1、little blue and little yellow Ring around Time to enjoy movie Time to read Do you like little blue and little yellow? Why? Time to know 小黑鱼一寸虫一寸虫 田鼠阿佛田鼠阿佛 亚历山大亚历山大 和发条老鼠和发条老鼠 玛修的梦玛修的梦 一只奇特一只奇特 的蛋的蛋 世界世界上最上最 大的大的房子房子 字字母母树树 自己自己的的颜颜 色色 LeoLeo LionniLionni 李欧李欧李奥尼李奥尼 “色色彩彩魔术师魔术师 ” “二二十十世世纪纪的的 伊索伊索” Ti
2、me to make Time to show 李奥里欧尼(Leo Lionni)被誉为儿童文学 界的寓言大师,他的作品以深入浅出、耐人 寻味的小故事传达出隽永的人生智慧。他擅 长以贴画来表现文字的韵味,把各种可以粘 贴的材料,如:报纸、墙纸、色纸、布块、 毛线、邮票、果皮等等来代替颜料,粘贴在 图画或画布上,呈现出不同的肌理,线条简 单,形象逼真,表现出浮雕味的特殊质感来 丰富画面。 在他的图画书中经常出现的是小老鼠、小青 蛙、小鱼甚或一只小鸟,但却反应了人类世 界中的大道理。而透过图画书的表达,Leo Lionni尝试告诉孩子这些对他们成长有意义 的故事。在他的文章中,他常说:“儿童在 图
3、画书中会经验到的是一连串已结构成形的 幻想,但这些幻想却会激发孩子内心深处的 感觉与想象。透过这些经验,孩子尝试将个 人的视觉经验与语文经验产生对话,并形成 连结”。 little blue and little yellow英语绘本教学设计 绘本简介: 这是一个独特而具有想像力的故事。小蓝和小黄是两个好朋友,有一天小蓝趁妈妈不 在家跑出去找小黄玩,两个孩子太高兴了,拥抱在一起变成了绿色!他们玩累了回家,但 爸爸妈妈都不认他们!他们难过得哭啊哭啊哭得自己全是泪水了,但也因此又变回了自己。 终于可以回家了,当小蓝的爸爸妈妈拥抱小黄时也变成了绿色,他们才知道发生了什么事 情。最后两家人高兴地拥抱在
4、一起。 作者将颜色拟人化,以趣味的方式介绍蓝色和黄色 混合在一起会变成绿色。图案抽象,但又非常形象,比如孩子们玩藏猫猫的画面,小蓝和 小黄在班里座位相邻的画面,真是非常可爱。而故事的拟人化,又让人们读到了一对好朋 友相亲相爱的温情故事。 这么棒的书,作者是谁呢?原来他就是曾获过四次 Caldecott 奖的美国知名童书作家插画家 Leo Lionni。 这位在阿姆斯特丹出生现年九十多岁的作家 其实是一位经济学博士,在毕业后才突然转往平面设计发展,并且在设计界享有盛名。 Lionni 于 1959 年开始投入童书的创作,这本Little Blue and Little Yellow是他的第一部
5、作品。这本书的创作源于一次枯燥的火车旅行,当时他要为孙子讲故事,就顺手把杂志上 的图片撕下来,编了这个故事。 教学目标: 1. 欣赏故事,感受家人之间的亲情和朋友之间的友情。 2.会用(blue)and (yellow) make (green)句型表达颜色的混合。 3. 激发学生对英语绘本阅读的兴趣。 教学重点:感受家人之间的亲情和朋友之间的友情。 会用(blue)and (yellow) make (green)句型表达颜色的混合。 教学难点:感受家人之间的亲情和朋友之间的友情并能表达。 教学准备:多媒体课件,颜料,角色贴纸。 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up Greeting S
6、ing a song: Ring-a-ring-ORoses Step 2 Presentation 1、A magic show: Magic Volcano(红色和蓝色混合后的醋液加入小苏打中,冒出紫色的 气泡。 ) T: What colour did you see? Red、blue and purple. And we can say: Red and yellow make purple.(板书) Colours are very interesting. Do you like them? Today our picture book is about colours. Fir
7、st, lets enjoy a movie.(欣赏绘本视频) 2、故事导入 T: There are many colours in the movie, what are they? Ss: blue、yellow、green、red、orange、brown T: Do you like them? Now lets read the picture book together. Show me your fingers(Sing the song) point and read the title together. 3、讲解绘本 This is little blue. Here h
8、e is at home with papa and mama blue.(板书: papa、mama、house、little blue 贴纸) Little blue has many friends(Guess:Who are his friends?) but his best friend is little yellow who lives across the street (板书: street、house、papa、mama、little yellow 贴纸,请同学理解 live across 贴出 house 的正确 位置。) How they love to play a
9、t Hide-and-Seek and Ring-a-ring-O Roses! T: Look, whats this? S:Its a green ball. T: I hide some balls in your desks,please seek them and come to the front. Tell us: What colour is it? Stand in a circle, lets sing Ring-a-ring-O Roses Stand in neat rows.( 帮助孩子理解 neat rows) T: In school they sit still
10、 in neat rows. After school they run and jump. One day mama blue went shopping. “You stay at home” she said to little blue. But little blue went out to look for little yellow(He is very naughty). Alas! The house across the street was empty.(There is no papa yellow, no mama yellow and no little yello
11、w) He looked here and there and everywhere until suddenly, around a corner there was little yellow! (What will they do? How do they feel now? what will you do if you meet your friends? - Happy/ excitedhug/kiss/give me five/ten/bump fists) Happily they hugged each other and hugged each other until th
12、ey were green Then they went to play in the park. They ran through a tunnel. They chased little orange. (I think boys like chasing, right? But chasing is very dangerous. Boys shouldnt chase, OK?) They climbed a mountain. When they were tired they went home. But papa and mama blue said: “You are not
13、our little blue you are green.” And papa and mama yellow said: “You are not our little yellow you are green.” Little blue and little yellow were very sad. They cried big blue and yellow tears.( Who can come and draw tears?) They cried and cried until they were all tears. When they finally pulled the
14、mselves together(T 通过颜料板书) they said: Will they believe us now?(Boys and girls, will their papa and mama believe them now? ) Mama blue and papa blue were very happy to see their little blue. They hugged and kissed him. And they hugged little yellow too but look they became green! Now they knew what
15、had happened and so they went across the street to bring the good news. They all hugged each other with joy and the children played until suppertime. The end Step3 Know about the writer. 1. T: Do you like little blue and little yellow? Do you have any questions about this story? 2. Look, I have two
16、books here. Look at its title: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOON, and look at our book, can you find the difference? The writer thinks little blue and little blue are very little and cute, so he wrote the title in small letters. He is full of love. He is very famous and smart. He made many picture books:Inch By
17、Inch 、 Fish is Fish 、 Frederick Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse 、 Swimmy.And in his books there are many animals. What are they? He used these books to tell us the truth. He created this book when he travelled on the train with his two grandsons. And he didnt use the pan or pencils, he tore the maga
18、zine! And this book tells us about the love of family and friends.(板书“爱心” ) Step 4. Activity T: Now, boys and girls. Go and find your friends and make your own picture books. Dont forget to use your way to greet. Step 5 Show time S1:Im little red. S2: Im little blue. S1&S2: Red and blue make purple. Step 6 Homework Share your picture books with your papa and mama. Writing on the blackboard little blue and little yellow blue and yellow make green S t r e e t