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1,本文(Module 3 Sports-Unit 2 This year we are training more carefully.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:64572).zip)为本站会员(老黑)主动上传,163文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。
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Module 3 Sports-Unit 2 This year we are training more carefully.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:64572).zip

1、Warm upcoachthe teacher of the teamActivity 1Germany Argentinathe final match of World Cup 2014Activity 1played against genst warm updo some exercise to get ready for the matchActivity 1pass the ballsendfrom one to the otherActivity 1score a goalActivity 1cheer on the team loudlywin the World Cup 20

2、14Germany Argentina.1-0 beat Activity 1They train hard.What makes a team win?训练训练Activity 1练习,实践练习,实践 footballActivity 1play againstwarm uppass the ballbeat (sb) cheer . on loudly train hard practicePre-readingIn Last years school football match, Class 6 played _ Class 1, and _ Class1 in the end.aga

3、instbeatBefore the game, the players were _ _ to get ready for the match.warming upActivity 2raincoachWe invited a parent to be our _ and he helped to t_ the team.Activity 2During the match, the players were _ the ball quickly.passing Activity 2The fans were going to _ the team _ loudly.cheeronActiv

4、ity 2ReadingFast ReadingThey are going to play against another team. They are training hard and carefully.While-readingFast Reading1.What are they going to do next week?TheyThey areare goinggoing to to playplay againstagainst anotheranother Did they win the game last year?No,No, theythe

5、y didnt.didnt. TheThe otherother teamteam beatbeat themthem lastlast year.year. TheyThey lostlost to to thethe otherother teamteam in in thethe finalfinal match.match.Ourcoachispleasedbecauseweareplayingbetterasateamnow.Lastyearweweresometimescareless when we passed the ball and we lost to the other

6、teaminthefinalmatch.Whatapity!Thisyearwearetrainingmorecarefully.Thatmeanswehave a better chance of winning.Thefanclubhasfewerpeoplethisyear.Wehopetoplaywellsothatwehavemorefanstowatchthematches.Itisgoodtohaveourfansaround.Theycheerusonloudlyandwefeelmoreconfidenttowinthegame.Activity 3Activity 3hap

7、pyfeel sure to do sth wellnot giving enough attention and making mistakessth is very possible to happenpleasedhave a better chance offeel more confident tocarelessActivity 3pleasedhave a better chance offeel more confident tocarelessChance belongs to those who are prepared for them, so dont miss the

8、 chance when it comes.如果我们搬到上海,我就有更大的机会找如果我们搬到上海,我就有更大的机会找到工作。到工作。If we move to Shanghai, I will have a better chance of finding a job.A: Who do you think is confident?B: I think is confident becauseFor more suggestions, please go to:http:/ carelesscarefulcarebeautifulbeautysleep sleeplessActivity 4

9、adj.adj.n.hopeadj.adj.n.hopelessuseusefuluselesshelphelpfulhelplessharmharmfulharmlesspainpainfulpainlesshopefulActivity 4SummaryA. Build wordword mapmap about words in one topicB.B. GuessGuess thethe wordword from the context.C. Use “-ful” and “-less” to buildbuild wordword hav

10、ehave wewe usedused to to learnlearn newnew wordswords in in thisthis lesson?lesson?For more word-building rules of adjectives:http:/ more tips of vocabulary learning:http:/ workworkIntroduce the words CoachPlayer BPlayer AFan AFan BWork in groups of 6 to make a short play with the words chosen by y

11、our group. Write a short story about a game or competition you experienced in the past. Use the key words and phrases we learned in this lesson. 教学设计教学设计课程名课程名This year we are training more carefully. Module 3 Unit 2 Grade 8课型课型初中词汇学习策略指导课Guidance on vocabulary learning strategies for Junior student


13、谱(word map) ,让学生通过情景话题来联想词群,放在词谱中集中记忆,有助于词汇的巩固和长期记忆的形成;二是通过上下文语境进行猜词训练,引导学生用已知推导未知,可提高学生学习的主观能动性,并培养用英文思考的习惯。同时根据英语语言特点,可以适当引入构词法的相关知识,通过典型词缀含义的学习,帮助学生构建词库(word bank),掌握快速记忆和拓展词汇的方法。因此,在本节课的设计上,每个环节都以情境交际为主线,以词汇学习策略指导为目标,贯穿了词汇在语境中的认知、理解、吸收、消化和运用,一切教学活动都围绕“词不离境”这一指导思想展开。在词汇的内化过程中,特别抓住语言表达思维和情感的工具性作用,

14、为学生创造使用英语表达和倾诉的欲望和兴趣,让学生在真实的交际、表达和互动中,学以致用。 同时,发挥多媒体在语言学习中的优势作用,利用各种线上资源,采用多种方式对词汇进行演示、讲解和操练。创设情景呈现单词,集词汇与声音、图像于一体, 生动直观, 能让学生尽快理解词义, 提高记忆效率。学习者通过建构视觉图像、听觉音响和书面文字信息之间相互关联的提示线索,帮助对记忆中储存的信息进行恢复和提取。教材分析教材分析本节课词汇教学所依托的文本是八年级上册第三模块(Sports)第二课时 Unit 2 阅读课文。本课以大明参加学校足球队训练为主题,文体上属于日记,作者在介绍所在校队积极备战今年联赛的过程中,使


16、学情分析学情分析本课的教学对象是天津实验中学八年级 6 班的学生,该班学生在英语学习上普遍有着浓厚的兴趣,能够积极按照老师要求跟进课堂,在英语的听、说、读、写方面已经奠定了比较坚实稳固的基础。一年半的初中英语学习使学生在词汇方面达到了一定数量的积累,也养成了在语境中认知、理解、记忆生词的科学方法和良好习惯。根据学段特点,八年级学生在词汇学习策略方面,还处于模糊探求的阶段,尚未形成充分的认知。因此本节课的目标,就是通过大量词汇输入,帮助学生总结归纳不同类型词汇的学习方法,让他们通过实例,直观的感受词汇学习策略带来的效果,从而为以后的词汇学习和积累提供科学有效的方法,引导他们关注学习策略对学习效果

17、的指导作用,逐渐培养策略意识。同时,为了调动学生参与课堂,教学中需设计多种学习活动,融入听说读写译不同任务类型,采取个人独立完成、两人合作、小组合作等不同形式,按照从易到难的顺序推进,保证大部分学生能够顺利跟进,并针对学生在课堂上的表现,及时进行评价和激励。教学目标教学目标Knowledge: To learn words and expressions related to football:fan, coach, play against, warm up, pass the ball, cheer onloudly, beat, train, practice, pleased, car

18、eless, have a better chance of, feel more confident to do.Skill: To be able to practice vocabulary learning strategies: a) building word map related to a topic with pictures and charts;b) guessing the meaning of the words by the context;c) learning words by understanding suffixes of “-ful” and “-les

19、s”.Emotion and attitude: To appreciate teamwork and develop a better understanding of competition.教学内容教学内容本节课在我校英语组特色教学模式,即“基于情景交际的文化渗透式互动教学”方法的指导下,介绍了词汇学习的三种策略,帮助学生完成词汇学习目标:策略一:设置情景构建话题语境,帮助联想词群。通过 2014 年世界杯决赛的情景导入,引出跟足球比赛相关的词汇,借助图片帮助学生迅速理解词义,然后构建词谱(word map) ,之后练习引入本班足球比赛的真实情景,让学生看图填空完成句子,检验学生对话题词

20、汇的记忆效果。本部分词汇目标为:fan, coach, play against, warm up, pass the ball, cheer onloudly, beat, train, practice.策略二:依托语境猜测词义,理解词汇内涵。挑出课文中具有抽象含义的生词和短语,让学生通过上下文语境和段落大意来猜测词义,并通过英文解释、同义词反义词、图片、展示例句,英汉互译,小组对话讨论等形式,帮助学生深入理解词汇内涵,内化为自己的知识。本部分词汇目标为:pleased, careless, have a better chance of, feel more confident to d

21、o.策略三:通过构词法构建词库,拓展词汇积累。以本课生词 careless 为切入点,引出形容词尾椎-ful 和-less 的相关词例,通过发放词汇卡片和小组合作方式,让学生共同完成该构词法的理解和学习。本部分的词汇目标为:-ful 的典型词例(有学生列举,如 beautiful, colorful, wonderful, useful 等) ,-less 词例(发放词汇卡片小组学习:hopeless, helpless, painless, homeless, useless, harmless)最后,总结本课介绍的三种词汇学习策略,让学生使用所学词汇进行小组短剧扮演,内容不限,但必须使用本

22、小组抽到的词汇,同时组内六人的角色在活动要求中有所规定,每组各个成员都要承担固定角色来完成表演。教学重难点教学重难点1.核心词汇的理解:play against, beat, train, practice, careless, have a better chance of, feel confident to do2.词汇学习策略的理解和掌握。3.使用所学词汇表达相关经历。教学方法教学方法情景交际法,小组合作学习辅助工具辅助工具多媒体设备, 板书,词汇卡片教学过程教学过程 Teaching ProceduresProceduresTeachers activityStudents acti

23、vityPurposeStep1. Lead in 1. Free talk: Invite students to talk about their favorite sport. Then introduce the topic of football and the learning goal of this lesson.2. Show a short video about the final match of World Brainstorm their favorite sport and watch the video.Introduce the topic and the a

24、im of this lesson. Help students think about the possible expressions they need to learn in this topic.Cup 2014. Then ask questions.Step2. Words related to the topicActivity 1 :1. Introduce words and phrases related to the topic of football match with questions and pictures.2. Ask the students to fi

25、ll in a chart about the words and expressions they just learned. Then check answers around groups. Activity 23. Show the pictures of last years school football match. Ask students to fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the word map.1. Try to understand and remember vocabularies with the

26、 help of the pictures.2. Fill in the chart with the words and phrases related to the topic. Then each group take turns to give a different answer.3. Recall last years school football match with the help of the pictures and complete the description of the match.1. Guide students to learn the new word

27、s and phrases through situational communication with the help of pictures. 2. Help students build a word map of football with a chart.3. Help students to consolidate what they have learned and practice using the words and phrases in a similar situation.Step3. Words from context.1. Ask students to gr

28、asp the main idea of the text through finding answers to 2 questions.2. Ask students to focus on the 3rd and 4th paragraphs to guess the meaning of 4 new words and phrases marked in red.Activity 31. Speaking out the English explanations of the 4 words and phrases and ask students to do a quick match

29、.2. Give further explanations of the 4 words and phrases by showing pictures, asking questions, making sentences and conducting dialogue in pairs.1. Read the passage quickly and find the answers to the 2 questions. 2. Listen to the audio of the 3rd paragraph and the reading of the 4th paragraph by a

30、 fellow student. Try to guess the meaning of the 4 words and phrases.3. Match each of the 4 words and phrases with the correct English meaning given by the teacher.4. Develop further understanding of the 4 words and phrases by communicating with the teacher and working with the partner.5. Recommend

31、an online video about how to build one confidence and ask students to watch after class.1. Help students form a general idea of the passage and consolidate the words and expressions leaned in Activity 1.2. Help students grasp the correct meaning of new words with the help of context clues. 3. Check

32、students understanding of words in the context.4. Help students extending their understanding of the words by eliciting more ideas and thinking.Step4. Word 1. Help students discover the meaning of the suffixes “-1. Guess the meaning of “careless” by the context. 1. Help students summarize the meanin

33、g building rule of “-ful” and “-less”less” and “-ful” by asking questions.2. Start a brainstorm about more examples of adj. with “-ful”.Activity 43. Send each group a flash card with an example adjective of “-less”. Ask them to discuss the meaning and make a sentence with it. 4. Invite each group to

34、 show their word and example sentence with the whole class. 5. Ask students to fill in the chart of a word bank.Summarize the meaning of the 2 suffixes.2. Brainstorm more examples of adjectives with “-ful”.3. Discuss in groups about the meaning of the adjective given to them and try to make a correc

35、t sentence with it.4. Show their word to the whole class and speak out their example sentence.5. Fill in the chart of word bank with suffixes of “-ful” and “-less”.of the 2 suffixes and build a word bank of certain adjectives with “-ful”.2. Help students conduct active discussion about the meaning o

36、f extended adjectives with “-less”. Promote teamwork in learning the new words together.Step 5. Summary and role play1. Summarize the 3 strategies learned in this lesson. Recommend some useful websites for more tips on vocabulary learning.2. Ask students to make a short role play in groups of 6 with

37、 the words and phrases chosen by their group. Give each group member a different role: introductor of the words, the coach, player A and player B, fan A and fan B. 3. Invite students to show their play. Comment on the performance of each group.1. Choose the ways they have learned to learn words quic

38、kly and effectively. 2. Work with their group mates to conduct the role play.3. Come to the front and show their performance to the rest of the class.1.Help students to consolidate the strategies used in this lesson. 2.Create an imaginative situation where they can practice the vocabularies and enjo

39、y the pleasure of teamwork at the same time.Homework: Write a short story about a game or competition you experienced in the past. Use the key words and phrases we learned in this lesson.For more suggestions on how to build comfidence, please go to:http:/ For more word-building rules of adjectives:http:/ For more tips of vocabulary learning:http:/



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