1、1教教学学目目标标知识与知识与技能技能1. 掌握一些听说技巧。2. 根据提示写出有关健康生活方式的建议。过程与过程与方法方法1智慧课堂结合学案导学法,情境教学法;2突出学生个体,尊重学生差异;3采用活动途径,倡导体验参与;4注重过程评价,促进学生发展情感态度情感态度与价值观与价值观1学生能够乐于思考并且参与讨论和展示;2养成学生健康的生活方式。教学重点教学重点1. 掌握话题转述技巧;2掌握话题写作与海报制作技巧;3参与讨论和展示教学难点教学难点1如何激发学生上口语与写作课的学习热情。2如何通过情景让学生掌握一些说与写的技巧。设设计计依依据据内容分析本节课是一节结合小整合设计的期末复习口语与写作
2、课,话题是健康的生活方式。授课对象是初中八年级学生。中学教材版本是由牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司教材编写委员会编写的八年级上册教材。学生分析初二学生虽然掌握一定的词汇量和知识点,但对于口语课似乎兴趣不大, 所以教师应通过各种有效的教学手段,引导学生在听力课上能调动学习兴趣完成教学任务,同时培养学生对于语言的驾驭能力。设设计计思思路路1本课对本学期教学内容进行整合,教学内容与教学任务是按照学生的英语水平能接受的程度进行设计,从易到难,自然过渡,达到最好的衔接效果。学生在来自身边熟悉的人中自信地投入课堂,积极参与课堂活动,大胆表达自我。2课堂以学生为中心,组织小组学习。将不同层次的学生按比例分配
3、在同一个小组中,成员在学习过程中既分工又协作,做到共同进步。教师起引导作用,为学生与学生之间的交流与合作创造条件,让英语真正发挥作为语言的交际作用。教学教学媒体媒体101PPT制作的课件、英语录音资料、教科书、学案等。教教 学学 过过 程程教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图、依据依据2Step 1:Checkstudentspre-homework1. Guide the students touploadtheirpre-homeworks answersby using PAD.1. Upload the pre-homeworksanswers by usi
4、ng PAD.CheckSspre-homework and answerthequestionstoimprovetheir study.2. Check the accuracy onPADandinvitethestudents to analyze theexercise if necessary.2.Analyzetheexerciseifnecessary.Step 2: WarmingupGuessinggame:showtwopicturesoftwounknown teachers, andask the Ss to choose andguess who they are.
5、Chooseandguesswhotheteachers are.ArouseSsinterestandexposethemtosomeexpression oflife styleStep 3:Oral practice1. Lead in Mr. Wangshealthy life style. PlayMr. Wangs monologueto the Ss and ask the Ssto prepare to retell thecontent.1. Read the exercise. Listen tothe monologue and take notes.Prepare to
6、 retell the content in 50seconds.Checkthestudentsunderstandingand train theirretellingskills.2. Review retelling skillsand guide the studentstouploadtheirrecordingsbyusingPAD.2. Record when retell the contentin 50 seconds by using PAD,then upload the recordings.3.Choosesomestudents recordings toplay
7、 in the class andguide the Ss to evaluatethem.3. Listen to the recordings andevaluate4. Ask the students toread the example.4. Read the example together.Step 4:1. Give some clues andask the Ss to guess theteacherherself.Thenintroduce the teachersproblems.1. Guess who the teacher is.Trainstudentsabil
8、ityincooperationandimprovetheirwriting3skills.2. Set up a scene andinvite the Ss to give theteachers some advice ingroup.(Groupdiscussion)2. Discuss in groups on advicefor the teacher and prepare aspeech on the topic.3.Invitetworepresentativestopresent their speeches.3. Two representatives presentth
9、eir speeches.4. Ask the Ss to write anarticle on the topic onthe students sheet andupload their articles tothe PAD.4. Write an article and upload itto the PAD.5. The teacher choosestwo or three articles toshow and ask the Ss toevaluate them.5. Evaluate classmates articles.5. Ask the students tostick
10、 their articles ontotheir posters in groupsandinvitetherepresentativesfromeach group to show theirposterstothewholeclass.Asktheotherstudents to vote for twoposters they like.5. Stick their articles onto theirpostersingroupsandtherepresentatives from each groupshow their posters to the wholeclass. The other students to votefor two posters they like.Step 5summaryGet the students to Talkabout what they haveleantTalk about what they have learnt.Conclude thelessonHomework1.Ask your partner or teacher to correct your writing.2. Revise U3 and finish the exercises in ST.板板书书设设计计4