1、Aphotoofmyfamily kid father parents Listenandanswerthesequestions: 1.Whatdoesmykiddo? Heisastudent. Whatdoeshisfatherdo? Heisateacher. Whatdoeshismotherdo? .Sheisateacher,too. Whatdohisparentsdo? Theyarebothteachers. afarmer adriver acook adoctor ateacher anofficeworker anurse astudent Gladtomeetyou
2、, too. Hi,kids!Gladto meetyou. Mom,Imhome. Thesearemy classmates. Welcometo myhome. Thankyou. (影片影片) (影片影片) Whatdoesyour motherdo? Whatdoyour parentsdo? Listen again and complete the table. PersonJob Kangkangs mother Kangkangs father Michaels mother Michaels father ateacher adoctor anofficeworker an
3、officeworker 1.Whatsyourname? 2.Whatdoyoudo? 3.Whatdoesyourmother /fatherdo? 询问某人职业及答语的常用句式: Whatdoeshe/shedo? =whatishe/she? He/Sheisadriver/teacher Whatdoyoudo?=Whatareyou? Imastudent/nurse 1. Recite the dialogue in 1a. 2. Make a survey about what your friends parents do, then make a report. 3. Pr
4、eview Section B. 教学案例 Unit 3 Topic2 What does your mother do? Section A 一、教学目标:教学目标: 1、 知识目标:知识目标: (1 1) 学习使用下列词汇学习使用下列词汇:home, kid, glad, father、mother, doctor, nurse, worker, driver, farmer, cook office (2) 学习使用下列句型:学习使用下列句型:What does do? She/He is a/an 2. 能力目标:(1)能熟练运用所学知识对某人的职业提问及回答。 (2)具有创新意识和口
5、头表达能力。 3.情感态度与价值观: 通过小组竞赛、分角色表演、自由采访、等 活动或方式激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生学习积极性,培养学生 倾听的学习习惯以及合作精神和集体荣誉感。 通过课中课后自主采访等活动,关注学生的真实情感流露,培养学 生的创新精神。 二、教学重难点:教学重难点: 1.本课时的重点是词汇及句型:What does do? She/He is a/an . 2.难点:如何创设真实语境,在真实的交流中自然呈现和复习目标单词 和句型,并引导学生在真实语境中灵活自如地运用目标句型。 三、课前准备:照片及多媒体课件等。 四、教学步骤 Step1、Warm-up 1、Greetin
6、g T: Its time for class, M: Stand up, please! T: Good morning Boys and girls. Glad to meet you. Ss: Glad to meet you, too. 2、 分组定竞赛规则。分组定竞赛规则。 T: This class we are going to learn Unit3 Topic2 Section A “What does your mother do? ” Now we are going to have a match between four groups- Group nurse, Gr
7、oup doctor, Group farmer, and Group cook (教师板书组名 简写后,手指各组示意) Look, I have many pens. If you do well(竖大拇 指示意), Ill give a pen for you and l will also give your group an apple. If your group gets the most apples , your group will be the winner. Lets see which group is the winner. OK? Ss: OK! 3.Revisio
8、n and lead-in(复习导入话题)(复习导入话题) Activity1:教师介绍全家福及相关成员职业教师介绍全家福及相关成员职业 T :Boys and girls, look (教师出示全家福照片),What is this? Ss, Its a photo. T: Yes, Its a photo.of mine. lets begin our match. Are you ready? Please listen carefully. Later you should answer the questions on the Bb. Ok? (介 绍前提出要求,加强组织教学)Loo
9、k, this is my kid. (并板书 kid, 下同) What does my kid do? He is a student. This is my kids father. What does his father do? He is a teacher. This is his brother. What does his brother do? He is a doctor. These are his sisters. One is a nurse, the other is an office worker. Who is this ? T; Miss Yang. Ye
10、s, thiss me. What do I do? Im a teacher. I teach English(同时举起一本英语书)。My husband and I are my kids parents. Activity2:小组抢答小组抢答 T: Now I ask ,you answer. Lets have a group contest. What is my kid? What does my kid do ? (教师辅导学生用英语正确说出 该职业) S: A student. T: What is his father r? What does his father do?
11、S:. T: Whats his brother? What does his brother do? S:. T: What am I? What do I do? S:. T:What does his parents do? S:. Activity3: 教师介绍朋友,学生看图片说职业教师介绍朋友,学生看图片说职业 T:I have many friends. Can you guess What does he/she do”? T:多媒体展示医生图片。 She /He is a/an? (拖长声音,暗示学生读出 doctor)。 T: Yes, he is a doctor. (同法
12、,师分别出示卡片: Office worker .driver .farmer cook nurse 让学生说出这些朋友的职业) Activity4:引导学生总结引导学生总结 询问某人职业时常用:What does/do sb. do ?或 What be sb ?或 What be ones job ?其答语是 driver .farmer 等表示职业的名词 Step2、Presentation (1).T: Boys and girls, you are wonderful. Just now we have talked about some jobs. Now lets look at
13、 this picture. This is Kangkang. This is Kangkangs mother. The three kids are Kangkangs classmates. They are Maria, Jane and Michael. Where are they? Listen to the tape, then answer the question. (教师放录音,听完后让学生们回答问题并核对答案:Where are they? (2)(2) Lets act (教师设置一个场景 At Kangkangs home.) 师生示范表演 T: Boys and
14、 girls, Im not a teacher now. Im Kangkangs mother . Who wants to be Kangkang and his classmates ?.Ok, please,come on!(用手 示意 扮演者过来,使表演者很快进入角色,增强真实语境,激发学生 兴趣) Pair work T: Do you want a go? Practise in pairs. (学生们在下面五人一组表演, 教师巡回作指导. Act out(找两三组同学表演。) T: Well done. What does Kangkangs mother /father d
15、o? Do you want to know? Then listen and complete the table.) 4Practice (趣味操练趣味操练)/Extension (1) Lets interview 师生示范采访 T: Hi , Glad to meet you. What do you do? S1: Glad to meet you. T: What does your father/mother do ? (问学生 What does his/her mother /father do? S1: 【设计思路】适时问其他学生,用第三人称追问谈话内容,为后面 汇报作铺垫
16、,并控制全班注意力,培养学生倾听的习惯,下同。 同桌间采访。 T: Boys and girls, now , you can ask and answer in pairs. 【设计思路】就学生的真实愿望开展对子活动,关注学生的真实情 感流露,以及采访实践体验。教师下位检查、督促与辅导,保证充足的 生生互动,确保教学活动面向全体。 个别学生自由采访其他同学 T: Boys and girls, you may ask any classmates some questions like these(屏幕上显示句型). Who will try? Oh, you, who do you wan
17、t to ask? Now, class, lets listen and see who acts the best. T: What does your do ?. Who acts the best? 【设计思路】个别学生采访示范后,教师适时问其他学生,用第三 人称追问谈话内容,为后面汇报作铺垫,控制全班注意力。适时总结评 价学生表现,有效维持学生积极性。 全班同学自由采访。 T:Now all of you may ask any classmates these questions. Please come out of your seats. 【设计思路】先让个别胆大熟练的学生引路
18、,然后让学生下位自主 找同学采访,避免语言操练的枯燥性,关注学生学习发展的心理特点与 个性,同时进一步加大了生生互动的力度。 Lets report(个别学生汇报采访结果个别学生汇报采访结果) T: Who do you inteview/ask?. What does her/his .do ? .(引导学生 概述) 【设计思路】学生自由采访后,适时进行采访汇报,引导学生在由 放到收的采访活动中灵活自如地运用目标句型。 5. Wrap-up(小结小结) 总结所学内容。 (引导学生参考板书内容总结所谈话题和所学内 容及本课教学重点。 ) T: Boys and girls, what topi
19、c have we talked about?) 师生共评最佳小组,并予以表扬 T: Now lets see which group is the winner. Wow,Group is the winner. Congratulations!(引导学生鼓掌说 Group ,Group,Great!) Homework (ppt 出示家庭作业:放学后,继续向其他班同学 或朋友采访他们家人的职业,下节课来汇报采访结果。) T: After class you can go on asking any of your friends parents do, And next time you
20、will report to us. 【设计思路】课末及时引导学生总结,让学生对所学知识有一个清 楚的轮廓体系,对学生的课堂表现进行总结评价,维持学生学英语的积 极性,课外作业紧扣新知内容,将英语学习延续到课外,使新知学习得 到巩固,体现了学以致用的原则。 What does your mother do? Section A 教学反思教学反思 今天我执教的这节课是七年级上册 Unit3 Topic2 的 Section A。 本课时的一些生词在以前的练习中已经出现过,本课时围绕询父母的职 业这个话题展开活动。总的说来,本节课具有以下几个特点: (一)教学内容的深度性和拓展性。在文本信息处理的
21、过程中,我 注意深挖教材信息,关注学生语篇理解能力的培养,对教材内容进行了 取舍及整合,如我将 2 中的听力训练,变成了采访内容,培养学生运用 语言的能力,并在原教材的基础上,增加了 Do you love them ? 这个 问句,将情感内容渗透于教学中。 (二)情景创设的真实性。教学中,我用我家的一副照片引出话题, 并巧用图片创设真实情境与学生进行真实的课程情况交流,最后通过表 演、自由采访等形式创设情境进一步开展充足的师生互动和生生互动的 真实愿望的交流。 (三)学生活动的全体性、主体性和开放性。在课堂上,我始终注 意通过追问第三人谈话内容和对子活动等形式关注学生全体,让学生自 主地交流
22、和合作,并让学生自主采访其他学生相关情况,让他们通过自 主感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,完成语言任务,感受成功。 (四)游戏和竞赛活动的激趣性和英语氛围的渗透性。上这节课的 虽然是七年级的学生,但是学生的特点还是活泼好动,表现欲强,不服 输,所以一开始我就把他们分成五个小组,进行比赛,并且贯穿整个教 学过程始末。告诉他们表现优秀的同学不但可以得一只笔,而且还能为 本组得一朵花。这样不仅可以提高他们学习英语的积极性,还能培养他 们的集体荣誉感,同时以五个职业命名的小组及多媒体展示的图形及单 词为增添本节课的英语氛围和巩固新知内容起到了一定的渗透作用。 五、话题的线索性。本节课,我通过教师的教学用语在各教学环节 之间起到了承上启下的过渡作用,使本节课的教学结构更加紧凑,话题 线索更加清晰。 六、教学方法的多样性和教学活动的坡度性。这节课我采取了听、 说、读、写、演、比的方式,教学过程由易到难,由学到用,层层铺垫, 关注了学生的年龄、心理特点以及认知规律。