1、4、工程口部、防护密闭段、采光井、水库、水封井、防毒井、防爆井等有防护密闭要求的部位,应一次整体浇筑混凝土。(8)拆除:划分作业区,周围设围栏和警戒标志,专人指挥。英英文文版版The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer, or print the and make it into a film to be used in a wider演讲演讲人:人:xxxxxx时间:时间:2022.X.X2022.X.X(7)底板和基础梁的上部和下部通长纵筋的接头应设置距端部1/3跨处,框架梁的通长面筋接头应设在跨中,底筋接头应设在距端部1/3跨度
2、处,次梁和楼板的通长面筋接头应设在跨中7.2人防区钢筋分项工程1.What is Easter2.Customs of Easter3.Easter Menu4.Easter Eggs5.Easter Bunny6.Chinas Easter Day、埋地管道或地沟内的管道,应先涂两道防锈漆,再涂两道沥青漆;工程内明敷的管道,应先涂两道防锈漆,再涂两道面漆。e、玻璃安装质量验收;print the presentation and make it into a film to be used in a wider field The user can demonstrate on a proj
3、ector or computer,对项目建设及生产规模、项目组成、征占地情况、工(5)钢钎维水泥混凝土桥面铺装,除符合上述有关规定外,宜符合现行中国工程建设标准化协会标准钢钎维混凝土结构设计与施工规程(CECS38)的规定。EasterEaster is one of the oldest and most meaningful Christian festival. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians around the world celebrate every year. EasterEaster is
4、 a symbol of rebirth and hope. Easter Easter is a Christian holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus. 根据设计图及相关人防施工规范与标准图集重点控制底板、墙体、及顶板的钢筋制作与安装区、硬化建设区、表土堆放防治区、地下车库区以及直接影响区5个分区。The legend of Jesus was crucified on the cross, resurrecting and ascending on the third day after death. Church to cel
5、ebrate Easter every year refers to the first Sunday after the spring equinox full moon. If the full moon happens to be the day Sunday, Easter was postponed one week. Therefore Easter mayTherefore Easter may between March 22nd and April between March 22nd and April 25th,25th, any day.any day.4、 混凝土浇筑
6、前,应对混凝土的配合比、模板、钢筋、预留孔洞等进行检查、记录。3 走行轮:轮缘磨损量不超过原厚度40%,滚动表面缺陷不太大者,可焊补修复。This depends This depends Usually in Usually in April. April. This depends on the lunar calendar (the moon). the first the first SundaySundayTime is the first Sunday after the vernal equinox full moon.消耗材料费:消耗的材料主要有测针、测桩、标桩、样瓶、测绳、皮
7、尺、围尺等,基建期2.5年,共2个监测点,按每个监测点消耗1000元计算,共需0.5万元。图8-1 水土流失防治措施体系图print the presentation and make it into a film to be used in a wider field The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer本工程在设计方面、材料选择、形成高质量安装施工均保证了幕墙抗渗、排水性能。(5)高处作业人员与地面联系,应配有通讯设备或有专人负责。Parade Parade 在英国,每年都要举行复活节化装游行,其间有民族风格的风笛乐队(Pi
8、pe Band) ,孩子们装扮的维多利亚女皇时代的皇宫卫队(Palace Guard)等。After church services, everyone went After church services, everyone went for a walk around the town.for a walk around the town.6.3 因幕墙密封及结构原因而导致的渗漏;2.4.6 遇有五级以上大风气候时,施工现场的高空各露天焊接作业应停止,雨雪天后应先清除施工地点的积水、积雪后方可施焊;Go to ChurchGo to Church在英国,每年都要举行复活节化装游行,其间有民
9、族风格的风笛乐队(Pipe Band) ,孩子们装扮的维多利亚女皇时代的皇宫卫队(Palace Guard)等。Christians go to church on Easter Sunday. They leave at Christians go to church on Easter Sunday. They leave at the sunrise. They sing and pray. the sunrise. They sing and pray. 若估计灌注时间长于首批混凝土初凝时间,则应掺入缓凝剂。合理选择施工工序,场地平整和基础开挖产生的土石方应及时投入使用,尽量缩短土石方
10、的堆放时间,避免产生大量的水土流失;wearing new wearing new clothesclothes在复活节穿新衣服的习俗是在公元后300年左右开始的,大约在第一个基督徒皇帝康斯坦丁的时代。他下令在复活节那天朝臣们都得穿最好的衣服。The custom of wearing new clothes on Easter began around 300 The custom of wearing new clothes on Easter began around 300 A.D., around the time of Constantine, the first Christia
11、n A.D., around the time of Constantine, the first Christian emperor. He decreed that members of his court should wear their emperor. He decreed that members of his court should wear their finest clothes on Easter.finest clothes on Easter.8.5.2水土保持措施设计土地产出率由1996年的每公顷国内生产总值8400元提高到2005年的16230.73元,年均增长
12、21.47%,比规划目标年均增长率(26.75%)低5.28个百分点。Egg RollingEgg Rolling这是一个游戏已连接到滚动的岩石从耶稣基督的坟墓(坟墓)当他复活(复活)。它是今年唯一的一天当游客可以漫步在白宫草坪上。总统的妻子赞助商(发起)为整个国家的孩子。它是开放的孩子十二岁及以下。It is a game which has been connected to the rolling away of the rock from It is a game which has been connected to the rolling away of the rock from
13、 Jesus Christs tomb(Jesus Christs tomb(坟墓坟墓) when he was resurrected() when he was resurrected(复活复活). ). It is the only day of the year when tourists are allowed to wander over the It is the only day of the year when tourists are allowed to wander over the White House lawn. The wife of the President
14、 sponsors(White House lawn. The wife of the President sponsors(发起发起) it for the children ) it for the children of the entire country. It is open to children twelve years old and under. of the entire country. It is open to children twelve years old and under. 本项目施工结束后,各项水土保持措施建设完毕,进入自然恢复期,道路路面、路基等区域基
15、本硬化,绿化区域处于抚育、补植期。(4)钢板止水带加固大样print the presentation and make it into a film to be used in a wider field The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer、给水排水机械设备及卫生设备的规格、型号、安装位置、标高等应符合设计要求;门式起重机 Easters traditional Easters traditional food:food: Traditional food is meat, mainly lamb and ham. They
16、 all have a certain meaning. Lamb is a symbol of devotion to Christ.最终工程质量的因素得到最大限度的完善,并保留工程全过程质量控制记录便于追溯。5.1.4钢筋和预应力管道安装hot cross bunshot cross bunsThe bread makes Christians think that Jesus is the eternal life of live food. In many European countries, Easter is usually baked another special Easte
17、r bread, bread painted the words of Jesus Christ, crosses, or lamb pattern, in order to commemorate Christ.Lovely BreadLovely BreadThe bread makes Christians think that Jesus is the eternal life of live food. In many European countries, Easter is usually baked another special Easter bread, bread pai
18、nted the words of Jesus Christ, crosses, or lamb pattern, in order to commemorate Christ配合松紧合适。上下箱体分箱面间隙不可太大,以免端盖损坏滚动轴承。为了及时了解整个项目水土流失防治范围内的水土流失变化情况,根据项目防治责任区的水土流失特点,施工建设期重点预测区域为表土堆放场。roast chickenroast chickensmoked salmonsmoked salmonroast leg of lambroast leg of lamb注意事项:放线时,应结合土建的结构偏差,将偏差分解;并应防止
19、误差积累;放线时,应考虑好与其他装饰面的接口;拉好的钢丝应在两端紧固点做好标记,以便钢丝断了焊把线各气焊的软管不得从生产、使用、储存、易爆物品的场所或部位穿过;print the presentation and make it into a film to be used in a wider field The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer4.3.5混凝土施工安全规定:、接零或接地的灯具金属外壳,应有专用螺丝与接零或接地网连接。Be HappyBe Happy When Easter is approaching, the
20、candy shop windows will be filled with even more than these eggs in order to attract a wide variety of kids. At Easter Eve, children dress up some eggs to be colored. Some of these eggs cook very old, some only empty shells. At Easter morning, children will happily find that the Easter basket is fil
21、led with chocolate Easter eggs.3.10外观检查:从每批钢筋中抽取5%进行检查。,处理完毕方可进行下一道工序或向监The symbolism of Easter The symbolism of Easter eggs eggs In ancient times, the egg is a symbol of spring and the beginning of a new life. Later, Christians also give the egg a new meaning, a layer of religious meaning, that is
22、a symbol of resurrection of Jesus out of the Tomb. g 无名、牌的电气设备不得随意接通电源,各种电气设备的出厂证、合格证应齐全;c.钢连接件表面镀锌层是否完好。SpringSpring Nowadays, Easter eggs are in order to bring happiness to people. These beautiful and decorative eggs represent the peoples good wishes and share the joy of the season change.本项目为集居住、
23、商业为一体的综合类住宅小区,规划有高层住宅、商业、配套设施用房及地下车库。5.1后张法预制箱梁施工Red EggsRed EggsDuring the holiday season, in accordance with traditional customs cooked eggs will be painted red, on behalf of Swan Tears of Blood, and also express happiness after the birth of the goddess of life.室上方且不得在车前区吊装;3.3.6器械落入孔内,应使用钢绳等工具打捞,
24、在没有可靠的防坍塌和淹溺措施的情况下,严禁人员进入孔内作print the presentation and make it into a film to be used in a wider field The user can demonstrate on a projector or computerf 及时了解现场情况,及时发现问题,用典型事例进行分析,以提高解决问题的能力,杜绝重复事件出现。底板钢筋绑扎完成,沿墙体和柱边的2m和3m位置焊接600mm长的地锚,地锚露出底板200mm。The Easter The Easter Bunny Bunny The Easter
25、 Bunny is a mythical character depicted as a rabbit. In legend, the creature brings baskets filled with colored eggs, candy and toys to the homes of children on the night before Easter本工程的质量保证体系:b、玻璃用木方支起100mm,距端头不大于300mm,间距不大于1000mm。The source of Easter The source of Easter bunny bunny Based on the
26、 ancient legend of the European ,hare does not close its eyes all day and night. They can watch other animals so rabbits stand for the bright moon. Besides, the calculation of Easter is based on the spring full moon days , so hare is regarded as a symbol of Easter for reproducing prolifically in spr
27、ing. c 从木箱或钢架上搬出来的板块及其他成品、半成品,需用木方垫起100MM,并不得堆放挤压;f、对于工程施工中的临时性突变如抢工期或其他环节因素,作出临时计划修改,并落实到相应部门;PeolePeole love Easter love Easter Bunny Bunny As messengers to send eggs, rabbits are popular with children. On Easter Day, children will receive presents like rabbits. It is Americans who give it the cut
28、e name , that is , Easter Bunny.7.15.2 防爆波闸阀安装,应符合下列要求: b、试件应包括典型的垂直接缝与水平接缝;print the presentation and make it into a film to be used in a wider field The user can demonstrate on a projector or computerf.在使用10%盐酸或碱性建筑用砂桨试验15 分钟后,涂层无起皮、失粘或外观发生变化的现象。7.15.1 口部冲洗阀安装,应符合下列要求 However, it is becoming more
29、and more admissive. Especially , the youngers and some organizations play the important roles.It is less popular than the Christmas It is less popular than the Christmas Day , April Fools Day , even the Day , April Fools Day , even the Thanksgiving Day.Thanksgiving Day.具体次序是先张拉中横梁和端横梁第一批钢束,再张拉纵向腹板长束
30、,然后张拉中横梁和端横梁第二批钢束合理选择施工工序,场地平整和基础开挖产生的土石方应及时投入使用,尽量缩短土石方的堆放时间,避免产生大量的水土流失;Some organizations and churchman hope it can help Chinese people know more about the west faith .There are also many parents and teachers make use of this chance to teach the little boys and girls some knowledge about west life.The youngers suppose that its cool and romantic with celebrating this foreign festival.7.15.2 防爆波闸阀安装,应符合下列要求: 电气系统试验应包括下列内容:英英文文版版The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer, or print the and make it into a film to be used in a wider演讲演讲人:人:xxxxxx时间:时间:2022.X.X2022.X.X