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1,本文(北京版六年级上册UNIT SEVEN WHAT ARE THE TWELVE ANIMALS -Lesson 24-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-(配套课件编号:82485).doc)为本站会员(老黑)主动上传,163文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。
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北京版六年级上册UNIT SEVEN WHAT ARE THE TWELVE ANIMALS -Lesson 24-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-(配套课件编号:82485).doc

1、1 教学背景分析教学背景分析 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 本课是北京版教材六年级上册第七单元第二课时内容。 本单元的话题是谈论十 二生肖。Lesson 23 谈论了十二生肖的名称、轮回的周期以及生于哪年就是哪个属 相的内容。本课时谈论了谁决定的十二生肖名称及顺序、如何决定的以及第一个属 相是什么的内容。Lesson 25 谈论了生肖与人物性格之间的关系。三节新授课之间 在话题上有相关性,但在语言功能上联系不大,相对独立。因此,我在设计时注重 了话题的延续性,在语言上更凸显本节课核心句型的功能性。 本课时由四个板块组成:Listen and say(对话教学) ;Listen, look an

2、d learn(词句教 学) ;Listen and match(听力训练) ;Lets do(语言实践) 。在整体设计时,为了更加聚 焦本单元“生肖”的话题,我将词句教学部分中有关季节和月份的内容舍去了。同时, 为了体现课时的整体设计,实现板块间的无痕对接,我将词句教学融入了课文学习中, 将听力和语言实践板块进行了整合,变换了语言实践的形式,更加关注学生综合语言 运用能力的发展。 学生情况分析:学生情况分析: 本节课的授课对象是朝阳区白家庄小学六年级 8 班的学生。 学生的素质整体水平较 高。在知识储备方面,学生了解十二生肖的英文表达。对于本课话题:十二生肖的顺 序及其起源,学生能够用中文进

3、行表达,也了解一些民间传说,这一点降低了学生对 于本课课文的理解难度。而从认知特点来看,六年级的学生具有一定抽象思维能力, 在教师的指导下,能够初步对文本材料进行归纳、整理;具备就日常话题、个人想法 作简短叙述或描述的能力。在课堂交流中,能够注意倾听,也愿意尝试着表达。基于 上述特点,本节课在处理课文时,着力点就落在引导学生运用归纳、梳理、推断策略, 正确理解对话的关联性细节信息上。同时,在梳理文本的基础上,引导学生有逻辑性 地进行表达。对于学生个人认知的关注则体现在了创编对话和推算人物年龄的活动中, 通过激发兴趣,启发思维,引导自主表达,提高学生的核心素养。 教学方式和手段:教学方式和手段:

4、 本节课采取了话题统领、任务驱动、小组合作的教与学方式。通过明确课时话题, 启发学生关注课文对话中 Sara 的问题;通过听读和自主阅读,找出课文对话中 Yangyang 的答案;通过小组合作,创编对话;通过全班分享交流的方式,表达观点, 解决实际生活问题。 技术准备技术准备:多媒体设备、自制 PPT 演示文稿(内有视频、图片、文字描述) 、板贴词条 2 教学目标教学目标 1. 学生能够运用归纳、梳理、推断策略,通过寻找问题答案,正确理解对话的关 联性细节信息。 2. 能够运用句型结构“Which animal was the first of the twelve? It was the r

5、at.”谈论 某些循环或轮回事物中的初始或顺序。 3. 能够正确理解单词 Jade Emperor, cycle 的含义,并能够正确朗读对话。 4. 通过本课的学习,学生了解并熟悉中国传统文化中有关生肖的起源,能够利 用中国传统文化的智慧更加得体地交流与表达。 教学过程教学过程( (文字描述文字描述) ) Step 1: Warm up and lead in 1. Free talk T: Last time, we talked about the 12 birth-year animals, Do you remember them? What are they? 学生说出 12 生肖动

6、物名称 T: How often does each animal come around? Ss: Every 12 years. T: What is Yangyangs birth-year animal? How about you? Ss: Yangyangs birth-year animal is the tiger. My birth-year animal is the dog/ rooster. T: Do you know which animal is the first of the twelve? Which animal is the second of the

7、twelve? . 在学生回答问题的时候,教师将生肖图片贴到板书上,形成一个椭圆形,最后出示 词条:the order of the birth-year animals 并将词条贴到十二生肖图片中间(见图 1-2) 。 图 1图 2 T: What do you want to know about the twelve birth-year animals? S1: 3 S2: 教师将学生的回答板书在黑板上。 【设计意图】【设计意图】通过谈论 23 课内容,即十二生肖都是什么、每个动物出现的频率、 阳阳的属相等过渡到本课时生肖话题;通过询问学生的生肖属相,了解学生的实际属相 情况,为后续拓

8、展环节埋下伏笔;通过询问十二生肖的顺序,呈现本课重点话题;通过 询问学生想了解的关于生肖的内容,丰富话题内容。 Step 2: Learn the dialogue 1. Talk about the picture of the dialogue 教师 PPT 呈现本课主题图片(见图 3) ,询问学生: Who are they? Where are they? Can you guess what are they talking about? 图 3 【设计意图】【设计意图】通过观看主题图,了解本课课文对话发生的背景信息。 2. Listen and find the questions

9、. T: Sara is interested in the 12 animals, she has some questions about them too. Lets watch, listen and find out what Saras questions are? 学生进行两次视听故事,第一遍无字幕视听,第二遍带字幕视听,找出 Sara 关于 十二生肖提出的问题:Who decided the order of the twelve birth-year animals? Which animal was the first of the twelve? 教师将问题贴到板书位置。

10、 【设计意图【设计意图】 :通过关注 Sara 提出的问题,引导后续谈论的切入点,同时整体把握 对话内容。 3. Find the answers to the questions. T: Now read the text by yourselves, and find the answers to the questions. 学生自主阅读课文,寻找 Sara 问题的答案。教师在前面等待。两分钟后,师生核对 信息。 (1) 谈论谈论 Question 1: T: Who decided the order of the 12 birth-year animals? Ss: The Jade

11、 Emperor. 教师在 PPT 中呈现 Jade Emperor 的图片 (见图 4) : Look at this picture, who is the Jade Emperor? Can you point it out? 并邀请一名同学指出,之后带读。 4 图 4 (2) 谈论谈论 Question 2: T: How about the second question, which animal was the first of the twelve? Ss: Rat. T: Which animal was the last of the twelve? Ss: Pig. T:

12、 Look. From the rat to the pig, this is a cycle! Which animal started the cycle? Which animal ended the cycle? Ss: The rat. The pig. T:After 12 years, there would be another cycle. 【设计意图【设计意图】通过寻找问题的答案,谈论关于十二生肖的相关内容,并在教师创设 的情景和提供的语境中引导学生理解和学习新知 Jade Emperor 和 cycle. (3) 谈论谈论 Question 3: T: Look at t

13、his paragraph, what is Yangyang talking about? Ss: How did the Jade Emperor decide the order? T: Yes. How did the Jade Emperor decide the order? Can you read it? 随着学生说出答案,教师呈现画有曲线的 PPT(见图 5) ,并将关键短语 held a swimming race, choose animals 完善到板书上。 图 5图 6 5 T:Do you know how many animals are there in the

14、 race? 教师通过选择题的方式(见图 6) ,考察学生对 Those twelve animals were faster than others.这一句的理解。 Ss: More than twelve. T: Good. Is there any other sentence tells about how to decide the order? 学生再读文本,找到相关语句,教师通过 PP 核实答案(见图 7) 。 图 7 【设计意图【设计意图】 :通过谈论 Jade Emperor 是如何决定十二生肖的顺序的话题,引导学 生阅读文本,提炼信息、归纳信息、梳理对话内容。通过对 Tho

15、se twelve animals were faster than others. 这一句话的处理, 引导学生对关联性细节信息的深层理解和把握。 4. Listen and read the whole dialogue 5. Review the text 教师与学生根据板书,一起回顾课文内容。 T: Lets review the story from these three points. First, who decided the order of the birth-year animals? It is the . Ss: Jade Emperor. T: How did he

16、 decide the order? Ss: Held a swimming race to choose animals. T: Which animal was the first of the twelve? Ss: It was the rat. T:And the rat starts the cycle. T: Can you introduce this information like Yangyang? Talk about it with your partner, you can just talk about Question 1, or Question 2, or

17、Question 3, or all of the 3 questions. 学生小组内选择自己喜欢的信息点进行交流介绍,并展示。 【设计意图【设计意图】 :运用板书,再次梳理对话内容,并鼓励学生用自已的语言进行相关信息 点的描述。进一步加深对文本信息的理解,内化语言知识,并形成初步的语用能力。 6 6. Know more details about the race by watching a piece of video T: The rat was the first. How did the rat win the race? Lets watch the video. 学生观看视频

18、。之后,师生就视频内容做简单的交流。 T: How many animals are there in the story? Ss: 13. T: Can all the animals swim? Ss: No. T: How did the rat win the race? Ss: The rat sit on the oxs head, and the rat put the cat into the river. 【设计意图【设计意图】通过引入视频,再现故事情景,激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生进一 步理解故事。 。 7. Bring in the Chinese ballad T: D

19、o you remember the order of the birth-year animals? Which animal was the first? Which animal was the second? Which animal was the third? Ss: Rat, Ox, tiger. T: Who can say the twelve birth-year animals in order without looking at the blackboard? 邀请两名同学到前面背着说出十二生肖的顺序。 T: How can we remember the order

20、 of the twelve birth-year animals easily? 学生思考,但没有给出答案。 T: I can show you a Chinese ballad: 子鼠,丑牛, can you say the next? 伴随着学生 的回答,教师呈现 PPT (见图 8) . 图 8 T: Can you find the twelve animals in it? This is our traditional Chinese culture. It can help you to remember the order of the 12 animals easily.

21、Now can you count it by yourselves? 7 T: Lets play a small game. If I say: monkey, you should say the next birth-year animal, are you clear? 由教师开头,随意说出一个生肖,由同学说出下一个。之后,再由这名同学随意说 出一个生肖并点名,下一名同学再继续说。 【设计意图【设计意图】 : 渗透中国传统文化, 帮助学生记忆十二生肖顺序,并通过接龙的形式, 考察学生对十二生肖的记忆,增添趣味性。 Step 3: Practice andApplication Cre

22、ate a new scene, and talk about the order of the twelve animals. T: Do you still remember the story in the video? Ss: Yes. T: In the story, which animal do you like? Why? 学生表达真实的想法。 T: But the Jade Emperor knew how the rat win the race, and he was angry. He decided to hold a new race for these 12 an

23、imals! It was a running race! In your opinion, this time which animal was the first? Which animal was the last? Why? 教师 PPT 给出语言框架(见图 9) ,学生在小组中根据自己的想法创编对话,之后 在全班展示。 图 9 【设计意图】【设计意图】在故事原有背景的基础上创设新的语言情境,发散思维,引发学生 深入思考,并鼓励学生在情境中运用本课的重点句型进行真实想法的表达。 Step 4: Expansion Activity 1: T: Sometimes we can know

24、 a persons age if we know his or her birth-year animal, do you think so? e.g.: Who still remember his birth-year animal? Whats her birth-year animal? 教师指着班内某位同学,向大家提问:谁记得他的属相是什么?之后指着另一名属 相不同的同学,询问:她/他的属相是什么? Ss:. 8 T: (教师指着板书上的生肖图) Her birth-year animal is the rooster, his birth-year animal is the d

25、og. So who is older? Who is younger? Ss: . T: Yes, he is younger, and she is older. So if we go through this direction, it is younger. If we go through this direction, it is older. This year is rooster. So maybe she is 12. How about the boy? 教师在板书十二生肖位置标上箭头(见图 10) ,即顺时针方向为 younger, 逆时 针方向为 older. 图

26、10 Ss: He is 11 yearsold. 【设计意图【设计意图】通过询问学生的生肖来推断出年龄,并能计算出年长年幼。使学生体 会中国传统文化的智慧。 Activity 2: T: Look! This is a picture of Linglings family. Shall we read the information together? 师生朗读 PPT 中呈现的信息(见图 11) 。 图 11 T: So how old is her father? How old is her grandpa? Discuss it with your partner. 讨论后,学生给

27、出不同的答案。 S1: Linglings father is 36. T: how about his grandpa? S1: I think linglings grandpa is 72. T: How do you know it? S1: 12 years old is a cycle. 9 T: Yes, 12 years form a cycle, we know Linglings age, so we can calculate his father and his grandpas age. Any other ideas? S2: I think Linglings g

28、randpa is 60. T: How about her father? S2:36. T: It is also reasonable. How about others? S3: T: So this is a polite way to know others age. This is the Chinese wisdom. Is it amazing? Are you proud of our Chinese culture? 【设计意图【设计意图】通过计算年龄的活动,引导学生运用生肖的相关知识解决生活中的实 际问题。同时,感悟中国传统文化的智慧,实现礼貌得体地表达。 Step 5: Summery 教师引导学生回顾板书内容, 并确定学生开始提出的关于十二生肖的问题是否得到 解决。 Step 6: Homework 1.Read the text and try to retell the information about the order of the birth-year animals. 2. Surf on the Internet and try to find more information about the birth-year animals. 板书设计:板书设计:



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