1、新标准英语新标准英语六年级下册六年级下册ReadingReading forfor PleasurePleasureFantasticFantastic AnimalsAnimals 一、教学内容一、教学内容Reading for pleasure Fantastic Animals二、教学分析二、教学分析本版块主要通过阅读学习,了解大自然中几种不同寻常的特质,包括海马、兔子、鸟、乌龟和蜘蛛。大自然如此神奇,每种动物都有自己不同寻常的特点。学生在了解故事的同时,增强英语阅读能力,并从故事中受到鼓励。在此基础上要树立“人与动物平等,爱护和保护动物,人与自然和谐共生”的意识。三、教学策略三、教学策
2、略本案例是 Reading ,按照英语课程标准的要求,这堂课应当是“以任务贯穿读、听、说的活动,让学生通过感知-概括-应用的思维来增长知识,发展能力” 。1、学生通过自主阅读,提高阅读能力和自主学习能力。2、在与文本相互作用的过程中,进行意义建构,在理解、思辨的过程中提高学生语言综合运用能力。四、教学目标四、教学目标1 1、知识与技能、知识与技能Master the new words :feather , normally , rabbit , seahorse , turtleEnable them to grasp the meaning of the story .2 2、过程与方法、
3、过程与方法通过自主阅读,提高阅读能力和自主学习能力;通过完成任务帮助理解课文意思。通过小组合作,培养学生的团队意识。3 3、情感态度价值观、情感态度价值观引导学生关爱动物、保护动物的环保意识。培养学生的探究意识、合作意识、环保意识、和谐意识。五、教学重点五、教学重点Enable to grasp the meaning of the story and grasp the words .Read the text , retell the text .Talk about the animals from appearance ,ability , habbits , amazing phen
4、omenon .六、教学资源六、教学资源PPT ,抖音视频,教师根据课文内容创制的课文视频,微课,带有动物介绍的卡片, 图片等七、教学过程七、教学过程Step 1 Warm up and lead in1. T:Good morning ,Boys &Girls!S:Good morning,Teacher!T:How are you ?S:Im fine. Thank you .And you ?T: Im fine, too .Thank you . And sit down, please !T: Now, Lets listen and do the action , OK ?S: O
5、K! (设计意图:教师在开课前用当今最火的视频“言听计从之动物脸”来激发学生的学习兴趣,这个视频又是模仿动物的动作。也为本课的学习内容做铺垫。)Step 2 Pre-reading 1. T: Are you happy ,now ? S: Yes.T: Now, Its our duty report time ! Who s the reporter ? Lets welcome Wang moye.(设计意图:老师根据 Duty report 的内容提出了两个跟文本内容有关的问题,最后又提高性地提问了同学们,通过这个狮子王的故事,懂得了什么道理?由于小学生无法用英语表达比较难的内容,让学
6、生说汉语,老师用英语出示, “正义必将战胜邪恶” 。也是对于当今和谐社会的一种呼应。)2. T: The lion King is very brave , right ?S: Yes.T:Now, Lets play a game !When I show the pictures of the animals. You should say its English name. Are you ready ?S: Yes.(设计意图:老师利用 PPT 出示 40 种动物的闪图,每出示一个,孩子们就用英语说出这种动物的名字。不但是对英文动物的掌握情况的了解,同时也可以激发学生进一步想了解更多动
7、物英文名字的兴趣。)3. T: Just now , you have seen so many animals. Do you like animals ?S:Yes. T: Whats your favourite animals ? (设计意图:刚才老师出示了那么多动物的图片。老师运用口语对话的形式询问了学生们喜不喜欢动物?最喜欢的动物是什么?并继续询问为什么?可否进一步介绍下自己最喜欢的动物。通过对话的形式,有效的练习了学生的说的能力。通过口语表达也展现了自己的“旧知识”并为接下来的“新知识”服务。)T: Do you want to know my favourite animals
8、 ?S: Yes.T: My favourite animals are -Fantastic animals.(设计意图:教师出示自己喜欢的动物图片,这是一部电影,名字就叫Fantastic Animals正好跟本课课文题目吻合。教师板书课文标题。)4. Task Presentation(本课的学习任务:学习有关神奇的动物。 )5. (课文学习)(课文学习)T:Now, Lets watch a video.(因为没有相关配套的课文视频,教师自己根据课文内容创制了课文视频,直观形象的展现了文本内容)(听完课文,老师提问了两个问题。第一个问题:文中提到几种动物?(五种)第二个问题:他们都在哪
9、儿?(海陆空分布))T:Now, Lets listen again.1. Which dad has babies ?2. How do big ears help rabbits ?3.What does the funtion of the feathers ?4.How long do turtles live ?5.Are spiders insects ? And Why ?(设计意图:在第一个问题之后,老师插入了一个有关海马的微课。让学生更直观的了解海马的生产育儿知识。五个问题的创设也是更全面的了解本课所学的五种动物。)6. Reading Comprehension(根据课文内
10、容创设一篇阅读理解,并进行小组合作,找出答案。学生进一步巩固和掌握课文内容。)7. Lets act story out!8. Lets retell!Step 4 Post reading 1.1.Q1:Whats the best title for this story ?Q2:Whats the special pet ?Q3:What can we learn from this story?(设计意图:教师通过 Post-reading 环节,让学生懂得一个道理:要爱护和保护动物,不能虐待动物。 )2.Guessing2.Guessing GameGame (通过猜的游戏来了解更多
11、动物的神奇的一面。也是呼应本课题目 Fantastic Animals.)3.Good3.Good toto knowknow(设计意图:本环节,让学生更多了解动物在我们的生活中处处体现。1.一些国家用动物来象征自己。2.十二生肖 3.剪纸 4.邮票 5.纪念币 6.吉祥物 7.著名画家所擅长画的动物 8.企业和产品标志 9.食物和药物的来源 10.人类的伴侣 11.人类的助手 12.生物及医学实验 。在这一部分,教师尽可能多的涵盖更多知识,让学生有一个更开阔的视野去更多的体会动物的重要性和特殊性。人与动物密切不可分离。这一部分的知识含量特别大,有利于学生了解和掌握更多的知识。)4.The4.
12、The protectionprotection ofof endangeredendangered animalsanimals 5.How5.How toto protectprotect endangeredendangered animals?animals? (1)Law Enforcement(2)Economic means(3)Biological Sciences(4)Publicity6.6.保护动物的视频保护动物的视频(设计意图:通过视频更直观的感受动物当今的处境,告诫人类要保护地球,保护和爱护动物。人与自然和谐相处。爱护我们的家园。 )SummarySummary &
13、& homeworkhomework板书设计和评价机制:板书设计和评价机制:教学反思:教学反思:通过这节课,学生掌握了大量有关动物的知识和在生活中的广泛应用。学生在学习中,知识有了量的积累和质的提高。使学生了解了动物的奇妙性,激发他们的学习兴趣。也使学生认识到保护动物的重要性和紧迫性。在教学过程中,有些环节,教师还是没有处理的很完美。各个环节的衔接还有待加强。最后的部分,应该让学生先发言说说自己了解的动物在生活中的应用。然后教师再总结会更好。在板书和评价机制方面,老师运用了简笔画,课文没有配套视频,教师也能根据授课需要自己运用技术手段自己创制了课文视频。这也是自己教学基本功的体现。不足之处,还
14、需要各位评委老师多批评指正,有利于我更好的进步!谢谢大家!DutyreportDutyreportbyWangmoyeTheLionkingAyounglionprince,Simba,wasborninAfrica. thusmakinghisuncleScarthesecondinlinetothethrone.ScarplottedwiththehyenastokillKingMufasaandPrinceSimba,thusmakinghimselfKing.TheKingwaskilledandSimbawasledtobelievebyScarthatithadbeenhisfau
15、lt,andsohefledthekingdominshame.Afteryearsofexile,achildhoodfriendrunsintohimbyaccident,andpersuadedhimtotakehisresponsibility.Hereturnedhomeandoverthrewhisuncle,claimedthekingdomashisown,thuscompletingtheCircleofLife.2.IstheLionKing brave?Yes.Heis.1.WherewastheLionKing born?HewasborninAfrica.Whatca
16、nwelearnfromthisstory?Justicewilltriumphoverevil!MovieFantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them snifferbowtruckledemiguisethunderbirdFantasticAnimalstaskLetslearnaboutthefantasticanimals.Howmanykindsofanimals?Wherearethey?Therearefive.Someareinthesky.Someareontheland.Someareinthesea.Whichdadhasbabies?Se
24、eagle鹰鹰Australia澳大利亚澳大利亚kangaroo袋鼠袋鼠UK英国英国lion狮子狮子Doyouknowthe12zodiacanimals?papercutstampsCommemorativeCoin纪念币,收藏币。纪念币,收藏币。Mascot吉祥物吉祥物齐白石齐白石徐悲鸿徐悲鸿李苦禅李苦禅吴作人吴作人张大千张大千李可染李可染1) With the development and progress of our society, human beings have more and more choices of food. Today, animals have been
25、a very important part of our daily food.2) Since ancient times, many wild animals and plants have been found to have medicinal values. Nowadays, wild animals are still an important source of medicines.Supply:Supply:FoodFood& &MedicineMedicineCompanionsCompanions In order to eliminate loneliness and
26、get a feeling of satisfaction , many people (especially the elders) have been used to raising pets. GuideDogPoliceDog Guide dogs are trained to provide guides and helps for the blind people. They usually have a calm nature and never attack humans. Police dogs are a kind of working dogs that help the
27、 police perform some search tasks. They have special senses that far excel those of the human race.AssistantsAssistantsSubjectsSubjectsin inExperimentationsExperimentations Animal experimentation is a kind of scientific research based on animals to gain the new knowledge about biology or medical sci
28、ence. In most cases, people take mice into different experiments. Rabbits can be used for the research of anatomy and pathology. Fruit flies are used for genetics and bats are used for bionics.The number of animals used in experiments in the UKYearAmount20002,644,00020103,805,00020113,900,00020124,1
29、10,00020134,120,000TheprotectionofendangeredanimalspollutionmansincreasingneedsandgreedBackgroundNowadays a number of animals and birds are either extinct or steadily on the way to extinction.Deforestation 179918441880191019361948DodoGarefowlSeaFerretWastelanDargaliThylacineAcinonyxJubatusVenaticusT
30、heCurrentStatusOfEndangeredWildlife75 species of species are extinct everydayin the world. 3 species were labeled with the death tag eachhour.LawEnforcementEconomicMeansBiologicalSciencesPublicityHowtoprotectendangeredanimals?LawEnforcementWe should establish comprehensive laws and rules, such as th
31、e Wildlife Conservation Law, the Forestry Law, the Administrative Regulations for Nature Reserves, Regulations on the Import and Export of Rare Wild Fauna, and others.Teams should carry out supervisory protection with support from the forestry, law enforcement, customs and industrial and commercial
32、sectors.Combining protection with eco-projects should aim to regulate legal hunting activities and stop illegal hunting entirely.EconomicmeansWe should be protecting and expanding habitats. Concerning infrastructure and urban construction, wildlife habitats should be strictly protected. More money s
33、hould be spent on expanding the forest and reclaiming habitats. BiologicalSciencesWe should concentrate on rescuing endangered species with artificial breeding and sending them back to nature. Bases, zoos and wildlife reserves should be set up with this express purpose in mind.PublicitySpreading awa
34、reness of animal protection among the general public is a long-term goal. This could start with better publicizing laws on the treatment of animals. NGOs, volunteers, the media and enterprises should all join the government in the drive to educate the public. Once there is greater awareness of the i
35、ssues, the future will start to look brighter. As humans and animals are equal lives in the nature, humans should be kind to animals and the environment where humans and animals live together. Humans should stop abusing animals for fun, killing or trading animals for profits illegally. We all hope humans and animals live in harmony.Retellthesefantasticanimaltoyourparentsoryourfriends.