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Unit1短语句型 ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.rar

1、报复我们take revenge on us自负flatter oneself感谢be thankful for充满自然奇观be full of natural wonders敲响警钟sound the alarm是各种野生物的家园be home to a wide range of wildlife根据标题判断judging from/by the title一片充满动物声音的绿色的海洋a huge sea of green alive with the sounds of animals作为世界最大的雨林as the largest rainforest in the world在维系地球

2、生态系统的微妙平衡上扮演着举足轻重的作用play a significant role in maintaining the fine balance of the Earths ecosystem穿过八个国家cross into eight countries法国的一个海外领地one overseas region of France比中国国土面积一般还要大be more than half the size of China在长度上接近6,400千米be close to 6,400 kilometers in length维系着不同的生态系统support many different

3、ecosystems赋予这片区域最丰富的生物多样性give this area the richest biodiversity十分之一的已知物种one in ten known species躺在睡莲上lie down on water lilies养活着种类繁多的野生动物support an unbelievable variety of wildlife在底层at the bottom由低矮的阔叶植物组成be made up of shorter plantswith large leaves高耸、古老的阔叶树towering ancient hardwoods形成一个自己的小世界for

4、m its own little world是各种生物的家园be home to different kinds ofliving things藏身于这片丛林的植被中hide among the jungles plant life数量可观的美洲豹a significant number of jaguars以至少87种物种为食feed on at least 87 species一小支微生物军队a tiny army of microorganisms帮助分解其尸体help break down its body将营养素重回土壤中return the nutrients to the ear

5、th为这个星球注入活力breathe life into the planet通过固定碳并生成占全球总量20%以上的氧气by fixing carbon and producing 20% of all the Earths oxygen被誉为地球之肺be known as the lungs of the planet物种的宝库a treasure house of species对这些不可替代动植物的一个主要威胁a major danger to these irreplaceable animals and plants在过去50年over the past 50 years由于农业和养

6、牛等人类活动due to the human activities of agriculture and cattle farming随着人类活动的影响不断增加as the impact of human activities continues to growwith the impact of human activities continuing to grow濒临灭绝的危险in danger of extinction留下一个问题sb. be left with a question承担得起损害地球之肺afford to damage the lungs of the planet对产

7、生影响have an impact on/upon带走营养物take away the nutrients一方面;另一方面for one thingfor another thing积累足够的营养物build up enough nutrients被锁在植物中be locked up in the plants以难以置信的速度at an unbelievable speed吸收;理解;欺骗take in森林食物链的一环one element of the forests food chain 用熟悉的地方作比较make comparisons with familiar places帮助他们获

8、得更好的理解help them gain a better understanding一部关于环保的纪录片a documentary about environmental protection省略;遗漏leave out由温室气体引起的一个主要问题a major problem caused by greenhouse gases导致极端天气事件lead to extreme weather events谈论这些问题的解决方案talk abut the solutions to these problems环境问题方面的世界首席专家the worlds leading experts on

9、environmental issues提出创造性的想法come up with creative ideas要求现代技术的应用call for the application of modern technology做一个关于环境问题的宣传册make a brochure about environmental problems开始get started远离;不接近keep away from参加森林清扫活动take part in a forest clean-up activity一个致力于保护森林的组织an organization devoted to protecting fore

10、sts在森林的入口at the entrance to the forest阻止人们扔垃圾stop/keep/prevent people from throwing rubbish将我们分成两组divide us into two groups绝对值得我们的努力be absolutely worth our effort报名参加sign up for对动物造成越大的伤害cause increasing harm to animals对动物数量产生最大的影响have the greatest impact on animal populations灭绝go extinct间接影响动物数量imp

11、act indirectly on animal populations直接影响世界动物的数量directly influence the worlds animal populations狩猎动物获取食物hunt animals for food被人们追踪并射杀be tracked and shot by people对动物产生间接影响impact indirect on animals 享受这项运动的刺激enjoy the excitement of the sport使动物处于危险之中put animals in danger有着深远及破坏性的影响have a deep and dama

12、ging influence部分因为船只交通引起的污染partly due to pollution caused by ship traffic极大地下降drop greatly造成动物栖息地的丧失cause the loss of animal habitats濒危动物endangered animals动物面临的问题the problems facing animals处于危险之中in danger/at risk采取措施做某事take measures to do努力做某事make efforts to do呼吁某人做某事call on/appeal to sb. to do和某人一道

13、做某事join sb. in doing当地居民a local resident快速发展rapid development重大的环境代价significant environmental costs描述污染的作用describe the effects of pollution完全不同entirely different将天空染成烟灰色colour the sky a smoky grey单是处于健康和安全原因for heath and safety reasons alone反对重工业protest against heavy industry往往将工厂和浓烟滚滚的画面联系起来tend to

14、 connect factories with pictures of clouds of dirty smoke急于谋取暴利、不负责任的商人irresponsible businessmen eager to make huge profits为工厂辩护in defence of factories指出point out为所有工厂经营者说话speak for all factories managers对环境深感担忧be deeply concerned about the environment采取各种措施来减少污染take various measures to reduce pollu

15、tion在生产过程中in the production process提高我们的成产成本raise our production process使你注意到经济利益draw your attention t the economic benefits为当地居民创造许多就业岗位create many jobs for local residents随着污染程度加重with pollution levels on the rise/increase设法应对这一问题search for ways to fight the problem维护空气和水质量maintain air and water qu

16、ality在环保和经济发展之间取得平衡achieve a balance between environmental protection and economic development遵守严格的净化要求observe strict clean-up requirements与其他政府部门携手work hand-in-hand with other branches of government贯彻发展策略follow development strategies以环境友好的方式in an environmentally-friendly way全社会通力协作a community-wide

17、effort遵循黄金法则follow the golden rule使用共享单车系统use bike-sharing system让人们脱贫lift people out of poverty促进经济增长advance economic development追求经济发展aim for economic development将一个更美好、更清洁、更健康的星球留给我们的后代leave a better, cleaner and healthier planet to our children共建人类命运共同体build a human community with a shared futur

18、e栖息地丧失habitat loss与他人互动interact with others与他人眼神交流make eye contact with others恰当地回应respond appropriately各种水污染原因various causes of water pollution大量的化学废物large amounts of poisonous chemicals由有毒的化学物质引起be caused by poisonous chemicals对人类产生长期影响have a long-lasting effect on humans产生公共健康问题give rise to publi

19、c health problems为预防对水体的进一步损害to prevent further damage to water bodies帮助减少水污染help reduce water pollution自愿参加清理活动volunteer to take part in clean-up activities营养物十分贫乏be surprisingly poor in nutrients使它们生长allow them to grow佳句背诵1. The Amazon rainforest crosses into eight countries, including Brazil and

20、Peru,and one oversea region of France, all on the South American Continent.2. With an area of around 6 million square kilometres, the Amazon rainforest is more than half the size of China.3. Above that is the mass of leave litter on the dark forest floor.4. While a significant number of jaguares sur

21、vive here, they are only one element of this forests chain.5. With pollution levels on the rise, we are searching for ways to fight the problem.6. We also work hand in hand with other branches of government to ensure that development strategies are followed in an environmental friendly way.7. It is our duty to build a human community with a shared future.



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