1、THE BRITISH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONWhen did the Industrial Revolution happen?17th Century18th Century19th Century20th CenturyFrom 1801 to 1899Who were they?Queen Victoria Charles DickensJack the RipperCharlotte BrontAlexander Graham BellA century of big inventions:telephoneMorse codeSafety pinCoca col
2、aDishwasher Watch outtheyre flying:What did change in the way of working? Rural work urban work industrialisationin 1750 in 1850 The population increased between 15 to 20% every 10 years.The working conditionsWORKING CONDITIONS16 to 18 hours /a day 15 shillings(150)7-10 shillings (070)3 shillings (030) hotnoisyfumesdustLiving conditionsUPPER CLASSMIDDLE CLASSWORKING CLASSA slum: un taudis, un bidonvillex20DIRTYHARD LIFEDISEASESInvention: life at night?saferStay outside for longerElectric street light: clairage publicIn 1601:In 1801:In 1901:?cesspithousingBack-to-back housesCellar dwellings