1、SPACESPACESPACESPACEEXPLORATIONEXPLORATIONEXPLORATIONEXPLORATIONPeriod 1 Listening and Speaking-Talk about how to become an astronaut1.know about the detailed information about how Yang Liwei became an astronaut.2.summarize the requirements for becoming an astronaut.3.obtain the information related
2、to numbers accurately in terms of proper listening strategy.4. talk with their peers about whether they would like to be an astronaut.nBy the end of this period, you will be able toTeaching objectivesTeaching objectivesBrainstormingSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceExplorationExplorationExplorationExploration?Wha
3、t words come to your mind when seeing “space exploration”?BrainstormingSpaceSpaceSpaceSpaceExplorationExplorationExplorationExplorationuniversemankindWhat words come to your mind when seeing “space exploration”?rocketsatelliteastronautspaceshipspacewalkspacesuitgravitysolarsystemplanetMercuryVenusEa
4、rthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNaptuneTheme picture1.Whatcanyouseeinthephoto?2.Whodoyouthinktookthephoto?a rover(探测测器) on the moon.Jade Rabbit 2 or Yutu 2a robot cameraTheme pictureThe photo is of the Jade Rabbit 2 rover travelling on the moon, which was taken from the Change 4 lander. Chinas Change 4 ma
5、de a soft landing on the far side of the moon on 3 January 2019. The Jade Rabbit 2 rover was deployed twelve hours after Change 4 landed.QuoteMystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of mans desire to understand.Neil Armstrong1.Howdoyouunderstandthequote?2.HowmuchdoyouknowaboutNeilArmstrong?基础
6、欲望神秘QuoteNeil Armstrong(1930-2012)Facts:1. An American astronaut;2. A naval aviator, test pilot and university professor.Achievement:He was the first person to set foot on the moon in Apollo 11 in 1969.Thats one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.Neil Armstrong海军飞行员试飞员WatchLead inDis
7、cuss in groups:1. Can you name any famous astronauts from China or abroad?2. Do you know anything about the selectionprocedurefor astronauts? Make a list of the possible requirements.1)Whatspecialexercisedotheastronautsneed?2)Whatqualitiesdotheyneedtobecomeanastronaut?3)Whatrequirementsdotheyneedtob
8、eanastronaut?Lead inCan you name any famous astronauts from China or abroad?YangLiweithefirstChineseastronauttogointospace.LiuYangthefirstChinesewomanastronaut. Zhai Zhigang翟志刚 Jing Haipeng景海鹏 Wang Yaping王亚平Yuri Gagarin尤里加加林Neil Armstrong尼尔阿姆斯特朗The first Chinese astronaut to walk in space. The only
9、Chinese astronaut to go into space for three times. The only famale astronaut on board the Shenzhou 10 spacecraft, taught physics lesson to Chinese student through a live video.The first man going into the space.The first man landing on the moon inApollo 11 in 1969.Lead in famousastronautsWatch and
10、think1.Whatspecialexercisedotheastronautsneed?2.Whatqualitiesdotheyneedtobecomeanastronaut?3.Whatrequirementsdotheyneedtobeanastronaut?Doyouknowanythingabouttheselectionprocedureforastronauts?0504030201?0504030201good educationflyingexperienceLead inpossible requirementsexcellent healthrich knowledg
11、e special trainingLead inAninterviewwithYangLiweiListening 1. The audience iscuriousabout how Yang Liwei became the first Chinese astronaut. 2. Mr Yang always believed that he would become an astronaut one day. 3. Mr Yang wasselectedto attend pilot training with 13 other people. 4. To become an astr
12、onaut in China, you have to have 1,350 hours of flyingexperience. 5. Astronauts not only had to learn how to use space equipment, but also had to do a lot of mentalandphysicaltraining. Listentotheinterviewandtickthecorrectstatements.对.好奇被选出做.飞行经验 flight experience身心训练Listening Listenagainandfillinth
13、eblankswiththecorrectnumbers.1. Yang Liwei graduatedfrom college at the age of _.2. Before he joined Chinas space programme, Mr Yang trained as a fighter pilot for _ years.3. Mr Yang was one of the _ pilots who were chosen to train for space flights.4. At the time when Mr Yang entered the space prog
14、ramme, astronauts had to be shorter than _ cminheight and less than _ kginweight.5. Mr Yang became Chinas first astronaut when he was _ years old.221014172毕业于.厘米高.千克重7038Listen for numbersNumber questions are typically related to: time, telephone numbers, addresses, prices, weights, distances, etc.
15、When you listen for numbers,you need to pay special attention to big numbers as well as those that sound quite similar,such as thirteen and thirty, fourteen and forty, etc.TipsListening Listentotheinterviewagainandmakealistoftherequirementsforbecominganastronaut.Educationbackground:Experience:Health
16、condition:Courses:Specialtraining:college degree, trained to be a fighter pilotmore than 1, 000 hours of flight experiencemust be in perfect health and shape English, science and astronomy practise using space equipment and do a lot of mental and physical trainingTapescript Interviewer:Todaywearever
17、ypleasedtochatwithMrYangLiwei,thefirstChineseastronaut.Welcometotheshow,MrYang.Mr Yang:Thankyou.Interviewer:MrYang,ouraudienceisverycuriousabouthowyousucceededinbecomingChinasfirstastronaut.Itmusthavebeenaverydifficultthingtoachieve.Didyoualwayswanttobeanastronaut?Mr Yang:Yes,IdreamtofitwhenIwasyoun
19、ogramme?Mr Yang:Sure,Ihad1,350hoursofflightexperience,whichIthinkreallyhelpedme.Interviewer:Sohowdfficultwasittojointhespaceprogramme?Mr Yang:Therewasalotofcompetition.Altogether,14ofuswerechosenfromamongl,500pilotstotrainforspaceflights.Interviewer:Thatsoundsreallydifficult.Didyoualsohavetobeacerta
20、insizeandweight?Tapescript Mr Yang:Yes,atthetime,youhadtobeshorterthan172centimetresinheightandweighlessthan70kilograms.Youalsohadtobeinperfecthealthandperfectshape.Interviewer:Soyouweretheperfectchoice!Asweallknow,anastronautneedstobehealthyandcalminordertoworkinspace.Butyoualsohadtostudyalot,too,r
21、ight?Mr Yang:Yes,IhadtolearnEnglish,science,andastronomy.Ialsohadtopractiseusingspaceequipment,anddoalotofmentalandphysicaltraining.Itwasverytiring,butwasproudtohavetheopportunity.Tapescript Discussion Doyouthinktobeanastronautiscool? Doyouwanttobeanastronaut?Why?(basedontherequirements) Tobeortobel
24、forme.Therearesomanyrequirements.First of all,youmustbeintelligentenoughtogetarelatedcollegedegree.Thenyouhavetobeapilotwithyearsoftrainingandpractiseflying.Finally,youmustbereallyphysically and mentally fit.B:Sowhatmightbethemostdifficultpartforyou?A:Iguessitmightbethespacetravelitself.Imsurebeingw
25、eightless(失重的)mustbefun,andit would be wonderful to seetheEarthandstarsfromspace.Butthespacesuitandcapsule(太空舱)lookterriblysmallanduncomfortable.It would be hard to stayinsuchasmallspaceforsolong.Also,theresnoprivacy(隐私)atall.WhatifIhavetogototherestroom?B:Iseewhatyoumean.1. Read the poem. Mark the
26、sressed sylables with O and ustressed syllables with。.Then try reading the poem to each other with rhythm.Gravity One day, Isaac Newton sat Not only apples, but all of us And saw an apple fall.Stay still though Earth spins round.Then he thought, Its not just fruit!Of course, we know that this is tru
27、e!Something pulls us all.Earth goes round but we stay till.There is a force, he said to himself,What goes up must come down,That pulls things to the ground,And it always will.2. Listen and repeat after the recording. Check whether your mark-ups are correct.SampleSPACESPACESPACESPACEEXPLORATIONEXPLOR
28、ATIONEXPLORATIONEXPLORATIONPeriod 2 Listening and Talking-Talk about life in space Aretheyusefulforastronautsinspace? Whichoneisthemostpractical? Canyouaddmorepracticalitemstothelist?soaptowelguitarshowermircowavepentapetissueLead inesay and light to carry;take less space; not difficult to clean up;
29、MaxisinterviewingCaptainBrownabouthislifeinspace.ListeningMaxisinterviewingCaptainBrownabouthislifeinspace.Listentotheinterviewandanswerthequestions.1. What did Captain Brown usually wear inside the station?2. How did he prepare his food in space?3. How did he keep himself clean in space?4. How did
30、he spend most of his time in space?5. What did he do during his free time?6. What did he look forward to most during his stay in space?Listening1. What did Captain Brown usually wear inside the station?2. How did he prepare his food in space?3. How did he keep himself clean in space?4. How did he sp
31、end most of his time in space?5. What did he do during his free time?6. What did he look forward to most during his stay in space?ListeningShortsandaT-shirt.Thefoodwaspreparedandstoredforhim.Hejusthadtoheatthefoodandenjoyit. Heusedasoapytoweltowash.Hewasoftenbusydoingdifferentexperiments.Heplayedthe
32、guitarandchess.Hisfavouritethingtodowastohaveaweeklyvideocallwithhisfamily.Interviewer: Hello,CaptainBrown.YourebackonEarthnow.Areyouhappytobeback?Captain Brown: Well,yesandno.Itsgreattoseemyfamilyagain,butIalsomisstheInterationalSpaceStation.IvegottenusedtofloatingaroundjustwearingshortsandaT-shirt
33、.Interviewer: Soletmeaskaboutthespacestation.Waseatinginspacedifficult?Captain Brown: Notreally.Wedonthavetocookinspace.Wechoosewhatwewanttoeatbeforewegotospace,andthenthefoodispreparedandstoredforus.Wejusthavetoheatthefoodandenjoyit.Interviewer: Cool.Well,Iknowastronautscannotshowerinspacesincethew
34、aterwould_,soIdlovetoknowhowyoukeepyourselvesclean.TapescriptfloatawayCaptain Brown: Oh,weuseasoapytoweltowash.Andwe_ourteeththesamewayaswedoonEarth.Butastronautsusually_their_.Interviewer: Gosh,Ihopeittastedgood!Sohowlongdidyoustayinspaceduringyourlastmission?Captain Brown: Iwasthereformorethan_.In
35、terviewer: Wow!Sowhatkindofworkdidyoudoupthere?Captain Brown: Iwasusuallybusydoingdifferentexperiments.Interviewer: Didyouhaveanyfreetime?Doastronauts_?Captain Brown: Yes.WhenIwasfree,Iplayedtheguitar.ThatsrightItookmyguitarwithme.Ialsoplayedchess.Myfavouritethingtodo,though,wastohavemyweeklyvideoca
36、llwithmyfamily.TapescriptbrushswallowtoothpastefivemonthsgettimeoffImagineyouaregoingtoaspacecampandCaptainBrownhasbeeninvitedtoourschooltogiveatalk.What questions would you like to ask Captain Brown?DiscussionDiscussionDiscussionDiscussionQ1: _.Q2: _.Q3: _.Q4: _.Q5: _.TalkingA: Hey, guys. Were goin
37、g to meet a real astronaut. Isnt it exciting?B: Yeah. I cant wait to see Captain Brown! Im really curious about his life in space. I have plenty of questions to ask him.C: Such as?B: Oh, such as what facilities do they have in space to support their daily life?C: That sounds like a good question. Bu
38、t Id also like to know about how astronauts sleep. What do they do so as not to float around while they sleep?TalkingId love to know . Well, Id really like to find out . Im most curious about . Im very keen to know . I hope you wont mind me asking about .I wonder how/what/why/. Id particularly like
39、to know . Im most interested to discover . I wish to know .Expressing Expressing Expressing Expressing curiositycuriositycuriositycuriosityA: I wonder how they get exercise on spaceits not like they can go out jogging.C: Id never thought of that. But then, after they exercise, Im very keen to find o
40、ut how they wash their clothes.B: Never mind that. Id really like to find out how women astronauts wash their hair.A: But were forgetting the most important question of all, arent we?C: And whats that?A: Well, Id really like to find out what they do when they meet aliens.Sample Conversation外星人How do astronauts sleep in space?Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of mans desire to understand.Neil ArmstrongTHANKS