1、选择性必修四 UNIT 11 CONFLICT AND COMPROMISE (1) TOPIC TALKWarm-up1. Do you find yourself always happy with your friends and family or in other groups of people?Warm-up1. Do you find yourself always happy with your friends and family or in other groups of people?2. Can you talk about a time when you argue
2、d with others?Warm-up When my parents asked me to stop using my phone. When my friend refused to hang out with me. When my friend and I held different opinions on a star. Warm-up When my parents asked me to stop using my phone. When my friend refused to hang out with me. When my friend and I held di
3、fferent opinions on a star. conflictWarm-up conflict: asituationinwhichpeople,groupsorcountriesareinvolvedinaseriousdisagreementorargument冲突;争执;争论Warm-up3. When you come into conflict with others, how do you resolve it? resolve: tofindanacceptablesolutiontoaproblemordifficulty解决(问题,争端)3. When you co
4、me into conflict with others, how do you resolve it?to keep silent3. When you come into conflict with others, how do you resolve it?to talk to my friends3. When you come into conflict with others, how do you resolve it?to make a phone call to apologise3. When you come into conflict with others, how
5、do you resolve it?to say sorry3. When you come into conflict with others, how do you resolve it?to respond with more angerto ask someone else for advice3. When you come into conflict with others, how do you resolve it?to negotiate with negotiate: totrytoreachanagreementbyformaldiscussion协商3. When yo
6、u come into conflict with others, how do you resolve it?to explain my idea again3. When you come into conflict with others, how do you resolve it?3. When you come into conflict with others, how do you resolve it? tokeepsilent;totalktomyfriends;tomakeaphonecalltoapologise;tosaysorry;torespondwithmore
7、anger;toasksomeoneelseforadvice;tonegotiatewithhim/her;toexplainmyideaagain3. When you come into conflict with others, how do you resolve it? Toresolveconflicts,Ioftenkeepsilent,becauseIdontthinkitusefultoexplaintothem. Idontthinkrespondingwithmoreangerwouldhelp,butinrealityIusuallyfinditdifficultto
8、controlmyself. Itrytoputmyselfintheirshoesandthenfindagoodwaytoresolvetheconflict.Listening 1 Listen and tell between whom the conflict happened.A. Husband and wifeB. An agent and a customerC. Colleagues Listening 1 Listen and tell between whom the conflict happened.A. Husband and wifeB. An agent an
9、d a customerC. Colleagues Listen again and answer the two questions. What is the conflict? How did the customer feel at first and at last? Listening 1 Listen again and answer the two questions. What is the conflict? Thecustomerpaidhisaccountinfullbutwasaskedtopayagainandagain,otherwisehisaccountwoul
10、dbeclosed.Listening 1 Listen again and answer the two questions. How did the customer feel at first and at last? Hefeltangryatfirst,butsatisfiedatlast,becausetheissuewasproperlyresolved.Besides,hefeltsorrybecauseofhisbadmannersatthebeginning.Listening 1 Listening 1 Listen to the dialogue again and c
11、omplete the Text Builder by underlining the expressions you hear. (Page 28 Ex. 2) Finding the Cause: how may I help you how can I help you what the problem is what I can do to help what is wrong Compromising: I can understand I do understand why you are upset I know how you feel I know how annoying
12、it is compromise: n.anagreementmadebetweentwopeopleorgroupsinwhicheachsidegivesupsomeofthethingstheywantsothatbothsidesarehappyattheend妥协;折中;和解 v.togiveupsomeofyourdemandsafteradisagreementwithsomebody,inordertoreachanagreement(为达成协议而)妥协,让步 Compromising: a response is provided the issue is resolved
13、a solution is given Compromising: see what I can do check the problem ask someone for help Compromising: be fine by this time tomorrow be okay in an hour Apologising: our part in it (theroleweplayinit/whatwedo) the inconvenience wasting your timeListening 1 Listen to the dialogue again and complete
14、the Text Builder by underlining the expressions you hear. (Page 28 Ex. 2) Finding the Cause: Agent: Good afternoon, how may I help you? . Agent: Would you please tell me what is wrong? Compromising: Agent: Yes, sir. I do understand why you are upset. Agent: Please give me your account number, sir, a
15、nd Ill inquire and make sure the issue is resolved as soon as possible. Compromising: Agent: Right. Would you please wait a few minutes? I will check the problem and see what I can do. Agent: Sorry for keeping you waiting. I have reset your account. Itll be okay in an hour. Apologising: Agent: I qui
16、te understand how you feel, sir. I apologise for our part in it. Discussion Is this conflict successfully and properly resolved? What contributes to this success?Discussion Is this conflict successfully and properly resolved? Yes. What contributes to this success? First,thepolitenessoftheagent.Wecan
17、tellbythewordssheuses,e.g.please,wouldyouplease,sorryfor.,Iapologise.Discussion What contributes to this success? Second,theattitudeandactionoftheagentinhelpingthecustomersolvetheproblemactively. Third,theunderstandingandcompromiseofthecustomer.Hesayswordslikesorry,helpfulPair workAs a customer, hav
18、e you ever been dissatisfied with a service or a product? Share with your partner how you resolved the issue.Make it into a dialogue and act it out. Refer to the expressions in the Text Builder. Pair work A= Call Centre Agent C= Customer A: Good morning, how may I help you? C: I certainly hope someo
19、ne can! The product department of yours doesnt know what they are doing! A: Would you please tell me what is wrong? C: This is the third time I am calling about the same thing. Its just a waste of my time. A= Call Centre Agent C= Customer A: Yes, madam. I do understand why you are upset and angry. T
20、ell me what the problem is. C: Its my photo album. I had photos taken in your company two months ago. I have called the product department twice, but I still havent received my photo album. A= Call Centre Agent C= Customer A: Please give me your name and telephone number, madam, and I will inquire a
21、nd make sure the issue is resolved as soon as possible. C: The names Iris and my phone number is 8573 2551. A: Right. Would you please wait a few minutes? I will check the problem and see what I can do. A= Call Centre Agent C= Customer A: Sorry for keeping you waiting. The album is being delivered.
22、Hopefully you will receive it within three days. C: Thank you very much. Im sorry I was so angry. A: I quite understand how you feel, madam. I apologise for our part in it. Lets vote for the best resolution. Tell us why you vote for it.Pair workUnderstand Some QuotesHow do you understand the followi
23、ng quotes? An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved through understanding. Albert Einstein Thefirstquoteisbasedonaquotefromthebiblethatsays“Aneyeforaneyeandatoothforatooth”,meaningthatwhensomebodyelsedoessomethingba
24、dtoyou,youshoulddothesametothem.Thewritermeanswhenyourepayabadbehaviorwiththesamebadbehavior,itwillonlyleadtosomethingworse.Sowhynotforgivethebadbehaviororjustignoreit. Asforthesecondquote,whenyoutellsomeonetodosomethingwithoutexplainingwhy,thenitsmoreprobablethattheywontdoit.Howisitpossibletokeeppe
25、aceintheworld?Byshowingconsiderationandunderstandingtoallpeopleandcountriessothatnosidefeelstheyarelosing.Listening 2Listen to another dialogue on a conflict and tell between whom the conflict happens. It is a conflict between and .Listening 2Listen to another dialogue on a conflict and tell between
26、 whom the conflict happens. It is a conflict between and . Tim himself Listen to the dialogue again. Answer the questions. (Page 29 Ex. 4)1. What is Tims problem?2. What does Mr. Smith think of Tims problem? Is it a common one?3. What behavior does Mr. Smith consider as “a sign of maturity”?Listenin
27、g 2Listen to the dialogue again. Answer the questions. (Page 29 Ex. 4)4. Why does Mr. Smith recommend studying in a library?5. What does Mr. Smith suggest Tim do when his parents arent at home? Listening 2Listen to the dialogue again. Answer the questions. (Page 29 Ex. 4)1. What is Tims problem? Her
28、eallystruggleswithhimselfaboutplayingmobilegames.Listening 2Listen to the dialogue again. Answer the questions. (Page 29 Ex. 4)2. What does Mr. Smith think of Tims problem? Is it a common one? Hethinksthatitiscompletelynormalamongteenagers,evenamongadults,anditsperfectlyunderstandable.Listening 2Lis
29、ten to the dialogue again. Answer the questions. (Page 29 Ex. 4)3. What behavior does Mr. Smith consider as “ a sign of maturity”? Tohavethecouragetoacknowledgeisalreadyasignofmaturity. acknowledge: toacceptthatsth.istrue承认(属实)Listening 2Listen to the dialogue again. Answer the questions. (Page 29 E
30、x. 4)4. Why does Mr. Smith recommend studying in a library? Becausethelibraryusuallyhasgoodstudyingatmosphere,whichwillhelphimconcentrateonhiswork. atmosphere: thefeelingyouhaveinaparticularsituation气氛,氛围Listening 2Listen to the dialogue again. Answer the questions. (Page 29 Ex. 4)5. What does Mr. S
31、mith suggest Tim do when his parents arent at home? Adoptself-controlandgoalsetting.Setacleargoalforeverystudyingperiod.Controlthetimespentonthephone.Listening 2Discussion How to resolve a conflict within yourself?Discussion How to resolve a conflict within yourself? Acknowledgeitisunderstandable. Donotovercriticizeyourself. Askothersforhelpandadvice. Adoptself-control.Homework Use what youve learnt about conflicts and the expressions youve learnt to write a short paragraph, summarizing useful ways to resolve conflicts between family members, friends, with strangers and within yourself.