1、教学教学 设计设计 理念理念 初中英语课程标准强调:“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立 自信心,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、 说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力,健康的人生观,为他们的终身 学习和发展打下良好的基础。 因而,本节课的教学设计上,本节课我采用高效课堂模式,进行“任务型” 教学,结合教材的实际对教材内容、编排顺序等进行了调整、替换、删掉和补充。 在整个教学过程中,尽量用英语进行教学,为学生创造外语氛围。利用课件,增 加直观性,激发学生学习兴趣,降低学习难度,突破重难点且提高课堂密度。让 学生在“自主、合作、探究”的氛围中进行讨论与
2、运用,促进语言表达能力的提高 和情感、态度及价值观的升华。通过视频音乐“Do, Re, Mi” ,创设和谐亲切的开 课氛围。引导学生们就 What kind of music do you know?进行谈论,迅速融入音乐 和英语结合的氛围引出本单元的话题, “I like music that I can dance to?” 组织 学生进行交流,学生通过思考和谈论话题“What kind of music do you like? Why?” 引入新语言结构定语从句。 教材教材 分析分析 本节课是人教新目标九年级 Unit9 I like music that I can dance to
3、. Section A 1a- 1c 的内容。本单元以 music(音乐)为中心话题,让学生学会用定语从句谈论自 己所喜爱或偏好的艺术,学习表达自己的爱好。 从结构内容上说,定语从句是初中阶段必需了解的一种句法结构。本单元将 通过一系列的练习(句型结构练习、听力练习、精读写作练习、自我检测、泛读 练习)来达到学习目的,完成学习任务。本课时所进行的是基本的句型结构和部 分听力练习,是整个单元学习的双基基本和基础。 学情学情 分析分析 本课是针对九年级的学生平均年龄在 15、16 岁左右,这年龄阶段的学生渴望 成人化,喜欢从事他们认为能成为成年人的学习活动,并从探索活动中体验到最 大的成功体验和情
4、绪满足。本单元以 music(音乐)为中心话题,让学生学会用 定语从句谈论自己所喜爱或偏好的艺术,学习表达自己的爱好。这与学生的日常 生活及个人兴趣紧密相关,能够引起学生的极大兴趣。并且本班的学生思想活跃, 乐于表达自己的思想和看法。求知欲很强,喜欢积极参加任务型教学活动,有很 强的竞争意识,有利于教学活动的开展。然而,虽然学生在以前所学的内容当中已 经有所接触定语从句,但仅仅是了解而已,对于定语从句地系统地掌握需要一定 地强化,因此,本课的目标语言就变为本课地难点了。 教学教学 目标目标 Structures: Relative clauses with that/who/which Kno
5、wledge Objects: Key vocabularies: prefer,lyric,dance to, sing along with Target language: What kind of music do you like? I like music that I can dance to. I like music that has great lyrics. I like music that I can sing along with. I like music that isnt too loud.过程与方法: Ability Objects: 1.Enable th
6、e Ss to talk about different kinds of music and their own preferences. 2.To learn how to talk about music with the structure “Relative clauses with that/who/which” 3.To improve students listening and communicative skills. Moral Objects: 1.Express one preferences to music. 2.Remember ,music can bring
7、 us happiness. 教学教学 重点重点 掌握本课时重点词汇;掌握定语从句的用法与结构。 1.New words: prefer,lyric,dance to, sing along with . 2.Useful expressions : What kind of music do you like? I like music that I can dance to. I like music that has great lyrics. I like music that I can sing along with. I like music that isnt too loud
8、. 3. Be able to talk about someone favorite music. 教学教学 难点难点 How to express preferences to music using relative clauses with that/who/which 教学教学 方式方式 小组合作学习 ,任务型教学,情景视听法。 采用高效课堂模式,进行“任务型”教学,为学生设置真实的情景、语境, 使学生在自主、交流、合作探究中学习和使用语言。 教学教学 准备准备 结合本节课的具体内容,在理清教学思路的基础上,根据教材内容,精选学 生生活中所熟悉的事例,插入许多精美的图片音乐,并结合本
9、单元要学的单词、 词组、短语,尽可能多地复现所学的重点词汇和句型。制作成学生所喜爱的演示 文稿,来激发学生对英语学习的积极性,活跃课堂气氛。 教学过程教学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Task 11.Greeting the class1.Greet the teacher.1.通过问候语和视频音乐, Warming up and leading in .2.Free talk. Play the beautiful, lyric song Do, Re, Mi in the movie “Sound of Music”. 3. Discuss: Do you like
10、 music? What kind of music do you know?(Show some pictures to the students .) 2.Listen to the music and join the singing.1.Look at the pictures. 3.Try to answer the teachers questions 创设和谐亲切的开课氛 围。 2.学生通过讨论,彼此交 流课前搜集的不同种类 音乐的名称,可以迅速 融入音乐和英语结合的 氛围 Task 2 Presentatio n 1.Show some music and pictures a
11、nd learn some new words, and useful expressions. 2.Brainstorm Ask the students “What kind of music do you like? ”,let them give some ideas as many as possible. 1.Tell us the words and phrases 2 Students look at the pictures and read the words. 3.Ask and answer : What kind of music do you like? I lik
12、e music that. 通过图片,音乐,直观学 习新词,教师布置任务, 引出话题,组织学生进 行交流,学生通过思考 和谈论话题“What kind of music do you like?”引 入新句型定语从句 Task 3 Finish off 1a Show some pictures about music and ask “What kind of music do you like?”add more ideas to the list. Discuss more ideas about “What kind of music do you like? share ideas.
13、 复习词汇,为听力做准 备。 Task 4 Listening (1b) This activity gives students practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Read the instructions to the class. Read the question in the speech bubble. Play the recording for the first time. Play the recording again. Check the answers. Student
14、s only listen. Students listen and check the kinds of music Tony and Betty like. 从说到听,逐步递进, 训 练听力。 Task 5 Pairwork (1c) Everyone should practice using the sentence This activity provides oral practice using the target language. 1.First, a dialogue between the teacher and some Ss: What kind of music
15、do you like? I like music that I can sing along with. Practice in pairs. Talk about the music you like. You can make conversations about music in any ways you like. Make a conversation 结对练习以两个人为活 动单位,既能使他们乐 于去表达,又可保证人 人有说和做的机会。 使小组成员互相合作, 培养其集体观念和写作 意识。Everyone should practice using the sentence pat
16、tern the Attributive Claus What about you? I prefer music that has great lyrics. 2.After that ,let students ask in pairs and come to the front of the classroom and act out their conversations. with each other. patternthe Attributive clause. Task 6 Extension (拓展拓展) 众人拾柴火焰高: 学校青少年宫将要举办一个 校园文化艺术节,学校需要
17、做个问卷调查,调查一下你 们喜欢什么类型的音乐,音 乐家和电影.(每小组六人先组 内展开讨论) 操作建议:1.分组排 练,表演。 2.针对某同学的 问题,表达个人喜好。 完成任务所需要的语言结构: A: What kind of music do you like? B: I like music that_. C: What kind of musicians do you prefer? D: I prefer musicians that _. E: What kind of movies do you love? F: I love movies that _. Discuss in
18、groups.Then act ,在小组展开讨论,集 思广益,征求意见。进 一步让学生巩固对目标 语言的使用;拓宽学生 运用英语的能力,并通 过向他人提供帮助,向 学生渗透情感教育 音乐美感教育,音乐可 以带给人们幸福,快乐 生活,健康成长。 Task 7 Summary 1.Get ss to have a summary. 1.Let the students have a summary by themselves. Then tell others 让学生自己总结本节 课应掌握的语言知识。 培养学生通过自主学习 归纳总结的能力。 Task 8 Homework Make a surve
19、y Interview your classmates about their favorite people and things. Use relative clauses with that/who/which 继续巩固定语从句,把所 学的知识在实际交流中 进行运用,实现新课程 倡导的“为用而学、在用 中学、学了就用”。从而 提高学生综合运用英语 的能力。 板书设计板书设计: Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. Section A (1a1c) Words and expressions: prefer= likebetter (prefer
20、A to B ) (prefer doing sth. to doing sth.) lyrics (pl) dance to sing along with Grammar: The Attributive Clause 1. 定义。 2 .构成: 先行词+关系词+从句 (人 + who/that + 从句 物 + that/which + 从句) Target language: I prefer music that has great lyrics I love music that I can dance to I like music that I can sing along w
21、ith I like musicians who write their own songs I prefer musicians who play different kinds of music 教学反思教学反思: 在本节课的教学过程中,我在明确了任务目标后,充分挖掘教材智力因素,重新设计活 动内容,使学生能在新的情境中运用所学语言。这样学生才能真正发挥其主体作用,在完成 任务过程中主动积极地获得学习经验,享受成功的喜悦,从而提高学习兴趣和成就动机。 1.音乐渲染氛围引入话题。 通过视频音乐“Do, Re, Mi” ,创设和谐亲切的开课氛围。引导学生们就 What kind of musi
22、c do you know?进行谈论,迅速融入音乐和英语结合的氛围引出本单元的话题, “I like music that I can dance to?” 组织学生进行交流,学生通过思考和谈论话题“What kind of music do you like? Why?”引入新语言结构定语从句。 2.多媒体课件激发兴趣。 能充分利用多媒体容量大,直观性强的特点。利用网络上各种学生感兴趣的图片来调动 学生思考的积极性。用音乐渲染氛围并将图片加以处理,使它们能局部呈现。随着画面的渐 趋完整,讨论的气氛愈加热烈,他们不仅参与了讨论交流,而且还为自己创造了大量说英语 的机会。 3学生在本堂课中得到了
23、较为充分的听力和口头训练,而且面比较广。尤其对九年级即 将参加明年英语中考的同学,这一点尤为重要。课堂上在我极力鼓励和表扬下,一些原来在 课堂上很难开口读英语的学生,本堂课上有极大的进步。 4 采用高效课堂模式,进行“任务型”教学,“小组合作学习”为学生设置真实的情 景、语境,使学生在自主、交流、合作探究中学习和使用语言。有效的合作学习唤醒了学生 个体的潜能,激活了学生群体的的激情,发挥了集体智慧的功效,提高了教学的有效性。 总之,形式新颖多样,非常吸引学生,全体学生积极参与,打破了沉闷的教学气氛,给 课堂带来了勃勃生气,这样赋教学内容于演,玩,游戏之中,既增强了学生学习活动的动力, 发挥了学
24、生的学习自主性,又能在这种贴近生活的教学情境中唤起他们对学英语的欲望,激 发他们的兴趣。贴近学生生活的教学活动,将所学知识运用到实际中去,有助于培养学生的 实际应用能力,有利于开发学生的创新能力和求异思维能力及口语表达能力,这样的活动增 加了趣味性,使学生的思维一直处于积极的状态,有利于提高课堂教学质量。 英语九年级人教版新目标英语九年级人教版新目标 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Section A (1a-1c) 当堂检测当堂检测 一一.根据句意根据句意,用关系代词用关系代词 that /who/which 填空。填空。 1. I have
25、a friend _likes listening to classical music. 2. Yesterday Mary was wearing the new dress _I gave her. 3. My parents live in a house _is more than 100 years old. 4. Mike is reading a book _ is too difficult for him. 5.The little girl is afraid of movies _have scary monsters. 6. I have never seen the
26、 girl _got first place in the sports meeting. 7. The book _he bought yesterday is very interesting. 8. The man _ is wearing a blue T-shirt is good at skating. 二二. 用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. She prefers _ (stay) at home to playing outside. 2. . She likes singers who write their own_ (lyric). 3. Many
27、 people love music that _ (have) great lyrics. 4. He likes _ (group) that play loud songs. 5. John _ (prefer) pop music to classical music. 6. Now many people prefer _ (send) e-mails to writing letters. 中考链接:中考链接: 一单项选择一单项选择 1. Many young people love music they can dance _. A. with B. in C. at D. to
28、 2. Do you know the American girl _ sunglasses? A.that wear B . who is wearing C.who is putting on D. that puts on 3. I cant find the book_my brother bought me. A who B when C which D where What is the girl doing? She must be What kind of music is she listening to? She might /must be listening to Te
29、ll us the names of different kinds of music as many as possible I like the music . I can dance to it . =I like music that I can dance to. Activity 1 随着随着 起舞起舞 I love the music. I can sing along with it . =I love music that I can sing along with. 跟着跟着一起唱一起唱 I prefer the music. The music has great lyr
30、ics. =I prefer music that has great lyrics. prefer = like better prefer Prefer = likebetter prefer = like better I prefer T-shirt. = I like T-shirt better. She prefers Wang Xiaoya ,because she is smart. We prefer the program ,because it is interesting. prefer A to B 喜欢A胜过B prefer doing sth. to doing
31、 sth. 喜欢干胜过干 I like hosts who _. I like the program that _. 1a Your sentence: I like music that _. What kind of music do you like? Look at the picture and circle the sentences you agree with. Then write your own sentence. Task1 Music that I can dance to Music that has great lyrics Music that I can s
32、ing along with Tony Betty Listen and check the kinds of music Tony and Betty like. 1b Task2 What kind of music/movies do you like? I like music/movies that What about you? I prefer music/movies that 1c Make conversations about the music/movies that you like. Activity 2 What kind of movies do you lik
33、e? I prefer movies that are funny. I like movies that have a great story. I like movies that are scary. What kind of movies do you like? What kind of movies do you like? I like movies that are interesting. I love movies that are about love. What kind of movies do you like? Useful expressions I like
34、music I love music I prefer music I like music that makes me relaxed. that has great lyrics. . that I can sing along with. that isnt too loud. that I can dance to. Useful expressions I like music that makes me relaxed. that has great lyrics. . that I can sing along with. that isnt too loud. that I c
35、an dance to. I like movies that are scary. I prefer movies that are interesting. I love movies that have a great story I like musicians who write their own songs I prefer musicians who play different kinds of music 关系代词关系代词who, that , which的作用:的作用: a. 做代词,代替先行词做代词,代替先行词 b. 在从句中担任句子成分:主语或宾语在从句中担任句子成分
36、:主语或宾语 c. 做连词,把主句和从句连接起来做连词,把主句和从句连接起来 who / that/which在定语从句中做主语时,在定语从句中做主语时, 谓语谓语动词的单复数动词的单复数应与应与先行词先行词保持一致。保持一致。 人人 + who/that + 从句从句 物物 + that/which + 从句从句 Rules e.g. I like music that I can dance to. music是先行词,是先行词,that是关系代词引导定是关系代词引导定 语从句语从句that I can dance to 修饰先行词修饰先行词music。 He is the man who
37、 I met yesterday. man是先行词,是先行词,who是关系代词是关系代词,引导定语引导定语 从句从句who I met yesterday修饰先行词修饰先行词man。 操作建议:操作建议:1.分组排练,表演。分组排练,表演。 2.针对某同学的问题,表达个人喜好。针对某同学的问题,表达个人喜好。 完成任务所需要的语言结构:完成任务所需要的语言结构: 拓展Groupwork: 众人拾柴火焰高 - Make a survey 1. I have a friend _ likes listening to classical music. who/that 2. Yesterday M
38、ary was wearing the new dress _ I gave her. which/that 一一.根据句意根据句意,用关系代词用关系代词that /who/which填空填空。 3. My parents live in a house_ is more than 100 years old. which/that 4. Mike is reading a book _ is too difficult for him. 5. The little girl is afraid of movies _have scary monsters. 6. I have never s
39、een the girl _got first place in the sports meeting. 7. The book _he bought yesterday is very interesting. 8. The man _ is wearing a blue T-shirt is good at skating. which/that that/which who/that which/that who/that 二二. 用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. She prefers _ (stay) at home to playing outside. 2.
40、 . She likes singers who write their own _ (lyric). 3. Many people love music that _ (have) great lyrics. 4. He likes _ (group) that play loud songs. staying lyrics has groups 5. John _ _ (prefer) pop music to classical music. 6. Now many people prefer _ (send) e-mails to writing letters. prefers se
41、nding 单项选择单项选择 1.Many young people love music they can dance _. A. with B. in C. at D. to 2. Do you know the American girl _ sunglasses? A.that wear B . who is wearing C.who is putting on D. that puts on 3. I cant find the book_my brother bought me. A who B when C which D where D 中考链接 B C Summary Wo
42、rds and expressions prefer= likebetter (prefer A to B ) (prefer doing sth. to doing sth.) lyrics (pl) dance to sing along with Grammar: 1. 定义。定义。 2 .构成构成: 先行词先行词+关系词关系词+从句从句 (人人 + who/that + 从句从句 物物 + that/which + 从句从句) Target language: I prefer music that has great lyrics I love music that I can da
43、nce to I like music that I can sing along with I like musicians who write their own songs I prefer musicians who play different kinds of music Make a survey My favorite YouPartner 1Partner 2 Teachers books movies Interview your classmates about their favorite people and things. To take pleasure in helping others! Believe in yourself, you can do it! 助人为乐! 相信自己,你能行!