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1,本文(Unit 5 Family and Home-Lesson 25 Jenny’s Family-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(配套课件编号:50028).doc)为本站会员(老黑)主动上传,163文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。
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Unit 5 Family and Home-Lesson 25 Jenny’s Family-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-冀教版七年级上册英语(配套课件编号:50028).doc

1、1冀教版七年级上冀教版七年级上 LessonLesson 2 28 8 A A FamilyFamily PicnicPicnic教学目标教学目标1)Language1)Language KnowledgeKnowledgeA:A: NewNew Vocabulary:Vocabulary: picnic, carry, basket, Rover,tablecloth, lot, quietB:B: SomeSome sentencesentence patternspatterns thatthat studentsstudents needneed totounderstandunder

2、stand (Omitted).2)Language2)Language SkillSkillA:A: Listening:Listening: To understand the meaning of the dialogue.B:B: Speaking:Speaking: To use the Present Continuous Tense to say English.C:C: Reading:Reading: Improve their reading ability day by day.D:D: Writing:Writing: To write about the

3、ir own fun in life.重点难点重点难点A A. Use the new words, phrases and sentence patterns.B.B. Learn how to use the Present Continuous Tense in the dailylife.情感态度情感态度通过学习,培养学生的参与意识与协作精神,形成热爱劳动、感恩家人的责任意识;通过活动,让他们体验成功,激发学习乐趣,培养用现在进行时表述事情的能力。教法学法教法学法1 教法:情景法、听说法、听读法、任务型教学2 学法:发现法、猜测法、讨论法等自主性学习方法教学资源教学资源1冀教版七年级英

4、语教材2PPT 图片和文字教学过程教学过程教学步骤教学步骤师生活动师生活动设计意图设计意图StepStep 1 1Lead-inLead-inandand reviewreview1.1.LearnLearn andand chant:chant:1)Watch1)Watch videosvideos andand l learnearn thethe chantchant “Monkey,Monkey,MonkeyMonkey whatwhat areare youyou doingdoing”. .T:Look at the screen! We can see three animals

5、.Whats this?Ss: A bear.T: We can him Mr. Bear. What is Mr. Bear doing?Ss: He is dancing.课前准备:课前准备:根据教学目标和学生的年龄特点,我从学生的兴趣入手,用 chant 引入激趣,注重英语教学的趣2T: This is a monkey. We can call him Mr. Monkey.What is Mr. Monkey doing?Ss: He is crying.T:This is a rabbit. She is white, rich andbeautiful. So we can ca

6、ll her Miss Rabbit. Whatis Miss Rabbit doing?Ss: She is hopping.2)2) ChantChant together.together.OK, Lets chant. Show me your hands and dolike me.Mr.Mr. Bear,Bear, Mr.Mr. BearBear, whatwhat areare youyou doing?doing?I Im m dancing,dancing, dancing,dancing, dancing,dancing,Cha-Cha- cha-cha- chachaMi

7、ssMissRabbit,Rabbit, MissMiss RabbitRabbit, whatwhat areare youyou doing?doing?I Im m hopping,hopping,hopping,hopping,hoppinghoppingHop-Hop- hop-hop- hophopMr.Mr. Monkey,Monkey, Mr.Mr. Monkey,Monkey,whatwhat areare youyou doing?doing?I Im m cryingcrying ,crying,crying, cryingcryingBoo-hoo-hooBoo-hoo

8、-hoo(two times)3 3) ) ReviewReview thethe presentpresent contincontinu uousous tensetense. .T:In the words of the chant, we can find a tense(tense means 时态).What is it?Ss:现在进行时T:How do you know it is the present continuoustense?Ss: I know it by the word “dancing”.T: only dancing?Ss: am dancingT: Yes

9、,be doing. (板书) How many feet do you味性和情景性,复习旧知识并为本课学习做准备,并为后面的学习做好铺垫,同时,引领他们进入本课的学习殿堂。3use to walk?OK, lets remember: the left foot is be; theright foot is ing. Follow me. 要想表正在,左脚右脚向前迈, 左脚 be be be, 右脚 ing (Ss standup ,walk and say).So if you want to use thepresent continuous tense, you need two f

10、eet.T:How to change present participle(现在分词)?look at crying; dancing; hopping, that canhelp you.直加去 e 加双加ie 变 y 加 ing tie; die; lie(学生边说教师边板书)Step2Step2PresentatPresentati i- -ononT:Now lets practice the tense. I have somenew words for you. You need them in this class.Read the pronunciation, spell a

11、nd rememberthem.picnic: go on a picnic/have a picnic(用手指拼读法和加节奏练习拼读)carry: carries; carrying carry a desk/ carrysth. Heavybasket: basketball; a basket of ;two basketsoflot: a lot of ; lots ofquiet: (Do you know the man named 阿 Q writtenby 鲁迅,烦人的阿 Q 被你(u)和我(i)e 脚 t跑了) (师手放嘴前做 “嘘” 状, 问学生 What doI mean

12、?)引导学生说出 be quiet;quietly(形容词+ly 变副词)用音标进行单词教学,形象易记,并为下一环节的学习扫清了障碍。七年级学生经过两个多月的音标学习,学生已经能够熟练运用音、形、意的结合来记忆单词。再加上一些趣味顺口溜的加入,使单词的记忆变得简单有4Rover:Yes,this is “rover”,not “river”.Spell” riverSpell “Rover”tablecloth: table clothes3)Give the students a few minutes to remember.Then check all the words togethe

13、r with thehand-clapping.趣。又将本课重点难点融入到了单词学习中,帮学生整体认知本课内容,突破重点、难点。StepStep 3.3.ReadingReadingandandLearningLearning1)Present1)Present thethe titletitle ofof thethe lesson.lesson.I have a story for you now. Look at the title(题目) of the story. What do you know from thetitle?First the teacher helps the s

14、tudents to try tosay. (present the picture of 写作要素。)We know “what”,(a picnic);who (a family) .Sowe know a family are going on a picnic. Who arethey in the family? ( a father, mother andchildren even their pets) Since it is a picnic,what do we need to think about? (the weather,if it is raining outsid

15、e, do you go on a picnic?So when to go/ Where to go?2)Present2)Present JennyJennys s familyfamily picture.picture. LeadLead thethestudentsstudents toto saysay Paragraph1Paragraph1 ofof LessonLesson 28.28.3)Present3)Present thethe text.text.Now, we know Jennys family are having apicnic. Lets see what

16、 theyre doing.P Presentresent thethe phrases,phrases, explain,explain, read,read, andandrecite.recite.GuessGuess whowho isis doingdoing them.them.T: make a salad.(who is making a salad.)题目即是一篇课文的主题,引导学生认识到主题的重要性,从主题入手,将本课内容一点一点铺开。同时这也是写作技巧的指导训练。利用竞猜的形5put the food and drinks on a tableclothmake sand

17、wicheseat the meatpaint4 4)ListenListen andand knowknow aboutabout thethe facts.facts.OK now lets watch and listen. Who is doingthese things?(click on the swf of Lesson28)When it is presenting Mrs.Smith, the teacherasks who is making a salad. (Ss. Answer)put the food and drinks on a tablecloth(AskSs

18、 to close their eyes and recite) then asksome students to say”Jenny is putting thefood and drinks on a tablecloth.”T: What is Rover doing?Ss: He is waiting for his cookies.T:Yes, the cookies are for Rover.Ss: He is sitting.Yes, He is sitting quietly.make sandwiches eat the meatT:Who is making sandwi

19、ches?What is Rover doing?Why does Jenny shout “look out”?Is the meat for Rover?Yes, Rover is stealing the meat.paint: T: Who is painting?Theyre painting quietly.式,操练巩固本课内容,培养学生灵活运用语言的能力。在老师的引导下,让学生自己习得,使知识记忆更加深刻,掌握更加牢固。StepStep 4 41.1. AskAsk andand answeranswer采用多种形6PracticePracticeLook at the pict

20、ures and choose one personto ask and answer in pairs.2.2. CheckCheck thethe studentsstudents ifif theythey havehave rememberedrememberedall.all.T: A composition for you. Try to finish it.Read it quickly. Then Say it outtogether.3.3. A A game:game: WoodenWooden MenMenT:AskT:Ask somesome studentsstude

21、nts toto playplay rolesroles ofof woodenwoodenmenmen toto dodo thethe actionaction asas thethe teacherteacher othersothers guessguess whatwhat thethe woodenwooden menmen arearedoingdoing accordingaccording toto thethe rulesrules givengiven byby thetheteacher.teacher.游戏名称:Wooden

22、Men(木头人)游戏规则:1.邀请几个同学到前面当木头人。2.一起说完 Three three four four; woodenmen;dont talk ,dont move; one two go!之后,木头人根据教师纸条上的指令摆动作。3. 其余同学根据他们的动作来编对话。Eg; A:Look at Li Ming! What is he doing?B: Hes writing.4. 木头人当听到他们说对时说:Yes, Imwriting.之后解冻。5.每个木头人的动作,只能编对话三次,如果还不能说对,木头人说:No! Help!Im/Were 之后解冻。式,操练巩固本课内容。游戏既

23、是对本节课内容的巩固操练,又能让学生对本节课留下无尽的回味,既激发了兴趣又提升了能力。将开头的74.4. EndEnd thethe classclass withwith thethe chant.chant.Mr.Mr. Bear,Bear, Mr.Mr. BearBear, whatwhat isis hehe doing?doing?HeHes s dancing,dancing, dancing,dancing, dancing,dancing,Cha-Cha- cha-cha- chachaMissMissRabbit,Rabbit, MissMiss RabbitRabbit,w

24、hatwhat isis sheshedoing?doing?SheShes s hopping,hopping,hopping,hopping,hoppinghoppingHop-Hop- hop-hop- hophopSmallSmall monkeys,monkeys, SmallSmall monkeys,monkeys,WhatWhat areare theythey doing?doing?TheyTheyrere cryingcrying ,crying,crying, cryingcryingBoo-hoo-hooBoo-hoo-hoochant 的人称进行转换,再次带领学生一

25、起说唱,进一步夯实本课内容,让学生带着乐趣期待下一节英语课的到来。StepStep 5.5.HomeworkHomeworkWrite a composition:A A FunnyFunny ZooZoo作业是对课堂的延伸,可以提高学生综合运用语言的能力。板书设计板书设计现在进行时结构:现在进行时结构:gogo onon a a picnicpicnicbebe vingvinghavehave a a picnicpicnic现在分词变化规则:carries;carries; carryingcarrying直加a a basketbasket ofof去 e 加lotslots ofof双加quietquiet quietlyquietly bebequietquietie 变 y 加 ing tie; die; lie



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