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1,本文(人教版九年级Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.-Section B 2a—2e-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:611b9).zip)为本站会员(小黑)主动上传,163文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。
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人教版九年级Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.-Section B 2a—2e-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:611b9).zip

1、SectionB2a-2d Listentoanotherpieceofmusicand howisyourfeeling? Doyoulikethismusic?Howdoyou feelaboutit? Relaxed Excited Music means a lot to human beings. Music is food for your spirit. Without music, life is a journey through a desert. DoyoulikeChinesefolkmusic? DoyouknowanyChinese musicalinstrumen

2、ts? dizi xiaosuona Chinesemusical instuments guzhengpipa yangqin erhu Doyouknowthenameofthemusic? Whatisthenameofthemusical instrument? Bamboo in the Moonlight (月光下的凤尾竹) Doyouknowthenameofthemusic? Whatisthenameofthemusical instrument? Moon Reflected (vt.反映; 映出) on Second Spring (二泉映月) How do you fe

3、el about it? It is beautiful. A strong sadness(n.悲伤;悲痛) and pain(n.痛苦;苦恼). Do you know who wrote Erquan yingyue? Abing. ThemanisAbing.Hewasafolkmusician. Hewrotemanypiecesofbeautifulmusic.He wasborninWuxiin1893. Moon Reflected on Second Spring 1.Toknowandusethewordsandphrases:sense, sadness,pain,ref

4、lect,moving,perform,lifetime, pity,intotal,master,praise,recall,wound, painful. 2.Topracticeinreadingforspecificinformation. 3.Topracticeinidentifyingmainideasand supportingdetailsinapassage. 2bReadthepassageandanswerthequestions. 1.Whichmusiciandoesthepassagemainlytalk about? 2.Whatisthenameofhismo

5、stfamouspieceof music? 3.Howdoesthewriterfeelaboutthispieceof music? Sadbutbeautiful. Abing. Moon reflected on Second Spring 【创设情境,自主探究】 2c Read the passage again and use suitable words to complete the main idea of each paragraph. Then list the supporting details in each paragraph. 【展示交流,点拨提升】 阅读指导阅

6、读指导 阅读策略阅读策略1:培养自主学习,大胆尝试:培养自主学习,大胆尝试 良好的阅读氛围。良好的阅读氛围。通读全文,先找出通读全文,先找出 或总结出每段的主题大意或总结出每段的主题大意。 阅读策略阅读策略2:在阅读中注意具体细节在阅读中注意具体细节 。具体细节可能是举出的例子,涉及。具体细节可能是举出的例子,涉及 的原因,表达的观点或每段文章中的的原因,表达的观点或每段文章中的 其他详细信息。其他详细信息。 Name Liu Yu Age From Now Dream 15 years old Shandong On his school running team Be a professi

7、onal runner His parents wont allow him to . Task One Read the passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph paragraph 1 paragraph 2 paragraph 3 Abings muscial skill made him popular . I was moved by the piece of music ErquanYingyue. Abing experience. Name Liu Yu Age From Now Dream 15 years ol

8、d Shandong On his school running team Be a professional runner His parents wont allow him to . Task Two Read the passage carefully and list the supporting details in each paragraph MainideaSupportingdetails(3sentences) Iwas _bya pieceof music named Erquan Yingyue. Themusicwasstrangely beautifulbutun

9、derthebeautyI sensedastrongsadnessandpain. Paragraph1 moved Itwasoneofthemostmoving (adj.令人感动的) piecesofmusicthatIveever heard. Ialmostcriedalongwithit asIlistened. MainideaSupportingdetails(5sentences) Abing livedavery _ life. Hismotherdiedwhenhe wasveryyoung. Paragraph2 hard Hisfatherdiedwhenhewas

10、17. Hewaspoorandhomeless. Hedevelopedanillnessand becameblind. Helivedonthestreetsand playedmusictomakemoney. MainideaSupportingdetails(3sentences) Abings musical skillsmade himvery _. Hecouldplayover600pieces, andhewrotemanyofthemhimself. Paragraph3 popular Hismostfamouspieceisstill playedandpraise

11、dbyallthe greaterhumasters(n.大师;能手) today. Erquan Yingyuehasbecome oneofChinasnational treasures. Name Liu Yu Age From Now Dream 15 years old Shandong On his school running team Be a professional runner His parents wont allow him to . Task Three Close your books and fill in the blanks 【学以致用,直击中考】 Ta

12、sk Three 根据下面的时间轴复述第二段 In1893,Abing was_. Oneyearlater, hismother_. Byage17,Abingwas knownfor _. Hecontinuedto_onthestreets. He_inthiswayformanyyears. AfterAbing gotmarried, he_ _. Forseveralyears, hehad_, andlived _. Afterhisfather died,Abingslife _. born died hismusical ability grewworse nohome on

13、thestreets hada homeagain performed singandplay (v.表演;执行 ) Abing was a folk musician _was born in Wuxi in 1893. He _ his mother when he was young. His father taught him to play many _ musical instruments, and he was _ for his musical ability soon. After that, _ ,he developed a serious illness and be

14、came blind. But he didnt _ up his music .He went on _ his music on the streets for many years. During his lifetime, Abing _play 600 pieces of music,but its a pity that only 6 _. Among them,the _famous one is Erquan Yingyue. His popularity continues to today. who lost Chinese known unlukily give perf

15、orming could remained most 2d Circle that or who and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. pain wounds sense pity praise 指导: 1) 在定语从句中,如果先行词是物,关系代词我们可 用that/which,如果先行词是人,关系代词可选用 who/that。 2)Trytoguessthemeaningofthesewordsinthebox. Abingplayedmusic(that/who)couldtouch theheartsofpeople.When

16、welistentohis music,wecan_boththebeautyand thesadnessinit.Itmakesusthinkaboutthe _and_(that/who)wehave experiencedinthepast.Forthisreason,many people_himasthemusician (which/who)hasgreatlyinfluencederhu music.Soitisreallya_thatnotmany piecesofhismusicwererecorded. sense painwounds praise pity As we

17、know,music is very necessary to us in our daily life. It can adjust(调节) our moods(情绪) .So many people like music. Discuss: What kind of music would you like to listen to when you feel happy/sad/lonely.? Why? 听音乐前的 情绪状态 适用音乐 听音乐后 的心境 压力大, 过分焦虑 流行音乐放松 沉迷电脑游戏, 兴奋过度 乡村音乐平静 困倦,疲劳摇滚音乐振奋 孤独,悲伤自拟自拟 研究表明,音乐对

18、人们的情绪有着重要的影响,因此,人们用不同的音乐来 调节心情。请根据下表提示内容,写一篇英语短文。 注意: 1.词数80左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数; 2内容必须包括上表中的要点; 3条理清楚,语句连贯。 参考词汇: 摇滚音乐rock music Research has shown that music has an important effect on ones moods. _ _ _ 思路点拨 Where have music,where enjoy to melt. 哪里有音乐,哪里就其乐融融。 Nothig is worth living for without music.

19、没有音乐,生命是没有价值的。 Kind words are the music of the world. 善言是世间的音乐。 Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without. Confucius 音乐产生一种人性离不开的快乐。音乐产生一种人性离不开的快乐。-孔子孔子 Music is the medicine of the breaking heart. 音乐是医治心灵创伤的药。音乐是医治心灵创伤的药。-亨特亨特 Leigh Hunt Music is moonlight in the gloomy

20、 night of life. Jean Paul Richter 音乐是生命中阴暗的月光。音乐是生命中阴暗的月光。-让保罗李希特让保罗李希特 Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. Berthold Auerbach 音乐洗去日常生活灵魂的灰尘。音乐洗去日常生活灵魂的灰尘。-奥尔巴赫贝特奥尔巴赫贝特 1. Read and retell the passage. 2. Finish the writing. 单元主题写作九 连句成篇 Researchhasshownthatmusichasanimportantef

21、fectononesmoods.Sopeopleuse differentkindsofmusictochangemoods.Ifyoufeelstressedandworryalot,youcan listento_music.Afteryoulistentoit,youwillfeel_.Someofthe studentsarecrazyaboutcomputergamesandfeelover_,thentheycanlisten to_music.Afterlisteningtoit,theywillfeelcalmandpeaceful.Somepeople feel_and_,t

22、hentheycanlistento_music.Aftertheylistento it,theywillfeelexcited.SometimesIfeellonelyandsad,Ioftenlistentodiscomusic. AfterIlistentoit,Ifeelhappyagain.Musicissowonderful.Ilikeitverymuch. pop relaxed excited country tired sleepy rock Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Section B(2a2d) Task One:

23、Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Abings muscial skill made him popular . I was moved by the piece of music ErquanYingyue. Abing experience. Task Two: Read the passage careful and last the supporting delails in eath paragraph. Paragraph 1 Main ideaSupporting details (3 sentences) I was by a piece of music nam

24、ed Erquan Yingyue. Paragraph 2 Main ideaSupporting details (5 sentences) Abing lived a very _ life. Paragraph 3 Main ideaSupporting details (3 sentences) Abings great musical skills made him very _. 根据下面的时间轴复述第二段根据下面的时间轴复述第二段 Task Three: Close your books and fill in the blanks. 短文填空短文填空. Abing was a

25、 folk musician was born in Wuxi in 1893. He his mother when he was young. His father taught him to play many musical instruments, and he was for his musical ability soon. After that, ,he developed a serious illness and became blind. But he didnt up his music .He went on his music on the streets for

26、many years. During his lifetime, Abing play 600 pieces of music, but its a pity that only 6 . Among them, the famous one is Erquan Yingyue. His popularity continues to today. Exercise: Zd. Grde that or who and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Abing played music (that/who) could touch th

27、e hearts of people. When we listen to his music, we can _ both the beauty and the sadness in it. It makes us think about the _ and _ (that/who) we have experienced in the past. For this reason, many people _ him as the musician (which/who) has greatly influenced erhu music. So it is really a _ that

28、not many pieces of his music were recorded. Writing: 研究表明,音乐对人们的情绪有着重要的影响,因此,人们用不同的音乐来调节心情。研究表明,音乐对人们的情绪有着重要的影响,因此,人们用不同的音乐来调节心情。 请根据下表提示内容,写一篇英语短文。请根据下表提示内容,写一篇英语短文。 听音乐前的听音乐前的 情绪状态情绪状态 适用音乐适用音乐 听音乐后听音乐后 的心境的心境 压力大,压力大, 过分焦虑过分焦虑 流行音乐流行音乐放松放松 沉迷电脑游戏,沉迷电脑游戏, 兴奋过度兴奋过度 乡村音乐乡村音乐平静平静 困倦,疲劳困倦,疲劳摇滚音乐摇滚音乐振奋

29、振奋 孤独,悲伤孤独,悲伤自拟自拟自拟自拟 注意:注意: 1.词数词数 80 左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数;左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数; 2内容必须包括上表中的要点;内容必须包括上表中的要点; 3条理清楚,语句连贯。条理清楚,语句连贯。 参考词汇:参考词汇: 摇滚音乐摇滚音乐 rock music Research has shown that music has an important effect on ones moods. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Unit 9I like the music that I can dance to. Section B(

30、2a-2d) 教材分析: 本节课选自人教版英语九年级 Unit 9 I like the music that I can dance to. Section B(2a-2d)部分。本单元的核心话题是音乐和电影 (Music and movies) ,功能是能表达喜好(Express preferences) ,单 元语法点是能识别和理解由 that, which, who,引导的定语从句,并 能简单运用(Attributive clauses with that, which, who) 。 Section B 是在 section A 的基础上进一步拓展话题,让学生能够 运用所学结构谈论其

31、他爱好,2a2d 为 section B 的阅读板块,涉及 了中国的民间音乐及音乐家。2a 的读前活动从学生的已有认知出发, 让学生尝试用自己的语言谈论中国的乐器及相关名曲,为阅读活动 做准备;2b 要求学生阅读文章找出文中的关键信息;2c 让学生关注 细节,通过表格填写,列出支撑作者观点的细节信息;2d 要求学生 在理解的基础上运用所学目标结构将文章相关的一段细节描写补充 完整。 学情分析: 1初中学生的抽象思维能力比较低,形象思维能力强,但注意 2 力容易分散。根据教育心理学,如果学生对于一件事物有极大的兴趣, 他们就会排除主观和客观的种种消极因素,尽量全身心地投入到知识 的学习中去。本节

32、课通过多种课堂形式来调动学生的阅读学习兴趣, 提高学生的学习注意力。 2.对于九年级学生来说,大部分学生已经有了一定的英语学习 基础,在英语听、说、读、写方面有了一定的能力。而本班英语基 础总体比较好,课堂气氛较为活跃,绝大部分学生能跟上老师的进 度,积极思考,配合老师的教学,大部分学生学习自觉性强,能认 真做好课前预习课后巩固,大部分学生有一定的阅读及自主、合作、 探究、实践的能力。另外也有部分在英语学习上缺乏自信,不敢再 课堂上展示自我的学生。 教学目标: 1、知识目标:(1)能掌握以下单词:sense, sadness, pain, reflect, moving, perform, l

33、ifetime, pity, in total, master, praise, recall, wound, painful。 (2)能掌握以下句子: .but it was one of the most moving pieces of music that Ive ever heard. He performed in this way for many years. 3 It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear, but his popu

34、larity continues to this day. Its sad beauty not only paints a picture of Abings own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences. 2、能力目标: 运用 that/which/who 引导的定语从句来谈论个人爱好; 培养学生的阅读理解能力和分析归纳能力。 3、情感态度目标:通过了解各种音乐形式,感悟和分享音乐带 来的情感体验;通过对音乐的评价,提高学生的审美水平,

35、引导学 生热爱生活,热爱中国的传统艺术,激发学生的爱国情怀。 4、学习策略:能根据篇章的主旨大意找出相关的细节信息。 5、教学策略:采用任务型语言教学,实践情境教学法、小组合 作探究法、情感激励法。 教学重难点: 1、重点: 掌握本课时出现的生词及用法; 阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。 4 2、难点: 体会阿炳音乐特点的深层原因; 通过阅读策略的培养,提高学生的阅读理解能力。 教学准备:多媒体课件 教学过程: Step 1: Free talk and Lead in Show some different music and ask the students about

36、their feelings: Do you like this music? How do you feel about it? Show some wonderful sentences about music. Show some Chinese musical instruments by asking: What kind of music do you like? Do you like Chinese folk music? Do you know any Chinese musical instruments? Play a guessing game by playing s

37、ome Chinese traditional music: Do you know the name of the music? 5 What is the name of the musical instrument? 设计意图:通过欣赏不同类型的音乐,及由中国不同乐器演奏 的经典名曲,引出本节课的教学内容,激发学生的学习兴趣,为阅 读学习做好准备。 Step 2: Fast reading Show some pictures of Abing and introduce something about him to the students. Show the teaching aim

38、s to the students. Let the students read the passage quickly and answer the three questions: Which musician does the passage mainly talk about? What is the name of his most famous piece of music? How does the writer feel about this piece of music? 设计意图:通过创设情境,让学生快速阅读,通过自主探究的 方式,了解文章大意,培养学生快速阅读,查找相关信

39、息的能力。 Step3: Careful reading Show the reading skills(阅读指导)before doing careful reading. Task One: 6 Let the students read the passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Abings muscial skill made him popular . I was moved by the piece of music ErquanYingyue. Abing e

40、xperience. Check the answers by asking one student. Task Two: Make the students and list the supporting details in each paragraph in different ways. Paragraph 1 Ask the students to read paragraph one together and then check the answers with the students. Main ideaSupporting details (3 sentences) I w

41、as by a piece of music named Erquan Yingyue. Paragraph 2 Ask the students read Paragraph Two freely and find out the details. Main ideaSupporting details (5 sentences) 7 Abing lived a very _ life. Check the answers. Paragraph 3 Make the students read Paragraph Three quietly and find out the supporti

42、ng details. Main ideaSupporting details (3 sentences) Abings great musical skills made him very _. Check the answers. 设计意图:通过任务型语言教学及阅读前的阅读技巧指导,培 养学生能根据篇章的主旨大意找出相关的细节信息,能运用具体信 息描写事物的能力,通过深入理解文章,让学生对音乐家阿炳的音 乐特点的原因有更深层的体会。 Step 4: Post reading Ask the students to read the passage again and understand

43、the passage better. Ask the students to close the book and finish Task Three: Fill in the 8 blanks. Exercise One: Exercise Two: 短文填空. Abing was a folk musician was born in Wuxi in 1893. He his mother when he was young. His father taught him to play many musical instruments, and he was for his musica

44、l ability soon. After that, ,he developed a serious illness and became blind. But he didnt up his music .He went on his music on the streets for many years. During his lifetime, Abing play 600 pieces of music, but its a pity that only 6 . Among them, the famous one is Erquan 9 Yingyue. His popularit

45、y continues to today. Exercise Three: Review how to use that、which、who in the relative clauses. Zd. Grde that or who and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Abing played music (that/who) could touch the hearts of people. When we listen to his music, we can _ both the beauty and the sadness

46、 in it. It makes us think about the _ and _ (that/who) we have experienced in the past. For this reason, many people _ him as the musician (which/who) has greatly influenced erhu music. So it is really a _ that not many pieces of his music were recorded. Check the answers. 设计意图:通过三种不同形式的练习巩固加深对文章的理解

47、, 既复习本单元的语法点:定语从句,又利用短文填空的巧妙设计与 中考衔接,做到学以致用。 Step 5: Group work: Writing Show a vedio to make the students relaxed. Tell the students that music can adjust our moods and ask them to discuss: 10 What kind of music do you want to listen to when you feel happy / sad / lonely? Why? Ask two students prac

48、tice with the teacher. Show the writing task. Writing: 研究表明,音乐对人们的情绪有着重要的影响,因此,人们用不同 的音乐来调节心情。请根据下表提示内容,写一篇英语短文。 听音乐前的 情绪状态 适用音乐听音乐后 的心境 压力大, 过分焦虑 流行音乐放松 沉迷电脑游戏, 兴奋过度 乡村音乐平静 困倦,疲劳摇滚音乐振奋 孤独,悲伤自拟自拟 注意: 1.词数 80 左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数; 2内容必须包括上表中的要点; 3条理清楚,语句连贯。 参考词汇: 摇滚音乐 rock music 11 Research has shown that

49、 music has an important effect on ones moods. _ _ Show some students writings. 设计意图:通过观看一段音乐视频,使学生放松,重新燃起学 习兴趣,Group work 中的两个活动,让学生明白音乐可调节人们的 情绪,引导学生要热爱音乐、热爱生活。 Step 6: Summary Show some famous sentences about music and make the students read loudly. 设计意图:通过大声朗读一些有关音乐的美句名言,让学生感 悟音乐、感悟生活,使学生热爱生活、热爱中

50、国传统艺术,培养学 生的爱国情怀。 Step 7: Homework 1、Read and retell the passage. 2、Finish the passage. 板书设计: 12 Unit 9I like the music that I can dance to. Section B(2a-2d) 教学反思: 整节课的教学思路清晰,教学目标明确,重难点突出,师生互 动充分,能注意培养学生的阅读技巧及读写能力。本节课的教学策 略多样化:采用任务型语言教学,通过情境教学、小组合作探究及 情感激励等方法,充分调动学生的学习兴趣,环节紧凑,过渡自然, 巧妙地渗透情感态度的目标,学生们都



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