1、UnitUnit 2 2 GreatGreat PeoplePeopleLessonLesson 7 7:WhatWhat IsIs thethe MeaningMeaning ofof LifeLife?TeachingTeaching Content:Content:Mastery words and expressions: lifeTeachingTeaching Aims:Aims:Know about the great people in the world.Learn the high spirit of the great people.TeachingTeaching Im
2、portantImportant Points:Points:Language pointsTeachingTeaching DifficultDifficult Points:Points:T Thehe useuse ofof s successuccess.suceed.successful.successfully.suceed.successful.successfullyWhat does .mean?TeachingTeaching Aid:Aid:FlashcardsTypeType ofof lesson:lesson:new lessonTeachingTeaching P
3、rocedure:Procedure:Step1.Organization:Step1.Organization:greetingsStep2.warmming-upStep2.warmming-upStep3.learnStep3.learn newnew words:words:lifeStep4.Step4.Listen to the text and then let the students say the mainidea about the text.S1: It deals with the future.S2: They talk about the life.S3: Wha
4、t is success?S4: Why are people different from animals?Then the teacher sum what they say. It tells us the lifesmeaning. It leads us to think about the life. Now we are livingon the earth. Some of us are happy. Others are sad. When we arefree, we can think about these questions.Step5.Step5. ComeCome
5、 toto “THINKTHINK ABOUTABOUT ITIT”. .Divide the class into groups of three or four. Talk about thequestions. If they think the topics are too difficult for them,the teacher can add the content: “What do you want to be inthe future? Why?”This question is easier than the others. They can talk a lotabo
6、ut the topic. Now lead them talk about the future, the dreamand the life. It seems easier now.Step6.Step6. Read the text. Let they underline the language pointsof this text. Ask the students to solve the problems. They canuse dictionaries and ask the teacher if necessary. The teacherhelps them some
7、on the blackboard.Encourage the students to make sentences with the followinglanguage points:S Suceess;uceess; succeedsucceed ; ;successfulsuccessful ;successful;successful ;succeed;succeed inin doingdoingsth.havesth.have successsuccess inin doingdoing sth.;besth.;be successfulsuccessful inin doingd
8、oing sth.;sth.;dodo sthsth successfullysuccessfully ;think;think of.;thinkof.;think about;thinkabout;think over;over; W Whathatdoesdoes .mean?.mean?S5: He succeeded in finding a new way to do with the rubbish.S6: We all know he will succeed in the future.S7: Their life was hard.S8:He is living a ver
9、y happy life.S9:He worked successfully.S10:What does life mean?Step7.Step7. ComeCome toto “PROJECTPROJECT”. .Divide the class into several groups. Let every group write thequestions that they want to know on a piece of paper. Then theyexchange the paper with another group. They can ask thequestions
10、in class.Take your questions home. Ask your family members about thequestions. First ask your parents and write their answers down.Then ask your grandparents the questions and write theiranswers down.Bring the answers to school. Discuss their answers in groups.Lets see if they have any differences b
11、etween their answers.Discuss why these differences exist.Now in the group discuss the last question: What did you learnfrom this project.In this project, we try to find the secret of life. When we arein different age, we have different realizations to life. Whenwe are older, we will know much about
12、the life.Step8:Step8: HomeworkHomeworkFinish off the activity book.Go on the next reading in the student book.、Summary:Summary:Dont you think life is a strange thing? Discuss the questionsLi Ming and Wang Mei asks in groups. Then encourage them to askmore questions about life. Give them time to search on theInternet to know the secret of the life. Group activities aregood styles of discussing. More practice will give the studentsmore chances to practice their spoken English.