1、Lecture 1 course descriptionCourse objectives:To familiarize you with the basic requirement of being an interpreterTo offer you basic training in the interpreting skills.To introduce to you the most frequently touched topics in real interpreting work and familiarize you with the basic vocabulary in
2、those areas.To practise in and out of class. Computer-aided translation Course requirements:Attendance (punctuality)Class participationIn-time handling of assignmentEvaluation:AttendanceAssignmentFinal exam (in oral form)In-class performanceTextbooks for reference:口译基础,邓轶主编,上海外语教育出版社英语口译基础教程,仲伟合主编,高
3、等教育出版社Course plan:Skill-based, topic-orientedTheory explanationSkill-trainingPractice 各章节教学内容纲要各章节教学内容纲要教学形式教学形式时间安排时间安排口译职业技能介绍口译职业技能介绍知识介绍知识介绍1周周听辨听辨课堂讲解,技能课堂讲解,技能训练训练2-5周周口译记忆口译记忆课堂讲解,技能课堂讲解,技能训练训练6-7周周公众演讲公众演讲课堂讲解,专题课堂讲解,专题训练训练8-9周周数字口译技巧数字口译技巧课堂讲解,专题课堂讲解,专题训练训练10-11周周口译笔记口译笔记课堂讲解,技能课堂讲解,技能训练训练1
4、2-13周周综合练习综合练习技能训练技能训练14-16周周复习考试复习考试面试面试18周周 information fragments the whole idea 第一周: 教学目的:使学生了解口译基本知识 教学内容:I. 口译与笔译的不同:工作环境不同:口译具有很强的现场性和时限性。口译员必须面对公众现场翻译,而笔译的工作环境则无限制。口译一般有很强的时限性,口译员一般不能对已经翻译过的内容进行大量的更正和补充,除非发现重大错漏。而在笔译中,译者大多有充足的时间反复阅读原文,翻译完初稿后,还可以反复修改润色直到译者满意为止。工作方法不同口译员通常独自工作,口译时一般无法求助于他人,也没时间
6、刚落,译员就要开始翻译。另外,口译质量的判定还取决于参与交际的各方(如讲者、听者和雇主)从各个角度所认定的交际效果。II. Why to Be a Professional Interpreter?4 Goods:Good places to visitGood food to eatGood money to makeGood people to meetIII. 口译能力的构成:(Video)A 智力因素智力因素a 双语支柱双语支柱外语:听力是基础 1200个tape hours 词汇量、语法知识、阅读理解能力汉语:词汇量、措辞能力、组句能力、修辞能力、 文学修养、古汉语知识b 宽广的知识
7、面:要了解百科基本知识,具备社会科学、 人文科学和自然科学领域内的一般知识;关注国内外的 时政新闻和热点话题:科技进步、种族冲突、经济全球 化等。Know everything of something, and something of everythingc 跨文化意识:口译是跨语言、跨文化的交际活动,其 最终目的是要让听众和讲话人达到思想文化的交流。B 非智力因素心理素质身体素质态度责任心IV. Brief History of Conference InterpretingDuring the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, CI debuted offici
8、ally.IBM first patented SI as a technique in 1926.In 1947, SI for English, French, Russian and German used full scale at the Nuremberg trial. SI has been with UN since 1947.Interpreting as a profession: the foundation of International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) in 1953.Chinese was
9、 accepted as a working language in late 1970s.In Chinese history, interpreters used to be called Tongues Man(舌人).V. 口译的主要形式根据信息的传递形式,可分为交替传译(连续传译)consecutive interpreting同声传译 simultaneous interpreting根据口译的场合和内容,可分口译为会议口译 conference interpreting商务口译 business interpreting法庭口译 court interpreting媒体口译 me
10、dia interpreting社区口译 community interpreting电话口译 telephone interpreting Practices: Dialogue & passage interpreting (30 mins) 会展中心介绍 Speaker A: A Clerk in Pazhou International Exhibition Center Speaker B: A foreign client Speaker C: Interpreter Speaker A is introducing Pazhou International Exhibition
11、Center to Speaker B. Speaker C serves as their interpreter. Vocabulary: 国际会展中心 International Exhibition Center 仓储 warehousing 室内展厅 indoor exhibition area 室外展厅 outdoor exhibition area 中国国际投资贸易洽谈会 China International Fair for Investment and Trade 国际石材展 International Stone Fair 体博会 Sports & Leisure Goods Fair 大堂 lobby 拖车 trailer 展位 booth 多功能 multi-functional 装卸平台 loading platform