1、In 1993, the total sales of herbal medicines amounted to more than US$ 2.5 billion. In Japan, from 1974 to 1989, there was a 15-fold increase in Chinese medicinal preparations in comparison with only 2.6-fold increase in mainstream products. The Japanese per capita consumption of herbal medicine app
2、ears to be the highest in the world. Legislative controlshave not evolved around a structured control model As a result, different approaches have been adopted with regard to licensing, dispensing, manufacturing and trading 突起高熱第6-10日下呼吸道(肺部)出現症狀包括乾咳呼吸困難缺氧等經飛沫(呼吸道)感染10%的病例轉為危重死於呼吸衰竭或其它併發症80-90%的患者症狀改善感染受控。40歲同時患有其它疾病的患者致死率增高