buses and trains.Some people are driving home. In Moscow, its eight oclock in the evening. People are having dinner at home or in restaurants. Some are going to the theatre or watching a film. Some are Watching TV at home. In Beijing, its one oclock at ni
11、ght. People arent having dinner. Most people are sleeping. Some people are still working. In Los Angeles, its nine oclock in the morning.People arent sleepiing.Theyre working. Children are starting their lessons. In New York,its twelve oclock. People arent working. Theyre having lunch. They are eati
12、ng hamburgers or hot dogs and drinking coffee or cola. Some people are seeing friends, calling home or shopping. Prior Knowledge ( 已有知识已有知识) 1) Students know how to be polite in class. 2) Students know how to work in pairs and groups. 3) Students have mastered the present continuous tense in grade f
13、ive. Teaching Aims (教学目标)(教学目标) 一、知识目标一、知识目标 1. Can master the key words: moment, world, place, thing, leave, theatre, still,Moscow, London, Los Angeles, New York 2. Can master the key sentence patterns: 1)At this moment, in different places of the world people are doing different things. 2)Theyre w
14、orking. 3)People arent having dinner. 4)Some people are still working and some are going home from work. 5)They are eating hamburgers or hot dogs and drinking coffee or cola. 6)Some people are seeing friends, calling home or shopping. 二、能力目标 1. To get information from reading material about what peo
15、ple are doing in different places. 2. To retell the reading material through the mind maps. 三、情感目标 通过了解其他国家或地区人们的生活让学生提升对异国文化和生活习俗 的兴趣,加深对本国文化的认识。 Difficulties ( 重点难点重点难点 ) Function: How to describe and ask what the people are doing at the moment. Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense. Teaching Aids
16、 ( 教学辅助教学辅助) Computer, PPT file, small blackboards, hand-made clocks etc. Procedures ( 教学过程教学过程 ) Teachers activities 教师活动教师活动 Students activities 学生活动学生活动 Purpose 目的目的 Pre-reading (阅读前)(阅读前) 1. Show the video “Super Wings” 2. Separate the Ss in several groups and name by the roles name. (乐迪, 多多, 小爱
17、, 酷飞) 3. Look and say: Say out the places by seeing the pictures.(BigBen- London,Red Square- Moscow, Tiananmen- Beijing, Hollywood-Los Angeles, Time Square- New York) 1. Watch the video. 2. Separated in several groups and named by the roles name. 3.Look at the pictures and say out the places. 4.Fini
18、sh the task and set out to different places. 1.趣味导入,激发 兴趣。 在学生开始阅读前, 教师通过播放超级 飞侠的视频引出本 堂课的主线,达到 激趣的效果。超级 飞侠里的 4 位主角 都有运送包裹到世 界各地的职责,班 上的学生将被分为 以 4 位主角命名的 小组进行教学活动。 2.师生对话,唤醒 积累。 通过 Look and say 来得到派送包裹的 地点,4 个小组的 组员将肩负着派送 包裹到 4 个不同城 市的职责。 While-reading (阅读中阅读中) 1. First reading Ask the students to c
19、hoose the best answer. 2. Second reading 1)Lining: Place and time. 2) judging:“are” and“arent”sentence patterns. 3. Third reading 1)Teacher will explain the situation of London through mind map and ask students to make their own mind maps. 2)Teach the new phrases. 3) Guide the students to chant. 1.
20、Read the text quickly and choose the best answer. 2. Read the text for a second time and finish the exercises: lining and judging. 3. Read the text for the third time, then listen to the teacher to explain the situation of London through mind map. Make their own mind maps. 4. Learn the new phrases.
21、5. Try to chant with the teacher. 1.初读课文,整体 感知。 第一次阅读,让学 生快速浏览,整体 感知文本。 2.细读课文,关注 细节。 第二次阅读,细读 文本,获取详细信 息,完成连线和判 断题。 3.精读课文,理解 文本。 第三次阅读,教师 在黑板上使用思维 导图讲解伦敦的情 况:时间和人们正 在做的事情,直观 明了,学生容易理 解。讲解后给予学 生自由制作思维导 图的机会,锻炼学 生动手能力的同时, 实现以生为本的课 堂目标。教师利用 学生制作的思维导 图检测学生,查漏 补缺。并把新词和 主句型通过欢快的 节奏 chant 出来, 抑扬顿挫和连贯的 发音
22、使学生注意力 更加集中,朗朗上 口。培养语感的同 时巩固已学的新知。 Post-reading (阅读后阅读后) 1. Play the tape and ask students to listen and read loudly. 2. Ask students to choose the activities. 1) Read the text. 2) Retell the text through mind map. 3) Write a news report: Welcome to Foshan TV. Im your host Nikki. At this moment, in
23、Foshan, it is 8:40 in the morning.People are _. In Sydney, it is 11:40 in the morning. People are _. 1. Listen and read, try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation of the tape. 2. Choose the activities and show in class: 1) Read the text. 2) Retell the text through mind map. 3) Write a news rep
24、ort: Welcome to Foshan TV. Im your host Nikki. At this moment, in Foshan, it is 8:40 in the morning.People are_.In Sydney, it is 11:40 in the morning. People are _. 1.听读结合,习得 语言。 通过 3 个环节的阅 读活动,学生们对 文章有了进一步的 理解。教师通过播 放录音,让学生跟 着朗读。通过朗读 来培养正确的发音, 培养语感,提高学 生的口语表达能力。 2.小组合作,选择 任务,拓展延伸。 在设计阅读后活动 时,教师遵循了学
25、 生个体差异性的原 则,设计了不同层 次的练习让学生来 选择,并通过小组 合作来实现此项学 习目标,为学生提 供一个平等、和谐 的互动环境,有利 于学生的情感投入, 个性的发展,提高 学习效率。 Homework (作业)(作业) Assign the homework 1) Listen and read the text. 2) Looking up on the Internet and know more people and places. Choose the homework they like and finish at home. 布置分层作业,让 不同层次的学生选 择适合自己的作业, 在完成作业的过程 中获得成功的体验 和提高做作业的效 率。尊重学生的个 体差异性,避免了 优等生“吃不饱” , 中等生“提不高” , 后进生“吃不了” 等问题。