1、卓越護理科技領導運用護理資訊創造護理價值 未來10年的生活、工作、醫療會有什麼樣的改變? 指數世界將會是一個爆量驚人的未來世界! 1965年intel公司創辦人高登摩爾提出:一個積體電路可容納的電晶體數目,每個月到24個月會增加一倍。 經過60年這個假說獲得證實:現今智慧型手機比1970年代超級電腦快上1000倍,而且便宜100萬倍!數位時代來臨,照護逐漸走向科技化用手抄寫電腦輸入ipad智慧型手機(移動式照護)擴增實境Social(社群)+mobile(行動)+big dataanalytics(巨量分析)+cloud computing(雲端運算)Definition of Nursing
2、 informatics nursing informatics includes all three ofthese areas: Technology (Generate Data and Information) Nursing theory (Generate Concept) Function (Generate Knowledge)DataKnowledgeInformation ConceptDefinition of Nursing informatics nursing informatics includes all three ofthese areas: Technol
3、ogy (Generate Data and Information) Nursing theory (Generate Concept) Function (Generate Knowledge)DataKnowledgeInformation Concept護理作業-以行動裝置取代紙本 Managing the delivery of client andnursing care: For example檢體 Bar code system改善後護理作業-以行動裝置取代紙本 拋轉系統(wireless data acquisition) 心電圖、CT 麻醉機資料、洗腎機資料、呼吸機資料、血
4、液檢查資料、血糖、血壓、血氧、體溫.體溫表Definition of Nursing informatics nursing informatics includes all three ofthese areas: Technology (Generate Data and Information) Nursing theory (Generate Concept) Function (Generate Knowledge)DataKnowledgeInformation ConceptSummary資訊科技創照的護理價值 nursing informatics includes all t
5、hree ofthese areas: Technology (Generate Data and Information) Nursing theory (Generate Concept) Function (Generate Knowledge)DataKnowledgeInformation Concept 常被運用來評估五年內或終身得到乳癌機率之計算模式則有Gail Model、Claus Model以及BRCAPROModel Gail model Gail 提出:輸入病患目前年齡、初經年齡、懷第一胎年齡、母親或姐妹罹患乳癌之家族史、乳房切片報告是否有非典型增生及種族等變數,計算出
6、五年內罹患乳癌之機率,若小於1.7%,則歸類為低危險群,若大於等於1.7%則歸類為高危險群。 以1.7%作為cut point,是因為美國乳癌被診斷的中位數年齡是60歲,1.7%即是60歲女性平均得乳癌的危險值(Gail Model Risk AssessmentProgram,2008)。 Claus model則認為只計算一等親罹患乳癌之因子,將會低估罹患乳癌風險之機率,因此在其模式中另包括了二等親罹患乳癌或卵巢癌家族史之評估(Claus,Risch &Thompson,1994)。 BRCAPRO model則用來評估家族或病患攜帶BRCA1或BRCA2突變基因的罹患乳癌機率,若超過5-
7、10%則建議做基因測試。Berry,Iversen,Gudbjartsson,Hiller,Garber & Peshkin,etal.,2002) 經過護理人員清楚的定義意外事件、歸類後,由電腦運算可得到的知識: 哪些病人容易跌倒? 哪些病人跌倒會很嚴重(CV patients?) 哪些情況病人容易發生跌倒? 結合相關資料進行大數據分析. To meet clientss needs. 護理人員依據以上資料作預防工作!KnowledgeThe human factor電腦是給人用的(要有人機互動的人因工程考量)可近性資訊化設計的考量.The human factor電腦是給人用的(要有人機互
8、動的人因工程考量) In order to manage and processinformation , especially with an automatedsystem, the individual must be able tounderstand and remember a great deal ofdata. The more logically this information isarranged, the easier it is to use the system. “User-friendly” systems areintuitive, self-evident
9、, and logical, even ifthey are complicated.Is the system well designed? 藥物核對響九聲影片(聲音) 改善後顏色連結圖表閃燈提示限制Team resourcesPart -3Team resources 建置NIS與工程人員每周開會共3年The development status of INS(Informatics Nursing Specialist) in Taiwan未來世界Tomorrows Technology (延展性) Wearable computers, initially developed foru
10、se in the military as a type of flakjacket/telemetry vest, are currently beingtested The Massachusetts Institute of Technologyhas improved on the technology bydeveloping a heart brooch that sends heartsounds back to the health-care provider. Itlooks like an elegant piece of jewelry thatanyone can we
11、ar .Issues for the Future In-home monitoring devices forconditions ranging from congestiveheart failure and diabetes to cancerand cardiac conditions can sendinformation from the clients home toa central base for assessment byprofessionals.Conclusion The nursing profession istransformed, enhanced, andenriched as nurses becomeactive participants in theinformation revolution.Catalano, J. T. (2009). 18 Nursing Informatics. Nursing now!:todays issues,tomorrows trends,fifthedition (pp. 375-396). F.A.Davis.http:/