1、学情分析:学情分析:授课对象为 50 名年龄在 12 岁左右的初一学生。 刚踏入初中校门, 正迈入青春期的他们对初中的学习生活感到新鲜、好奇,热衷向往未知事物,热情活跃是他们的特点。但这个阶段的孩子专注力还不够强,注意力不够集中,缺乏学习的耐心和恒心。同时,这是一个英语层次参差不齐的班级:大部分的孩子热衷于英语学习,经过小学阶段的英语学习,已经掌握一定量的基础词汇和句型,能进行简单的听说读写活动。少数孩子英语基础较弱,词汇量小,在朗读、阅读、听说、写作等语言技能方面都有一定困难。个别同学的英语几乎是零基础,拼读单词有困难,很难独立完成英语学习任务。考虑到初小衔接的过渡, 针对同学们青春期的特征
2、及学会英语基础层次的不同, 我在本节阅读课中特意注意了以下几个方面:1.借助多媒体设备,采用不同的教学方法,设计形式多样、有层次梯度的活动让学生在做中学,活动中练习,思考中提升。2.注重阅读课教学设计的趣味性、层次性、连贯性,帮助学生理清文本的脉络,理解信息之间的联系,让学生保持英语阅读和学习的积极性,能享受阅读,并能反复持久阅读,养成良好的英语阅读习惯。3.重视阅读策略方法的指导, 如 predicting, skimming,scanning,finding out key words andtopic sentences, summarizing paragraphs,让学生学会快速、有
3、效阅读,提升阅读能力并获取阅读快乐。4.注重思维的锻炼和提升,引导学生使用思维导图进行英语学习,通过提问、举例、展示等方式开阔学生思维,鼓励学生批判性思考。5.将班级分成 12 个小组,每个小组 4 人(有两个小组分别是 5 人) ,把不同层次的学生划分在一个组,开展帮扶合作。英语基础好的同学带动帮助层次低的同学,依据性格、特长、基础、爱好等不同开展合作竞争,培养团队合作精神。教学目标:教学目标:By the end of the class, students are expected toget the main idea of the poster through fast readin
4、g and learn the reading strategies likepredicting, skimming, finding out topic sentences and summarizing paragraphs.get details from the poster and understand the words and expressions in the context:poster, land, protect, light, pollution, energy, provide with, stop doing, There be,It isimportant t
5、o dounderstand the order of the paragraphs and figure out how to make a poster.make a speech about the Earth and get to know the importance to protect the Earth.教学重难点:教学重难点:Key & difficult points:1.Develop reading skills : learn to read in a fast way with strategies like predicting, skimming,sca
6、nning, finding out key words and topic sentences, summarizing paragraphs.2.Figure out the outline and structure of the poster and learn how to make a good poster.教学设计:教学设计:Teaching procedures:Teaching stepPurposeTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesStep 1Warm- upTo arose Ss interestandattracttheira
7、ttention.Show 4 pictures and ask Ssto identify the photo of theEarth and find out howmany parts there are on theEarth.Look at the 4 pictures,point out the Earth andfigure out thedifferentparts(thesea, land andclouds) on the Earth.Step 2Lead-inTo Lead in the topic“ Protect the Earth”andbroadenSsminds
8、 by asking themfortheiropinionsabout the Earth.Guide Ss to talk about theEarth: what do you think oftheEarth?Whatwordscome into your mind whenwe talk about the Earth?UsesomewordstodescribetheEarthandshare the ideas in groups.Step 3Pre-reading1.Tointroduce“Poster” to Ss, andguide them to predictwhatt
9、heposterisabout.2. To help Ss to opentheirmindandenlargevocabularyaboutthetopic“Earth” with a spidergram. Pave the wayforthefollowingreading.1.Lead Ss to focus on thetitle and pictures of theposter to have a guess:whatistheposterabout?2.Guide Ss to think aboutthe things on Earth anddrawaspidergramab
10、out it.1. Predict what the posteris about by looking at thetitle and pictures of theposter.2. Draw a spider gram toshow what there are onEarth.Step 4Fast -reading1. To help Ss improvetheirreadingabilityby guide them to readthe poster with thestrategiessuchasskimming,scanning,finding out key wordsand
11、 topic sentences,summarizingparagraphs.2. To help Ss tofigure out the outlineand structure of theposter1. Lead Ss to get the mainideaoftheposterbyfindingoutthetopicsentenceforeachparagraph.2.AskSstogiveasub-headingtoeachparagraph.3. Ask Ss to think about theorder of the paragraphs andwork out the ou
12、tline of theposter.1. Read for main idea ofthe poster by finding outthetopicsentenceforeach paragraph.2.Summarizeeachparagraph andgive asub-heading to each one.3. Think about the order ofthe paragraphs and workout the structure of theposter.Step 5Detailed-ReadingTo lead Ss to get moredetailsbydetail
13、edreading, learn somenewexpressionsinthe context.1.GetSstoreadthepostercarefullyformoredetailsandanswerthequestion:why should we protectthe Earth?2.GetSstousethesentencepatterns“therebe”“somesome”todescribepictures.3.AskSstofindoutsolutions to protect theEarthbasedontheposter.1.Fill in the blanks of
14、 thechart to answer thequestion: Why shouldwe protect the Earth?2.Usethesentencepatterns“therebe”“somesome”todescribe pictures3.Work in groups of fourto discuss the ways toprotect the Earth.Step 6Post-readingTo help Ss retellthe text in a realsituation and raisetheir awareness ofprotectingtheEarth.S
15、howthesubheadings,pictures and key words ofthe poster to Ss and guidethem to make a speech tocallonmorepeopletoprotect the Earth.Make a speech based onthe poster to call on morepeopletoprotecttheEarth by retelling the text.Step 7Sum up &HomeworkTo help Ss summarizethe features of theposterand pr
16、acticemaking a posterLead Ss to figure out how tomake a good poster and askthem to make a poster oftheirownwiththeinformation in the text andon the Internet after class.Figure out how to make agood poster and ask themto make a poster of theirown with the informationin the text and on theInternet after class.