1、Task 1 Can you talk about the Arctic?coldThe polar bearThe snowy owlscleanThe arctic foxNorth PoleThe arctic haredarkiceseaskybeautifulPart 1 Listen to the story and answer the questions. 1. Is Nicola going to have her holiday in the Arctic?2. Is Nicola happy to see her grandparents? Yes,she is.Yes,
2、she is.Part 1 Listen to the story and answer the questions. 3. Does Nicola like it there? 4. Why does Nicola think it is boring there?No,she doesnt.Because there are no shopping malls, no playground and theres no TV.Part 2 Task 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. happy fish fishing n
3、o wakes playground1.Nicolasgrandfather_herupearlyinthemorning.2.Theygofishingandgetsome_forlunch.3.NicolasaystoGrandpa,Canwego_againtomorrow?4.Grandpasays,Wearegoingtothe_tomorrow.5.Nicolafinds_playgroundatall.Butsheisvery_!wakesfishfishingplaygroundnohappyPart 3 1. Has grandpa got a TV for Nicola?
4、2. How can grandpa show his TV? No, he hasnt.Watch polar bears.Part 4 Nicolasays,Yes,veryboring!Whatdoesshereallymean?A.Itsgreatfunhere!B.Itstoocoldhere!C.Itsboringhere!真正的意思真正的意思Task 3 Choose the right answers. A , B or C ?1.Grandad_aTVforNicola.A.hasgotB.hasntgotC.isgoingtobuy2.Nicolaseessome_.A.a
5、rcticharesB.sealsC.polarbears3.Nicolasays,Yes,veryboring!Whatdoesshereallymean?A.Itsgreatfunhere!B.Itstoocoldhere!C.Itsboringhere!BCPart 5 Read the story. Task4 Homework 1. Read and say the story . 2. Do the practice on your book . NicolasholidayItsboring.Thisisgreatfun.noshoppingmallsgofishingnopla
6、ygroundbuildanigloonoTVwatchthepolarbearsWhatcanIdo?CanIcomeagainnextyear?NorthNorth PolePole 北极北极SouthSouth PolePole 南极南极 EarthEarth 地球地球It is at the North Pole of our Earth.The arctic fox北极狐北极狐Thearctichare北极兔Thepolarbear北极熊The snowy owl 雪鸮雪鸮 Word List adj. 无聊无聊的的boringThe Arctic is boring.Word Li
7、st shopping mall购物购物中中心心Word List playgound游游乐场乐场Word List TV电电视视Word List v. 拉拉pullPull, Nicola. Pull !Word List n. 乐趣乐趣funThis is great fun.冰屋冰屋igloo现代化技术教学手段在小学英语课堂中的有效应用现代化技术教学手段在小学英语课堂中的有效应用NicolasNicolas holidayholiday 故事教学反思故事教学反思让学生快乐地学英语是每个英语教师的梦想。而交互式电子白板正如春天里的第一支迎春花,给小学英语课堂教学带来了春的希望。它不仅为学
8、生提供了色彩缤纷、动静结合的学习情境,而且为解决教学重难点提供了丰富的教学资源、真实有趣的语言实践情境,在促进课堂动态生成,实现知识共建以及对培养学生思维、兴趣、自信和综合能力等方面都有着显著的成效,使学生在普通的课堂上快乐地学英语成为了可能。在实际的教学中我做了这样的尝试:一、灵活选择,营造快乐英语的氛围一、灵活选择,营造快乐英语的氛围 上课伊始,我运用白板将与本文有关的声音、图像、视频等引进课堂,调动学生的感官,初步激发学生的兴趣。开课时,我播放了一段视频To the Arctic ,动感的画面和震撼的音效,瞬间将学生带入了本课的情境中。学生用充满惊奇的眼神看着,感觉是如此奇妙,这时,学生
9、的兴趣被完全调动起来了,精神更集中了。让学生更加直观的了解北极风貌,激发学生学习的求知欲,为本课新知学习做铺垫。二、演示操作,创设快乐英语的环境二、演示操作,创设快乐英语的环境 传统的英语学习有这样一种现象:学生会考试,但不会与人用英语交流。这主要因为传统的英语课堂,教师的主导地位明确,学生处于被动的知识接受状态,师生的互动主要是以教师提问学生回答、教师出考卷,学生答题的方式体现。这些方式在限制学生思维的同时,也限制了教师与学生之间的互动方式,而学生与学生之间的互动更加缺乏。 但有了现代化教学手段, 教师就能适当放手, 让学生在电子白板上操作,由“观望者”转为“操作者” 。 在学生展示说关于北
10、极的特点时,我将学生请到了互动讲台前,有他们自己自由选择北极相关单词,点击任何一个关键词,就会立即出现相关图片和知识点。此时我就适时鼓励学生构建句子,能通顺表述自己的观点。这个操作令学生直接感受、体验学习的乐趣,远比教师在画面上反复演示、讲解的效果好。 在传统的教学过程中,教师每次做课件都要尽力去搜集资源,再组合利用,但是做到课件里之后,却是固定不能变动的,教师很多时候是将所有的资源按照自己的思路和理解进行选择,然后在课堂呈现给学生。而电子白板有它独有的功能,教师可以把所要用的教学资源放进资源库里,但是这些资源都是未经过处理的,不是固定的模式化的课件,教师或者学生在课堂教学的过程之中可以根据自
11、己的需要,随时在资源库中将所需要的资料添加到教学课件中,形成个性化的课件。教师的直观演示,加上学生的模仿和灵活地运用,使英语学习如 做游戏一样轻松,快乐充盈着整个英语课堂。 三、课堂互动,提供快乐展示的平台三、课堂互动,提供快乐展示的平台 互动课堂便捷高效的移动授课,让我可以深入到学生中进行移动授课。通过移动讲台我在教学过程中进行了互动答题、学生抢答、小组评分、作品实时对比讲评等互动授课环节。 在故事理解环节,我采用了“小组评分”功能,因为在英语课堂上只有通过正确的评价,才能够使学生在英语学习过程中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展,同时也能使教师获取英语教
13、使英语课堂创建一种开放的、积极互动的课堂文化,它可以更有效地挖掘学生的学习潜能,提升英语课堂的品质,活化英语教学。 电子白板使英语课变得多容量、快节奏、高效率,提高了课堂效率,让英语教学更精彩,使学生超越时空,多维感受, 不仅学到了课本上的知识,还领略到了更广阔的课外世界,把课内和课外的知识有机地结合在一起,让“交互”在课堂教学活动中大放异彩! ( 英语 )学科信息技术整合课教学设计 授课时间:2018.3.8 班级:五 1 班 执教者: 课题课题Nicolas holidays课型课型故事教学课时课时1 1 教学目标教学目标1. Leading students learn to use t
14、he new words and the sentences.Words: boring, fun, playground, shopping mall,TV, pull 和短语 go fishingSentences:(1)Do you like it here?(2)There are no shopping malls, no playgrounds and theres no TV.(3) Were going to the shopping malls.(5) Can we go fishing again tomorrow?(6) Tomorrow Ill show you my
15、TV.(7) Can I come again next year?(8) Wasnt it boring?2能在图片的帮助下读懂、理解故事 Nicolas holidays;3能尝试复述故事 Nicolas holidays.重点重点难点难点1. Leading students learn to use the new words and the sentences.2能在图片的帮助下读懂、理解故事 Nicolas holidays;3能尝试复述故事 Nicolas holidays.学情分析学情分析本课为本单元第 3 课时, 学生已经了解掌握关于 The Arctic 北极的基本知识,包
16、括北极风光和北极动物,并能简单用英语介绍相关内容。教法学法教法学法1、引导学生读懂本故事情节,了解北极居民的生活,把握 Nicola 情绪先后变化的原因.2、通过分角色朗读和表演,培养学生的口头表达能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教具准备教具准备电子互动白斑, PPT, 教具教材分析教材分析本单元是剑桥小学英语五年级下册第二单元 Life in the Arctic. Teaching aims for this unit:1.掌握课后生词表中 28 个四会单词。动词短语 catch a hare , jump in the water, swim across a lake , walk th
17、rough the snow , run up the hill。句型 Whats over there? Its always dark.。 Do you like ?What can I do?2. 理解本单元所涉及的词汇或句子。复习巩固 who,what,where,when 等疑问词的用法。3. 了解北极区域附近动植物,人们的生活状态。增强学生地理、人文方面的知识。4. 通过设计一系列任务型学习活动,引导学生用英语做事,体验语言学习的乐趣,逐步培养学生综合语言运用能力。教教学学过过程程I.Warming-up(I.Warming-up(热身复习热身复习) )1. T: Hello, b
18、oys and girl. Today, we are study Unit2 Life in the Arctic go on.At first, lets see a short film about the Arctic.(视屏播放)2. Task1: Can you talk about the Arctic? Ss choose words and talk about. (鼓励学生构建句子,能通顺表达)IIII.Presentation(.Presentation(新授内容新授内容) ) In the Arctic, there are many interesting thing
19、s.Our friend Nicola is going to have her holiday there. 出示课题,教读:Nicolas holiday信息技术手段使用及设计意图说明教教学学过过程程Part1Part1:Listen to the story and answer the questions. (Picture1-4) 1-Is Nicola going to have her holiday in the Arctic? -Yes,she is.2.Is Nicola happy to see her grandparents? -Yes,she is.(生读文中句子,
20、体会情感。 )3.-Does Nicola like it there? -No,she doesnt. (引出教学 boring)4.-Why does Nicola think it is boring there? -Because there are no shopping malls, no playground and theres no TV. (教学板书 no shopping malls, no playground and theres no TV.体会情感)Part2Part2 (Picture5-8) Nicola thinks the Arctic is boring
21、, do you think so? Grandad will show their shopping malls,playground and TV. Listen and talk:Grandads shopping malls T: They are going the shopping mall, is it 教学资源:视频教学资源:视频能让学生更加直观的了解北极风貌,激发学生学习的求知欲,为本课新知学习做铺垫。小组评分小组评分在英语课堂上只有通过正确的评价, 才能够使学生在英语学习过程中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展,同时也能使教师获取英语教学
22、的反馈信息,对自己的教学行为进行反思和适当的调整,获得最优化的教学效果。true? Ss: No, they go fishing.(板书) (教学: pull 体会词在句子中的语气) T:Does Nicola like fishing? Ss: Yes. T: Where do you know? (鼓励生读文中句子) “Can we go fishing again tomorrow?”(体会情感,读出请求的语气)Grandads playground T: Tomorrow, grandad will show their playground. What are they doing
23、 in the picture? Ss: Build an igloo.(板书) (了解:igloo , 鼓励学生描述 igloo)Part3Part3 (Picture9-11)Grandads TV Listen to the story and answer the questions. 1. -Has grandpa got a TV for Nicola? -No, he hasnt.2. -How can grandpa show his TV? -Watch polar bears.(板书)Part4Part4 (Picture12-13)使用电子笔使用电子笔根据授课需要,利用电
24、子笔在文中勾划重点并进行注释,清晰明了,教学及时。Nicola says, Yes, very boring! What does she really mean?A. Its great fun here! B. Its too cold here! C. Its boring here!(生体会Yes, very boring!的真正意思 )Part5Part5 Read the story. 男女生有感情朗读。IIIIII.Practice(.Practice(操练操练) )Task2.Task2. Complete the sentences with the words in the
25、 box.(happy fish fishing no wakes playground)1. Nicolas grandfather _ her up early in the morning.2. They go fishing and get some _ for lunch.3. Nicola says to Grandpa, Can we go _ again tomorrow?4. Grandpa says, We are going to the _ tomorrow. 5. Nicola finds _ playground at all. But she is very _
26、! 理解题意,回忆知识,正确迅速完成。 小组展示读,教师从学生读中感知学生对句子的理解。使用计时器使用计时器计时器在大屏幕上显示,学生都能清楚看到,他们更加有时间观念,学生也更为投入积极的参与到练习中来.提高课堂效率。TaskTask 3 3 Choose the right answers. A , B or C ?1. Grandad _ a TV for Nicola. A. has got B. hasnt got C. is going to buy 2. Nicola sees some _ . A. arctic hares B. seals C. polar bears 3.
27、Nicola says, Yes, very boring! What does she really mean? A. Its great fun here! B. Its too cold here! C. Its boring here!IVIV.Consolidation(.Consolidation(拓展拓展) )Say the story.(生根据板书关键句复述故事,个性发挥) Nicolas holidayIts boring. This is great fun .no shopping malls go fishingno playground build an igloon
28、o TV watch the polar bearsWhat can I do? Can I come again next year?随机挑人随机挑人这种提问的方式,完全是随机的,让部分学习较为被动的学生也能紧张起来,引发他们的兴奋点,更好的投入到课堂学习中来。V V.Task(.Task(任务任务) )Task4Task4 Homework 1. Read and say the story . 2. Do the practice on your book . 板板书书设设计计 Unit 2 Life in the ArcticA story-Nicolas holidayIts boring. This is great fun .no shopping malls go fishingno playground build an igloono TV watch the polar bearsWhat can I do? Can I come again next year?