1、课题: 英语 (新 标准) (一年级起点) 五年级上册 Module 1 Unit 2 There are tall trees now. 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课是外研社新标准英语(一起)五年级上册 M1U2 There are tall tress now.在本课中, 学生要学会运用 There is(nt)/was(nt).There are(nt)/were(nt).来描述实物的变化。 在前一节 课中已经学习了怎样利用 There be 句型描述变化, 本课是对该知识点的扩展运用。 本课的主 课文是一段文字,用 There be 句型来描述学校的变化。 二、学情分析二、学情分析
2、在前一节课当中同学们学习了运用 There is(nt)/was(nt).There are(nt)/were(nt).来描 述实物的变化。There be 句型中 be 动词的选用在小学阶段是一个难点,同时加入了现在时 态与过去时态的对比,使得语法结构更加复杂,同学们学习起来更为困难。学习本课时应更 加关注语言的综合性运用,围绕学校变化这一主题,引导学生合作完成综合任务。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1.语言技能语言技能 (1)听:全体学生能听懂能听懂“There are tall tress now.” (2)说: 全体学生能说“There are tall tress now.” (3)读
3、: 全体学生能认读:playground, There are tall tress now. (4)写:全体学生能拼写“There are tall tress now.” 。 2.语言知识语言知识 (1)功能:谈论学校的变化。 (2)语法:全体学生能运用:There are tall tress now. (3)词汇:全体学生能理解本课单词:playground。 全体学生能运用本课单词:playground。 (4)语音:进一步强化已学语音。 3. 情感态度情感态度 在小组活动中能与其他同学积极合作。善于观察生活中的变化,激发学生对对学校、家 乡以及生活的热爱之情。 。 4. 学习策略学
4、习策略 积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 5. 文化意识文化意识 通过绍学校的变化,强化 There be 句型的同时,进一步注意到中外语言的不同。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1. 重点重点 playground,There is(nt)/was(nt).There are(nt)/were(nt).来描述实物的变化。 2. 难点难点 根据实际情况与观察到的内容利用 There is(nt)/was(nt).There are(nt)/were(nt).来描 述实物的变化。 五五、教学准备教学准备 PPT 课件。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 (一)复习导入(一)复习导入 Warm-up
5、 and lead in(5 分钟)分钟) 1. Lets sing. 播放歌曲,学生齐唱歌曲。 T: What other places do you know in London?S: London Eye, Big Ben. 2. Look and say. T: Amy, Sam and Lingling are in London now. Look, they go to a park. The park is different now. Great changes have taken place. Do you remember the changes in the park
6、? S: There werent any benches her before. There was a house. S: There wasnt a clock here before. These is one now. 教师与学生们互相问好,引导学生快速进入英语课堂的状态。 T: They can find the changes in their city. Can you?S: Yes. 【设计意图】【设计意图】 活跃课堂氛围,快速进入英语学习状态。同时复习第一单元所学的内容。 (二)任务呈现(二)任务呈现 Task presentation( 1 分钟)分钟) T: Today
7、, lets learn Moudle 1 Unit 2. To talk about the changes in our school and life. 【设计意图】【设计意图】自然的导入,使学生能自然地了解本节课的任务。 (三)课文学习(三)课文学习 Text learning(13 分钟)分钟) 1Look,listen and say. T: First, look at activity 1. Watch and think what is different? 教师播放第一部分动画。 T: Whats is different? S: There werent any chil
8、d in my family. There are three children now. T:Great! Lets listen and repeat now. 学生跟读第一部分。 2.Grammer tips. 教师指着第一部分 There be 句型 T: These sentences can be used to talk about the changes. They are “there be”. What kind of “there be”do you know? S: There is.There are.There was.There were.(教师粘贴) T: Yo
9、u are so clever , children. Here, I have a video for you. It may help you to remember the tips. Lets see. (播放 there be 微课) T: Can you remember it? 3.Look and say. 教师呈现第二部分学校对比图。 T: Look! There are two pictures of a school. The school is different now. Can you talk about it? S: There were lots of lit
10、tle tress before. There are tall trees now. S: There was a small playground before. There is a big playground now. 教师黑板粘贴对应图片,书写关键词。学生一个接一个复述。 T: You look carefully children. Now, lets see how the book introduce the changes of the school. 学生观看第二部分动画。 T: Ok, listen and repeat this time. 学生跟读课文。 T: Wh
11、at sentences are used to introduce the changes in the text? 学生上前找出语句,划线并大声读出来。 4. Look and say. T: Look at these four pictures. Can you talk about the school before and now? 【设计意图【设计意图】通过谈论 Amy 家庭的变化引出 there be 句型,并引导学生回顾 There be 句 型。之后通过观察图片进行谈论、观看、复述的过程引导学生谈论教材学校的变化,进 一步巩固掌握 there be 句型谈论变化的方法。 (
12、四)(四)课堂练习课堂练习 Practice( 6 分钟)分钟) 1. Point and say. T: From the text. We know the outside of the school is different. How about the classroom? Lets see. 教师利用 PPT 呈现图片。 T: Look! Here is a picture of a classroom before. And this is a classroom now. But it is empty. There are some things for you. Please
13、 point to the things and introduce the changes of before and now. 学生用手指指出并拖动所选物品,图对新旧教室的不同进行说明。 【设计意图】【设计意图】通过实际应用,对新旧教室的变化进行介绍,进一步巩固“There be”句型应 用。 (五)(五)任务完成任务完成 Task completion(10 分钟)分钟) 1. Look, find and say. T: We know the school in the book has changes a lot. How about our school? Lets enjoy
14、a video and think about the changes in our school. 学生观看视频思考我们学校的变化。 T: What difference can you find? 学生根据观察到的内容简述学生的不同。 2. Group work. T: Lets do a group work now. Here are some tips for you. Read it in mind please. 学生小组谈论学校的变化。后逐个小组上前展示。 T: There are three ways for you. Which one do you want to cho
15、ose. 小组内 30 秒时间讨论所选汇报方式。 T: Ok. You have three minutes to prepare.Are you ready? Go! 教师播放倒计时和音乐。利用手机拍摄学生小组合作讨论的过程。 各小组进行展示。 教师与同学共同对各组表现进行评价。(粘贴小树) 教师总结合作过程,表现优秀小组每组一课树。 【设计意图【设计意图】活动的设计围绕本课的运用目标,谈论学校发生的变化,根据课文的特点,选 择本学校发生的变化并制作成为一个微视频, 让学生观察视频利用所学内容进行介绍。 学生 的语言运用是在比较真实的语言环境下开展的, 语言交流的难度也非常适合学生的语言能力
16、 水平。充分体现课程标准所倡导的“做中学,用中学”的理念。 (六)(六)作业作业与与小结小结 Summary and homework( 5分钟)分钟) 1. Watch and enjoy. T: Our school is different now. Our school Dalian has changes a lot too. Lets enjoy a video about Dalian. 教师播放大连变化的视频。 T:Are you happy to live in Dalian? S: Yes. T: So. Love our city, Dalian. Love our sc
17、hool.And love our life. Enjoy everyday, please! 2. Homework. Do a survey. To know more about our schools changes. 3.Summary. T: Letsee. How many tress have you got? 学生数小树的个数回答问题。 T: There werent any trees on the balckboard before. There are trees now. 【设计意图【设计意图】 通过观看视频, 体会大连这座城市的巨大变化, 体会生活在大连的快乐与幸福。 激发学生对家乡、对学校以及对生活的热爱之情。教师对本课学生的表现进行简要总结。 七、七、板书板书 Moudle 1 Unit 1 There are tall tress now.Change There be There isThere was There areThere were littletall small big