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1,本文(Unit 2 Let's celebrate! 重点短语和句型检测-(2019)新外研版高中英语高三必修第二册.docx)为本站会员(大布丁)主动上传,163文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。
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Unit 2 Let's celebrate! 重点短语和句型检测-(2019)新外研版高中英语高三必修第二册.docx

1、必修二 Unit Two Lets celebrate! 重点短语和句型:P13 Starting out1. 庆祝节日 _2. 发生 _3. 在阴历五月初五 _4. 举办一次庆祝活动 _5. 为了纪念 _6. 在古代的中国 _7. 联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录 _8. 增加 _9. 因为某事向某人致谢 _10. 聚餐 _ 11. 庆祝夏季的到来 _12. 全民投票选举 _13. 不管,不顾 _14. 种族不平等的终结 _ P1415 Understanding ideas15. 作为一个作家而知名 _16. 高奇幻小说 _17. 无限的想象力 _18. 探索新世界 _19. 被拍成电影

2、 _20. 的魔力 _21. 使保持鲜活 _22. 尽可能的长时间 _23. 把看作 _24. 最著名的名字(人物)之一_25. 某人做的方式 _26. 在20年中 _27. (信)上的地址是 _28. 手写的信 _29. (某事)花费某人很久去做 _30. 某人在北极的生活和冒险/奇遇 _31. 在这种情况下 _32. 从房顶楼下去 _33. 抱怨 _34. 阻止某人做 _35. 而不是,代替 _36. 包起来 _37. 请求,要 _38. 大量(可数) _39. 还有,除了_40. 分享给与的真谛 _41. 在圣诞节 _42. 向表达爱 _43. 以一种特殊的方式 _P171944. 在化

3、妆舞会上 _45. 挂气球 _46. 扮成蝙蝠侠 _47. 检查,核对 _48. 朝某人挥手 _49. 查出 _50. 思维导图 _51. 想起来 _52. 给顾客提供甜品 _53. 交警 _54. 尽自己最大努力 _55. 保证某人安全 _56. 红包 _57. 有气球装饰窗 _58. 举办灯谜比赛 _59.(放) 烟花 _60. 正式活动的书面邀请函 _61. 回复邀请 _62. 准时到来 _63. 接受邀请 _64. 根据地区风俗 _65. 向某人表达谢意 _66. 邀请到/做 _67. 发出邀请 _68. 尤其注意 _Developing ideas (P2022)69. 非常喜爱 _

4、70. 出去吃,下馆子 _71. 不必差 / 少 _72. 拒绝 _73. 接受变化 _74. 为晚饭做的准备 _75. 值得这个付出 _76. 收拾(残局) _77. 与无关 _78. 尝起来更好 _79. 在我看来 _80. 在除夕 _81. 改变这个传统的形式 _82. 家庭成员间的爱 _83. 预定了一桌 _84. 有点不高兴 _85. 觉得像 _86. 期待年夜饭 _87. 使家人聚在一起的机会 _88. 围坐桌边 _89. 彼此祝酒 _90. 珍惜关于的记忆 _ 91. 海外的朋友 _92. 中国节日传统 _93. 记笔记 _(P23)94. 走向全球 _95. 举办庆祝活动 _9

5、6. 还有,再者 _97. 参加庆祝活动 _98. 住在国外的中国人 _99. 组织活动 _100. (事实上是)重大成功 _101. 卖光 _102. 与互动 _103. 而不是 _104. 享受官方假期 _ 105. 分享你的观点 _106. 成为全球性的对快乐与爱的庆祝 _重点句型:The Real Father Christmas1.那就是为什么对于那些把圣诞节视为每年的特别时光的人来说,圣诞老人的来信是再合适 不过的书的原因了。2.孩子们打开时一定非常兴奋。3.信里还配着精美的插图它们真正的作者托尔金一定花了很长时间去完成每一幅画作。4.在另一封信中,圣诞老人抱怨说,他那些助手们非但

6、没有把文具包装起来,反而拿着玩具玩 起了游戏,他怎么也没法让他们停下来。5.值得关注的是,信里没有那些常见的对孩子的警告,比如表现不好就可能得不到礼物之类的话。6.圣诞老人的来信告诉我们,在圣诞节,除了欣赏圣诞老人、北极熊和其他一些生活在北极的人物的冒险故事之外,我们还可以共同体会真正的给予精神。7.金用这样一种特别的方式来表达对儿女的爱,他可以算得上是真正的圣诞老人。Time for a Change8.最近三年,我家都市在外面吃年夜饭,和在家吃比起来,在外面吃一样开心。9.花这么长时间准备一顿饭,饭后再花一个小时收拾,我真心觉得不值。10.在我看来,除夕夜我们吃什么、在哪里吃,真的不重要。

7、11.在外面的饭店吃年夜饭可能改变了这个传统的表现形式,但是围坐在餐桌前的家人之间的亲 情并没有改变。12.对我来说,在外面吃年夜饭(感觉起来)就不像过年。13.不仅可以吃到平时难以吃到的美食,而且全家人能有机会团聚在一起。 14.那时我会在家里跑来跑去,听大人们闲聊他们这一年的情况。 15.我会缠着在厨房做饭的妈妈,看她包饺子。 16.到了晚上,我们都围坐在餐桌前,享受美食和团圆的乐趣。 1.celebrate a festival2. take place the fifth day of the fifth lunar month4. hold a celebration 5

8、. in memory of6. in Ancient China 7. the UNESCOs List of intangible Cultural Heritage 8. add to9. give thanks to sb. for sth.10. get together for a (big) dinner11. celebrate the start of summer12. fully-participated election(s)13. regardless of14. the end of racial inequality15. be known as a writer

9、16. high-fantasy novel(s)17. limitless imagination18. explore the new world19. be made into a film20. the magic of21. keep sth. alive22. for as long as they can23. regardas24. one of the most famous names25. ones way of doing26. over a period of twenty years27. be addressed to28. a hand-written lett

10、er29. sth. takes sb. a long time to complete30. ones life and adventures at the North Pole31. in this case32. fall through the roof33. complain to sb. about34. stop sb. (from) doing35. instead of36. wrap sth. up37. ask for38. a number of39. as well as40. share the true spirit of giving41. at Christm

11、as time42. express love for sb.43. in a special way44. at a fancy dress party45. put up the balloons46. be dressed as Batman47. check out48. wave at sb.49. find out50. the mind map51. think of52. offer desserts to customers53. the traffic police54. do / try ones best to do55. keep sb. safe56. a red

12、envelope57. decorate the windows with bulloons58. hold a lantern riddles competition59. (set off) fireworks60. a written invitation for a formal event61. answer an invitation62. arrive on time63. accept the invitation64. depend on regional customs65. give thanks to sb.66. invite sb. to some place /

13、to do67. extend an invitation68. pay special attention to69. be keen on70. eat out / dine out71. no less than / no less than72. refuse to do73. embrace the change74. the preparations for supper / dinner75. be worth the effort76. clean up the mess77. have nothing to do with78. taste better79. in my o

14、pinion80. on Spring Festival Eve81. change the form of this tradition82. the love between family members83. book a table84. (be / feel) a bit unhappy85. feel like86. look forward to the Spring Festival family dinner87. the opportunity to have the whole family gathered together88. sit around the tabl

15、e89. toast each other90. value ones memory of doing sth.91. friends from overseas92. Chinese festival traditions93. make notes / take notes94. go global95. hold a celebration / celebrations96. whats more 97. attend a celebration / celebrations98. Chinese citizens living abroad99. organize events and

16、 activities100. prove / turn out (to be) a big success101. sell out102. interact with103. rather than104. enjoy an official days holiday105. share your opinion106. become a global celebration of joy and loveThe Real Father Christmas1. That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect bo

17、ok for those who regard Christmas as a special time of year.2. The children must have been very excited as they opened it.3. The letters were also beautifully illustrated-each must have taken its true author, Tolkien, a long time to complete.4. In another letter, Father Christmas complained about ho

18、w he could not stop his helpers playing games with the toys instead of wrapping them up.5. Interestingly, the letters did not contain the usual warnings to children that they might not receive their presents if they were not good.6. Letters from Father Christmas tells us that as well as enjoying the

19、 adventures of Father Christmas, Polar Bear and other characters at the North Pole, we can all share the true spirit of giving at Christmas time.7. By expressing love for his children in such a special way, Tolkien may indeed have been the real Father Christmas.Time for a Change8. We have eaten out

20、for the Spring Festival family dinner for the last three years, and we have enjoyed it no less than eating at home.9. I really dont think its worth the effort of spending so much time preparing for a single meal, and then another hour cleaning up the mess after its over.10. In my opinion, what or wh

21、ere we eat on Spring Festival Eve really doesnt matter.11. Eating out may change the form of this tradition, but the love between the family members sitting around the table together remains the same.12. For me, it just wont feel like Spring Festival having the dinner out.13. It was not only for the

22、 delicious food that we seldom got to eat, but for the opportunity to have our whole family gathered together.14. I would run around the house, listening to the adults chatting about their year.15. Id get under my mothers feet in the kitchen, watching her make dumplings.16.In the evening, all of us would sit around the table, enjoying the food and being together again.学科网(北京)股份有限公司



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